Indeed. So I was over at another forum, where another claimant to be John Titor showed up, generating a bit of excitement. So I came here to see if you all had heard of this, or if the poster was coming here as well. Instead, I find an HDRKid thread here!!!!!! WTF???
I'm reading it and having complete deja vu in terms of my own personal frustration level and anger. HDRkid, you are a narcissist and I can't believe you are STILL around, still promoting your junk science-to go along with your junk machine, and extorting people out of money by pointing the way to how they too, can be deceived by the power of their own twisted distorted imagination. Of which yours has never been truly creative or are just faster on Google than most ( The Coke BLAQUE "prediction" comes to mind.) Now I see that you are calling it "RV" or "remote viewing." Back in the day, you INSISTED that it was in fact, time travel with the aid of your infernal device. You'd hook yourself up to this dangerous contraption-urging others to as well, or god forbid, build their own while sounding like a PR rep for Radio Shack-and then "go to" the future. Which of course is always bleak and horrific, the perfect doomsayer. In between a horrible war that leaves us all for rot and ruin-you'll throw in a trite little anecedote, such as, Coke Blaque.
Certainly making me feel a bit more better about the pending Book of Genesis comes to life predictions of calamity. At least there will be Coke Blaque.
If in fact you knew ANYTHING at all about the alleged ability for people to RV-as you seem to state nothing is needed but a pencil and paper-then yes, you don't need to have some sort of machine that encourages impressionable youths or other unfortunate misguided souls to electricute themselves with. What's next, encourage people to use mind bending drugs? You can sure remote view on those too. Are you going to say that Timothy Leary called you and told you that he saw you'd better build a bomb shelter in Washington?
So you remote view. Er, claim to. Big deal. I think that actually comes under the heading of "psychic" abilites, not "time travel", which means you are off topic, which means that you should either post under "paranormal"....or somewhere else entirely. In your case I would think that it would be "psychO" abilities under the heading of "ParaNOID."
There may have been kids on TPN or those who were a little slow on the uptake, but here, I suffice to say that the intelligence level is NOT one you should be trifiling with, and I am certain that it is only out of a sense of boredom that anyone would argue with you at all. Your posts are that of crazy making "forget" what you said, you lie, you deny, you fabricate, you exaggerate, you minimize, you avoid, you railroad, essentially gaslight-you ought to re-name your handle to DSMV-IV kid. You pretty much well represent every personality disorder there is. If there isn't more than one poster under your moniker, then clearly we have a case of multiple personality disorder.
Not a therapist, but can tell when someone needs one........