The HDRkid Thread

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full blown 8mbps for 10 bucks? where at?

I know qwest has recently established 8MBPS for around 80 to 120 bucks a month extra! it looks like a good deal to me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif but sadly its not in all areas though, some areas only have up to 7mbps limits.

I can only imagine by the year 2040, we probably will have 50MBPS internet speed lol.
To Pro7:
I had no idea the price would go so low so quick. Now I download video off the net a lot. Practically everybody I know either has DSL or is getting it.

To Rain:
As Jack Nicholson said "You can't handle the truth!"
BTW Here is the video that Scientology did not want you to see.

To Recall:
Yes, I know that most politicians are corrupt. Washington is a fish bowl full of piranhas. Mitt Romney is proof that money talks. So far he has won in Michigan and Nevada. I think the dems are smart enough to realize that Obama is very fragile.

To Darby:
It is like that argument about the Saudi billionaire with 57 brand new Rolls Royces, or King Solomon with a thousand wives. Actually only 300 were wives, the other 700 were concubines, but whose counting?

BTW those megacolossal monumental palaces are filled with the riches of thousands of worlds. It looks like a treasure room from the Arabian Nights.

Instead of people in the future colonizing other planets, they colonize other timelines. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
HDR kid.....

What of this "New Chicago?" Since I currently live in Chicago, I'd like to know how and why "Old" Chicago turns into "New Chicago" and when this is alledgedly supposed to go down?
Instead of people in the future colonizing other planets, they colonize other timelines.
------So, why don't youjoin them? You do have the technology to do that.

I think you would have to be a physical time traveler to do that Darby. HDRkid said she was a mental one. remember? duh! :D
To Pro7:
They got rid of DSL lite. For a while it was full blown dsl 49.95 and dsl lite 29.95, now the super dsl is ten bucks; they tag it on to my phone bill. Also I used to spend 300 a month on phone bill, but now for 50 bucks I get unlimited long distance with call forwarding, call return, and all the bells and whistles.

To Rain:
Cheer up, the recession is making oil cheaper and now Toyota is coming out with a 100 mpg supergreen Prius Hybrid.

To Pam:
This is interesting as I have gone astral to other timelines and seen a big illegal immigration problem. People fleeing high crime high pollution timelines to travel to low crime lines. Also, when people start to exit a timeline it is the best and brightest who leave.

The key is to find a timeline similar enough - people speak English, your skills are useful, etc, but different enough so that there is little crime, war, disease, etc.
This is interesting as I have gone astral to other timelines and seen

How do you discriminate between this "timeline" and some other "timeline"? Certainly there aren't road signs, it is the future and you don't know what the future will be - in detail. Actually, how do you tell whether it's reality or an active imagination other than it's something that you just happen to believe?

For once I'm not making fun of you with these questions.
I did not know that they had other colors on this forum. (?) They do.

I suppose New Chicago is "Going Green" Chicago that tottalin' town. All that green up there on those skyscrapers. (?)
To Timenot:
Sadly old Chicago was destroyed during n-day in 2015. I feel sad for Risata. People still use Lake Michigan. In fact, the great lakes have "blue gold" water. I believe that water is important in the future.

To Darby:
Many of the same problems we see in our timeline with illegal immigrants happen to other timelines, but the "refugees" come seeking asylum to "good lines". The lifeboat phenomena occurs. If you let too many people into the lifeboat it sinks and everybody dies.

That said all my predictions are coming in like clockwork.

Apple would do great with sales of the iphone

Motorola would do terrible.,0,4377413.story?coll=chi-health-ut

Toyota would become the world largest automaker because it make small fuel efficient cars and hybrids.

BANKers smashed!

Sun Trust Profit down 98%

Bank of America down 95% and Wachovia down 98%,0,3234301.story

Meanwhile Citigroup, the biggest bank in the US was begging the Saudis for money and our President George Bush was in Saudi Arabia begging to have the price of oil cut, it was $28/b on 9-11-2001.
Saudi Prince Alwaleed has pumped billion of his petrodollars into Citigroup.

Bliionaire George Soros sees the end of an age for the US dollar which has ruled for 60 years. So far, since Bush has been in office the dollars has lost 55% against the euro.

The dollar drop continues at an accelerated pace against the euro.

I predict in the future shortages of food and fuel. This is what I have seen using astral time travel.
To Darby:
Many of the same problems we see in our timeline with illegal immigrants happen to other timelines, but the "refugees" come seeking asylum to "good lines". The lifeboat phenomena occurs. If you let too many people into the lifeboat it sinks and everybody dies.

But the question was how do you know that what you are seeing is an alternate reality?

What is the criteria that you use to make the deterination when you have to consider that you believe what you are seeing is the future - something that you haven't personally experienced?
But the question was how do you know that what you are seeing is an alternate reality?

Because I see things before they happen. Then when they happen it confirms my prediction.
Here is the problem. Many times what happens does not make any sense.
For example, I know that there is a massive fuel shortage in the future and that gasoline is rationed, but I do not know why this is. Also, I saw huge lines of people to get bread. I saw myself in the future waiting hours to get 1/2 loaf of bread.

As for my previous predictions.

Take a look at what happened in the unREAL estate market.

Take a look at what happened in the gold market.

Over and over you make fun of my predictions and when they come true you claim "That's l-like shooting fish in a barrel" Dude your street cred is melting like a snow cone on a hot summer day. :D


Yes, I know that debunkers will say that Florida does not count.
Well, I notice that when Hillary won in Michigan, it was "Michigan" does not count.
I see a pattern here. Every time Hillary wins - they say "It dont count!"

Well, Florida does count and recount as we remember what happened with Albert Gore in 2000. He lost the election due to Florida and the butterfly ballot. We now see that Florida is very important to the election. It is hard to be president if you lose big states. Hillary is very popular with retired women.

As for those who still think the Florida dont coumt - READ THIS!

Yes, I know that debunkers will say that Florida does not count.
Well, I notice that when Hillary won in Michigan, it was "Michigan" does not count.
I see a pattern here. Every time Hillary wins - they say "It dont count!"

You are so disingenuous that it makes me sick. You know very well WHY she will win and WHY it doesn't count. But you do not bother to discuss that common knowledge, do you? It MAY have been entertaining (and even a bit amazing) IF you could have predicted she would win Florida BEFORE the DEM National Committee stripped Florida of its delegates for moving their primary up before 5 FEB. Instead you wait until the DAY OF THE PRIMARY to announce your prediction. BAH.

As it is, Hillary is clashing with the party powers simply by staying on the ballot when the other DEM contenders are not. Add that to the recent bad blood engendered by Bill's piss-poor stumping in her name, and you have what will shape up to be a real battle for the DEM party. That may serve Hillary's needs, but how many DEMs wish to see their party disjointed and pitted against itself.


As Ray pointed out, at this moment the vote in Michigan and Florida doesn't count. Yes, that can change. A Motion to Rescind (the current rule) can be brought to the floor at the Dem Convention. A counter Motion to Enforce the Rule can also be brought to the floor.

As the article you referenced states, its likely that the final number of (currently) legal deligates seated at the opening of the convention will be split down the middle. The problem that Hillary will have is that a Motion to Rescind requires a 2/3 majority, it requires prior written notice to all deligates and it has to involve a situation where nothing has occured that can't be undone. Obviously (or at least obviously if the rules are followed), the unseated deligates can't vote or participate in the debate relative to the Motion to Rescind.

Giving written notice is easy. Getting a 2/3 majority vote would be impossible because the Obama deligates would be giving the nomination to Hillary. But a Point of Order pointing out that a Motion to Rescind is out of order should be brought to the floor because something was done that can't be undone. Obama didn't participate in the Michigan election because, by rule, it didn't count. The Point of Order should be entertained by the Chair and the original Motion to Rescind should be quashed.

Moreover, the general deligate should have a big problem with a Motion to Rescind out of simple common sense. The Party made the rule and expected it to be enforced by the state parties. If they end up seating the deligates it throws the rule of law out the window, rewards those who break the rule of law and opens up the very real proscect of every state moving up their primary elections in an attempt to be the "earliest" state. We'd end up, at least at the Dem side, having primaries 18 months before the election followed by a second primary election for the Republicans later in the year...and the tax payers have to pay for two, instead of one, elections.

I won't make any predictions on the issue. One never knows what the Dems will do when the convention opens. But if the Dems were upset because they thought that the last two general elections were "stolen" from them then seating those electors would be armed robbery rather than simple theft.

Frankly I'm hoping that they self-destruct over this issue. I like Barry - I get the impression that he's a nice, honest and likable person. Naive but basically honest. I think that he's finding out that the "peace loving party of the people" isn't.

Another ironic scenario could occur, BTW. Hillary didn't win Michigan. "Uncommitted" blew her away in Michigan. She's taking a huge risk by opening that can of worms. If she prevails and gets Michigan in there's no guarantee that Michigan won't seat the uncommitted deligates. That's neither her call nor the DNC's call.
Hi Darby,

I like Barry - I get the impression that he's a nice, honest and likable person. Naive but basically honest. I think that he's finding out that the "peace loving party of the people" isn't.

One question: Who's Barry?

Hi Rain:
Well, as we can see the nominee is Hillary Clinton for the Democrats and John McCain for the Republicans. However, what would happen if it were Barack Obama for the Democrats and Mitt Romney for the Republicans? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

A TV ad shows a Obama smoking crack with the nuclear football on his lap. The whitehouse slowly morphs into a crackhouse. The announcer slowly asks "Do you want a junkie with his finger on the button?"

Mitt would crush him like an eggshell...

Hi Darby:

The beauty of remote viewing is that you can see the future. Here is what I predicted three years ago, before Hillary even announced she was running for president.

Who is president in 2009? Well, people wonder in 2005 if Kerry will run again, or if Gore will try again. Also some talk about Wesley Clark. Yet, I say the contest will be between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Republicans rightwingers will try to target Hillary as a gun grabbing tree hugging liberal that likes to burn flags and hates America, but it will not wash. The public is tired of military adventures from flag waving right wing chicken-hawks.

Also that the Republican opponent to Hillary will be John McCain. Hillary will beat McCain, focus on bringing troops home and making health care affordable.

These events where seen using the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR.

I make these predictions in Jan 2005 neither McCain nor Hillary have announced that they will be running and the debunkers say that Hillary cannot win.

Now, for some reason I say Obama will fail. Now I know the reason, he describes himself as a former drug addict. Also his name 'Obama' is strange and bears an uncanny resemblance to 'Osama'.

His middle name Hussein does not help things, it reminds people that Barack had a Muslim father and is an outsider, also it sounds like another friend of the US Saddam Hussein. Hillary is more 'home grown' and she has a lot more charm. Being a Republican I am seriously considering voting for her. McCain is a good guy, but he is 100% wrong about the war.

I predict that the war will get a lot worse helping Hillary become the first woman president of the US.

Scary, ain't it? :D

Nice speed for 10 bucks! U're saying Smithville digital isp has that kind of speed... I dont doubt it because they are sporting fibre optics! Yes, I have researched another ISP here in my local area, they too are starting to reduce prices on full blown DSL line. 23 bucks for full blown DSL.. WOW.. nice.. I might be switching over anytime soon.

Apparently there is a covert internet price war going on! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
I watched the news some time ago about Hillary. Hillary, once president, she swears eternal war with IRAN. AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE? ... or DID I HEAR THAT WRONG? ...

now WTH is that? .....

I dont care about anything else regarding Hillary if she does becomes top cheese, IRAN is numero uno on her list. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
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