The Coming Cosmic Event

Dear CosmicEvent:

1) Learn to use periods. They will help to make your posts appear less "evil".

2) You are a fear monger, plain and simple. While you may already know this, but are afraid to admit it, fear LOWERS one's vibration. Ever wonder why you always feel "lighter" when you are happy, secure, and unafraid?

3) The antidote to fear, and fear mongering, is KNOWLEDGE (applied wisdom). But I don't mean the kind of baseless knowledge you are peddling. For knowledge to be effective in "raising the vibration" of an entire culture or species, it must come "from within". In other, more simple, words: It must be based in WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW. This is the domain of Science.

4) Your fear mongering "attack" on Transient001 is clear for what it is...It is your attempt to dispel his message of joyous hope, by questioning the motives of his knowledge. True knowledge, that is based in science (what we already know) can be objectively evaluated without regard for any motivation. Unfortunately, your knowledge does not pass this test since it hinges on the motivations of your alien "contacts" (if there really are any).

5) Raj is clearly a man of science. And while you may think your fear mongering will also work to obliterate his exposition and sharing of knowledge, you are also wrong in this regard. But I wish you luck. It will certainly be of high entertainment value if you choose to continue to engage the likes of Raj.

6) Now I fully expect you to turn your fear mongering ways on me. Please....go right ahead! I will be your willing target. Crucify me.

Kind Regards,
what your problem atn57, they have same right as you to know before hand, who are you to try discourage ppl to investage the claims, it like you taking away there only chance to advance and as I have stated this no hoax im just so sad to see so many ppl blinded by the illusion of there reality "specially you atn57 your obviously programmed" that they miss the truth...But dont worry continue to try stop us im not only one spreading these warning and your karma will not be good in your next life, this is 6th density obligations and they are what you precieve as angels it my obligations to offer my knowledge as I have been aloud to travel here in coniousness to give ppl insight, you following me around is hurting yourself plz stay out of it you got you opinions dont press them on others, it there choice to decided not yours.... rain you have no clue what going plz be quite he was claiming them as savour this is totally wrong if you seen what they can do you would not say this...I did say it can be postive or negative up to your chosing...
read before posting plz, I always said your choice informtaion is offered...they asked for it and recieve why dont you be skeptical of your reality might find something out that will shock you...This TIme begining have negative effect on me I can not beleive how blind ppl in this time are to there reality lies and the truths when present. Fear monger? Im expressing hope for those that want it, its a marvous thing for those ready but for rests it basically hell im sorry you cant see this but I am only offering what I know for ppl to look at, I already proven to many who I am and how to teach selfs to advance if your not interested dont respond...
I don't have a problem. Do you have a problem with people, who don't believe in what you say? I think that is the only problem. People who don't listen to your B.S. notions of the different density. Now that is the funny part. LOL.......I am following you. Please I was on this site before you even registered which was a couple of days for you. This is the same on anomalies. So don't give me that crap about following you. You are the one simply recently registering to these Time Travel sites and passing on your useless B.S. I am blinded by my illusions of reality. No you are blinded by your B.S. beliefs of this crap! What I believe is science! If you have something that can back up your claims then show them. But don't come here and just put out ideas like they are the facts. WHICH THEY ARE NOT! Investigation is the key to find the truth but you supply none. And about karma, do you know about Buddhism?

Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

Did you make that up? I don'think so. Buddhism has been around for much long then you will ever live. So don't give my that crap. All you have is opinions; you are the one trying to press them on these people! Passing your B.S. as a fact is what you are trying to do.
So try to give me some evidence of your righteous crap! If you have nothing other then more B.S. then you are pretty much useless.
Will you be going to another time travel site ?


p.s. if you believe in this guy please post that you do. I want to see how many people believe.
why dont you be skeptical of your reality might find something out that will shock you
Oh, believe me, I have healthy any man of science should. In fact, I have an extremely high level of skepticism for much of the foundational material you present (channeling and alien manipulations). The difference is that my skepticism is progressive. I look at our existing SCIENTIFIC explanations, and seek to identify the gaps which they do not address. If you read some of my posts (especially The Matrix-Integrated), you will see that I use skepticism to advance and refine existing knowledge. I do not seek to completely obliterate the foundations of what we know. Evolution, not revolution.

A good analogy for how we differ: We are on the edge of a canyon, looking at the other side and wondering how we can get there. You would appear to embrace the literal "leap of faith," where your beliefs about advanced "good guy" aliens would provide some magical power (i.e. not supported by current science) to prevent you from falling in the chasm. My approach would be to use tried-and-true EXISTING knowledge to literally and figuratively "build a bridge". Who's approach holds the highest probability of success?

its a marvous thing for those ready but for rests it basically hell
"those who are ready" and "the rest". This is divisive. You seek to divide. I seek to integrate. Now if you would, please.... could you provide your SCIENTIFIC definition of what constitutes hell? And please avoid unsupportable stories about "space aliens" and nephilim, if you could. I'd appreciate that.

Kind Regards,
read before posting plz, I always said your choice informtaion is offered...they asked for it and recieve why dont you be skeptical of your reality might find something out that will shock you...This TIme begining have negative effect on me I can not beleive how blind ppl in this time are to there reality lies and the truths when present. Fear monger? Im expressing hope for those that want it, its a marvous thing for those ready but for rests it basically hell im sorry you cant see this but I am only offering what I know for ppl to look at, I already proven to many who I am and how to teach selfs to advance if your not interested dont respond...

I subscribe to the same mindset of Rainman. I also have a healthy dose of scepiticism, and healthy scepticism is good for the growth of ones intellectual faculties. I do not blindly believe everything I hear, I have to scrutanize it, verify it and make sense of it. I like to think of myself as a very open-minded person, but I am not so open, that everything I know falls over.

I was not predisposed to not believing you. Please do not blame me, or anyone else, for your inadequacies. It is you, who's made a copout of your position by spouting nonsense, fear mongering, and putting on display your absolute lack of scientific knolwedge.

When anti-matter collides with matter, they annihilate each other. There is no naturally occurring anti-matter in the Earh's magnetic field. Anti-matter is artificially manufactured at ATHENA in gigantic particle accelerators, and then painstreakingly captured and stored. To date, we have only been able to produce 50,000 atoms of anti-hydrogen, a nanogram.

The myth that we use only 10% of our brain is an urban legend, perpetuated by media incompetence. There is undeniable evidence that we use 100% or near 100% of our brain. If you saw the imagery from a MRI scan, you would see how all of the brain is active at all times. Thinking and walking is not the only process the brain governs, digestion, regulating body temperature, blood circulation, hormones, nervous system, millions of processes in the body... that keep you ticking.

And what utter rubbish you have heard about the Pituitary gland. It does not have a function? Without it, you would not grow up, and have a sexual function.

The Pituitary Gland
Anatomy of the pituitary gland:
The pituitary gland is sometimes called the "master" gland of the endocrine system, because it controls the functions of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is no larger than a pea, and is located at the base of the brain. The gland is attached to the hypothalumus (a part of the brain that affects the pituitary gland) by nerve fibers. The pituitary gland itself consists of three sections:

the anterior lobe
the intermediate lobe
the posterior lobe
Functions of the pituitary gland:
Each lobe of the pituitary gland produces certain hormones.

anterior lobe:

growth hormone
prolactin - to stimulate milk production after giving birth
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) - to stimulate the adrenal glands
TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) - to stimulate the thyroid gland
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) - to stimulate the ovaries and testes
LH (luteinizing hormone) - to stimulate the ovaries or testes

intermediate lobe:

melanocyte-stimulating hormone - to control skin pigmentation
posterior lobe:

ADH (antidiuretic hormone) - to increase absorption of water into the blood
by the kidneys
oxytocin - to contract the uterus during childbirth and stimulate milk production

You've lost the battle before it's even started, Cosmicevent. Next forum you spout this nonsense in, make sure to keep your lips sealed about any science, and you may last a little longer. On second thoughts, seek professional help, voices in the head, is a tell-tale sign of something profoundly wrong in your head.

3: What DNA damage has been to done to us?
at the begining of time humans had 12 strand DNA and could untilise a 100% of brain, the nephilim over time corrupted dna down to 2 strand hence why u can only use 5-10% brain...

Ahem... Perhaps you're using only 5-10% of your brain (which would not surprise me), but most of us use 100% of our brains. So, I guess that kinda undermines your whole story, now doesn't it? :-)

The story that people only use 5-10% is a myth.


edit: uhm, I just noticed that I've been using only 95% of my brain reading this thread, since Raj already made the same point. But it still stands... so... there you go /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
They mean when both hemispheres of the brain are joined via and over the commusory fissure, which is the nerve linkage, to right and left hemispheres.

Problem is once you link right and left, other problems start to occur?
I only offer information for ppl bother to look into the fact which are present if you bother to look, science was installed to keep you busy most of it is lies implanted to confuse only true universal language is maths...Its good you dont believe everything you hear but seems you believe your whole reality fair enough its all you know, your proof of 100% usage is false this is not true you only use 5-10% brain atm this will be obvious, I know them other functions to the gland but it also can be used for psychic potentional...I see now this task is going to be harder than I expected but you gotta wake up to reality, to set in ways to think were being controled by superior force? oh well your choice there is only lessons and choice nothing more nothing less...
Cosmicevent, you have contradicted yourself at least twice in that post:

I only offer information for ppl bother to look into the fact which are present if you bother to look

We are are looking for the facts. You are obviously not. Somehow you think, we should just believe you blindly, without batting an eyelid; and that is not looking for facts - it's called foolishness.
I am sorry to disappoint you, that we are not fools, like yourself.

science was installed to keep you busy most of it is lies implanted to confuse only true universal language is maths...

Umm hello, the system of mathmatics and logic, is what science is based on. If maths is the universal language, then how is science a distraction, when it's based on the fundamental priniciples of the universal language? You don't really know what you're saying, do you.

Why did you evade the issue of anti-matter? Did you realise your folly

Cosmicevent, sum it up:

Antimatter will combine with matter and take us to 4th density (right, obliterate us)
We only use 5-10% of our brain, and we don't use Pituitary gland (Yep, were all sheep; nice edit btw)
You only give information to those who look into facts (Yet we are looking into facts, and you aren't)
Science is implanted to confuse us, but mathmatics is the universal language(Talk about nonsense)

I have nothing personal against you, but do you really think, you have any credibility left? I don't think so. Not only have you shown an absolute lack of science but an absolute lack of sense.
Well CosmicEvent:

Raj pretty much summed up what I thought were the inaccuracies with your latest post. But let me tie two of your statements (that Raj properly debunked) together, and give you an opportunity to make good on both:

If you think you have provided us with facts (I don't think you have), AND if you believe mathematics to be the universal language (something you got right, even though you could not connect it with science), then how about you provide us with some EQUATIONS (yes, that is math) that will support the so-called facts you have provided?

Surely someone who understands mathematics as a universal language would be able to converse in it so as to support their "facts"...right?

Kind Regards,
Awaiting A Response...?

Hey Creedo:

You've been awfully quiet, and non-responsive, since Raj asked you a question about his story. Were you going to answer him, or did you just change the topic as a means to avoid answering him?

It would seem you did the same thing every time I was able to call your bluff on the aerosciences. Perhaps we have cracked your operational pattern?

Kind Regards,
to find all the truth fact it would take your life time, I didnt offer you fact said why dont you investigate them look current event, history, mythology, science, religion figure out what going on it up you convince yourself you been offered the opportunity to find out if claims true...up you to tske it or forget about it then when event comes you think sign wish I investigated but oh well cant make you beleive you have convince selfs not my problem, my only obligations is to offer the knowledge that there coming acension for those ready and a apocalyse for those who arn't but oh well...Wont be posting here again if no question worth my responding to arnt asked...
Well that certainly was a non-answer! I guess one is left to infer that you really do not understand, nor can you converse in, mathematics. That's too bad, because I was hoping to learn something from you about your factual view on the coming event (which as you may read, I agree there IS an event coming...we just disagree on its nature).

why dont you investigate them look current event, history, mythology, science, religion
Actually, I have already done this. In fact, I have found a good deal of hidden science within a body of knowledge that was formerly dismissed as "merely mystical". I have also found a lot of mystical information surrouding this body of knowledge that has no application to science. Are you familiar with the Qabalistic Tree Of Life? Rather than telling others to "figure it out by yourself", I have actually gone to the trouble of creating a website to share this knowledge with others. Feel free to visit it:

Rainman's TOL website

Kind Regards,
How soon is this event going to be happening, I've been noticing different patterns in the behavior of the people around me and at my school, even the dogs on my street have been acting odd latly.

Just wondering is there might be some relevance to their new behaviourly patterns, a for-warning perhaps?

I've also noticed some changes in my person as well, not going to dicuss them here unless they might be important.
where are you located, dogs can sense certain activity, it is unknown even to the 6th as time doesnt exsistance once you reach 4th so they can not even confirm it but the estimate was 18-1000yrs about 6yrs ago, could come this yr could come in 10yrs all that known is it coming...dont worry about it to much just find yourself the truth...but you can prepare self if you reallty want to acend "you do realise you have soul dont you?" then I can help you there...