Okay, Darby or whomever (RMT or everyone here)you have been informed now along with the three letter department starts with "F" and ends in "I" and has a "B" in the middle of the three letter acronym:
This person claims to be a gl employee (whatever that is along wherever Area51 is at along with Nellis whatever State it is in - I guess where Las Vegas also is -- what is that Nevada?)
And along about page 12-14 or so it gets interesting on what he claims.
He claims that at first he was part of a plan that Bush is planning to stay in Office by whatever, I guess.
Now, I have my own problems and doctor bills along with not making much money so I have to deal with that, and also a wrecked vehicle left by a snow storm, a sliding vehicle in my lane coming towards me from the other lane, and me unable to stop, along with whatever they think they do in this State, along with whatever all that is going on.
Now, I think my new song has been put up here, although I am not sure why, because again, to me, it sounds like another song, I guess, but I think it has been approved. But wait about a week or at least a couple of days, because this version up is really kind of not right, so I had to fix some parts - mainly the bass part, and although it is still not perfect, a better version is going to uploaded but then again I think it has to be approved first which may take up to 5 business days, but still then the next version which is better is not perfect, so if I get my fingers working, a better version will finally be put up later again. I do not know if my fingers will get over whatever it is that allows them to miss keys on the musical instrument although practice would help, so another free song, kind of easy going, and again it is free (only because at this age of my life, I leave actually the other music to younger people who may make money doing all this work, like I do, because again, I am doing it I guess for nothing because it helps relieve the agitation with reading threads like the one link up above and gives me something to do also, and again it is free so that means it is a free download (I had to try out my new software sometime, and although it works the old version had some things in it also that now are changed with the new version of Cakewalk.
The song is composed with A=432Hz instead of the standard A=440Hz, because again someone on another thread at the link given above in this post on another thread claims that Nazis or somebody made the frequency A=440Hz a standard when he goes on (being a musician) claiming that A=432Hz is better for you (tuning an instrument) and is more harmonic relating all the links he gives and now with scientists looking at if it means anything. Since I can tune my synth to that frequency here is the first song at that A=432Hz now, if it is up (I have not checked, but I think the e-mails stated that it is a song that is approved).
Well, the song at A=432Hz tuning the intruments except the drums of course.
So here you can help to see if it suits your harmonic spirit better than a piece of music tuned to A=440Hz, if you care to let anyone know, and there is no pressure here to even do anything else whether you listen to it or not or download it or not.
That is another thread something like the NWO changed music to make A=440Hz or something also in that division of that other forum, which I am getting not to care about. I mean some of the people there state many crazy things there if you look some of them up, I won't mention names either.
I figure music is just better than the political contest going on because Elections are coming up sometime in the future, and again, the accusations have been made, along with anything else.
But after numerous takes on the recording the better version is almost correct. But again, if I fix it, it won't take another day and a half. Yep, that is all the time I spent on it. You play drums on a synth, it is not the same as playing real drums where you can hit the darn things, instead of little keys on a keyboard of the musical instrument, a person is bound to miss at some time, and remember it is played, not faked, any of it. But since I am older, sometimes I can be grumpy!