The HDRkid Thread

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This seems like a contradiction. After all, in a world of Hypercatastrophe, it doesn't make sense that we'd also be tooling around in jetson-esq type cars that fly so we no longer need highways.

When I think "hypercatastrohpe" (however you spell that)-I think, back to the stone ages. No technological advances. Survival mode-trying to have edible food, warmth, shelter, medical care, etc. Rebuilding and restructuring. So-if I'm flying around (or my great grandkids are) in a "car" that seems pretty cool to me and that whatever catastrophe happened, couldn't have been all that bad.

Just sayin'.
Greetings Darby, Risata! Happy Holidays, May Spirit Bless You & Yours This New Year!

"I never said my age or where I lived. You sir are a liar."
~post by HDRkid~

The past has a way with catching up to people. Does it not kid? You know Jenny/Steven/Hoaxer in Residence, if you spent this much time collecting Aluminum Cans as you did in ripping off kids and those with out the where-with-all to spot a liar & Con Artist like you, you could afford to send money to CERN. At the very least, buy bicycles for all those poor kids in your neighborhood for when Boomer comes calling.

Sorry to bust your bubble again Kid, you did IN FACT tell people your age. You also told people that you were still living at home and going to school. I for one haven't forgotten your largest Bullshit story, and I consistently asked you to back that up. You remember that story don't you? It's the one you liked to include with that picture of the electromagnet wrapped in ducttape.

It's the lie regarding a visit from the police. Not just any visit, but 20, Twenty Squad Cars arrived at your HOUSE. Remember me asking what city, that's all I wanted was to have my in law call, just to verify that it actually took place? You see, 20 Units being Dispatched to a home for ANYTHING would be remembered. You immediately went and squealed to Brent about people wanting to do you harm once they found out *Where* you lived. Folks already knew where you lived.
You knew that you could never back up a Lie that size.

I remember your BS stories before you even thought to include your new age hook, "Astral" to the time travel part of your Hoax, WAY before the RV sthick. I watched you perfect your stolen predictions from Internet, News, and other sources so that they didn't look like a book report. Each time you got busted for your lies, your act changed and became a bit more sophisticated, that is, until you hung yourself BIG TIME over that Coke Blaq SNAFU. Most intelligent people would have called it quits then & there. Had you been caught anymore redhanded, your body would have bled out all the way. Your are a pathological liar. You need help.

Darby isn't the only one that has suspected people posting as you. Darby didn't have access to your IP over at TPN so he couldn't have busted you when you posted there on your "Trip". It certainly wasn't from where you claimed to be posting from. Your IP resolved to Isreal. Who was posting there for you? Or were you hiding something else?

When scum like you accuse Darby, OF ALL PEOPLE, Darby of lieing, it's times like that the admin should ban your sorry, pathetic, lie ridden carcass.
Starlord!!!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Much love to you and blessings this holiday season. thanks for filling in the blanks to what I may have overlooked/forgotten. Incredible isn't it, that the HDR continues to perpetrate the doom and gloom of the future.......I've come to believe that there are some time traveling affecanados, that are just tireless and will never give up...... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
To Starlord:

You can laugh now debunker, but when there is no food in the grocery store your laughter will turn to tears. Do you think that I am the only one using this technology?

Debunkers possess an impaired capability to retain information from the consequences of incorrect decisions.

In other words, they do not learn from mistakes. If I am playing darts and I miss the bull’s-eye by being an inch off to the left, in my next try I will aim a bit more to the right. A db simply says that hitting the bull’s-eye is impossible.

Also a debunkers demand that I hit the bull’s-eye 100% of the time. As I have stated before, setting up unrealistic expectations guarantees failure.

To Risata:
You have no idea what doom and gloom is, but you will find out... sooon.....
You deserve a spanking, being sent to bed without any supper, and having your internet priviledges suspended until you grow up!

I now know precisely how you operate. You wait for something to happen and then CLAIM you predicted it. Then ignore people when they tell you that you didn't.

For example, NOWHERE can I find your prediction about Google stock price. Nowhere. That means you are also taking credit for predictions you never made. Would not surprise me since you deny predictions you DID make that did not come true! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Your days are numbered, HDRkid.

And welcome to you too!

I see that you checked in and found that the Hoax-that-Wouldn't-Die has still not died.

I've become bored, once again, with the story. In the future I'll post to it once in a while if there's nothing else more interesting (like paint drying) to post about. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Risata:
If we avoid WWIII we live in a hypertech world, but if we allow our passions for war to overcome us then we revert back to the stone age for a while. BTW there is no World War Four. One good thing about WWIII is that we learn to live together without war. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi rain:
I know my end date is 2057. :eek:

Hi Darby:
Examining the majority of HDRusers I found that -

Time travellers, as a whole, tend to be men in their twenties who are reckless daredevils. They are very impulsive, aggressive, and love to take big risks.

Think of the kind of person that dives into shark infested water looking for treasure. On the other hand, debunkers tend to be timid old men who are afraid of their own shadows.

I prefer to be the head of a rat than the tail of a cat! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
So let me understand this. You "jump" to the future however you land on different time lines in the future? Meaning that on one world line in 2057 we avoided WW3, however on another world line in 2057 we didn't, hence we are in the Stone Ages.

So if this is the case, then you can't really say that you are a time traveler because you do not know definatively what is going to happen in our current time line. You don't seem to know whether we actually avoid WW3, or if we go into it.

Do you remember the television show Sliders? It sounds like you have taken notes from that show. In the show, they invented a device that opened up a wormhole. The only difference being that they didn't "time travel" as the date they "jumped" always remained the same. Same date, same year, just a parallel world line. They were based in San Francisco. So one jump they saw that an earthquake decimated the city and it was no longer there. Another one, a huge tidal wave overtook the city. In another, Kennedy had never been shot and so Haight-Asbury didn't happen as the huge hippie haven/movement that it did. That sort of thing.

Your HDR travels sound suspiciously like this except you are also adding that you are going back and forth between years.

Time travellers, as a whole, tend to be men in their twenties who are reckless daredevils. They are very impulsive, aggressive, and love to take big risks.

Think of the kind of person that dives into shark infested water looking for treasure. On the other hand, debunkers tend to be timid old men who are afraid of their own shadows.

I guess that makes both you and me the exceptions to the rule. So much for rules and people who make them, eh what?
Hi Risata:

You are correct, I cannot tell you what will happen, only what has a high probability of happening. You can change the future. We all have free will. It is like when a teacher tell you that you are going to flunk the test. If you prepare yourself you can win.

On most timelines, Hillary causes WWIII due to her policies. However, if Obama were elected, we survive without WWIII. Look on the bright side, she has not been elected YET!

Hi Darby:

The people who survive are one of the greatest mysteries to me. Thay are not smarter than average, or stronger, or better looking. Yet, they tend to be less aggressive. In the future I did not see video games or violent sports.

The future without WWIII is bright, however we will see realestate prices continue to fall for a bit.
Only to some people's opinion, which by the way is not warranted nor wanted anymore. With proof of similiar past experiences, these type of people will lead to a bad future because they think everything else and everyone else is to blame besides his/her own person. That is not the case. They just do think that they give Orders, when they are just Adversarial.
Hi Darby:

The people who survive are one of the greatest mysteries to me. Thay are not smarter than average, or stronger, or better looking. Yet, they tend to be less aggressive. In the future I did not see video games or violent sports.

Apparently, therefore you, as an exception to your time traveler's rule of

Time travellers, as a whole, tend to be men in their twenties who are reckless daredevils. They are very impulsive, aggressive, and love to take big risks.

survive in your future non-aggressive world.

Here are some more useful time-related pearls of wisdom HDRKid can make use of...

A stitch in time saves nine.

Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

A watched kettle never boils.

Time waits for no man.

and finally (and as Risata pointed out particularly relevant to HDRKid...)

Even a broken clock's right twice a day.

Happy New Year to one and all!
Titor BS party - How did it go?


How were your famous Mad Cow California Burgers?

Did you wear your "Black Pope" outfit?

Did you hold your own "olympics" because of the "cancelled olympics?"

Naked twister or something? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Who showed up in person, by video link or 2nd Life? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Titor BS party - How did it go?

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
School is in session.

Famous Predictions from last year last night on Art Bell Show.
Famous Predictions coming up for this year on New Year's Day.

Call in Early!

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
School is in session.
Re: Titor BS party - How did it go?

Happy 2008 Ciggydude,

How were your famous Mad Cow California Burgers?

Just getting the grill going right now. Avacado & bacon are a must, as is Swiss cheese in recognition of Titor's failed predictions about Cern.

Did you wear your "Black Pope" outfit?

How'd you guess? I actually was wearing my black Wranglers jeans today with a black and red Corvette t-shirt. All I needed was the cool Pope hat!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Did you hold your own "olympics" because of the "cancelled olympics?"

Good idea. There is still TIME to organize some ad hoc events! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Naked twister or something?

Only if that hot conservative chicky I met at LAX shows-up!

Who showed up in person, by video link or 2nd Life?

I've been too lazy to setup SL on my new laptop, so I haven't even gone there. I also have been too lazy to setup any other type of link. Mostly just friends from the SoCal area showing up throughout the day for a yak and a drink. Friends from the aerospace Time Travel enthusiasts per se! :D

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