The Coming Cosmic Event

Re: Still More Sharing

lies are corruption of you souls rainman, I am not even from USA im from Australia, Melbourne why you lie about that I do not know he is different person to I, why dont you ask him why he here to help you instead attacking?
Re: Still More Sharing

I did an IP check, turns out they are not lying about this one:

Cosmic's ISP:

Datafast Telecommuncations Ltd

Internet & Telephony Services
Melbourne City, Australia


Pleiadian.s ISP:

OrgName: America Online
Address: 22000 AOL Way
City: Dulles
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20166
Country: US
Re: Still More Sharing

I'm not in brooklyn,i'm in atlanta,ga.
English is not my mother language,I'm doing the best I can.
RainmanTime,if you're going to make up lies to try to put
me down I will not respond to your posts anymore.
So stop it!

So stop it? So eloquently put. Your advanced mentality is shining through
Re: Still More Sharing

Sometimes when you get a low reaction you have to respond
on the same level so they understand.
Love to you!
Re: Still More Sharing

Im glad it set you thinking. I find it extraordinary for two reasons:

1: The age of Brahma, or Earth is exactly 4.32 billion years, amd that's more or less the scientific estimate of the age of Earth

2: It's measures the age of the universe in trillions.

36,000 Kalpas, is the life span of the universe. So you have worked out, the combined life span of 4 universes. However, this isn't half as bad, as this guy:

Take a few seconds, to look at the following image file. You do not need to be able to read sanskrit, or know it's meaning:

You will find this reasoning amusing:

Note the structure of 1 first line, followed by 8 lines, each with 8+8 = 16 Sanskrit syllables left of the | line and 8 Sanskrit syllables right of the | line, for a total of 24 Sanskrit syllables per line. Note that the three sets of eight syllables correspond to

the 8 first generation fermion particles, the 8 first generation fermion antiparticles, and an 8-dimensional spacetime in the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics model, and all 24 form the vertices of 24 cell

If you get the time, read the authors web site, for laughs.

There are in fact efforts made by some in correlating the Hindu time cycles to the Mayan ones, which suggests the end of the current Kali Yuga somewhere in the 21st century. However, I personally think it's just fudging numbers around, to make it work.

P.S I am not Hindu, but I guess do have some distant Hindu roots.
Re: Still More Sharing

So Pleiadian, allow me to ask you some questions, not scientific ones, spiritual and philosophical ones. Enlighten me:

1: What is?
2: What is the mind, and what is the brain; what is the difference?
3: What is consciousness, and is your chair conscious?
4: What is the difference between right and wrong?
5: When is right, wrong, and wrong, right?
6: Which side of a magnet is right, and which is wrong?
7: What is the ultimate proof for God?
8: Is god, good or bad?
9: What is free will - do we have it?
10: What is the purpose of purpose?
11: How do you solve Fermi's paradox (unscientific question)
12: Do you have knowledge?
13: Do we exist?
14: What does non existence look like?
15: When can a square be a circle?
16: What is your identity?
17: How does something exist before even existing?
18: Can we never know history?
19: Do I go to heaven or hell, if I do an equal amount of good and bad?
20: What question is this question asking?
21: Are your answers to every question right?
Re: Still More Sharing

Sorry but a lot of your questions are irrelevant/don't make
sense.As much as I would like to take you seriously I know
I shouldn't.
Re: Still More Sharing

So, that's scientific, spiritual and philosophical questions you can't answer. So what's left? Pop culture?

What is the name of the actor who played Neo in Matrix

Nevermind an alien, you don't even pass of as a semi-educated human.
Re: Still More Sharing

Due to the level of maturity and intelligence in this site I will
not be posting here again.
Sorry Jonathan,I don't think you should post anymore here either.
I'm not being mean when I say this but I've had the worst responses in
this site from all the sites I've posted.
I really do wish you all the best!
Re: Still More Sharing

Well I hope your happy Raj, you probably made the alien cry, and now the human race is doomed. Like I said before, at least John Titor had some interesting responses.
Re: Still More Sharing

Due to the level of maturity and intelligence in this site I will

The correct english would be:

Due to the level of maturity and intelligence AT this site - I cannot continue my facade, or I'll inoculate myself with a complex about my own intelligence. Therefore, I must flee from here!
Re: Still More Sharing


I go out for a little lunch, and Raj completes the job without me!

It's funny how aliens (supposedly more advanced than we are) will twist and turn to avoid answering what should be basic questions for them...and then will bail-out when it becomes obvious that us humans are more advanced than they.

Kind Regards,
Re: Still More Sharing


Sorry but a lot of your questions are irrelevant/don't make
sense.As much as I would like to take you seriously I know
I shouldn't.

Ah, it's good to see that you're obeying to the demands of the Coordinating Light Council of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and the 9th level dimensions. I've contacted the Pleiadian Affairs Councelor and he's prepared to let you off the hook. You must realize that you escaped Anti-Materialization this time. Next time the Council will not be so tolerant towards your inobedience. After all, you're nothing but a insignificant Pleiadian from a lower level dimension. Know your place and go in peace.

Love, Peace, Hapiness...

Lhon Njoen
Re: Still More Sharing

Sign hes right your total imature and blind, waste of time trying help you injoy your catalysm cuz ill tell you now none you will be acending your in wrong state mind to do it, oh and if theres a war you where warned...that is only first steps to main plan tryed to give you chance to learn how everything works but you didnt take it he culd explained in science terms even how this acension is taking place but to busy with your imature insults you gone wasted your chance...enjoy you perile for it wont be much fun you be sitting there thinking we knew this but didnt listen good bye im also not returning...
Re: Still More Sharing

You must realize that you escaped Anti-Materialization this time. Next time the Council will not be so tolerant towards your inobedience.

And that goes for you to, you insignificant lower level earthling! Go now, before a suicidal killing becomes your part, like we did with all End of the World Cults.
Re: Still More Sharing

More fear mongering.

I am more well-prepared (physically and spiritually) than you know. So your fire and brimstone warnings really don't mean much to me. And isn't it a bit immature to try to scare someone just because they are asking you to justify your statements?
