Re: An ageless being
Cosmic Event
I can only sense in you a great amount of different types of informational trends. Yes, that could be good when you have the maturity to process it all into a single line of thought, however the problem starts whenever you begin to assimilate information indiscriminately, what so ever ludicrous, into your mind. It begins to clot your thinking process, make more acute your sense of self leading to an ego dystonic personality and finalizing with delusional context of the religious type along with refferential ideas. This may begin to manifest itself with ideas of being a type of chosen one, being able to receive priviledged information from higher order beings and attempting to make others enter into a state of awe whenever you confer illuminating facts.
Believe me I know how you must feel, sometimes scared, sometimes quite secure about your thoughts, nonetheless always feeling that there is something lacking. Yes you might have started very young learning about a great amount of metaphysical concepts, that is commending, but never actually been able to comprehend it into the context of your immediate surrounding, thus hindering your ability to relate with others, resulting in your exclusion from the normative group of individuals of your age. You became an outcast, cognitive dissonace then steps in. Rather to think that your are actually a ravving young man your egodystonic personality makes you believe that your are special, and indeed you are but not in the way that you think yourself to be.
Your are a bright young man, you have a moderately succesful family trend and your are starting to comprehend your place in it, that is good, but you forget one thing, we are all as special as you are. All those higher order beings that talk to all other people forget the same, only through Love, Care and Compassion are we to achieve ascension. Not individually but as a race. Yes I know all your masters tell about achieving ascension on an individual level, but that is all egotistical. Only through the lack of absolute fear can you ever hope to convey a message. We need not fear as the other honorable members of this forum have told you before. For fear can only bring about hate, terror and mistake. Only through love, care and compassion can you ever hope to achieve ascension not for yourself but for everyone else.
I hope you find your place in the great scheme of things, I truly hope so.
Until later becomes now.