The HDRkid Thread

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I have heard it all now. Lowered testosterone??? You've got to be kidding. I suppose that means a much lower population too, as it is the testosterone that drives the sex drive, mostly in men but also in women. Drinking actually raises a woman's testosterone to a bit, which is why getting a woman drunk has been the timeless aphrodisiac that it's been.

In fact, if you knew anything about this hormone, you'd know that it is actually males who have been seen to have LOWER than normal amounts of testosterone that are the ones who show more prevalance in aggression and mood disorders. So, contrary to what you are saying, if in fact genetics modified the output of testostrone, males would be MORE aggressive, there would be MORE violence and a whole slew of reproductive problems, including simple puberty for the male.

HDRkid do NOT go into subjects that you know NOTHING about. You just make yourself look that much more foolish, each and every time you do.
In fact, if you knew anything about this hormone, you'd know that it is actually males who have been seen to have LOWER than normal amounts of testosterone that are the ones who show more prevalance in aggression and mood disorders .


That has been proven, but still males with more testosterone are actually more agressive. We could say that good guys in the club, when provoked, knock down other guys and that same guys that go at war when their country needs them, are positivelly agressive, while those sociopats who are harassing women at home but are quiet outside are negativelly agressive. But anyone who uses excessive amount of force against someone, wether for good or evil, is agressive.

I hear what you are saying but I disagree about the guys that go to war and fight for our country. My ex-roommate is a Marine who's been to Iraq. I don't think he has any more testosterone than you might. I think that they are trained and brain washed to be agressive, it is more psycological, and frankly I think it would be more adrenaline, the "fight or flight" response in terms of fighting in a war than it would be testosterone. Just my opinion but they have still done studies that show that lower amounts lead to agression. The jury is really out on this subject. For some reason I'm unable to copy and paste but if you google testosterone and aggression, you'll see that it is a controversial subject where it has not been definatively proven that higher amounts of testosterone actually lead to more incidents of aggression and/or violence.

After all, according to you time travel is impossible.

Uhhhh...I said that???? Where and when?

Now I don't have all of your pervasive knowledge of what is and what isn't but I don't believe that you will find a post here or elsewhere where I've ever said anything even close to your statement. But feel free to provide a post and I'll look it over.

But back to my question...

I didn't ask you to name names. Just tell us how many Rule 9A deligates will vote and how the deligates will be allocated.

You know...X deligates for Clinton, Y for Obama and Z for "others".
Okay, Darby or whomever (RMT or everyone here)you have been informed now along with the three letter department starts with "F" and ends in "I" and has a "B" in the middle of the three letter acronym:

This person claims to be a gl employee (whatever that is along wherever Area51 is at along with Nellis whatever State it is in - I guess where Las Vegas also is -- what is that Nevada?)

And along about page 12-14 or so it gets interesting on what he claims.
He claims that at first he was part of a plan that Bush is planning to stay in Office by whatever, I guess.

Now, I have my own problems and doctor bills along with not making much money so I have to deal with that, and also a wrecked vehicle left by a snow storm, a sliding vehicle in my lane coming towards me from the other lane, and me unable to stop, along with whatever they think they do in this State, along with whatever all that is going on.

Now, I think my new song has been put up here, although I am not sure why, because again, to me, it sounds like another song, I guess, but I think it has been approved. But wait about a week or at least a couple of days, because this version up is really kind of not right, so I had to fix some parts - mainly the bass part, and although it is still not perfect, a better version is going to uploaded but then again I think it has to be approved first which may take up to 5 business days, but still then the next version which is better is not perfect, so if I get my fingers working, a better version will finally be put up later again. I do not know if my fingers will get over whatever it is that allows them to miss keys on the musical instrument although practice would help, so another free song, kind of easy going, and again it is free (only because at this age of my life, I leave actually the other music to younger people who may make money doing all this work, like I do, because again, I am doing it I guess for nothing because it helps relieve the agitation with reading threads like the one link up above and gives me something to do also, and again it is free so that means it is a free download (I had to try out my new software sometime, and although it works the old version had some things in it also that now are changed with the new version of Cakewalk.

The song is composed with A=432Hz instead of the standard A=440Hz, because again someone on another thread at the link given above in this post on another thread claims that Nazis or somebody made the frequency A=440Hz a standard when he goes on (being a musician) claiming that A=432Hz is better for you (tuning an instrument) and is more harmonic relating all the links he gives and now with scientists looking at if it means anything. Since I can tune my synth to that frequency here is the first song at that A=432Hz now, if it is up (I have not checked, but I think the e-mails stated that it is a song that is approved).

Well, the song at A=432Hz tuning the intruments except the drums of course.

So here you can help to see if it suits your harmonic spirit better than a piece of music tuned to A=440Hz, if you care to let anyone know, and there is no pressure here to even do anything else whether you listen to it or not or download it or not.

That is another thread something like the NWO changed music to make A=440Hz or something also in that division of that other forum, which I am getting not to care about. I mean some of the people there state many crazy things there if you look some of them up, I won't mention names either.

I figure music is just better than the political contest going on because Elections are coming up sometime in the future, and again, the accusations have been made, along with anything else.


But after numerous takes on the recording the better version is almost correct. But again, if I fix it, it won't take another day and a half. Yep, that is all the time I spent on it. You play drums on a synth, it is not the same as playing real drums where you can hit the darn things, instead of little keys on a keyboard of the musical instrument, a person is bound to miss at some time, and remember it is played, not faked, any of it. But since I am older, sometimes I can be grumpy!
After all of that and since, editing changes the links and I do not feel like correcting them, I forgot to include the name of the song, not that it is important anyway, but the harmonic overtones of the music at A=432Hz is suppose to have some basis according to that other thread over there at the other forum, whatever it is. The name of the song is:

With Eyes Closed.MP3

And only if I practice a lot is that going to happen, but first it was about Playing that way, then Dancing that way, and the name of the song just ended up that way, because actually at one time, certain songs you could play with your eyes closed.
Although for the most part that is hard to keep doing. I suggest eyes open if you are not blind.

About the person in the thread listed previously, I do not know and that is with a big period. Is it real or memorex?
I do not know.
I guess the supposed A51 person kind of left after a chat at the previous link website. I do not know about that either, but I guess some mistakes were made by him during the chat for the others to seek and find out if he really is what he states he is (a GL Employee). I do not know.

(Other subject)
The reason for the A=432Hz frequency instead of A=440Hz, I guess.
Called by others the Mozart A, Verdi A, old violins tuned to that pitch instead of the new one.
Work of Dr. Luanne Oakes, PhD. (I am guessing I spelled that correctly, maybe.)

I have no idea about any of it, but will see if the resonant sounds sound better for awhile at A=432Hz. If I can tell anymore. The sounds are supposed to be better because I guess the Stradavarius violin was tuned, I guess, to somewhere close to that frequency or C= around 256Hz.
Somewhere there may be someone playing Mozart or something on the Internet according to that standard now. Will have to look around to see.

Okay, I think the better version of the song is up now, at least I think that what the e-mail stated.
Seems like a lot of snow this winter.


"The deuce, you say!?"

Being that the person stated he was a civilian on that thread posted up above previously and a security guard, it seems that on some info he lied. Whether he is lying about anything else I would not know, and do not think that A51 or GL would have civilian security in those type of places. I do not know for sure so it is just alledged that he did not tell the truth on some of what he stated.

On the other subject, it has been verified by websites, that state this, that Goebbels (the Nazi) wanted A=440Hz for music. That concert pitch for music was adopted by the USA in 1939 and made the standard before WWII started. It is also stated that France and 22,000 classical musicians and opera singers and people wanted the concert pitch of A=432Hz for the reasons that Bach (who actually made the music and consulted people back in his days on making instruments) and Mozart who also was another classical great composer made their music for C=256Hz for the concert pitch, and that with A=432Hz that C note of music will be closer to C=256Hz or about 256.08 something Hertz in frequency agreeing with what the great composers composed their music for. It seems that this Country the USA shoved it around the world until it was made a standard for concert pitch being A=440Hz (hertz) and that with those frequecies that harmonics are produced that end up making the harmonics overtones and undertones of the music produce aggitating affects on people and in general with all music with that standard. That it fell on deaf ears in Italy when again the people who create the music and the musicians who perform the music brought this up to their attention. Again in France over 22,000 people petitioned the French Government to make A=432Hz the standard for music. At the concert pitch, the overtones and undertones produce a harmonizing affect with the music and not the agitating affects of music with a concert pitch of A=440Hz. According to some scientists, like Dr. Luanne Oakes, this overall affect is to affect people and their health and general well-being that affects people to the point of producing negative behavior in people because of the standard pitch created with using A=440Hz. They also claim at some websites that this world would be better because other eletromagnetic waves also produce affects on people making people more agitated in the end and since there is enough stress in the world, that music is suppose to reduce that stress when it does not when A=440Hz is used but adds to the bad stress people take in this World. The revolution is on to make concert pitch be A=432Hz to make the great composers sound in music as they should be sounding. This has been brought up by college students also and also when classical musicians also with the Great Conductors tune their instruments even on some recordings in this world to reflect the different real purposes of why music was created in the first place. Overall other scientists and other people are looking into this idea brought out by the Great Composers like Bach and Mozart in the first place over a few hundred years ago.

so your telling me that 8hz is the difference between me being happy or aggrivated? if thats not what your saying, i dont understand. could you simplify please?
I just don't know where HDRkid went to.
I will try to view those video (even with a slow connection) sometime.
Other than that, being pressed with other problems I think I understand why those people are thinking the way that they do about the C=256Hertz, even if it is Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. or something on the one website (Schiller Institute or something like that). You may remember his dad, running for President, I think he ended up in jail or something like that, but I suppose that can be looked up.

I should think before just trying a song at this new frequency. But then, I may not even have the time for that. Let's just say, that I think I remember what a violin or fiddle is tuned to, but as of yet, not sure, but it seems correct. That the strings are tuned to C --- G --- D --- A is what the open strings of the intrument is tuned to, so afterall of that, and bumble fingers, perhaps even fixing that song I may do. Someday I may even play some song correct, someday. I have a song book anyone could have, because it is vituoso pianist, which is nothing but finger exercises, and quite boring, as after awhile, it takes real numbness of the brain to keep playing those exercises over and over if a person can even get through the book being able to play it which in the end is suppose to only take an hour a day, and perhaps the solution is to leave the instrument off so a person does not hear it. Unless anyone wanted to hear a song that is just finger exercises, because I just do not plan to get weird hearing it, because in the end, there is only so much that a person can take hearing it. I mean it just really, really cringes a person like me. That there are musicians like in a symphony orchestra that even will do anything like that just boggles the mind. The question is "How do they survive it?" I mean I can listen to a kid make mistakes learning to play an instrument and have some smiles about it, but really the agony of practicing to be someone like that or being in a symphony orchestra just is a dedication that just leaves a me unable to comprehend. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
recall, thanks for the links. i had already seen that second video before, but thats the 1st time i saw the other video. i have always thought that sound is the key to something, but what, i dunno.

i like sub sonic bass 40hz-10hz. people say the human ear cant hear below 40hz, but i seem to be able to hear it fine. i used to buy subs all the time to reproduce a bass i heard as a child. i bought all kinds and all brands with no result. one day i got a 1000 dollar loan and decided now is the time that i would find my perfect subwoofer. i bought the best one i ever had, a jl audio 15w3 and i bought a 1500 watt rms amp @1 ohm. i kept those sitting in my room until i had enough money to build the perfect speakerbox. i made it to perfection, and in the process, i ended up doing something that seems impossible still to this day. i hit 170db@40hz with only one sub! so loud you couldnt even sit in my car. i could very easily cause physical pain to a person with it. even i had to get out of the car once it got past 150db. so now my sub is legendary in the town of columbus mississippi. people with 4 15's dont even get 150db's around here.

i ended up having to sell it to get custody of my sister, but one day, when the whole world hears a 40hz-10hz sweep they know where it will come from! muahahahaha!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I hate to tell you this ruthless, but really you ought to be deaf after that. That is what a jet takes off at at sound pressure level. I know a microphone (well a few years back now) that could stand a 175dB sound pressure level (Sennhauser) but you would not want to hear that. It will make you deaf, and I doubt if there is any return once you do stuff like that. Actually the lowest note on a piano is 16Hz with A=432Hz, and only slightly higher with A=440Hz and that is any day of the year on a full size piano. If you go to low and it is too loud, you either make an earthquake or kill yourself. Yes, a person can actually do that and no, sound is something that can do many things and severly harm a person.
"I hate to tell you this ruthless, but really you ought to be deaf after that."

yes, i should be, but i actually have very good hearing. if i listened to it like that all the time, i imagine i would be.

"That is what a jet takes off at at sound pressure level."

i know!!! how cool is that!!!! only it makes that spl at 40hz instead of 20khz like a jet, woot!

"It will make you deaf, and I doubt if there is any return once you do stuff like that."

i know, im a bass enthusiast, so its what i do for fun. its a very cool thing to be able to tinker with subwoofers, and when i was a kid, i always wished i'd be able to do it when i got older. luckily i can.

"If you go to low and it is too loud, you either make an earthquake or kill yourself. Yes, a person can actually do that and no, sound is something that can do many things and severly harm a person. "

never made any earthquakes, though that would be pretty cool if i did. :D and believe me, i know it can kill. 150 db is about as far as im willing to take it.

"Actually the lowest note on a piano is 16Hz with A=432Hz, and only slightly higher with A=440Hz and that is any day of the year on a full size piano."

i have a piano, do you mean that the lowest key is 16hz? if so, i need to do me some recording!!! lol. actually, my piano is horribly out of tune, and i only know one song. so A prolly equals 250hz on mine lol. i would like to get it tuned one day and be able to learn how to play it though. and if i ever do get it tuned, i'll try to get it tuned to a=432hz.

i still dont understand completely about the difference between 8hz. i guess i'll just need to hear the difference to understand. as a matter of fact, im off to do an experiment... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Oops, I guess I was wrong on that. The lowest note on a piano (88 keys) is A I think (my synth goes down to "C" note which could be 16Hz but I think it only responds to 20Hz to 20,000Hz of which may bring in some distortion noise in the high end because it is electronic in the first place) and that being A it is only 27.5Hz at A=440Hz frequency (this is right out of a Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas which is kind of old being from 1974 right now) so at A=432Hz I am just guessing it probably is whatever it is:
432/2 = 216
108/2 =54
so low A on a piano the lowest note I think is 27Hz with A=432Hz instead of 27.5Hz with A=440Hz.

If you could go any lower than it would be 27/2 = 13.5Hz which it does not seem that anyone could hear that and all you could do from that point on is just feel it. A while back now I think they had some movies that came out with that kind of stuff in the movie so it could be felt from the movie. That was done with a few movies then it seem to have stopped. It be one of those destruction and the end of the earth type movies back during that period. Sci-fi type movies. It be something also to look up, but then tape (as in recording tape for a movie) or that type of medium or anything else would have trouble trying to reproduce any of that type of sound. I guess more gimmick for the movie than actual real results unless someone had special equipment they used perhaps. All I know is that it was talked about at the time and sitting in the movie it was felt instead of heard.
That book mentioned up above that anyone can probably still buy except my version is way old (they do update the book as far as I know since it is an electronic book that explains formulas and such for digital TV and all of that probably nowadays - my book is old so it only explains stuff from back then) has "C" note listed at 16.352Hz which is at A=440Hz and the range of some instruments and hearing range of a person given in a table and listed. It seems (if I counted correctly) it has 118 notes listed like on a piano keyboard type of chart.

My synth handles octaves C-1 to G-9. (C-1, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, plus part of C9 octave) which is 10 and almost a half octaves. 12 notes in an octave which means 125 notes I am thinking or guessing if I counted it correctly.
Anyway it does not go below what a person can hear so I guess that would start out at 16Hz then for my synth, I guess. I guess a new book would help, it probably have that listed so I could check about that. I will have to see or guess if that starts at 16Hz or 32Hz perhaps just to see how low I think it may go.
16Hz, 32Hz, 64Hz, 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz, 1024Hz, 2048Hz, 4096Hz, 8192Hz, and 5 notes more which does not seem correct and may actually be then:
32Hz, 64Hz, 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz, 1024Hz, 2048Hz, 4096Hz, 8192Hz, 16384Hz, and 5 notes more.
Well, I do not know, wonder if the manual states what it really is.
See about it. (??)
Nope, the synth recognizes notes from 0 - 127. It only is concerned with notes from 24-108 though, and no one would want to hear it. I had to put on my headphones to even begin to listen, and the power is not enough to even begin to listen to it or record it, although it will play it, I really do not think anyone would want to hear it. And the high end is equally as bad or worse, it just drops down after going so high up, because again the electronics just can not handle it. The synth just was not designed for it and reproducing it, and about a second of listening to any such notes will convince anyone else that well that is it, and that is all it is, and it is not needed.

Although being in experimental sounds and music it will be considered just for something different, but again, I doubt if anyone's speakers could handle it, or anything like that without other people wondering if the speakers were just going to fall apart at that point, which it seems they would.
Headphones state they handle down to 10Hz with some of them, and the point being that that frequency is very low indeed.
I doubt if they make anything to hear notes that low, although at one time Electrovoice did make a 30" speaker, which it seems they do not make anymore. And yes, it was a very big woofer speaker.

I guess a piano goes down to 31Hz according to a link looking for a picture of the 30" speaker.

Old '70's speaker:

My father owned an EV Patrician decades ago. That 30" woofer would go L-O-W, given the times (but I was but a pup, and easily impressed). I remember reading that one entrepeneur of the times was marketing a service whereby he would dig a 10' deep hole outside the walls of your listening room, form a massive concrete 'horn' that rose from the hole and turned 90 degrees to enter the new hole he'd placed in your wall. The 30" woof-woof was attached to the other end, then the whole mess was backfilled. I'm serious.

There you go for L-O-W if you can find one.

And despite what they state on that forum, a speaker can only go so low depending on how it is made and it can not faithfully reproduce lower frequencies unless the cabinet helps and that is from acoustic engineering books. That means a 15" speaker will start to distort at around 50Hz no matter what, and then the popular 18" speaker will go lower and be a truer response, then back in the '70's you could buy a 30" Electrovoice speaker.

I gotta laugh and smile at that. Perhaps you can still find one, perhaps.
(although speaker designs now have changed perhaps they (the manufacturers) just think no one is crazy enough to want a speaker that big. ( I suppose a little hard to fit two of them into an auto or vehicle and drive around.)
Maybe I'm missing something here relative to low frequency sound. A 10Hz signal has a wavelength of 30,000 km...the length of the entire wave is 30,000 km long. No big deal as far as it goes. For a 10 Hz wave to have any destructive power it has to have "high" the wave extends. That's a measure of how many photons share the same frequency at the "same" spacetime...the energy present in the wave.

Making broad statements about frequency doesn't tell the complete story. We need to know the total energy present.
"That means a 15" speaker will start to distort at around 50Hz no matter what, and then the popular 18" speaker will go lower and be a truer response, then back in the '70's you could buy a 30" Electrovoice speaker."

HA! start to distort at 50hz? heh...

Review of the 15W3:
“I was well impressed with its performance in general up to the point near the end of the listening session when, as usual, I pulled out the pipe organ stuff. At this point, I’ve usually made up my mind as to what I think of the woofer in question. I’m just looking to be sadistic, sitting there with way too much amplifier,waiting tosneer sarcastically when the woofer chokes, as they always do... The 15W3 caught me feeling abit complacent and completely ambushed me.”

“The interior of our test carquickly became a violent place to be.”

“The first blast of the big (organ) pipe was a lotlouder than I expected and far cleaner thanany subwoofer I have reviewed to date.”

“...the range between its faintest output and its maximum distortion-free output is far wider than typical, especially at ultra-low frequencies.The last few seconds of Telarc’s“The Planet Krypton”made my eyes water and nearlymade me vomit. That might not sound like a ringing endorsement to some folks, but bass freaks know exactly what I mean.”

“The 15W3 made my inner child run screaming like a tiny little pansy. This thing is a brutal, vicious subwoofer.”
–Brian Smith, CarSound & Performance magazine
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