As Ray pointed out, at this moment the vote in Michigan and Florida doesn't count. Yes, that can change. A Motion to Rescind (the current rule) can be brought to the floor at the Dem Convention. A counter Motion to Enforce the Rule can also be brought to the floor.
As the article you referenced states, its likely that the final number of (currently) legal deligates seated at the opening of the convention will be split down the middle. The problem that Hillary will have is that a Motion to Rescind requires a 2/3 majority, it requires prior written notice to all deligates and it has to involve a situation where nothing has occured that can't be undone. Obviously (or at least obviously if the rules are followed), the unseated deligates can't vote or participate in the debate relative to the Motion to Rescind.
Giving written notice is easy. Getting a 2/3 majority vote would be impossible because the Obama deligates would be giving the nomination to Hillary. But a Point of Order pointing out that a Motion to Rescind is out of order should be brought to the floor because something
was done that can't be undone. Obama didn't participate in the Michigan election because, by rule, it didn't count. The Point of Order should be entertained by the Chair and the original Motion to Rescind should be quashed.
Moreover, the general deligate should have a big problem with a Motion to Rescind out of simple common sense. The Party made the rule and expected it to be enforced by the state parties. If they end up seating the deligates it throws the rule of law out the window, rewards those who break the rule of law and opens up the very real proscect of every state moving up their primary elections in an attempt to be the "earliest" state. We'd end up, at least at the Dem side, having primaries 18 months before the election followed by a second primary election for the Republicans later in the year...and the tax payers have to pay for two, instead of one, elections.
I won't make any predictions on the issue. One never knows what the Dems will do when the convention opens. But if the Dems were upset because they thought that the last two general elections were "stolen" from them then seating those electors would be armed robbery rather than simple theft.
Frankly I'm hoping that they self-destruct over this issue. I like Barry - I get the impression that he's a nice, honest and likable person. Naive but basically honest. I think that he's finding out that the "peace loving party of the people" isn't.
Another ironic scenario could occur, BTW. Hillary didn't win Michigan. "Uncommitted" blew her away in Michigan. She's taking a huge risk by opening that can of worms. If she prevails and gets Michigan in there's no guarantee that Michigan won't seat the uncommitted deligates. That's neither her call nor the DNC's call.