The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

To Rain:

Billary did a great job the eight years he/she were president. Two for the price of one. I liked Paul Tsongas, but doubt he could have balanced the budget like Billary did. That said - About a fortnight ago many said that Hillary was leading, but she finished third. The democratic machine is now not even certain she can pass a win in NH. Don't worry too much about her. Obama is a puppet show. He can't win. It's not the skin color that's the big problem, it is his drug use.

You will all catch a fright when my prediction of fuel shortages start to come in like clockwork; not just in the USA, but in Europe petrol will become scarce as well. Those of you that thought John Titor was some bloke joking about with his flat mates are in for a dilly. The civil war he spoke of shall take place when there is no fuel in the filling station and no food at the megamart.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

GO SAN DIEGO CHARGERS! (I am quite sure hdrkid would not even go out on a limb and make a claim that he has "RV'ed the Super Bowl winner!") :D

You will all catch a fright when my prediction of fuel shortages start to come in like clockwork; not just in the USA, but in Europe petrol will become scarce as well.

As TimeLord has said, this is more of your rubbish. I thought I already told you (and it seemed you agreed with me) that there are reserves (LARGE ONES) that are north of Prudhoe Bay that are only known to US. I know this because I have RV'ed it.

Besides, in the past the Saudis have proven their alliance with us by increasing production even despite OPEC decrees.

Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

That said - About a fortnight ago many said that Hillary was leading, but she finished third. The democratic machine is now not even certain she can pass a win in NH. Don't worry too much about her. Obama is a puppet show. He can't win. It's not the skin color that's the big problem, it is his drug use.

And what if Hillary doesn't win, HDR? My hunch says she won't. I've asked you umpteen times to put your money where your mouth is and back up your Time travelling RV prediction that she will win by agreeing now to admit to faudulant lying if she doesn't. But its no big deal, you're still going to look like a right spoon aren't you? The website Rainman's linked to could almost have been made for you..."If at first you don't succeed, fail, fail again."
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

To Timelord:
Rubbish indeed. You'll be singing a different tune when there is no food or fuel.

To Rain:
I predicted that we would go to war with iran. Well, we almost did yesterday.

To Skepticsaurus:
Still remember predicting back in 2006 that dems would take both the house and senate. When it happened, the debunkers rather than admit defeat constantly emailed the mods to kick me out.

As for fuel it will be expensive and scarce in the future.

Think of me as a major spoiler, the person who tells you how the movie ends before you enter the cinema. :D
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

To Rain:
I predicted that we would go to war with iran. Well, we almost did yesterday.

I think you'd better knock off the arrogance and pay attention to your Hillary Clinton prediction, which is withering away as you type.

Yes, today she started getting weepy on the campagin trail. If you think the American people want a crybaby as the leader of the Free World, you're as crazy as Steven Gibbs!!! :D

Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

hdrkid, your predictions aren't difficult for anyone to ascertain if they are up with current events. I see where we are headed and the rise of gasoline prices in the past two years is an obvious indicator.

I could make a few predictions that you haven't touched upon, but I won't. It might scare you.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

I have a remote viewing question.
Do you ever run into someone else remote viewing when you remote view?
If not why not? If so what happens?
Is OBE to the future or past the same as RV?

I don't know just something I thought of. lol
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hi Pam:

1. Do you ever run into someone else remote viewing when you remote view?
I have not, but other RVers have. Also, other RVers did warn me not to spend so much time in the ether.

2. If not why not? If so what happens?
The technique I use could be the reason. Most RVers use Coordinate Remote Viewing CRV, I use monuments, pavilions, and other landmarks to orient myself in phase space. Think of reality like a video game.

3. Is OBE to the future or past the same as RV?
OBE, RV, and ATT (astral time travel) are similar, but there are differences.

A) In ATT you send your astral body to another location in time and space.
B) In OBE you send your soul to another place.
C) In RV your soul stays inside your body, but you get information using bi-location from the matrix. This makes no sense unless your think of reality as an electronic illusion. You are pulling information directly from the OS and you can alter it up to a point.

Minor events can be altered like the color of your new car, but major events like Hillary elected 2008 and WWIII 2015 cannot, because these events are hardwired into the game. BTW the date of n-day is July 4, 2015.

Hi Rain:
If one thing angers me it is that people will laugh at me one day claiming a prediction is crazy and the very next day claim that it was obvious and I did not predict anything of consequence. Hillary is remembered long into the future. The city of New Chicago is built northward of where the radioactive ruins of Old Chicago stand. No monument to Obama means that he is not a major historical figure.

Hi Cat:
Well, did you buy gold? I predicted back in 2001 when gold was about $250/oz that it would go over $1000/oz before the end of the decade. That would be Dec 31, 2009. Well, today as of right now (noon) it stands at $879.50 and it will break 1000 before that fateful day.

What about gasoline? Did you buy a scooter? I get 150 mpg from my scooter and meanwhile Joe Pickup gets 15mpg with his truck. At $3/gal he is paying twenty cents a mile (two dimes) and I am paying two pennies a mile. It adds up.

As for the declining {dollar, DOW, and domicile} you can claim you saw it coming but the big banks did not and they will start to fall.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary is remembered long into the future. The city of New Chicago is built northward of where the radioactive ruins of Old Chicago stand. No monument to Obama means that he is not a major historical figure.

More hot air. You seem to be full of it, kid.

Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


If one thing angers me it is that people will laugh at me one day claiming a prediction is crazy and the very next day claim that it was obvious and I did not predict anything of consequence.

Then you shouldn't get angry. No one has said that any of your predictions are crazy. That part you simply make up as you go along. What your critics say is that your predictions are either trivial, post-dictions or multi-dictions.

Most of what you say is trivially obvious, i.e. prices will go up, prices will go down. On the less obvious things you either change your prediction after the event occurs (post-diction) as you generally do with your vague predictions by putting in the metrics after they are revealed or, you post multiple predictions using more than one site and then if one of the permutations comes to pass you point to the site where yo made that particular prediction (while denying that it was you who posted on the other sites) as you did with gasoline prices.

Or, you outright fabricate a "hit" as you did with Coke Blaque. After Coke announced the new product you posted that you nade the call long before the announcement by posting the name of the product.

You can, of course, direct us to the post dated before the fact that correctly announces the name of the new coffee Coca-Cola product "Coke Blaque"
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


Speaking of predictions, let's look back to December of 2006 and see what you predicted for 2007:

Predictions for 2007
Increase in energy prices will cut into corporate earnings as well as consumer spending. Inflation will pick up due to higher energy prices but the market will not drop a lot. The DOW will not go down to 5,000 as some predict. It will drop and the NASDAQ will drop but this is a correction due to the fact that it was too pricey. Real estate will continue to sell off and higher interest rates will cause less would be buyers to take the plunge.

Democrats will suggest relief for the poor as soaring energy costs create hardship. The Iraq war continues to be a drain on the economy.

The second quarter of 2007 sees weaker corporate earnings and a declining dow.

Tighter supplies of petroleum products due to resource depletion and trouble in the Middle East will convince many automobile buyers to invest in fuel efficient transportation such as 200mpg scooters that are super cheap, low end microcars like the Yaris, and of course the pricey hybrids.

You will see more grown men on bikes than before. People spend less.

Let’s see how you did here:

Increase in energy prices will cut into corporate earnings as well as consumer spending.

It’s trivially true that increased expenses cut into earnings. It’s trivial because it doesn’t tell us anything that we didn’t already know. You didn’t actually say that energy prices would go up but…

I’ll give you this one.

Inflation will pick up due to higher energy prices but the market will not drop a lot.

I'm assuming that when you said inflation "will pick up" you meant that the rate of inflation would be greater in 2007 than in 2006 - the rate would increase.

The inflation rate for the three years coming into 2007 was:

2004 2.68%
2005 3.39%
2006 3.24%

Granted. the 4th quarter 2007 rate of inflation was high. October-December saw monthly inflation rates of 3.5%, 4.3% and 4.3%. But the annual rate of inflation was still only 2.87%. That’s 0.37% less than the rate for 2006.

The second part was “but the market won’t drop a lot”. It didn’t drop at all – it grew 5% (the DOW and NASDAQ – see below).

You got those two entirely wrong.

The DOW will not go down to 5,000 as some predict. It will drop and the NASDAQ will drop but this is a correction due to the fact that it was too pricey.

The DOW opened on the first day of trading in January 2007 at 12, 500. On the last day of trading in December it closed at 13,250. The NASDAQ (IXIC) opened 2006 at 2500 and closed the year at 2600. The DOW and NASDAQ indexes matched each other with 5% growth during 2007.

You called for decline; you got growth. You got both indexes entirely wrong.

Real estate will continue to sell off and higher interest rates will cause less would be buyers to take the plunge.

It’s hard to comment on this one because you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about. Sorry – but that’s a fair assessment. You can’t have a “sell-off” if you don’t have buyers. A sell-off requires eager buyers shopping for great deals. You say that buyers are unwilling to take the plunge during a continued sell-off. You can't have it both ways.

In any case there was no sell-off. Sales went stagnant.

I won’t give you a hit or miss here.

Democrats will suggest relief for the poor as soaring energy costs create hardship.

Again, trivially true. The Democrats will always suggest relief for the poor when (you fill in the blank here) occurs. It’s not so much a trivial truth as it is a truism.

I’ll give you this one. I’d give it to you even if you had written it as I did above, i.e. “(you fill in the blank here)”.

The second quarter of 2007 sees weaker corporate earnings and a declining DOW.

Second quarter DOW growth was almost 15%. Though the DOW opened at 12,500 in January it sunk to 12,000 by the opening of the 2nd quarter. It closed the 2nd quarter at 13,300 and the growth continued well into the 3rd quarter when it topped at 14,000. 2nd quarter earnings were in line with 2nd quarter growth.

You got these two entirely wrong.

Tighter supplies of petroleum products due to resource depletion and trouble in the Middle East will convince many automobile buyers to invest in fuel efficient transportation such as 200mpg scooters that are super cheap, low end microcars like the Yaris, and of course the pricey hybrids.

Again, trivially true. Every time that fuel prices have a significant increase over time motorcycle, bicycle and motorized scooter sales increase. When fuel prices stabilize those sales drop back to their niche market sales level.

But I’ll give you this one even though I have no idea what the sales numbers actually were. (In all honesty I should give you a miss here. Fuel prices were not driven by resource depletion.)

You will see more grown men on bikes than before. People spend less.

I don’t have a fracking clue what you mean here. I see a lot of grown men riding bikes every day. What’s the significance of seeing more men riding bikes…as opposed to women? Children? Not-so-grown men? Boys? Singing ducks?

Neither a hit nor a miss.

The Score Card:

Hit: 3
Miss: 6
Neither: 2
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

hdrkid, i would like to pose a question in all seriousness. why can i predict things more accurately than you? and without any form of rv?

seriousness over, goofiness begin. is my brain more real than reality itself? :O
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

<font color="pink">
I have a remote viewing question.
Do you ever run into someone else remote viewing when you remote view?
If not why not? If so what happens?
Is OBE to the future or past the same as RV?

Ok Pam:

1- This tech is used when you need accuracy on the target...
a terrorist cell, hostages, a bomb or packages.

2-find 2 remote viewers is dificult ...or expensive or both...

3-when you got a OBE not always you get control to the final destination.
but using RV you get your coordinates like 15 12 14 69 58 47 32 28 and the time ie: 8:00AM December 10 2001, the go to target at 12pm march 16 2012 and a piece of paper to discribe what you are "viewing"

Best Regards
RV Docs... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

If you are a remote viewer as a spy for one country and see a remote viewer spy of another country
is that a problem?
Are there remote viewer protectors so one cannot spy on another country in sensitive areas?
I mean if you are in a special meeting is there a way to keep a remote viewer out of the room?
Are there any counter measures? Can there be invisible spies outside the door keeping out other invisible spies? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

If you are a remote viewer as a spy for one country and see a remote viewer spy of another country is that a problem?

No, but you can debrief to your "control" what you "see"

Are there remote viewer protectors so one cannot spy on another country in sensitive areas?

There are a desinfo knowledge in this topic but the truth is they always use "white noise" or "noise cancelation tech" generators to put RV`s out of focus and cameras in the 8 corners of the room to "see" anomalies...(include special photo multipliers which are designed to detect the photon emissions of the biophysical field belonging to a remote-viewer. If it detects an increase in photonic emissions in a room, it will sound an alarm) or sensitive ion counters.

Are there any counter measures? Can there be invisible spies outside the door keeping out other invisible spies?

Persistent intrusions may have to countered by using a remote PK strike against the intruders to deter them in the future.
No,they like to use a pair of "Caduceus" Telsa Coils to switch On and Off to get you "out of time"

and finally Pam:
Exercise caution when visiting secret/mil locations and be discrete about publishing your findings... :oops:

Best Regards
More info on the link...
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

and finally Pam:
Exercise caution when visiting secret/mil locations and be discrete about publishing your findings...

Yes Sir! (salute!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Was this a typo or did you really mean 8 corners?

You see a room wall to wall has 4 corners (floor and ceiling) and the oposite wall 4 corners too, so we got 8 corners to cover the "volume" of the secret room. They measure the "energy" of the room. these is a special soft to monitor this.

extra energy from:
ie; ghosts, aliens Timetravelers or Remote Viewers.

Ghost on camera

another one

Link to Youtube RV

RV Election 2008

Coast ot Coast RV 1

Coast to Coast RV 2

Best Regards
Parma ,Ohio 11-11-2007 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


they started constructing magnetic-leaded sealed rooms back in the 60's when the CIA came up with the remote viewing techniques. These magnetic-lead (and other stuff in the walls) sealed rooms are designed to block transmissions coming from computers, etc. In hopes if anyone tries to RV into that room, they would be stuck there for all eternity. They believed that a certain method of building magnetic leaded sealed rooms that it could create a "blackhole" in a vortex to trap RV visitors.

Pretty wacky stuff they believe, but they built them anyways.
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