The HDRkid Thread

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"People in the 50's thought that space travel was science fiction and laughed at it much like they do now if I mention teleporters or flying cars."

actually, if you were to mention teleporters and flying cars to me, that wouldnt sound so far out. when i was very young, i came up with the idea of using electro magnetism, or magnetism to make a flying car. i cant really wrap my mind around teleportation yet, but todays scientists are purdy slick.

the 50's was a crazy time. i mean, if you were black at that time, you were screwed. if you acted or dressed differently than the norm, you were a communist. i can imagine those times wouldve been nice and peaceful, but it came at a price. there was no such thing as open mindedness in those days.

fast forward to now. most folks past the age of 18 are usually somewhat open minded. darby, rmt, and i are all open minded. all three of us have made mistakes and been corrected, and we held no ill will towards the corrector.

i have to be honest, i just think they are educated guesses with a formal name. i mean no disrespect, thats just how it looks from my perspective.

oh, and thanks for saying hi, now i dont feel so invisible.

btw, could you answer those questions i had? i would really like to know your opinion.
The role of the debunker is to slow down progress by laughing at any new idea. For example, if a person in a lab reports an unusual phenomena, instead of trying to replicate the experiment the debunkers yell HOAX and FRAUD.

Dear, I'm "debunking" you because you've been caught on several occassions in less than honest behavior. Once you've established that you'll "stretch" the truth then it's your own damned fault if you have a problem establishing credibility.

I've alluded to it at least three times over the course of the past month that you insisted less than two years ago that you were a 15 year old boy, attending high school and living at home with dad.

That coupled with the date stamps on your posts going back to 2002 indicate that when you first appeared as HDRKid posting your economic, political and social commentary you were 10 or 11 years old.

At 10-11 yrs old you were carrying around $360 in personal funds to purchase your HRD from S. Gibbs and your dad let you, a 10 year old child, strap an electromagnet to his head that plugs into a 110 v wall outlet.

I didn't interpret anything here, post an unsubstantiated opinion or add anything to the story. These are the facts according to HDRKid's posts.

You haven't responded. So go ahead, please tell these folks that you're 16-17 years old and have been posting your predictions online since you were 10 or 11 years old.
My question to you is - when Hillary is elected a year from now, the first woman president in the history of the US, will you admit I am right, or will you say "That was obvious, I knew she would win. You didn't predict anything!"


Skeptisaurus: Okay...I'll play. A year isn't that long HDRKid. I WILL acknowledge your Time travelling prowess if Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States next year. But only if you agree right now to admit you're full of crap is she isn't.

Wow! That's the third time you've chosen to ignore my honest answer to your question, HDRKid. Is my simple challenge too much to ask?

People are going to think you're trying to avoid committing yourself to another one of your 'predictions'.

It is good to have an open mind.

Mind explaining to me what that is in reference to? Or are you just reinforcing your perceived RV superiority?

Yes, we have plenty of oil, but the people in power have created an artificial shortage

So then if you agree that we have plenty of oil, then you must also agree that your "prediction" where you see people "fighting over fuel" is not correct. And I must also point out that you didn't bother to address the reason why an "artificial shortage" is being played out. For what seems to be your grasp of basic economics, you certainly do not display any knowledge of political strategy and tactics on a national level. Those troublesome oil-producing nations are being lead down a primrose path, just like China. The Saudis are in-bed with the right people and they are very aware that their bread is buttered by our economy. China is awakening to this, but they haven't figured a good way out of it...which is why they are arming-up so much (and poisoning children's toys).

The USA is quite aware that people are attempting to wage economic war against us. What is not too clear is if those countries have prepared for ALL POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. We are just as good (if not better) at waging economic warfare as we are at waging conventional warfare. Wait and see.

wow, i didnt know that these hdr kits are so easy to get. i did a little researching on em and, i might try to buy one one day and test it out just for the heck of it. i saw a schematic for it, looks like a very simple machine.

HDR - Hyper Dimensional Resonator. It's an "idiot box" with a light bulb, a couple resistors, a coil, one to three variable capacitors some wires, a 110v power supply and a head band. It is an electromagnet that you starp onto your head.

Before I started posting about the deceptive advertising in 2002 the advertisements for the HDR "guaranteed" that is was an infinite source of "white light". When I pointed out that, of course, it was a theoretical source of somewhat white light limited only to a) paying the electric bill and b) the light bulb didn't burn out and c) the light isn't actually white the advertisements changed. They dropped that sole guarantee.

You can have one for ~$400 now (the price keeps going up) or you can buy the plans from Steven Gibbs for whatever, and build your own.

Oh, yeah. You have to have a "vortex" handy for it to work. Problem is that Gibbs won't define exactly what a vortex is, won't tell you where to find one and won't do a public demonstration of the gadget.
yeah, i found some stuff on it, seems a little too easy to make, but who knows. ill probably try it out. if it doesent work, i can always turn it into a homopolar motor. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Rainman:

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. You have been doing a mite bit of thinking.

Yes, there is plenty of oil, but we have not built a new oil refinery in years. If there is a shortage of gasoline at the pump expect fights over fuel.

It was John Titor that said "Get a bicycle", good advice.

To Skeptic:
Ask a valid question, not a taunt.

To Ruthless:
Yes, the mechanism of action is simple. Also the telegraph was simple, but Romans did not have it. The key to new breakthroughs is to have an open mind. Build a unit and test it.

To Darby:
"Idiotbox" interesting term. A teacher told me that only in science fiction could bugs grow to gigantic sizes. That is was impossible because they did not have a skeleton. What would you say if I told you a bug can grow bigger than a man?;_ylt=AuQsvjUUDzT5dc5P4s8kJFLq188F

As for my predictions --

Oil will soon go over 100 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Housing is down for the count.

Take a look at this graph.

Still remember being told all I predict is gloom and doom. Things are great if you bought gold like I told you too...
from your article:

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, these sea scorpions had the upper hand over vertebrates — backboned animals like ourselves."


Sorry about that. It's a term used, for instance, on a movie set. It's a prop with "lights, bells & whistles" on the outside that doesn't really do anything on the inside, e.g. the engineer's console on Star Trek.

The lights are sometimes called "Idiot Lights". That term actually has some value. Cars have lights on the instrument panel that come on only after the engine suffers some sort of failure, i.e. only an idiot relys on those lights.

Things are great if you bought gold like I told you too..


First, what makes you think that I don't have gold in my portfolio?

Second, as a 17 year old just how much did you invest in gold this past year?

Third, you're still ducking the question. I don't expect that you'll ever address the issue of your insistence in 2006 that you were 15 years old or address the issue of having been posting your predictions in 2002 when you were 10 or 11 years old.

But how about it? Why don't you take a stab at the questions?

And I really would still like to know why you thought that Robby was a joker.

A teacher told me that only in science fiction could bugs grow to gigantic sizes. That is was impossible because they did not have a skeleton. What would you say if I told you a bug can grow bigger than a man?

I'd say that if we know the structure of the insect then we can project its maximum size. I don't see any problem with any of the insects that you point to. In fact I don't believe that this is really new news.

We've known about giant insects from the the mid Paleozoic period for a very long time. They've found many examples of 3' to 5' insects. But during the Devonian era 390 million years ago there were billions of insects among those species. That prior to this new event we had discovered insects of a certain average size and now we find an example of even larger sizes is no surprise at all. The chances that among all those billions of long dead insects that we would first find examples of the largest examples is very small. The greatest probability is that we would find examples that are sized to fit in the first standard deviation of all sizes. The first standard deviation represents 68% of the entire population. We expect to find "normal" sized examples because they are the most common.

Now that we've found one example of an even larger specimen it may be that the "normal" size will ultimately be adjusted. But we first have to find more examples of the new giants. Absent more examples of this size we then conclude that the recent find represents the second or third standard deviation...the fringe not the norm.

So, no - I'm not surprised at the news.
Dear HDRkid we the Time NO more have test the Device call HDR unit build by Steven Gibb and that it just don't work and found a live grid point and that the HDR unit don't work at now you have it...but we try to do phychial time travel but no luck so why is the HDR unit is not working?? I ask you and tell us what is the Secret of sucess?? write back.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
To Ruthless:
"There can be no progress if people have no faith in tomorrow."
How true.

To Warrior:
Your name foretends your future.
Use the HDR enough times and scary stuff happens. The usual question I get is how do I make the $#&@ stop! The answer is simple, stop using it.

Yes, be over a over a vortex to get results.

Now this is going to sound like crazy talk but according to Steven Gibbs, the aliens (greys) built the system of vortex grid points to travel thru time. So the HDR is just like a key that activates the vortex and tells it where to send you.

To Mix:
We invade iran to get the oil... Yes, 2015 is the correct date of WWIII, some say it started in 2001 with911.

You have to remember that after the war there are no schools, but the survivors have a Ph.D. in street. All those guys with eagles on their collars have no idea what is coming. There are going to be a lot of changes. You feel so safe with the missile shield. The russians will cut thru like a knife thru hot butter. It’s not just the US that suffers, the whole world turns into a burnt out ash heap – no more Eiffel Tower, no more Big Ben. All gone, like teardrops in the rain...

I can tell you that after the war it is so quiet that you can hear a mouse squeak on the 14th floor from down in the basement. That dead silence, is well... scary...
"Now this is going to sound like crazy talk but according to Steven Gibbs, the aliens (greys) built the system of vortex grid points to travel thru time. So the HDR is just like a key that activates the vortex and tells it where to send you."

this is what needs to be stopped. this is a dime-a-dozen scenario where a person will say, "i saw this." or, "aliens came and told me this." let me ask all of you a question, a few actually. look up this steven gibbs, or better yet, call him and talk to him to get a feel for him, then answer me this: out of all the people on earth, why would they give the secret of time travel to him? then ask yourself, "why does he charge so much money for a machine that costs $2.50 to make?" that is no bull, thats about how much it actually costs. this is a con through and through.

and hdrkid, i am not calling you a con. im not saying that you dont astral travel, im just saying the only way that machine is helping you is through the placebo effect. all im saying is that im sick and tired of folks claiming all sorts of things, from time travel to magic science, etc. without being able to prove anything and us just having to trust what they say is the truth.

of course, the best comeback would be, "you havent tried it, so dont knock it." to that i would have to refer to this sentence that hdrkid wrote: "Use the HDR enough times and scary stuff happens. The usual question I get is how do I make the $#&@ stop! The answer is simple, stop using it."

i think some kind of testing should be done. and if it is found to be unhealthy, then i say every hdr user should sue. my impression from that statement is that it could be extremely hazardous to your health. of course that would also turn it into this great big conspiracy to control time travel. good lord...
All gone, like teardrops in the rain...

And just as Darby liked your quote from High Noon, I liked your attempted quote from Blade Runner. But let's get the quote right, shall we?

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die."

- Roy Batty (replicant) to Rick Deckard just as he expires.

Maybe it is time for hdrkid to expire? Because his ignoring of his failures is becoming overshadowed by his overuse of trite sayings from movies

I really hate the gloom-and-doomers!

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