The HDRkid Thread

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I dont care about anything else regarding Hillary if she does becomes top cheese, IRAN is numero uno on her list.

Well maybe #2 on her list. Number 1 on her list is your personal income being redistributed via taxation to someone else, though your retirement fund might actually be #1.

She wants to tax the crap out of "big bad American business". Unfortunately for her union member Dem party voters their retirement is funded by those companies via stock market investments by the union retirement funds. Take down the profits and both stock value and dividends fall. Consequently the retirement funds lose money.

And the unions just keep on voting Democrat...
Well maybe #2 on her list. Number 1 on her list is your personal income being redistributed via taxation to someone else, though your retirement fund might actually be #1.

She wants to tax the crap out of "big bad American business". Unfortunately for her union member Dem party voters their retirement is funded by those companies via stock market investments by the union retirement funds. Take down the profits and both stock value and dividends fall. Consequently the retirement funds lose money.

And the unions just keep on voting Democrat...

Isnt that what most women do anyways?
Hi Pro:
Xlent service. Also, the bit rate is superhigh at 3AM, but slow at 7PM. Yesterday I had some trouble watching the debates online. Huckabee did well, but insane McCain and ROMBOT were at it again. Ron Paul is great as always. Looking forward to the osama - hitlery debate.

To Darby:
I hsve seen using remote viewing a shortage of food & fuel in the future. Some RVers have told me that this is because of a disease that hits crops. What I have noticed is that both food & fuel have gone up in price a lot lately.




Look what happened to oil

Oil affects propane

Gold goes up when there is trouble

This should give you an idea of what will happen in the future - history repeats itself.
but insane McCain

More blatant non-sequitors with respect to the Kid. Do I now need to resurrect your own words where you said you would support McCain, even though you predicted Hillary would win? And now you are calling him insane?

As usual, you bend with the wind, Kid. Whatever happens today, you go back to yesterday and rewicker your "predictions" to claim that you predicted it. You can't even keep your stories straight, can you?

$4/gal by end of 2007.
To Rain:

Back in 2004 when I told people to sell their houses and get gold. The debunkers laughed as usual and said "Real estate is rock solid". Well take a look at where we are now.

I believe that one of the arguments was that we would need a depression to make real estate go down. While we are going into a recession, but the market meltdown occured before the recession, in fact, some say it was the housing crisis that triggered the recession.

Some say that in a recession gold will go down in price, well, I tell you that gold will go up and up as the dollar drops. My predictions happen because I have seen the future. Even when my predictions make no sense, remember this. They happen and the people who laugh at me do a "debunker flipflop" and claim that my prediction was obvious.

To Darby:

Yes, I was off by a letter, and a off by a month, but the coffee flavoured coke did come out as predicted. You always try to make fun of me, but when my predictions come true you claim I am shooting fish in a barrel. Well, in the future fish will rare as all life in the oceans will die.

The people in the future abandon our competition model and replace it with the cooperation model. There are no more countries or barriers. We are all one people.

I used to wonder why I hated video games so much. It is because they teach you to destroy and fight. You are constantly hitting that fire button and blowing things up. In the future people work together to build a new society, the opposite of a video game. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes, I was off by a letter, and a off by a month, but the coffee flavoured coke did come out as predicted. You always try to make fun of me,

In this case I've asked you several times to point out the post that you made prior to November 2005 where you made this prediction. You posted after the announcement that you predicted "Coke Blaque" and it came out as "Coke Blak"...but that was after Coca-Cola made their November 2005 press release.

So, once again, direct us to the post where you made the prediction before Coca-Cola announced the name of the product.

Well, whatever is going on again this town did its whims. I have had enough of this kind of crap.
Along with the driver who slide over into my lane because of a snow storm and left the scene and I could not stop in time to avoid hitting him with my front right side now which is wrecked and I only had liability insurance, this town goes down for what it does with some people in it. If you think as a civilian that some lying SOB's are going to attack me in any year like what happened in this town originally while nothing is done, as far as I am concened since now I may not be able to work along with some doctors when this State has IowaCare for people who don't make much money, I'll end these political parties and the attack on my person from ex-veterans who no more tell the truth at the time as the rest who could not decide what to do back then when they thought their laughing rear-ends started with attacking civilians in this Country who were doing nothing wrong and let me make that clear. I will make sure that I end this Adversity in this Nation along with the town of do-nothing people who think their whims can continue to pursue their seflish goals. The FBI was called, but again, they just seem to be do-nothing people either. Better believe the Senator was called and I guess the other Senator that was in the Democratic party seems to be no more since there is a new one. I'll end this crap started up on me in this Nation being originally from the State of Illinois, and end up proving it about no matter what. I tried to get along in this Nation only to continually put up with this crap also on the U.S. West job. If people in this Nation want to continue then consider that additional websites will end up being until they either admit it or this type of activity out of these original anti-social people stop.
Along with the list of what this website above considers as the most corrupt politicans in this Country, then the talk is over. You won't slight my Rights in this Country starting with this town in Iowa.

The names have been named.
With extreme prejudice to some in this Nation, stick this town and shove it!
Along with the rest............................I hold these truths to be self-evident............
Hi Timenot:

I did read both links and as always you hit the nail on the head. Our guv is corrupt to the core. We elect people with no morals who should be charged for their crimes. I am surprised that Mitt is not on your top ten list. That guy makes a used car dealer seem honest. He always says that Obama could not run a corner store, and can only run his mouth. Well, I would not trust Mitt with in twenty feet of the cash register. :D

To Darby:

And I am sure that when McCain wins Super Tuesday as I have predicted you can trot out some report from years ago that said just that. I have seen in the future headlines of McCain Wins. Now, when he wins as he will on Super Tuesday primary, you will as usual claim that I have to report the exact vote count or some other absurd comment.

The problwm is that even when I give you a warning about a future event and it happens, you do not wake up.

For example, I predicted back in 2005 that GM would evenually go under. Well, last year they had a record loss of 39 billion dollars. Rather than GM execs saying we need to compete with the Tata Nano and create a low cost, fuel efficient $2500 car, or say we need to compete with the Toyota Prius and come out with a 100mpg hybrid. They instead build for 2009 a Hummer Pickup Truck. This bad boy comes with a 300 horsepower V8 offroad model.

You might ask - Why is this important?

If global warming goes above six degrees, the result is hypercatastrophe.
I watched the news some time ago about Hillary. Hillary, once president, she swears eternal war with IRAN. AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE? ... or DID I HEAR THAT WRONG? ...

now WTH is that? .....


Hillary ...

Best Regards
-02/10/2008- /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
To Darby:

And I am sure that when McCain wins Super Tuesday as I have predicted you can trot out some report from years ago that said just that. I have seen in the future headlines of McCain Wins. Now, when he wins as he will on Super Tuesday primary, you will as usual claim that I have to report the exact vote count or some other absurd comment...

In other words, you were being less than truthful when you posted about your "Coke Blaque prediction". You made no such prediction. The only thing you "made" relative to Coke Blak was a "made up story" about something that never occured - your prediction.

No one has ever said that you, me or anyone else for that matter can't predict the future. We can. We do it every day. That we can predict the future is as common as breathing. The issue is one of "degree of difficulty". So far your predictions, as I've said, are ho-hum trivialities. The degree of difficutly has been standard faire for the masses (not to mention that you tend to post multiple predictions and then try to BS people with your false victim rhetoric when they call you on it - predictions like Kerry on one site, Gore on another and Clinton on yet others...and not a word every about Obama prior to this year.
Awwww Darby.... you just don't get it!
Here, let me demonstrate precisely how "it" is done:

What is truly amazing is how all the debunkers change their tune about the NY Giants, and then try to tell me that I have not traveled in time. For it was I, the great RMT, who was telling you back in week #2 of this NFL season that the Giants would win the Super Bowl. Yes, way back then when the Giants started the season 0-2 even their former teammate Tiki Barber was claiming they didn't have what it takes. But they were all wrong, and because I RV'ed into the future I was able to tell you all who would win the super bowl. But did you listen? No. So don't blame me when you are standing in lines for hours trying to get bread and gas. You could have paid attention to me when I told you the Giants would win the superbowl, and if you had bet on it back then during week #2 you could have walked away with a cool million. Instead you chose to debunk me. I'll bet right about now Tiki Barber is wishing he would have waited one more year before retiring. He should have come talk to me...


This remote viewer says that the future
is not totally determined yet. Thus
predictions are not 100%, and are
quit a bit lower. Lottery ticket
are 50% predictable only and in
general work part of the time and
not all of the time.

Here the video clip.

So where does that leave us? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
To Recall:
War with Iran. Yes, I see that in the future.

To Rain:
All the people who predicted Obama would win. Well, it ain't over till the fat lady sings, Hillary that is.

To Darby:
I predicted that a new soft drink was coming out when people asked for positive predictions. It did come out and I got the color and flavour right. I was off by one month and one letter.

Getting back to the election. Clinton was ahead of Obama going into the electiom. Clinton gained even more ground on Super Tuesday and most important won the popular vote. Why is this important? Obama said that although Hillary won more delagates the deleGATE issue, he won the pop vote. SOOOORRRRRRYY.

The numbers show Hillary won.

Obama complained early on that the process was unfair because both iowa & NH are over 90% white. After he won big in iowa he shut up, however, even with 90% of black voters casting their ballots for Obama he still lost the pop vote on Super Tuesday.

On to more happy topics. There is a prize for a 100mpg automobile.

New technology is being design to replace fuel inefficient airplanes.

To Designer:
We help create the future.
Clinton is president again.
The question I ask all RVers is -
who is VP?
o Rain:
All the people who predicted Obama would win. Well, it ain't over till the fat lady sings, Hillary that is.

You claim you RV'ed into the future and saw Hillary win the presidency. But nowhere have I seen you tell us who you RV'ed as Hillary's Veep. Too bad. But knowing your tactics, kid, you will simply claim you predicted it the day after Hillary chooses them.


Here's a good test for you:

Tell us how the "Rule 9A" deligates for the Dems will vote at the primary.

It's a good test because it has nothing to do with popular votes cast and the Rule 9A deligates aren't talking.
To Rain:
I predicted that she would win before she even announced she would run. Her choice is "obvious" to me. The thing is that more than one time traveler has left the board after me asking the question. Since Clinton is the last president, this is important as there are no presidents after 2015, after the war the US does not exist.

To Darby:
They say that ignorance is bliss. That is true. The delegates you seek, well, even if I gave you the names you would simply claim that I had insider information. After all, according to you time travel is impossible. Also, most likely I would get some names wrong as each timeline is slightly different, that is why I can tell you that Clinton wins, but not tell you the exact vote count.

Even on timelines that look exactly like ours, the lotto numbers are different. I can tell you that I did find something out. More than once I told people there were no wars in the future. After world war three, there is no world war four, or world war five. People said "That's impossible, we have always had wars for thousands of years."

I wondered how this could be. Not only -- no war, but also no sports, and a lot less crime. Genetic engineering is used to make people less warlike. One method used is that testosterone levels are lowered; this leads to a significant decrease in aggression. Think of bull vs ox.

But this has many side effects, leaders in our world tend to have high testosterone levels. In the world of the future there is no big biz, big guv, big church, a world without leaders. Leaderless teams decide how to manage things.

Bossy people are kicked out of the dome city by robot patrols into the radioactive wastelands outside. Nobody tries to show initiative or display assertivenes for fear of expulsion.

For some reason art, music. poetry, and song are also factored out of the human equation. Although IQ soared, people lack the drive to do much with their increase in intellect. The emphasis is on creating a balanced harmonious society without frictions, all smiling and nodding -- we see a world of wimps.

I predicted that she would win before she even announced she would run.

And I've got you beat, because I predicted she would run well before you did (like summer of 1993!). And this just goes to show that intelligence and awareness beats out your lame RV tactics any day of the year. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Her choice is "obvious" to me.

And yet not only will you NOT name her Veep choice, you HAVE NOT named her Veep choice in the past, and none of that will stop you from claiming that you did name her Veep choice (and you will claim you got it right) after she does name that person. It's the Kid's game dontcha know? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

The thing is that more than one time traveler has left the board after me asking the question.

This statement has no context associated with it (i.e. "the question"), therefore it is meaningless.

Since Clinton is the last president, this is important as there are no presidents after 2015, after the war the US does not exist.

This statement has no context associated with it (i.e. "this"), therefore it is meaningless.

Keep up the hoaxing, Kid, and we will keep pointing out just how shallow and transparant your "predictions" are.

knowledge IS, if their iq's are so high, i really doubt they are wimps.

"One method used is that testosterone levels are lowered; this leads to a significant decrease in aggression. Think of bull vs ox."

this is just hilarious. i guess the world is filled with shriveled up, grey haired, weaklings in the future. ha! ya gotta have testosterone or you 'aint alive buddy!!

"Bossy people are kicked out of the dome city by robot patrols into the radioactive wastelands outside. Nobody tries to show initiative or display assertivenes for fear of expulsion."

so, lemme get all 'dis straight. people are really smart, but at the same time really stupid. they can kick a mofos rump telepathically, but are too lazy to do so. everyone gives up their freedom to be able to live in a domed city and mingle wit bots, cause the other spots 'o so yucky. and juice addicts are the world leaders.

are you serious? dude...
i never believe anything you say for a reason, because its total b.s. i couldve done this to alot of your posts, but this post just rubbed me the wrong way.

why dont you quit with the hdr/remote viewing gimmick, and just be a normal part of our community? noone with a brain believes you. come clean, and we will respect you for that.
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