The HDRkid Thread

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Actually it comes from an old poem.

"For all my life is pain, like a teardrop in the rain"

As for my prediction that the banks would fail.

The current corpocracy need oil to grease its wheels. Expect the invasion of iran soon.

The russian are gearing up for the final confrontation.

I keep saying that its all about oil. We could have worked on hybrids. Back ten years ago Toyota built the Toyota Prius Hybrid. They have continued to gain market share and make profits, in contrast GM which is filled with debunker types builds the Hummer and other Gigantor SUV trucks and this year lost 39 billion dollars.

Let's not forget about the bird flu. We are one mutation away from disaster.

How many more of my predictions have to come true before you wake up and smell the coffee. Guess that saying comes from a movie.

How many more of my predictions have to come true before you wake up and smell the coffee.


the "prediction" that you were 15 years old in 2006?

I see that you're still ignoring that one.

ANd you ignored the question about just how much you invested in gold since you first made your prediction?

You can black out all identifying information - but how about a post of your portfolio statement for the past two quarters just to get beyond predictions and getting to a show of proof and self-faith in them.

Wanna bet that you don't address either issue? 'Course if you don't and I made a correct prediction that you wouldn't then I'm also a time traveler. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Darby's right, ya know. Avoidance is your main tactic HDRkid. You avoid and ignore all of your own errors/mistakes/goofs and self-debunking bad predictions. You claim that people are taunting you when all they want is a straight answer from you when they respond to questions you yourself have posed.

You complain about people branding you a fraud when you are self-evidently, obviously and clearly just that.
Actually it comes from an old poem.

"For all my life is pain, like a teardrop in the rain"

Care to cite that poem completely, as I cannot find any such poem? But looking at how you were using it, it certainly sounds more like the connotation implied by Roy Batty in Blade Runner. For it is easy to lose a teardrop in a torrential downpour of rain. That makes for good analogy. But I fail to see how pain is like a teardrop in the rain. Maybe that explains why the poem cannot be found... its analogical premises are poor! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif But then again, so are yours! :D

current corpocracy need oil to grease its wheels. Expect the invasion of iran soon.

So that is a GUESS, right? Not another one of your "earth-shatteringly precise" predictions? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Knowing how you operate, I am sure if an invasion of Iran does come (and WHO WOULD'VE POSSIBLY seen it coming?) :D You will be jumping all around saying "I told you so! My predictions are VALID!" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

You are a hoaxer with a chip on their shoulder...the worst kind. Since I do believe the human mind is the most influential force in shaping our future, I consider it highly irresponsbile for you (and other gloom and doomers) to constantly "push" a negative view of the future. In translation, that makes you not only my enemy but the enemy of those with hope for a better future. "Through their ACTIONS you will know them." And judging from your actions, this tells us that you actually are trying to INCITE a negative future. That makes you an information warrior. Are you really prepared for war on that scale?

To Rain:

I remember bits and pieces. Most of what was in "Blade Runner" is standard sci-fi. Robots, people living on outher planets, flying cars. Not sure where they got the poem from, Lord Byron maybe?

The book the movie was based on was called "Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep". Poem not in book...

In the book, not the movie is a very interesting thing. Mercerism, a religion of the future that is against killing animals - respect for all life. Similar to the Jains in India. You could say that the HDR is similar to an empathy box.

Curious how this is true. Gaian religion, before it bacame max pop.

To Skeptic:

I shoot 100 dart and you complain that five miss the target. Most of what I have seen makes little sense to me. For example, after the war the oceans freeze over - snowball earth. Also the dome city and people living underground.

In 2000 when John Titor was talking about time travel using his GE C204, I conducted an experiement using a piece of paper and a pencil trying to RV NYC in 2025. I saw a devasted skyline. Then I tried it for 2010 and saw a big ugly thing where the twin towers stood. I wondered, why did they tear down the twin towers?

Here is what people in 1950 saw the future as - guess what, in the TV show there is talk about flying cars. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To Darby:

Did you havea chance to check out the links?
Most of them point out that what I am saying others are saying as well.
Here is another link for you.

Remember back in 2000 when John Titor told us about Parallel Universes?
Well, they are real.
HDRkid that you need to respond the private email and that you don't do it....

I know that you are a fake the HDR unit don't work at all noting but a toy thing hahah.

To Darby:

Did you havea chance to check out the links?
Most of them point out that what I am saying others are saying as well.

Yes, I've checked your links.

Have you checked my posts where I've asked you to respond to your proclimation that in 2006 you were 15 years old, a high school student and living with dad?

As of this date I've concluded that I absolutely must be a time traveler because I predicted that you'd duck answering those questions.

I'll now revise and extend my remarks.

You've recently refered to your predictions of 2001. Once again, using your stated age in 2006 and moving back to 2001, you were either 9 or 10 years old when you were making those 2001 predictions.

This endeavor, for me, is nothing more than a hobby. I enjoy posting on this forum but there's nothing beyond the science that I take seriously. You, however, seem to take your predictions as being very serious - and you have an consuming desire to be believed.

However, on every site, save your own, that you post on you are received with incredulity. You blame the audience for this. You respond with grandious proclimations that the "debunkers are howling with laughter". Just how you know that they are both laughing and howling goes unstated.

Once again I'll explain to you why you are received with such derision. You've been caught on several occasions telling very transparent whoppers because this is the Internet. People do look up what you've said in the past and compared it to what you most recently have said. In many cases the story has changed to fit the current situation. A good example is the price of gasoline. You really did say that the price would exceed $4.00 by the end of this year on at least two occasions.

As to your other predictions of disaster you've either been outright wrong so far (no comets, asteroids, volcanos, etc.) or your predictions were so trivially stated that no one can say whether you got it right or not.


The dollar is falling relative to other currencies.

Is that a disaster? Is it an opportunity? Why is a falling dollar a disaster?

The housing market is in a down turn. Why is that a disaster? Is it an opportunity for others? How are markets made and how do they work?

Enough for now. I'm still waiting (though not with baited breath for sure) for you to respond to your "age problem.
I shoot 100 dart and you complain that five miss the target.

Ah so, HDRKid, you do actually admit that your predictions have been wrong? I would certainly dispute your estimation of your success rate :D

But you see, its not just a question of you deliberately avoiding the troublesome truth of your wrong predictions. Or even your weasling out of my challenge to you about your Hilary Clinton prediction. What about your endless avoiding of the little matter Darby's forced to mention constantly? The little matter of you lying about your age?

Why don't you just own up to that lie as well?
What I should say is:

Come one come all. Step right up folks and see the greatest show on earth. Come into the big top and view the side show freaks of our ODDitorium. Its a real three ring circus with elephants and clowns.

Personally I feel like I am walking a tightrope of giving just enough information to entice you to learn RV, but not enough to scare you away. :oops:


What I should say is:

Come one come all. Step right up folks and see the greatest show on earth. Come into the big top and view the side show freaks of our ODDitorium. Its a real three ring circus with elephants and clowns.

Personally I feel like I am walking a tightrope of giving just enough information to entice you to learn RV, but not enough to scare you away. your response to this post?

Yes, I've checked your links.

Have you checked my posts where I've asked you to respond to your proclimation that in 2006 you were 15 years old, a high school student and living with dad?

As of this date I've concluded that I absolutely must be a time traveler because I predicted that you'd duck answering those questions.

I'll now revise and extend my remarks.

You've recently refered to your predictions of 2001. Once again, using your stated age in 2006 and moving back to 2001, you were either 9 or 10 years old when you were making those 2001 predictions.

This endeavor, for me, is nothing more than a hobby. I enjoy posting on this forum but there's nothing beyond the science that I take seriously. You, however, seem to take your predictions as being very serious - and you have an consuming desire to be believed.

However, on every site, save your own, that you post on you are received with incredulity. You blame the audience for this. You respond with grandious proclimations that the "debunkers are howling with laughter". Just how you know that they are both laughing and howling goes unstated.

Once again I'll explain to you why you are received with such derision. You've been caught on several occasions telling very transparent whoppers because this is the Internet. People do look up what you've said in the past and compared it to what you most recently have said. In many cases the story has changed to fit the current situation. A good example is the price of gasoline. You really did say that the price would exceed $4.00 by the end of this year on at least two occasions.

As to your other predictions of disaster you've either been outright wrong so far (no comets, asteroids, volcanos, etc.) or your predictions were so trivially stated that no one can say whether you got it right or not.


The dollar is falling relative to other currencies.

Is that a disaster? Is it an opportunity? Why is a falling dollar a disaster?

The housing market is in a down turn. Why is that a disaster? Is it an opportunity for others? How are markets made and how do they work?

Enough for now. I'm still waiting (though not with baited breath for sure) for you to respond to your "age problem".
To Darby:
Yes, that's my reply.

To Skeptic:
The Greenland Norse colonized North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus "discovered" it, establishing farms in the sheltered fjords of southern Greenland, exploring Labrador and the Canadian Arctic, and setting up a short-lived outpost in Newfoundland.


And yet, even when CC approached the British they turned him down. Read the Story, he went to Portugal and England before he went to Spain to ask for money to prepare his ships for the voyage to America.

It is real easy to say after CC made his voyage that he did not discover anything. Ask yourself why there was no mass migration of Europeans to the New World in the 1100's, 1200's, 1300's?

I will give you a clue, CC had to drag convicts out of jail for his crew. People were terrified that they would fall off the edge of the world.

You need to stop being a skeptic and open your mind to the possibility that there are new worlds to explore. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
So now you're liking yourself to a modern-day Christopher Columbus? Oh how grand we've become, HDRkid.

The thing is, if anything, you need to open your mind up to the role of skepticism. It is the first qualification of any exploratory mind. I'm MORE than open to the idea of new worlds to be discovered and new means of discovering them.

Unfortunately for you, though, your CC analogy doesn't hold water. When Columbus returned from his travels he brought with him living proof in the form of several Indians he kidnapped. No one in Europe was in any doubt that the story of his discovery was true.

What have you supplied HDRKid upon returning from your self-proclaimed RV Time Travelling...? Predictions that are clearly speculations based on current trends. Wrong predictions. Failed predictions. You've been caught in out and out lies and followed these up with a complete and total avoidance of any questions regarding them. You refuse to back up (as you have with me) even your latest predictions when challenged.

If you're trying to sell yourself as walking advert for the HDR device, you've shot yourself in the foot. If you're anything to go by, the machine is only effective at scrambling someone's brains.
To Skeptic:

What skeptics do is say that CC did not discovery anything. First they said he would fall off the edge of the world, and when successful that his discovery was nothing.

It was John Titor that opened my eyes to the possibility of travel in the 4th dimension. Although not all his predictions came true, many did, too many to be chance.

It has been the pattern that tyranny calls its opponents terrorists, but I do not see John Titor as a terrorist, rather instead as a freedom fighter advancing that cause of liberty against a police state that tortures people like Nazi Germany. I see 911 as the Reichstag fire. The invasion of iran will be like the invasion of poland, it begins a world war.

I will give you a clue, CC had to drag convicts out of jail for his crew. People were terrified that they would fall off the edge of the world.

Now THIS one REALLY takes the cake!!! This kind of foolishness could actually make one believe that you are that ignorant 15 year old (or are you 16 now?). The myth of the majority of people in the middle ages thinking the earth was flat is just that... a myth.

Have a read at that URL, Kid. And let us not forget one of the greatest scientists from ancient Greece, Eratosthenes. I mean he WAS credited as being the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth... back around 200 BC!!!

Give it up, Kid. You are pretty much toast, and the more you go on the more you will become burnt toast!

To Rainman:

In 1492 people believed that the earth was flat and the center of the universe and that the sun did orbit around the earth... Most people could not read. They were poor and simple.

Yes Columbus got authority from the crown to pardon any prisoner that sailed with him to the new world. Of course nobody wanted to go. It took him two months to round up a crew of convicts. The ships were tiny, I have seen replicas and the prisoners from jail that served as his crew tried to mutiny.

When you make fun of me, you sound just like the debunkers back then who made statements like:

1) I see the sun move, not the earth.
2) If the earth is round, why don't people fall off the bottom.
3) You can't make a ship out of metal because it sinks, you have to use wood because it floats.
4) Nobody lives out there beyond the sea. There would be evidence of them. All we hear are stories but no ship.
5) How is come none of those Indians never come here? They only exist in your imagination. I know why, because they are a HOAX!
To Skeptic:

What skeptics do is say that CC did not discovery anything. First they said he would fall off the edge of the world, and when successful that his discovery was nothing.

It was John Titor that opened my eyes to the possibility of travel in the 4th dimension. Although not all his predictions came true, many did, too many to be chance.

It has been the pattern that tyranny calls its opponents terrorists, but I do not see John Titor as a terrorist, rather instead as a freedom fighter advancing that cause of liberty against a police state that tortures people like Nazi Germany. I see 911 as the Reichstag fire. The invasion of iran will be like the invasion of poland, it begins a world war.

Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute here.

A couple of weks ago I posted that I suspect that, at least since you came onto this site, that more than one person is now posting as HDRKid. That last post was one of those items that is rather suspicious. HDRKid can write a bit but that was out of character.

And that brings up a bit of a conundrum for me (that word again - conundrum).

Way back when you were posting from your home town - Seattle, WA. It's a bit of a rather "odd" coincidence that now that you are posting here you're spoofing your IP. Or let me say that that's what I thought was going on. Your IPs indicate that you're posting from all over the country. But you may have made a mistake in your initial post - a similar mistake that Titor, actually, made. You left a bit of evidence.

Your initial post was on your own thread "Steven Gibbs on BBC"

When you made that post your IP was "". That IP, of course, doesn't resolve to any place even in the same time zone as Seattle, WA. A DNS search resolves to MCI, Ashburn, VA. But Visual Trace resolves to an area out in the sticks near Emporia, Kansas. Not Emporia, but in the ballpark. Now what town is right about there? Lyndon, Kansas. Just a few miles away.


Lyndon, Kansas. Sounds familiar. Now we had a President once upon a time, Lyndon B. Johnson. No. The word sounds familiar but that's not it. Now where have I heard that word before?

Wait! I got it! Lyndon, Kansas. Of course. Steven Gibbs lives in Lyndon, Kansas.

Steven Gibbs
Lyndon, KS 66451

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're not really spoofing your IP. Maybe there's more than one person - a series of Reverse Sock Puppets as it were - posting as HDRKid now.

Visual Trace

Anyone curious enough to try the IP for themselves? Then try a MapQuest search for "Lyndon, KS"?
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