Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

Give me a break Shaun, stop pretending to still be something your not. I am not your friend. Your not doing a very good job of covering your sarcasm and constant covert hostility towards me.

Aren't you afraid of what people may think of you now? Poor Shaun, forgive me for making your true colors show. But it's not my fault your truly like that under all that wanna be enlightened and spiritual guru. Maybe you should go back with your hands on your ankles or smoke some weed. Might make you feel better. Or take one of your scenic walks, they make you appreciate life and see the beauty of nature...

Sorry, but those were just the facts. Didn’t assume nothing, and didn’t get any enjoyment out of telling you the truth. Unlike some people.

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.
*peeking upm from behind the couch**wet paper towels ready*

*thinking damn is that TESTOSTERONE I smell*

*hiding back behind the couch again 'til the boys are finished playing*

Be safe and dream sweetly.

Yes, pamela, I do believe that we are nothing more than motes of dust. I truly and to the utmost ability of my tiny primate mind believe that there is no God, no spiritual plane, in fact no existence available to us other than the corporeal. Here's the difference between my belief and those of spiritualists, though: I base my beliefs in facts and my sober observations of the world around me (drug-affected observations are a whole other story), while most spiritual beliefs require a good measure of blind faith. At any time my world could be rocked by the discovery of evidence contrary to my beliefs, and I would gladly alter what I believe to account.

If you are truly scientifically minded, you will have required good, solid evidence for your claimed OOB experiences. Present this evidence (or at least shards of it, if it's not on the Net), and I'll take you more seriously. I remember seeing a show on Discovery where a surgeon had placed a neon sign on the top of a cupboard which read "Cheesecake" or some other nonsense word, visible only from the ceiling. Not one of the tens of people that claimed OOBEs could recall the word, even though they claimed to have been seeing from a place where it should have been clearly visible. The conclusion was that they got the other information from other sources - doctors, relatives, in casual conversation.

Just to clarify, I never said that people who believe differently than I don't know anything (although I think Activist might have), just that their beliefs are invalid. And they are, from what all my experiences tell me.

Shaun, I propose to you that you are close-minded about your beliefs, just as many non-spiritual people are about theirs. Can't you even consider that your beliefs might be wrong? The truly scientific view leaves itself open for attack, and becomes stronger as it accounts for more data thrown at it. Can you say the same about your beliefs?

And really, both of you, do you have to fight so much? It's just your beliefs, nothing serious, nothing to base your life around...
Thanks for sharing with me Razmatazz.
yes, I have had a near death experience.
No, I wont be sharing it.
Its ok if you don't beleive what I beleive. You also haven't been where I have been.
Im not interested in proving it to anyone.
and thats ok.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 August 2000).>
I'll tell you something if I happen to pop out of my body on the old operating table I am NOT going to be looking for a "cheesecake" sign.My attention will be right on getting my self back into that body on the table!
There are more things between heaven and earth then are dreamt of in our phylosophy's. I for one believe Pamela until someone proves she's wrong. By the way, Razmatazz, the best book I ever read was about motes and it was called DUST by Charles Pellegrino. The best part was after the story ended and he has a chapter on where each and every thing in the book has happened already. Your safe, it's about science not leaving your body. I recomend it highly.
mokrie, that Shakespeare quote always seems to crop up in spiritual conversations. I guess I can put the whole thing into perspective with another: They are as sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. Don't put too much into spiritual thinking, as you might end up as bad as you consider the other end of the spectrum.

pamela, I respect your privacy.
Hey Razmatazz, I'd just like to say that your really interesting
? Can I be your friend? Finally, someone who see's not just what they are told to see. But at the same time open to the what if's. Sorta like me
, hehe.

Nice to meet you. Keep up the great posts. There really great. Actually a little to great, I can tell your honesty is really doing the trick. People are starting to feel a little hurt and recognizing what your saying. But your not arrogant or pleased about it, so that's even better
. You should consider registering. This message board can sure benefit from someone perspectives like yours. I just know it. I'm a pretty good judge of character

Keep it real
Javier C.
Well, these are just my beliefs. Nice to know someone sees things the same way, though. I found that when I really tried to pound the crap out of other people's beliefs they hated me, so I learned to tone it back and just state my views. I guess spiritual stuff has its place, it's just not for me.

As for registering, I really see no point. I'll post here when I have time (school's coming up, so I won't have as much), registering won't change that. And I have pretty good spelling, so I don't have to go back and edit my posts.
I think that a truly Unified Theory would include everything: the physical sciences, metephysics, spiritualism, etc, and branches of knowledge we have no names for, as yet.
Yeah I know where you are coming from. People hate me because I tell them spirituality is not what it appears to be. They do not see what I mean, no matter how clearly I explain it to them.

I used to think I was the only one with some common sense about it. But now, I see that I'm not alone
. Finally an Ally. Watch out people, we've arrived, hehe.

-Javier C.
Hey, I don't hate ya.

I think you've gotta go with what you know. I've seen nothing to convince me to be spiritual, so I'm not. Maybe others have, I dunno. But I like to discuss it, so long as no-one preaches (why I stopped hanging out with Christians).

I agree, common sense is all we've got, we have to stick with it. Hope I keep seein' ya on this board.
You are wasting your time telling them...they just don't get it.they have no understanding about real time travel but then as they wallow in their prehistoric physical physics....I shall continue in my adventure.

Why would anybody sell their soul and for that matter who would buy it?

Why must you seperate the spiritual world from the physical? Isn't it all the same. You say you are living in reality, but only by ingnoring part of it.

As for knowledge, just because no person has all the knowledge doesn't mean it doesn't exist. At a higher level it may. That higher level could just be the collection of all of our thoughts. And before you write this off as spirtiual or metaphysical crap let me ask you this. Does each of you brain cells know that it is part of a larger organ that produces thought? Probably not. It observes the stimuli and fires when it all addes up. But the collection of cells do make up every thought you have.

And Razz,

I really can fly because I believe I can. All I have to do is step on an airplane.

Yes we are all just collections of starstuff, but we are also brain cells in the mind of God.
Look, kentheee, there's really no way I can argue against your view of spirituality because you can always adapt it to dwell just beyond what science can currently prove. It's just that I prefer to let common sense lead, and trust my experiences. If you want to believe we all contribute to some higher mind, then go ahead. But there are thousands of other spiritual ideas which would work just as well. I won't believe any of them until my own personal experiences tell me one is more right than my current beliefs.
Shaun, you were doing so well when you were quiet thinking about how you got stumped by someone who "doesn't see the world from a metaphysical perspective, like you do

You assumed I was lower then you because I didn’t think like you. You attacked with a superior arrogant demeanor of being so in tune with nature and spiritualism. Yet in the end, it was not there to guide you when reality kicked you in the @$$. What was wrong? Was I speaking the truth, and all you could do is immaturely attack me with hostility that you knew was making you look bad to others? And you know it Shaun. Your true colors showed bright… Why haven’t you replied since then
? At least I don’t make an effort to hide the fact of what I am really like, an Activist. Let’s see you pretend to be spiritual again
, that was a great performance you put on.

But anyway’s….

kentheee, selling out your soul does not necessary mean buying it for currency

I was speaking figuratively of how someone in the future can promise something in return of some manipulated Life where he won't have control of the events and actions of his life. Just illusions, free will, free thought, everything we have come to think as being amenable human rights. There nothing but frauds, it's a ploy to keep you in the leash of the "Higher Beings" who decide for you. Well maybe you deciding for you, but not in the present. In the future, where Time Travel is a reality, and you can alter your past, and the past of others. With or without your consent in the past, present. Humanity won't know the meaning of a Temporal Directive, until it's all voted on as a society that Time Traveling is wrong and that it must be band.

Now, isn't that wrong? Who wants to be someone's Toy? So in the future, society will have it in their heads that the "End justifies the means" and that they must change their lives at all cost (their humanity, individualism) to live a happy life in heaven, where everyone is in this perfect little collective.

Oh by the way kentheee, you seem to like that idea

Would you be one of the first to use Time Travel to change your life? Would you be able to exploit your self, in order to get what you want out of the future? Would you do it all in the name of the Lord, and for Happiness? Well, you will... And others will do it to you. Whether you like it or not.

It's a plot that has been going on since the Biblical Days. Look at the whole picture of Miracles Births, Levitation, being taken to the sky, angels appearing (holograms) in a room. Today these things can be explained by technology. And if you've read books about Alien Abductions, you would see that 3000 years ago there was alot of that going about. Even our earliest cultures had Alien influences. Egyptians, Incas, Native Americans. You do the math.

Consider this, if your first time, really think about it before replying. Because how I said before, Spirituality is not what it appers to be. It's made up of alot of BS, that if you knew about it in the 20th century now, you too wouldn't put up with it. It's just Unethical, and it's very sad.

So I hope that clears up some confusion. Don't let this be the fate we will have to face, again... I been there, and it makes my stomach sick to see so many people devote their lives to this cause, and talk about it as if it's this great thing. It's all a lie. Just have a little common sense. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 01 September 2000).>