Shaun, you were doing so well when you were quiet thinking about how you got stumped by someone who "doesn't see the world from a metaphysical perspective, like you do
You assumed I was lower then you because I didn’t think like you. You attacked with a superior arrogant demeanor of being so in tune with nature and spiritualism. Yet in the end, it was not there to guide you when reality kicked you in the @$$. What was wrong? Was I speaking the truth, and all you could do is immaturely attack me with hostility that you knew was making you look bad to others? And you know it Shaun. Your true colors showed bright… Why haven’t you replied since then
? At least I don’t make an effort to hide the fact of what I am really like, an Activist. Let’s see you pretend to be spiritual again
, that was a great performance you put on.
But anyway’s….
kentheee, selling out your soul does not necessary mean buying it for currency
I was speaking figuratively of how someone in the future can promise something in return of some manipulated Life where he won't have control of the events and actions of his life. Just illusions, free will, free thought, everything we have come to think as being amenable human rights. There nothing but frauds, it's a ploy to keep you in the leash of the "Higher Beings" who decide for you. Well maybe you deciding for you, but not in the present. In the future, where Time Travel is a reality, and you can alter your past, and the past of others. With or without your consent in the past, present. Humanity won't know the meaning of a Temporal Directive, until it's all voted on as a society that Time Traveling is wrong and that it must be band.
Now, isn't that wrong? Who wants to be someone's Toy? So in the future, society will have it in their heads that the "End justifies the means" and that they must change their lives at all cost (their humanity, individualism) to live a happy life in heaven, where everyone is in this perfect little collective.
Oh by the way kentheee, you seem to like that idea
Would you be one of the first to use Time Travel to change your life? Would you be able to exploit your self, in order to get what you want out of the future? Would you do it all in the name of the Lord, and for Happiness? Well, you will... And others will do it to you. Whether you like it or not.
It's a plot that has been going on since the Biblical Days. Look at the whole picture of Miracles Births, Levitation, being taken to the sky, angels appearing (holograms) in a room. Today these things can be explained by technology. And if you've read books about Alien Abductions, you would see that 3000 years ago there was alot of that going about. Even our earliest cultures had Alien influences. Egyptians, Incas, Native Americans. You do the math.
Consider this, if your first time, really think about it before replying. Because how I said before, Spirituality is not what it appers to be. It's made up of alot of BS, that if you knew about it in the 20th century now, you too wouldn't put up with it. It's just Unethical, and it's very sad.
So I hope that clears up some confusion. Don't let this be the fate we will have to face, again... I been there, and it makes my stomach sick to see so many people devote their lives to this cause, and talk about it as if it's this great thing. It's all a lie. Just have a little common sense. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Javier C.
<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 01 September 2000).>