Re: Still More Sharing
Im glad it set you thinking. I find it extraordinary for two reasons:
1: The age of Brahma, or Earth is exactly 4.32 billion years, amd that's more or less the scientific estimate of the age of Earth
2: It's measures the age of the universe in trillions.
36,000 Kalpas, is the life span of the universe. So you have worked out, the combined life span of 4 universes. However, this isn't half as bad, as this guy:
Take a few seconds, to look at the following image file. You do not need to be able to read sanskrit, or know it's meaning:
You will find this reasoning amusing:
Note the structure of 1 first line, followed by 8 lines, each with 8+8 = 16 Sanskrit syllables left of the | line and 8 Sanskrit syllables right of the | line, for a total of 24 Sanskrit syllables per line. Note that the three sets of eight syllables correspond to
the 8 first generation fermion particles, the 8 first generation fermion antiparticles, and an 8-dimensional spacetime in the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics model, and all 24 form the vertices of 24 cell
If you get the time, read the authors web site, for laughs.
There are in fact efforts made by some in correlating the Hindu time cycles to the Mayan ones, which suggests the end of the current Kali Yuga somewhere in the 21st century. However, I personally think it's just fudging numbers around, to make it work.
P.S I am not Hindu, but I guess do have some distant Hindu roots.