The Coming Cosmic Event

Re: Still More Sharing

Cosmic Event,

let see in 5yrs time how you feel im 100% sure your going to question yourself today

Let see in 5 years time how you feel. I'm 100% sure that you'll have a good laugh about these crazy posts you made.

Check current news about space might notice something

You post so much, yet you say so little. Any nutfcuk can take a current newsevent and claim it's got something to do with some kind of multidimensional mumbojumbo. Try predicting such a newsevent next time.

Look, I don't mind if anyone tries to convince me I'm wrong. Just provide some proof or at least some valid arguments supporting this theory. You act as if you know everything, but the truth is that you know nothing more than the rest of us.

Re: Still More Sharing

You act as if you know everything, but the truth is that you know nothing more than the rest of us.
Perhaps even less...given that this person cannot seem to place his warnings within a scientific context.

Re: Still More Sharing

hmm perhaps I should show you some my old posts from months ago, might click into current discoverys in space....perhaps then you will listen instead trying to discredit my claims this is all for your good so youmay have the chance to learn if it true or not and then take the necessary steps to move to the 4th if you dont want remain in 3rd all up to you my friend if you want them I will show you....
Re: Still More Sharing

why do you busy yourself with these people who are trying to prove you wrong, why not give answers to those of us that have asked you for them?
Re: Still More Sharing

Question for your CosmicEvent:

Which website do you visit more often?

a) Zetatalk or
b) PAOWeb

Both of these websites (among many others) have seen saying "something big is going to happen" for a long time now. Both have constantly had to "shift" their message when things did not happen. Nancy at Zetatalk has the "gloom and doom" side of it, and Sheldan at PAOWeb has the "something wonderful is going to happen" take on it. Neither of them make very convincing "channelers". What I believe is coming will become very apparant as technology progresses at ever quickening paces. And the only thing that I think is necessary is a grounding in being able to think critically (that means with scientific insight and analysis).

Why not just show your cards? Post what you've got, and let those who read decide. As you can see from my postings, I share what I know, and don't require people to ask. It's called "sharing freely"...isn't that in the best of spiritual traditions? But now, I am sure you will claim that someone has to ask you to be "saved". That's just narcissistic.

Post what you know. I won't even tear it apart for not being scientific. Just do it already, as I am sick of the constant warnings, and your imploring people to ask. Get on with it man!

Kind Regards,
Re: Still More Sharing

not been to any, im an awakened and im in contact with pleiadians, I am not bring message of doom it a message of hope, meaning that theres wonderful event coming along with the doom and gloom, I just offer the knowledge to ascend with it there is but 8yrs left in coming yrs you yourself will feel it im just awakening sooner.....If your want help email me [email protected] but I need offer the skeptics chance to analyse everything for self also.....

thankyou for your time
love and light to you
Re: Still More Sharing

hmm perhaps I should show you some my old posts from months ago

Yes, please do.

perhaps then you will listen instead trying to discredit my claims

I'm listening, but all I hear is a load of nonsense without scientific proof.

if you dont want remain in 3rd

Actually I'm quite happy in this dimension. At least in this dimension there are some people who are willing to found what they're claiming /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Still More Sharing

I'd bring the subject of religon into this but, it would be useless, since roel doesn't belive in that.
Re: Still More Sharing

Y'know, it's easy to say you know something... maybe some little known piece of info about to become common knowledge...

I happen to know that the PS3 system, the new gaming system from the ever popular SONY corporation has a new system of networking that blows away anything we previously had in computing tech. You'd think Microsoft would have developed it, but no. It kills that law that every 3 or so years the rate of that we recieve technology will double, that's it right?

Anyway, back on topic, that's really unknown, but I could say "oooh, ooh, somethings coming, it's going to be a huge technology breakthrough... blah blah blah" I don't even need to know about that, technology breakthroughs happen every day. I could predict a terrorist attack in the near future, then put up a post about Israel or South America (largest amount of terrorism in the world, but nobody cares for some reason).
Re: Still More Sharing

My thoughts of why people don't care about the Isreal holy war subject, is because it is a stupid war fought by people even more stupid and there is no end in sight so just let them wipe eachother out, then maybe we can have peace in that area.
Ignorance is the state of throizing of that which one has not realized! And yes we are all ingnornat in our own ways, you, me, others.

I encourage you to search the book of a master spiritualist Murdo- MacDonald Bayne (Divine Healing of the Mind and Body) it shall reveal to you all that you will need to know to move into a non ignorant state but only if you will listen to that which it says. Seek and ye shall find and then give your informed opions to the open forum. Also books Beyond the Himilaya's and Yoga of the Christ, Life everlasting, "What is mine is thine", The "I am"

I wish you every sucess on that which awaits you.
IN mans world time travel currently is not possible because of society and conditioning and thought and learned behaviors and actions and theories of life. We are from birth receiving programming and signals of what life is and our mind as loaded up with a belief system and value system.

What if one were to remove every thought ever learned to be reduced to pure form, pure thought, yet remain in physical form. To take away all ideas, teachings, thoughts, pasts everything ever absorbed into grey matter and subconscious behavior.

In this state of purity and being I believe it then becomes possible to reveal the consciousness to time and space and actually new value of "no time - no Space".

If realized, believed and harnessed this then allow for the consciousness to reveal time travel. The mind is said to be only 10 - 12 % used of its full capacity. In the right situation, in the right environment and conditions, once then exposes the fourth dimensions of possibility. The belief in what we don’t see, the energy around and the soul.

In Time Travel I believe is not of moving matter as many tend to typicalise in their theories. It is a mater of soul shifting (for want of better words). The transference of our being from one point to the next. Is it possible to find such a state - yes but for us a challenge to remove thought of learned behaviors through disolvement. We tend to look in a more physical light for how to move matter but when matter becomes energy - pure electrical forms (soul) we then move more quickly than light itself.

Then is it possible to move from one point of existence to the next, to reveal those things which we can not see, to travel what is known as distance through what is known as time.

Possibly time travel is only possible through the consciousness of NOW. That every element of thought that exists at any given moment and developing the mind to a point where it is possible to stop that moment entirely fro maybe several moments. Hence when sopping time the rotational effects of the earths movement causes the shift in position when removed from the earth (say in the air) or levitated through soul.

Have you ever had a dream in your sleeping times that you have seen an event, a place, a situation and some future point you have found yourself in exactly that situation? What causes this? Imagination?? I differ from this view. I believe that in certain state of being we can possibly through altering of the minds energy and our thought and being move through time and space effortlessly. It is a part of our true state of being that is stolen from us when born into society. Finding the keys to time travel are finding and unlocking the keys to the power of the mind, the power of our souls full ability, the power of the truths hidden from life but so natural in fact that we don’t even see them.

We are all born of soul and with a soul, we are all born in purity and at some point of no consciousness or absorption of environmental factors (possibly conception - single cell fusion). It is not possible for us to see or are we looking to science and what is believed by others theories of what is.

I challenge you to contemplate this, experiment with this, give birth to this understanding. Maybe the information contained in the Free Library of and the bible if read without mortal understanding will reveal the fourth dimension to our being. If read with eyes not taught but in the purest environments, controlled and nurtured from life as we KNOW it then will be the point of time in which life as we don’t know it will reveal.

Time Travel is the altered state of being that allows us to move through the mortal barriers of time and space.