Re: Truth
The measure of how much that thought can/does affect the universe depends upon a closed-loop process that can best be described as "the snowball effect". If the thought is only played-out in my brain, and I never externalize it, its impact can be very small indeed. While it could still be "detected" as patterns of heat and electromagnetic activity of my brain, and it is even possible to receive these patterns and possibly decode them, the chance of that thought having a large-scale impact on the universe is fairly small.
Yes, partly that, the snowball affect in a nut shell, is the more who believe, and the stronger they believe in it, the stronger it's effect. I wonder sometimes, that so many bizzare events occurr in this universe all the time, so much of what we imagine, actually comes true, that could it be possible, that we are actually creating our immediate reality, and our future.
However, I think that it maybe even possible, that the imagination of person alone, has a significant effect in space/time, that it manifests a universe, or a parallel universe, where the event imagined takes places. We are unaware, but all those interactions in our mind, are altering the infinity of space/time. This is incomprehensible and can never be known, however can this effect be made subjective. Meaning, is it possible to pinpoint your exact location in the infinity of space/time, in your imagination, and alter your immediate reality.
For instance: In front of me, is a ping pong ball, resting on the table. I have to will it to levitate 10 feet above me. If I pinpoint the instance of that ball in the infinity of space/time, I will not be able to levitate it, because the path of xyz I need to move it through and spatial dimensions also need to be pinpointed in the infinity of space/time. I must then, for every nanosecond, imagine the ball levitating in relation to the spatial space of its path, untill it is 10 feet in the air. I have forced a response from the universe, by confusing it, that the ball is is fact levitated. It's levitation is only an illusion.
For instance in visual and auditory hallucination or even in a lucid dream, we can alter our perceptive reality, by forcing a response from our brain, or by imaginaging it, likewise we can alter the perceptive reality of others by stimulating them. Existence itself is the imagination of space/time, if we can alter our perceptive reality by imagination, then we should be able to alter our physical reality, by imagination.
So when I try and levitate the ping pong ballright now, I will not be able to, but in alternative universe, I have. Only if I could pinpoint its exact instance and have the computational power, to imagine its path of xyz and the spatial dimensions, and then for ever nanosecond imagine it rising in relation to spatial space, could I levitate it.
Is it possible, that people who have claimed to have had psychic happenings or telekensis happen to them, but which lasts only seconds, that they have managed to directly or indirectly pinpoint it's exact location in the infinity of space/time and caused a tiny event to happen, like the ball being pushed a little by a seemingly unknown force.
If my theory is correct, then what is possible with such technology, would be endless. Materializing objects from nowhere, teleporting, freezing time about you, travelling into the future, causing events to happen.
Wow..... I'm probably dreaming!