The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

I am not getting your correlation. Essentially it sounds like you are saying that A) Hilary forgave her cheating husband so B) He was a powerful man so C = She must be using him to gain her own power.

This is fallacious. Especially since this is the first time we've had a woman running for President, so there is nothing to compare her to, and frankly, if it wasn't her forgiving her cheating husband, you'd find something else about her to say that women shouldn't vote for her because she's a woman because she's another kind of a, b or c. If you don't like the canidate, no matter what she does or doesn't do, you won't like her. I still feel that her forgiving Bill is no different than the millions of other women who forgive powerful or completely loser men every single day. Hilary's moral choices and personal choices for her marriage aren't going to matter a hill of beans to any women. I disagree with you that she is a "role" model for marriage. For politics, yes, and that's where the scrupulous eyes should be. Not her marital relations. If anything, many women would see her as a woman who was cheated on, just like them-yet could become the President of the United States. To devalue that by saying she was only able to because her husband was the President....well that's the typical mentality of many people. That women can't succeed on their own, they must have to sleep their way to the top.

Also, I would like to add this: Many "powerful" women have forgiven cheating husbands/boyfriends. Halle Berry, considered one of the world's most beautiful women, Elizabeth Hurley, etc. Since when is it to be disrespected to be forgiven? Isn't that the essence of love? Why do you think or seem to have the perception that forgiving an infidelity is weak, disrespectful, of not sound character? Seems to me.....forgiveness takes an incredible amount of strength and fortitude-and love.

Have you not done something in your life to hurt another? A friend, family member, co-worker? Whether an outright betrayal or a thoughtless remark-I don't think any of us would have one friend, lover or family member left if it weren't for forgiveness. Therefore, I don't believe its up for anyone to judge or condemn someone for an act that is typically loving-and healing for the one hurt. You don't forgive people for them, you do it for you-and, no one ever said that forgiveness equals condoning.

I find it disturbing that you seem to think that the MAJORITY of women or Americans would find forgiveness a negative thing. Frankly, we live in a culture that likes to see people fall-and to give them second chances and forgiveness when they truly seem sorry and wish to change. In the political arena, nowhere was this more evident with Marion Barry, caught on video smoking crack-and was re-elected. Yeah, see, I'd rather have a woman who stayed married to an unfaithful husband in politics than a crackhead. So you don't like Hilary, and that's fine. But its a weak argument to me that because she forgave Bill, she's a poor role model. So again, I suppose we can agree to disagree on this.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


I still feel that her forgiving Bill is no different than the millions of other women who forgive powerful or completely loser men every single day.

And forgiving over and over and over again is a measure of character, and reveals somewhat her motive in doing so. Again I point out that a woman who constantly forgives and takes back a husband who physically beats her is very much considered sick...not of right mind.

Also, I would like to add this: Many "powerful" women have forgiven cheating husbands/boyfriends. Halle Berry, considered one of the world's most beautiful women

Halle Berry divorced David Justice. And then she went on to marry and divorce musician Eric Benet. So while she may have forgiven them, obviously she was not of a mind to hang around and continue to let them disrespect her. In fact, here is a quote from Halle on marriage: "I never want to be married again. I guess you could say I have bad taste in men. But I no longer feel the need to be someone's wife. I don't feel like I need to be validated by being in a marriage." Quite the antithesis of Hillary! Moreover, unlike Hillary Clinton before Bill became President, Halle Berry made her own name. She did not rely on Justice or Benet to advance her career. Not to mention that Halle Berry is not asking for us to elect her to the most powerful job in the world!

Elizabeth Hurley, etc. Since when is it to be disrespected to be forgiven?

Elizabeth Hurley left Hugh Grant. The issue is when the "forgiveness" has to occur over and over and over again for the same reason. Again I refer you to the analogy of physical beating. We are quite aware of Billy Clintons many love trysts. And if you think Hillary "forgives" him because she has a big heart, and is a loving person deep down inside, I would suggest that is simply being naieve given how much data on her true character is out there. She is being dishonest, and the only reason she is still with Bill is because she needs him on the campaign trail. Notice he wasn't around much during her Sentate terms... only during the first and second election. And now, if she is successful in getting the Presidency you will see her put Bill on the shelf again... and I am sure he will have fun boning a whole new batch of hotties as "First Husband" if Hillary does win. And she will be happy to let him have that bone as his reward.

I find it disturbing that you seem to think that the MAJORITY of women or Americans would find forgiveness a negative thing.

Strawman. It is not about the forgiveness, it is about her coddling Bill just to acquire power. Don't they say absolute power corrupts absolutely? Once again I point out that this type of "scheming" by Hillary is indicative of how we could expect her to USE the power of the Presidency. And to think that other people do not see it for exactly what it is, and that people would see her as "compassionate" is a real laugher.

But its a weak argument to me that because she forgave Bill, she's a poor role model.

The reality is that you are assuming she forgave him. You don't know. You are merely painting the best face on the situation (which is what snake oil woman wants you to do). For all we know, rather than FORGIVE him she struck yet another "deal with the devil" and all his stumping right now is that PAYBACK. Cuz in politics it is ALWAYS about payback, and Hillary knows this. I believe she is scheming, but I know she is not dumb!

Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


Halle Berry did not up and leave Benet. She put up with and tried to get him help for "sex addiction". Here's an exerpt:

they were married in January 2001. However, the relationship would quickly turn sour. Berry would rail at newspapers for making up stories about Benet's affairs, but eventually he admitted that it was all true. Trying to keep the marriage together, she helped him combat his sex addiction, took him to counselling, but it was all to no avail. They'd separate in October 2003. So for two years she "forgave" and stuck by and was later interviewed and said that it was self-esteem issues on her part that allowed this.

Elizabeth Hurley broke up with Hugh FIVE YEARS after his very public affair.
Despite weathering the storm surrounding Hugh's highly public 1995 encounter with an LA prostitute, the relationship hit the rocks five years futher down the line, however.

So, my point is, these women didn't just "up and leave." They forgave, they tried to work it out, eventually, it didn't. But they still public "put up with" and "forgave" indiscrescions.

As far as Hilary doing the same thing, with the exception of Monica, everyone else was alleged. I don't care if you are a President, a rock star or the manager of an Applebees, there will always be someone who for whatever motive, will claim they had an affair, they were hit on, etc. Its the fastest, easiest and most believable way to discredit or bring shame to men. If you are a relatively young and relatively attractive president, you will get this all the time (ala Kennedy.) So, there's nothing to "prove" that all these affairs were true. Simply said, I feel that your analogy of a woman being beaten vs this is absurd. You clearly know NOTHING about domestic violence and the ensuing sickness that it causes women. Whether you compare it to Stockholm syndrom, or pure fear, being abused mentally and physically creates mental illness and trauma in women. To compare this to a cheating man is ludacris, imo. Apples and oranges. And again, Hilary may not even care. She could be very forgiving, she could be using him, she could not care, they might have an understanding, point is, no one really knows and Im still not feeling its a character issue. I think its proven that people can be quite competent and capable on their jobs and yet have other areas of their lives that need work. The fact that people expect a President to be more than human, superhuman is crazy.

After all, Bush is an admitted alcoholic and has dabbled in cocaine usage. Allegedly a tee-toddler now. Again, I'd rather have a woman forgiving an philandering husband than an alcoholic drug addict as a President, because well-we see where he's gotten us...sober or not, the alcoholic personality in him prevails. Says a lot about a "character" when you use alcohol as a crutch.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

To hrdkid

The vote is not about who is the next president of the USA but which timeline we choose as a group to experience in the future. And that is all election is about. So the question is can hrdkid map out those various time line so we can choose the best choice for us all? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton

To Designer:

There are probably billions of timelines close to our own. Sadly, Hillary won in Michigan with 55% of the vote so far. The US economy is in shambles with the biggest bank Citigroup having a lost a staggering $9.83 billion, or $1.99 a share, the worst loss in its history. Number two bank of america is slashing 660 jobs. Another down day for the DOW losing 277 points.

The retail sector is doing terrible. Sears is in trouble.

No only are things bad in america, but there is a slowdown in the eurozone and asia.

In other news, global warming is a hot topic as 2007 was the hottest year on record for Earth's land areas.

I can tell you from using astral time travel that things will get a lot worse in the future. As for WWIII, both Ottawa and Toronto were hit, but Calgary and Edmonton survive.
Re: Hillary Rodham Clinton


Sadly, Hillary won in Michigan with 55% of the vote so far.

You don't bother to tell the whole story...I wonder why? Don't bother, I know why.

Considering she was the ONLY Democrat on the ticket in Michigan I am surprised she only got 55% of the vote. And what does it say of her "party loyalty" that the other major contenders agreed to drop off the ticket, but she did not? Looks a little power-hungry to me. And, of course, her votes mean nothing because the DEM party is not allocating ANY delegates from Michigan. So it is all really just for the "glory of Hillary" now isn't it?

You can laugh now debunker, but when there is no food in the grocery store your laughter will turn to tears. Do you think that I am the only one using this technology?

regarding what?

They referred to Steven Gibbs as 'The Rainman of time travel'

Gibbs says that even the adult John Titor bought one of his devices

Steven says some people have used this HDR to go back in time to prevent car wrecks or other tragic deaths, but when you come back there will be large gaps in your memory baseline because you have now changed your timeline..........

This is all very interesting to me. This device sounds much like a handheld version of 'whatever device' they used in the Philadelphia experiment

Some guy on MTV has even bought 2 of the HDR devices now and experiments with them.....I think if the device did NOT work then why would this guy buy a 2nd one???

Steven Gibbs gives NO GARUNTEE whatsoever on his device. No moneyback garuntee about you being able to time travel or anything but he was claiming his device WORKS......
end quoted


John Titor Purchased a Time Machine HDR from Steven Gibbs ....

Best Regards

Asteroid 2007 TU24: They are seeing this thing on over 70 sites and 18 sites are reporting a position!
To Recall:
Guy, get the story right. I got a phone call from Steven Gibbs, who by the way was on Coast to Coast this month. In the telephone conversation, Steven Gibbs told me that a man claiming to be the time traveler John Titor had called and told Steven that the GE C204 time machine was broken. Steven was laughing real hard when he told me the story.

According to Steven Gibbs, "John Titor" said he had need of an HDR to get back to 2036. Needless to say we both laughed a lot because we thought it was a joker calling to make fun of the HDR. That said if John Titor had sent items from 2036 (like for example additional photos of the C204) the story would be national news.

BTW, how would John Titor have paid for the HDR, with money from 2036? :D

To Rain:
Obama decided not to run, his mistake because there is a large muslim population in michigan and he could have won the state. Also, John Edward's message of cotton mills closing down would have resonated with the autoworkers.

Rudy decided to skip iowa and now he is not even in the top three. The results in Michigan were

Mitt Romney 39%
John McCain 30%
Mike Huckabee 16%
Ron Paul 6%
Fred Thompson 4%
Rudy Guiliani 3%

Ron Paul got like twice the votes of Rudy.

To Darby:
Just because it something sounds like science fiction does not mean that it is not true. For example, Drs. Andrés Rinderknecht and Ernesto Blanco found a fossil of a large rodent. The big rat bigger than a big cat weighed a ton and was the size of a car.
According to Steven Gibbs, "John Titor" said he had need of an HDR to get back to 2036. Needless to say we both laughed a lot because we thought it was a joker calling to make fun of the HDR. That said if John Titor had sent items from 2036 (like for example additional photos of the C204) the story would be national news.

I think it is hillarious to. Since John Titor claimed with his TT device to be a physical time traveler and you claim with the HDR to be a mental time traveler.
To Darby:
Just because it something sounds like science fiction does not mean that it is not true. For example, Drs. Andrés Rinderknecht and Ernesto Blanco found a fossil of a large rodent. The big rat bigger than a big cat weighed a ton and was the size of a car.

Why do you think that Drs. Blanco & Rinderkneckt's discovery sounds like science fiction to me? The modern Capybara weighs in at 140-150 lbs and fossil records of ancient Capybara's indicate that they weighed in at 1,500+ lbs.

This isn't exactly new news (extremely large fossil rodents). A new fossilized species is the news - not the size.

And what does any of this have to do with you in any case?
To Darby:

You may wonder why I focus on giantism. Rats bigger than cats, big bugs and such.

Well, in the future things are quite different than now. In the far future, the 2250's the average house is over 1,000,000 square feet. If it were single story that would be bigger than 1000 feet by 1000 feet. For a frame of ref, a 10 acre lot is 1000 feet by 430 feet approx. Also most houses are 10 or more stories high and have elevators and escalators, as well as teleporters to hop from floor to floor. A huge staff of robots does the cooking and cleaning.

In our timeline, a mansion is considered a house bigger than 7,000 square feet, a McMansion 5000-7000 and a minimansion 3000-5000. There are no houses greater than 100,000 sq ft.

Not only are the future houses big, but they have inside tennis courts, pools, rec areas, ect. and are filled with artwork and precious stones, so that they make the tiny "doll houses" we live in look like old, shoddy, dilapidated shacks by comparison.

To me it is incredible that a man in LA back in 1958, twenty years ago was able to buy a nice house for $10,000 and that same house now costs a cool million. With all our technology houses should be dirt cheap.

In the future using replicators - precious stone and works of art are dirt cheap. The world of the future is beautiful beyond words.

Using genetic engineering people are less warlike so there is much less crime. Also people are smart, athletic and beautiful. The people of the far tomorrow are - healthy, wealthy and wise. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To Pamela:

Rather than focus on the negative like the Dow going down 300 points, I want to point to the positive. We are finally relaizing that we humans as a people need to put aside our warlike ways and work together for the common good.

We have a choice - build a better world or build war machines and destroy ourselves. As McArthur said - If we do not devise some greater and more equitable means of settling disputes among nations, Armageddon will be at our door."
<font color="blue">
We have a choice - build a better world or build war machines and destroy ourselves. As McArthur said - If we do not devise some greater and more equitable means of settling disputes among nations, Armageddon will be at our door."

you will consider TU24
Link to youtube

then the CME/white light Flare/SPE event of 2009

Best Regards

Preparedness Plan... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
"In the future using replicators - precious stone and works of art are dirt cheap. The world of the future is beautiful beyond words.
Using genetic engineering people are less warlike so there is much less crime. Also people are smart, athletic and beautiful. The people of the far tomorrow are - healthy, wealthy and wise."

If this is so then why do you burden the people of this time with all of your negative comments
about the immediate future? Life is hard enough for people. People need hope not hopelessness.
You are of no help if you simply spout off negative comments about something you have claimed to
see when you know nothing is guaranteed to happen.

If this is so then I liken your words to watching a man wandering through a maze. You see several obstacles up ahead that the man has to go through but at the very end is a big banquet of food and happiness that only you can see because you are positioned above the walls and can see the very end.
But you hollar at the man telling him he has only sorrow waiting around the corners and dread.
You bring hopelessness to the man when something wonderful is waiting at the end for him.

I have heard all of the terrible things you have said and now you bring up this?
The absolute truth is no one really knows what the future holds. Remote viewers and true psychics only see in part. Things can change and nothing is guaranteed. You cannot say for certain this will happen or that will happen because you truly do not know. Even a real time traveler can only tell you what happened on his worldline. Even if he sees you heading in the same direction he has no guarantee that your future will match his exactly.

Why would you even want to tell people negative things will happen when you do not know for sure?
Isn't it better for you to just say well I have seen this or that? Not go ahead and laugh your future is horrible! You do not know what the future will be. I imagine you may be somewhat surprised yourself at what will eventually come to be.
Hi Pamela it's Adam it has been a long time since we talked so how are you doing in general? also what have you been doing lately? I have been doing good for now and I have been doing research and some other things in general I still have all of my books and movies on time travel and other paranormal subjects I believe that john titor wasn't from our frame of reference or earth but from another dimension or parallel timeline or universe if he was from our earth then in 2036 GE will invent or build john's time machine but here is the catch if he was from another dimension or parallel universe then GE wouldn't built his time machine in our earth saying he never existed in this earth and hence his time machine wouldn't exist either I believe that ghosts come from another dimension and they can appear and disappear at will from where they come from to our plane of existence and they are not our relatives and ancestors but could be time travelers from our past or future to rely a message or something in general sorry for all of this paranormal stuff but this is my opinion well I will talk with you later on see ya later!
To Darby:

You may wonder why I focus on giantism. Rats bigger than cats, big bugs and such.

Well, in the future things are quite different than now. In the far future, the 2250's the average house is over 1,000,000 square feet. If it were single story that would be bigger than 1000 feet by 1000 feet. For a frame of ref, a 10 acre lot is 1000 feet by 430 feet approx. Also most houses are 10 or more stories high and have elevators and escalators, as well as teleporters to hop from floor to floor. A huge staff of robots does the cooking and cleaning.

In our timeline, a mansion is considered a house bigger than 7,000 square feet, a McMansion 5000-7000 and a minimansion 3000-5000. There are no houses greater than 100,000 sq ft.

Let's see. The "average" home in two centuries (I assume that you mean worldwide) is 10 stories high and 1 million sq/ft.

We'll take some average figures here and, viola!

Each story is ~316 ft X ~316 ft or ~100,000 sq/ft. On average a story is 12 ft high so each floor is 1,200,000 cubic feet. The entire building is 12,000,000 cubic feet.

Ever try heating (or cooling) 12 million cubic feet of space? And that's just the "average" home (though you didn't specify what averaging method you were using).

Did your crystal ball tell you why the average person would need or even want a 10 story luxury hotel complex for a home?

And what about "Coke Blaque"?
To Darby:

Why do people drive to work in a big SUV instead of a tiny little scooter?

Yes, houses, I should say castles, in the future are big, and why not?

The insides are solid gold encrusted with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc. more gaudy than a faberge egg. I call the architectural style "Early Tacky".

To Pam:

I want people to survive the hard times that lie ahead. To live throught those difficult days and have hope of a better tomorrow.

Please remember that on 90% of the timelines, WWIII happens on 2015 as John Titor predicted. People point to the predictions he got wrong, sadly this one he got right. Remember when he said that TV in the future was over the internet?

Back in 2000 I had an argument with a debunker over IPTV. He it would mean that everybody would have to have a $1000/mo T1 line. Well, in 2003 I was paying $200/mo for DSL and in 2005 it drops to $50 for DSL and in 2007, full blown DSL the 8megabit kind is only $10/mo.

Hard to imagine Youtube when people have 56K modems and pay $25/month for a super slow connection.

Believe it or not, the internet survives the war, well, I'm off to see Cloverleaf. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You know guy, there is a social disease in this Country. Businesses unfortunately can do whatever they feel they can do - -as long as they can sell it to someone. For example, and this is the way that it is. Alright, so I have got a slow internet connection, but the ISP was still limiting the speed of my modem which use to work faster. They did not tell anyone, but I hooked up to someone else locally, and now my modem works like it use to.

The simple point being, that still some employees still think that they are the 'company' because of whatever reason like - they do not like upper management -- they have to work harder -- which is actually somewhat true -- or they want to hate Bush - or whatever reason - except that sometimes it is a combination and some people still refuse to tell the actually customers of what they are really doing in the business. But in the end the word gets spread around, and the business usually suffers, and some like Enron went completely out the door.

Now, until the attitude changes, it is a combination of factors that warrant what some political parties do in the USA.

Again, some older people who are retired - did not retire on that much money -- first of all - because they did not make that much money years ago - and since some parts were changed in Past years anyway.

Now, the Democrats sorry to say in my opinion only really think of theirselves first, then you second, if at all.

Did you know that Congress again (like before with the Democrats) gave theirselves a pay raise of $4000 a year. Now that is not so much, but there it is again, they will increase their own wage, despite raising the minimum wage, and then everything else goes up again. The inflation is due to many factors of the dollar being worth less, and other factors such as this. Also if smaller businesses can not afford the pay increase then only some employees retain their jobs and other are laid off or have to seek other work.

Now, unfortunately, Hillary has no plan about like the others still stick to their ideas which sometimes to me in my opinion boarders on the extremes of both political parties.

So, do not expect that others are going to let older people live on less just so some like the Democrats can sit there in Congress and Grant themselves a pay raise just whenever another one of their whims come up.

Change your brain to accept that other people may just know more through being older and perhaps more experienced in what really matters, despite all the hoopla both political parties throw out.

Now, as the HDR, it is still a business and they again can claim what they want to, but do not keep expecting other people to just believe it.

Again there are real reasons why the things are done the way that they are, and all the negativity going on, is what it is, and it may not even be warranted.

So, if the HDR does not seem to really work, then at least try and get out of the stubborn attitude that you have developed because other people do not always communicate what it is that they are really doing. You have to look it up, because anyone can say anything, and that is just a fact that they leave you to muddle through the ongoing hype about anything in this World.

If you check (or com) then they have listed Hillary as well as Peloski as being corrupt, and include members of Congress from both political parties.

Now there are other organizations also out there with real people seeking to find out the real truth about politics and political candidates.

And one is!

and try and get a handle on the overall picture.
Oops, that would be and not there sonny boy there.

Alright so it is a new website that I came across the other day due to someone else posting it on the Internet.

Okay, so quit now talking to yourself. Okay!
It still will not probably help the HDR and still if anyone wanted to I suppose you could also hook up a Telsa Coil to your head but I do not advise doing that either.

So, off I go now!
Hey Kid:

Why do you continue to ignore, and not address, "Coke Blaque"?

and in 2007, full blown DSL the 8megabit kind is only $10/mo.


Hard to imagine Youtube when people have 56K modems and pay $25/month for a super slow connection.

You have such a high opinion of yourself, don't you? Actually it is NOT hard to imagine YouTube back in those days. In fact, someone else did... He wrote a book about it... I read it "way back in 1996" when I was working in Memphis as the autopilot engineer responsible for the entire FedEx fleet. Did you read this book? Perhaps you should see just how prescient its author was?

Believe it or not, the internet survives the war

Why on earth would you think that is such a difficult thing to believe? Perhaps because you are not aware of the initial design requirements for the internet....excuse me, the ARPAnet! Yes, kid, despite your own bravado for yourself, it is commonly known amongst us "old timers" that the genesis of ARPAnet was to ensure connectivity between government-funded centers in the event of a nuclear war.

You really are a piece of work, kid. Does you arrogance know no bounds?
To Darby:

Why do people drive to work in a big SUV instead of a tiny little scooter?

Yes, houses, I should say castles, in the future are big, and why not?

The insides are solid gold encrusted with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc. more gaudy than a faberge egg. I call the architectural style "Early Tacky".

So, what you're really saying is that you weren't telling the truth about having seen any of this. Rather, you're just stating your personal opinion of how things should be, i.e. people should be driving toys rather than cars. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?
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