The Coming Cosmic Event

universal progression, is the acendiing path of the human soul, I have done a diagram of this but forgot to including dimentions also the link is up I have it if you shows the progression of life and death and the progression of acension which comes every 309,000 yrs guess what your time is very close to this...the life wheel is just the progression of life and death for this time it claimed to have 108turns before the end perhaps this is reference to the acension as there truely is no death if you have experienced astral travel you would know this...
I've also noticed some changes in my person as well,
Some people call that puberty, Keven! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Sorry, I am not insulting was just one of those openings that I couldn't resist! :oops:

As to the potential timing of this event: I don't want this to sound as if I am relaying facts. It is only anecdotal information from various sources, some of which are referred to as "novelty theory" whose primary proponent was the late Terrence McKenna. But many people seem to think this event will coincide with the end of the Mayan "baktun" calendar cycle on the winter solstice in DEC of 2012. Other folks think it will simply occur when we reach a "critical mass" of people who have been able to personally reconcile "science" with "spirituality", thereby reaching a new level of awareness of the purpose of life. Still other people connect it to biblical (and other) forms of prophecy that say we are living in the "end of time". Others think it will coincide with "first contact" with an alien species.

I don't presume to pass judgment on any of these as "right". I am only passing them on to you so you can research them if you wish.

Kind Regards,
Hi Raj,

What do you think is about to happen, and why do you think it is going to happen?
Let's start with the "why" as it may be the simplest to answer. I believe the reason why it is going to happen is directly related to the "aggregation of systems and emergent properties thereof" that you had expressed, and I had agreed with. We've reached a stage of consciousness and understanding where the major religions of the world will need to be reconciled, at least insofar as people finally becoming aware that they are all saying the same thing, and that the dogma they each have installed has really been nothing more than a political tool used to keep people divided and adversarial. We are also at a stage where the greater context of spirtuality (of which any religion is but one manifestation thereof) must be reconciled with science....for they, too, are really approaching the same subject, but from different directions. So the "why" is really about a higher level of integration and the emergent properties that go along with's the way of nature.

Now as to "what" is going to happen: Part of my answer to "why" sheds some light on what I think is going to happen. But as to the specifics, these thoughts I share are really just my educated guess, based mostly on my intuition, but also based partially on my knowledge of systems and how emergent properties of integrated systems manifest. First, the reconciliation of Science and Spirituality will bring with it new information, new knowledge about how the universe works. This knowledge will bridge many of the gaps we've always struggled with. For one example, we will come to finally understand the real relationships that govern energy, gravity, electromagnetism, and the seething "superfluid" that we are once again referring to as the ether. This will, as you would expect, bring about astounding new technologies that some people have always claimed are "impossible". Reference our discussion on exceeding the speed of light, and the concept of "folding space" or metric engineering (Thanks to Frank Herbet and DUNE) goes hand in hand with this.

My own personal view on one major element of scientific understanding that we will arrive at is related to my "signature tagline" below. It seems evident to me that the distinct quantities we know as Mass and Time are not scalars, as we always seem to teach. They are every bit a 3-dimensional vector quantity as is Space. Furthermore, we will understand that these three physical measures, while they appear distinct, are really tightly integrated. This would explain why we observe the concept of Uncertainty when we try to analyze/measure them as distinct. Of course, I am referring to the fact that the more accurately you measure a particle's momentum, the less accurately you can know its position, and vice versa.

There are many other specific things that I believe will result from this quantum step in evolution. And some of them could very well validate various forms of prophecy (biblical and otherwise), but I do NOT think they will be validated in the ways people have typically interpreted them. See my post on "End Times vs. End Of Ordinary Time" for a flavor of that.

Kind Regards,
I wish I had your optimism, and while a change in human consciousness will happen some day, I don't think the day is any time soon, or even in the forseeable future. When I see the world today, I see a herd of sheep grazing the field day after day chasing winds. I see a socieity plagued with hypocrisy, superficiality, prejudice and self-obsession, while other parts are plagued with famine, war, corruption and disease. I see a vicious species, that cannot even accept it's own kind. I see an ignorant and self-centered species, that seems to think it is the centre of the universe and can spite nature. I really see no signs of a coming change in our consciousness.

Scientific revolution alone will not alter our consciousness, it will only give socieity more toys to play with. The thrist for knowledge, and purpose, does not concern 95% of this world. Socieity thirsts more for self-gratification, pleasure and conflict.

I'm sorry, but I really don't see what cosmic event is to befall us. We have to become much more intelligent, and much more united, before a real change comes about. Such social revolutions do not happen instanteously, they happen gradually. Today, we are still as primitive as we ever were, we have regressed in fact, to the hunter-gatherers of the stoneage. More than half of the population, has below average intelligence, and are obsessed with pop-culture and sexuality, while our spiritual values have virtually evaporated. There is still a long long time, past our own life time, before humanity matures into a responsible species.

However, just for the sake of optimism - I have heard a lot of an upcoming disclosure of aliens. :D
I hear you, Raj. And I wish I could help you increase your optimism, for this truly is part of the "secret". Optimism is what leads an individual to believe....check KNOW, that they can do something that makes a difference. I am optimistic because I know what I am capable of, despite all the self-indulgent idiots that I see around me. The global enlightenment of people to "true" spirituality began as a trickle. It has continued to gain steam, but is has been relatively quiet...and often masked by people decrying some of the "wacky new agers". Some are nutcases, but there are others (and they are sometimes hard to distinguish from some of the nutcases) who are preparing the way. I think, and you might agree, that the way to pick out the truly enlightened people are ones who speak of spirituality, and what they say "rings true" to your scientific mind. They are out there, as I have met many of them.

There is still a long long time, past our own life time, before humanity matures into a responsible species.
While that is possible, let me introduce you to one foundational element of "novelty theory" that might suggest it is closer than you think. The concept is continual acceleration (and therefore closer spacing in time) of "evolutionary quantum changes". When you look at the spacing of time from our hunter-gather civilizations, to the advent of farming, to the bronze age, to the advent of the printing press, to age of exploration (and colonization!), to the industrial revoltion, right up to the information age.... the time between each of these "shifts" has been shorter and shorter. Heck, just look how quickly we went from Kitty Hawk to the Moon....and now we are eyeing Mars. Mathematicians compiled all such "quantum shift" events like this, correlated them to time, and projected them out in time to find the "exponential bend" where the number of novelties (shifts) of the magnitude of these past shifts occur within days...or even hours. Wanna know what their extrapolation came up with? Coincidentally, it turned out to be Dec 21st, 2012....the same date "predicted" by the Mayans ages ago. The mapping of the human genome has set the stage for one of the first big shifts, and I imagine that continued stem cell research could put that next major shift within the next year or two. From that point, I get the feeling similar such shifts will start to come so fast, that some people will not be able to keep up with the change. Imagine going from delivery of communications by pony express to having a computer with broadband internet capability in the space of 2 days! That's the kind of magnitude we are talking about here....and even more "fantastic". Those self-indulgent people who do not seek out knowledge and purpose, like you and I do, will be feeling awfully uneasy...and will have a hard time adapting. US government "think tanks" have even written reports on how to "gradually" introduce new information into the public as to avoid drastic shocks.

However, just for the sake of optimism - I have heard a lot of an upcoming disclosure of aliens.
While some may not agree with this sentiment, there are many who do understand that Ronald Reagan was a very intelligent, and insightful man. In one speech he made a good point which I can only paraphrase: Imagine just how quickly all of our global differences would disappear if we were faced with a stark, new reality that "we are not the only species in this universe." Suddenly, where we never felt "aligned" across political and cultural boundaries, we would immediately feel a sense of oneness, as a single, human species...facing other species very different from ourselves.

I'd be willing to bet you a case of beer that such a disclosure will be one of these large paradigm shifts in the coming years, referred to by Novelty Theory.

Kind Regards,
Hmm yes your sorta on right track there rainman, but what is going to happen science cant explain it properly, you see it is a merging also but you have be on right frequecy to take advantage of it however with the coming acension the nephilim have opportunity to change time, which they planed for over 75,000yrs your time using the grays to construct right conditions...The most obvious signs will be high activity of UFOS and I mean lots ppl will see them, more crop circles more complex trying to explain the coming events and head aches, insomina, aches and some may here spirits voices this is a slow progression in your body in prepartion for the transition, yes spiritually is key and becoming psychic aware...Alot people laterly are delevoping there magick skills you may think im insane saying this but one can create fire by thought I have a website you should check out these have been tested and they do work...this is basics compared to what I can do but it will help you understand the 4th density better...
hope it helps if one want to learn spiritually the true sides ill also suppy links just ask...
OK, I'll keep my eyes out for all the UFOs. Geez....the FAA is REALLY going to need my AI-based air traffic control system with all those guys flying around! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You do realize, I hope, that many wild stories on the internet can either be government disinformation "plants", or wacky stuff dreamed up by other folks that also serves the same purpose for the government...which is to provide "cover and distraction" for other projects and technology that are actually going on. In fact, I am quite sure the government officials just LOVE all the hoopla over Roswell and Area 51. That's why they don't really WANT to "put it to bed", as it is still providing good cover and distraction, even after all these years.

Oh yes, there are some strange and wonderful projects going on at Groome Lake. Probably some very amazing technology. But as to whether it is from reverse engineering a crashed UFO, I am not ready to make that leap of faith, since there are MANY very smart people (way smarter than me, and I consider myself fairly smart) being paid to develop their ideas.

Feel free to post any website links you'd like to share. It doesn't mean I am going to swallow any of it, hook line and sinker, but it would at least be instructive to see some of the basis for the things you are trying to describe. But as you know, I will call BS when I see it, even if I do try to keep a subdued tone.

Kind Regards,
this link has been given to me by someone that noticed my claims simplar it is a experiment called the cassiopenas start at wave 1 read if want know more details this is contact to a group of scientists from the 6th density which is above 5th (death) is links to help advance ones spirituallity hope it helps anymore questions on anything do with time travel, storys of monsters and ET's or anything else feel free to ask...
That is absolutely fascinating Rainman, thanks for sharing that with me. You said, there is a new-age awareness, can you share with me, some links, on who these groups are. I am already researching novelty theory, and the Mayan prophecies.

I am however very dubious of this all, especially the forecast of novelty theory. While it makes perfect sense, that the gaps between paradigms shifts narrow with the aquisition of knowledge, it does not necessarily imply, that the gaps will exponentially and uniformly reduce. There is always a saturation point, where it all slows down again. Like the economic growth of a country, the population growth of the world, or indeed the growth of a human - if you apply this extrapolation here, then we should be over 15 feet by the time we are 50 years old. The population of India should be 2.5 billion in 50 years, and China's economy should be $18 trillion in 50 years.

Paradigm shifts too, should logically slow down. Think about it, the previous paradigm shifts were mostly conceptual or basic principles of physics, the heliocentric theory of the universe, the realisation the Earth was not flat, the theory of gravitation and newtonian physics, evolution, the steam engine. Since the commence of the atomic age, the information age, and now the Quantum age, which is a true paradigm shifts, we have only started to uncover the many layers of existence, and potential we can tap; wormholes; vacuum energy; gravity manipulation; space time manipulation; superstring theory; quantum teleportation, parallel dimensions; artificial intelligence; interstellar and intergalactic travel. However, this is NOT going to happen in 8 years. We do not have the infrastructure, the resources, the productivity, the capacity and the intellect for such quantum leaps. We are an infant spacefaring species, whose next milestone, is setting foot on Mars(Moon+1) after 2012, developing a more sophisticated artificial intelligence(Computers+1) commercializing fusion and anti-matter production(electricity+1) and genetically modifying humans(Medicine+1) - NOT quantumly teleporting across to the next universe.

Consciousness can only be elevated with leaps in intelligence in all of human socieity as a whole, and when humanity is united and one. This is an ongoing process, augumented with technology, and it will not happen over night. Before you can walk, you must crawl, and before you can run, you must walk. We are still crawling, so before we can run, we have to walk first. In a socieity where more than half of the population has below average intelligence and where 95% are leading sheepish lives, its highly unlikely that anything will change anytime soon.

As for the Mayan prophecies. Could it be, that whoever worked this out, was doing it to conform with the Mayan prophecy?

However, if aliens really are going to be disclosed to us, socieity indeed will dramatically transformed, but its benefits will not be felt right away/
NOTE TO ALL HIGHER-ORDER BEINGS: If you intend to post on internet forums that knowledge with which you have been blessed to receive due to your "higher density", "good karma", clairvoyance, or otherwise, please know that you will not be taken seriously if you can not show mastery of simple english grammar and spelling.

Furthermore, know that any use of adolescent internet acronyms such as, but not limited to: plz, ppl, u, etc. will immediately sap any and all credibility that you may have had.

If you are going to claim to be a 6th density being who is "Just carrying out orders", then you better darn well spell like one.
Greetings Raj:

I am however very dubious of this all, especially the forecast of novelty theory.
A good thing. And I will always value your thoughtful insights into anything I share, for "that which does not destroy you only makes you stronger." So feel free to add skeptical views to what I am about to share...and a good place to start is with various forms (and quality) of "channelings". Especially appropriate since CosmicEvent provided a link to, which I find to be a dubious source of channeling because of the depth of "wildness" some of that stuff goes to, even though one principle is a theoretical physicist (Ark Jadczyk). His wife is the "channeler" who claims to be in regular contact with the Cassiopeans. OK. Sure!

Another source of "channeling" which does not go anywhere near the depth of "wildness" that is Kryon. The medium of the channeling (Lee Carroll) is formerly an engineer from the aerospace the possibility of me having a bias is certainly there. However, this seems different to the Cassiopea setup, as with the Kryon message the channeler IS a person trained in science and critical/analytical thinking.

I have never purchased any of the Kryon books, but have gleaned a decent amount of insight just from the "channeling" material provided free on the referenced website. His "predictions" from the past 10 years seem to have shown a good correlation to several aspects of life that have come to pass. But something I found interesting was how, previously, the Kryon channelings never mentioned or even intimated anything related to the Qabalistic Tree Of Life (the main element of my research into science embedded within mystical knowledge). However, in recent Kryon channelings, this area has "popped up", and the material is oriented to the belief I have that what we now see as mystical is simply "forgotten science". Again, a potential source of bias for me and my views, but I find it interesting that I was not drawn to Kryon initially by anything having to do with Tree Of Life.

As for the Mayan prophecies. Could it be, that whoever worked this out, was doing it to conform with the Mayan prophecy?
Oh most certainly that could be the case! But I guess the good thing about it is that it gives us something to compare against as time marches on towards 2012.

Gotta run to a meeting. Kind Regards,
I dont know how to type sorry, didint even know how use keyboard till watched my brother type which he types with shortcutting so I picked it up, let see you learn to type in month when never typed in +300yrs? Point is not this yes cassiopeans are just one reference I am working with the Pleiadians atm to help people realise how to acend, note that spiritual knowledge will progress into your next life advancing spiritually allows you to remember, If you ever heard of Saint Germain you may know of this....
Still More Sharing

While it makes perfect sense, that the gaps between paradigms shifts narrow with the aquisition of knowledge, it does not necessarily imply, that the gaps will exponentially and uniformly reduce. There is always a saturation point, where it all slows down again.
And once again I agree you are making a salient point. You are talking about the "natural damping factors" that always kick-in to keep a lid on things.

But now let's examine how we might alter not only our way of thinking, but our way of doing, to actually exploit the dynamics of such damping factors. This speaks to an area I have always been fascinated with, which lead me into a career in closed-loop control systems....namely chaos theory (non-linear dynamics). Our approach has always been to "force" any closed-loop control systems to generate linear responses, even though it is clear from our study of nature that the vast majority of natural phenomenon are only linear in "small pieces", but when looked at from a macroscopic standpoint, non-linearity rules the universe. The main reason we forced linearization was that it made such systems "easier to analyze", and gave us the false sense of security that it made them "deterministic". Now that we actually understand the fractal and chaos basis for the universe, we can put that knowledge to use to take advantage of the power of nature's non-linearities. Transitioning non-linear "fractal basin boundaries", rather than trying to drive "straight line trajectories" (or even gravity-well curved trajectories), can provide GIANT improvements in performance and reductions in required resources.

OK...that's an awful lot of wordy gobbledeygook to try to assimilate...even though I have faith in your scientific mind to grasp the concept I am describing. It is still good to provide an example to help ground your understanding. As luck would have it, my current career "hobby" of space exploration provides what might be an excellent example of how non-linear chaos analysis techniques could lead to revolutionary ways to transit interplanetary spaces. Check out this CNN story on NASA concepts.

Kind Regards,
Another source of "channeling" which does not go anywhere near the depth of "wildness" that is Kryon. The medium of the channeling (Lee Carroll) is formerly an engineer from the aerospace the possibility of me having a bias is certainly there. However, this seems different to the Cassiopea setup, as with the Kryon message the channeler IS a person trained in science and critical/analytical thinking.

Also a person who is chasing winds, trying to force purpose and meaning in life, trying to prove to himself, and others, how precious we are, how prized we are by God, and how we are the centre of the universe.

Let me tell you about certain E.T.s and The Cosmic Lattice. There is a group that exists on this planet, near this planet, and around this planet that is extremely curious about YOU. They poke you and they prod you and they abduct you. And there is one all-encompassing reason for their curiosity—and maybe now you’ll understand more about it. YOU, dear ones, with the "piece of God" that sits in you (your duality) are able to communicate with The Cosmic Lattice, and these visitors see this fact clearly, for it is their power source! They want to know, "what kind of a creature is it that lives on this small planet, and only this planet, that has that kind of power! This will also explain, dear ones, why the E.T.s do not simply come and land here and show themselves, and ask you about this incredible human attribute. They recognize that you don’t understand what you have. Also, because you are so incredibly powerful through your intent, just a few of you could simply vaporize them (if you knew how). That is how powerful you are. And so they capture you in FEAR, one at a time, for they respect your power and they want it—and they’re curious beyond measure how you are able to connect to it.

I am not enlightened. This is just a more sophisticated form of biblical preaching. I have felt nauseated reading his articles, with his love, god, he loves you, we love him, we all love each other, love energy talk, joy, sing a happy happy happy happy happy happy song, which is deliberately mixed with scientific tid bits for credance. If God is ours, who is the God of the aliens? Of course.... Satan
I am not enlightened. This is just a more sophisticated form of biblical preaching. I have felt nauseated reading his articles, with his love, god, he loves you, we love him, we all love each other, love energy talk, joy, sing a happy happy happy happy happy happy song, which is deliberately mixed with scientific tid bits for credance.
Yeah, fair enough. I'm not saying that I don't sometimes get turned-off by use of excessive, flowery wording. As a science guy I want more "hard facts and info" that I can do something with. But as you, yourself, pointed out, the majority of people on this globe are not so inclined. So the majority audience he is seeking to reach likes that touchy-feely, flowery stuff. I tend to think the "tidbits" are more than just to lend creedance. I think they are also the "nudges" to science folks to explore and understand. In fact, if you pick thru "Masterhood I and II", you might find tidbits that are in-line with some of your own thoughts. For example, from "Masterhood I"

"You will find the essence of God in the center of every atom of every molecule in existence."

So again: I agree that even Kryon material needs to be examined with a skeptical eye, and I realize it is written for a decidedly non-scientific crowd. But there exists WAY more factual tidbits, and they are easier to find and recognize, than a lot of the REALLY way-out-there stuff, such as Cassiopea.

So let's stay a little closer to the realm of science. Give me some feedback on the Chaos/non-linear example/thoughts I provided in my follow-up.

Kind Regards,
Re: Still More Sharing

I think I understand what you are saying. Finding a loophole in the nature of chaos, and exploiting the linearity of it, to bypass the natural dampening factors. However, don't you think nature has a reaction for every action we take. We are in a situation, where the closer we think we are, the further we actually become. Just when we think we can accelerate to infinity and reach infinite velocity - we discover relativity; just when we think we can build a structure that will be so high, it will reach the moon - we discover gravity, and depletion of oxygen levels at high altitudes. Just when we discover non-renewable fuel and expliot its power - we discover pollution, global warming and ozone layer depletion, and realise how quickly our fuel will run out.

We cannot spite nature, just like Heiseburgs uncertainity particle ensures that we cannot measure the position and the momentum of an electron; nature will always be ahead of us.

Regarding the interplanatery travel: It's a great concept, but it requires large bodies with strong gravity to guide you, and you being under its influence<imagine running into a blackhole> you are still faced with the tremendous distances and issues of velocity. Just relying on the gravity of planets alone is not going to suffice.

How do you overcome those vast distances in space? Just to get to the next galaxy, which is 2 million light years, you need to travel 1,000,000 or a million times faster than the speed of light to get there in 2 years. How do you accomplish that? Wormholes or warping spacetime - how do you accomplish? You need the energy in the order of Planks constant - Do you think we will have this capability in 8 years?

For thousands of years we have been grappling with the material and chemical level, only now we have delved deeper into the atomic level, since its commence in 19th and 20 thcentury, and in the fact the theoretical basis of atoms began 6th century BC(even earlier, if we consider vedic references as old as 10,000 years) Therefore, it's taken 2400 years for us to realise to physicalize these ideas. Remember that microscope example I conceptualized, there are so many layers of existence till we realise the absolute. We were stuck in physical chemistry for 6000 years, we've been stuck in the atomic world for 200 years, this encompasses the information age too(electrons) there are still many layers, that if we stand the test of time, we have to uncover.

Theoretical physicist Dr Mkaku has described this well:

Type I: this civilization harnesses the energy output of an entire planet.

Type II: this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.

Type III: this civilization harnesses the energy output of a galaxy, or about 10 billion time the energy output of a Type II civilization.

A Type I civilization would be able to manipulate truly planetary energies. They might, for example, control or modify their weather. They would have the power to manipulate planetary phenomena, such as hurricanes, which can release the energy of hundreds of hydrogen bombs. Perhaps volcanoes or even earthquakes may be altered by such a civilization.

A Type II civilization may resemble the Federation of Planets seen on the TV program Star Trek (which is capable of igniting stars and has colonized a tiny fraction of the near-by stars in the galaxy). A Type II civilization might be able to manipulate the power of solar flares.

A Type III civilization may resemble the Borg, or perhaps the Empire found in the Star Wars saga. They have colonized the galaxy itself, extracting energy from hundreds of billions of stars.

By contrast, we are a Type 0 civilization, which extracts its energy from dead plants (oil and coal). Growing at the average rate of about 3% per year, however, one may calculate that our own civilization may attain Type I status in about 100-200 years, Type II status in a few thousand years, and Type III status in about 100,000 to a million years. These time scales are insignificant when compared with the universe itself.
Re: Still More Sharing

I thought I would share this Hindu Calender with you, you may find it interesting. According to to Hindu time cycles. The universe will exist for 311.04 trillion years. Earth is 4.32 billion years old(One day of Brahma) and will be destroyed in another 4.32 billion years(One night of Brahma) life on Earth, Mantravantra, exists for 306.72 million years, in which there are 71 Divya yugas of 4.32 million years each, which itself is comprised of 4 phases; Satya Yuga/Golden age: 1.728 million years; Treta Yug/Silver Age 1.296 million years; Dvapara Yuga/Bronze age: 864,000 years; Kali Yuga/Iron age: 432,000 years.

We are currently in the the 5000th year of the Kali age, after 427,000 years, the next cycle of the Satya Yuga/Golden age will start over. I am not sure if this cycle suggests human life, or life in general. According to it, there will be 71 cycles of life on Earth before life ends on this planet.

At the end of a Maha Kalpa, the age of the universe, Brahma closes his eyes, and the universe is dissolved(existence by perception) and then he opens them, and the next cycle begins.

Re: Still More Sharing

good to see people looking into things, $th density potentional right there keep up good work this helps you karma, as your helping high density beings...thanks
Re: Still More Sharing

Oh yeah...that is quite interesting! Thanks for sharing. I can certainly see the analogous time compression of ages to Novelty Theory.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with this (but if your name/handle is an indication, I'd imagine you have Hindu roots), but I wonder if you know if there are any celestial correlations to these time frames? I'm not sure how far you've dug into the Mayan calendar in your research, but perhaps you have already read how the Baktun cycle (the largest of their multi-cycle calendar, which is due to end in 2012) is directly related to precessional cycles of the earth's axis with respect to reference stars. Is there some sort of similar correlation that you think might be aligned with the Life of Brahma? If this cyclical calendar could be aligned with the THAT would be something to make you say "Hmmmmmm". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The ratio of yugas to divya-yugas to manvantaras to kalpas to the life of Brahma is also intriguing, and it makes me want to look for correlations. 4:71:29:36,000. More Hmmmmmms....

Now here is something else I just realized, and maybe it is just a coincidence, and maybe it is another correlation: 4 lives of Brahma would yield 36,000*4 Kalpas = 144,000. You may know that this number plays a major part in Biblical prophecy espoused in Revelation. It speaks of 144,000 Jews who will accept Christ as one of the signs of the "7th Seal" being opened, thereby ushering in the tribulation. I seem to recall that 144,000 was described in reference to some sort of geometric progression, but I can't recall the details right now.

As I've mentioned before, my intrigue with such "coincidental" numbers is due to my interest in potentially uncovering scientific reality within the dark and gloomy depths of various forms of mysticism and prophecy. This potential alignment to the Hindu cycles raises my eyebrows!

Any further thoughts? Kind Regards,