Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

Hello everyone,
There was something that crossed my mind earlier and I figured why not share this experience with ya'll. A few months ago while on one of my walks with Nature... I had been walking for about 7 hours and started coming across a small bridge... when I reached the bridge I paused for a moment and leaned over it looking down into a water hole... like a miniature pond. While looking at this scene I saw what I will label as miraculous. There was a small piece of driftwood floating in the middle of this miniature pond. On this piece of driftwood sat a nice sized turtle. As I was looking down at this turtle... a series of events took place, one right after the other without a pause... it was musical. It start like this... a frog jumped into the miniature pond causing a splash... a bass jumped out of the water over the turtle on the driftwood causing the turtle to dive into the water, a line of baby turtles which I didn't notice till then sitting on another small piece of drift wood at the edge of the little pond jumped in one after the other in formation, about 5 of 'em... followed by a snake came up and crossing from one side of the little pond to the other... then there was silence. Whenever I think of this event that took place it reminds me why we need to stop and smell the roses. When we rush through life not taking time for ourselves, we miss these little things. And its these little things that make life enjoyable and so valuable. Treasures galore if we only took the time.

There is life, beauty, and energy in everything but many of us don't realize this because those who choose to live in a world of there is no such thing as spiritual foofoo and magick tend to fear these things. The unknown scares you. Just the thought that there might actually be spirits roaming the physical realm... maybe there is one in your house, standing behind you now... oooh, do you feel that chill down your spine... oh no, no, there's no such thing, for if there was, dear oh my, that would just scare the shite out of me.

You'll never know of the possiblities or whats really out there until you cast away the doubt and learn to see things through many eyes.

Why preach and hide behind something that is only obvious to you?

Take a 7-hour walk with nature, please… Whom do you think your fooling? You must watch a lot of Oprah or something.

You spiritual folk do scare me. Nevertheless, I will be more then happy to face you people everyday, and give you a good healthy dose of reality.

Oh by the way, I’ll bet your going to vote for Al Gore too. Figures… Nature lover.

And yes, I am also a republican. How about you? Are you one of those liberating Democrats, who believe in Free Love, Mary J’s and Monica’s, like Mr. Clinton? Man, you people make me sick...

Am I afraid of that? Who wouldn't, it's loonesy, it's crazy... It's nasty.

I would suggest you put a little more conservatism in your thinking. Grow up a little; you may enjoy the maturity of your perceptives.

-Javier C.

P.S. Shows how much you know. The unknown don’t scare me. Just because I don’t like it, it doesn’t mean I fear it. I just rather not bother with it. I seen a lot of shit, and let me tell you something. It’s all a lie. Your spirituality, it’s a ploy to control you. And you are well in its clutches, and will use any words, actions or means possible to defend it. I should know…

My life was once like that.
Hello JC,
About that dose of reality, exactly what are your methods of giving this dose? I'm very interested. Smile. And, i'm sorry you feel the way you do, there is nothing that can change that at the moment, just as for the most part, the only way to silence a crying baby is to hand him a bottle. And btw, I was republican, but I choose not to support our government anymore. I do support Mary J, and support brain altering substances such as Shrooms and Peyote for religious purposes. Also, I've stated it before, I do not follow any particular religion... I've seeked out my beliefs without having to be directly led, and you know what, everything I believe can pretty much found in every religion, isn't that odd. But, I will not talk any further on this, as I have said, you can talk to a crying child for as long as you want, but if it's a bottle he's wanting, he won't see or hear anything else. It's not clear as to what your actually wanting so there is nothing anyone can do but fuel your anger. Again, I'm sorry friend. But hey, if it's a big hug you need, you just let me know... next time i'm in your area i'll stop in and give you some lovey dovey. Me make boo boo all better ok, gootchie gootchie goo. I love kids, I need stop in and see my son soon, his 4th is comin' up. Later JC.

So your a chick... Hmmm, very interesting. Do you have a picture of your self, how old are you? Are you white?

I have a brother who you might be interested in. He's into all these crazy concepts about life. And into Mary J, and mushrooms and the such.

Well I'm not sure if he still is, but he's still pretty out there.

And about your analogy describing me like a baby. Sorry, but just because someone disagrees, it's not right to call him a cry baby. After all, his crying might be for a good reason, not just because he's hungry. A bottle is just a poor subsitute for what is really the problem.

That's all i gotta say about that, gotta go back to eats
... Whhhaa whhaa, Lol.

-Javier C.
Hmm... I have a problem with your generalizations, Shaun. You seem to think that non-spiritual people are frightened or taken aback by such so-called 'miraculous' events as you describe, and that the only way to appreciate these things is to be spiritual. This is not true; let me try to explain.

I have a passing acquaintance with many realms of science, and in the course of my education have developed a very logical, 'scientific' mind. I have more than a passing acquaintance with many areas of math, such as statistics, so I can readily understand much of physics and our models of the world around us. But, that does not mean that I am logical or thinking about physics all the time. When I experience something the likes of which you would deem a 'spiritual' happening, I simply enjoy it for what it is - a random occurence which I was extremely lucky to have witnessed. This does not diminish the experienced; I come out of it as humbled and reflective as you, but I have no need to attribute this to some mysterious realm beyond my ken. Is it not enough to accept our one world as amazing, spontaneous, and beautiful? Must we attribute mind-awakening experiences to some other realm, rather than as fundamental to our own? Again, to me this diminishes the experience rather than enhancing it - there can be life, beauty, and energy everywhere, even without spirituality.

The unknown does not scare me; I embrace it for what it is, and what I can learn.

Oh, and gotta put my 2 cents in - nothing wrong with mind-altering substances. The weed here in BC is some of the best in the world...
Hello Razmatazz,
I came off wrong I believe. No, I agree with everything you have said. To behonest with you, what you have said is how I see things, I merely try to mix in a little bit of spirituality because there is a magick there no one can seem to explain. What I am attempting to do is to try and get JC to see this. Whether we call it spiritual experiences or see 'em as you have described. We are seeing basically the same thing.

For the most part, JC... instead of directly attacking anyone and their beliefs or their views, try expressing them in a different way, how you see them happening. So far, I havn't seen you post any explanations for much of anything as of recent, just alot of criticism.

What is often described as what you experienced Shaun Holt, is referred to as "Syncronicity" which is a natural occurence that reflects nature in a balance, in tune with an order, or rythimic beat of harmonistic value.

Not often do we all witness such an interesting experience, however we
can observe this syncronicity only when we are in tune, which is accomplshed when we become "still" how else cany we contribute these experiences that many others, (including many of us here.) as we recall moments when we have sat, or stood outdoors, observing nature, during a break, or meditative period, when all of a sudden we observed an odd chain of events as such?

This takes practice, but the more often you allow moments in your life to be still, & clear your thoughts, it allows your mind, body & soul to match the natural vibration of the cosmos, and tune into the same vibrational, or rythmic frequency, thus enabling you to experience this sychronicity phenonema.

This is clearly, a demonstration of a natural "order" of all things within the cosmos, and somthing that leaves question if there is not some form of intelligence behind it all. (a collective? Hmmm )

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 22 August 2000).>
Thanks Shaun, I certainly don't mind if you want to call the things you experience 'spiritual', what bothers me is when people try to attribute stuff to unnecessary metaphysical realms. Ockham's Razor, you know.

Which is exactly what I think you were doing, Time02112. Why can such an event not simply be an unlikely coincidence which you were lucky to have been privy to? I see no need to attribute this to "matching vibrational frequencies" or anything like that. Why can't moments of Zen just be accepted without trying to squeeze meaning out of them? They certainly don't make me believe in supernatural beings or anything like that.
I am an Activist; of course I am going to criticize. Would Roger Ebert, stop being hard on people’s movies just because he is taking into consideration people's feelings.

Give me a break...

I agree with the beginning of Razmatazz last statement. You people make me sick. Always trying to see something that is not there. You people are delusional. You let it run your lives, and are so dependent on that belief system, that when someone brings to your attention an alternative, you attack them. And that is the Bottom Line.

-Javier C.
I cannot see the wind but I see the trees branches moving and swaying back and forth.
therefore I believe the wind exists. or do you think the tree branches move by themselves?
I cannot see x-rays, electromagnetic feilds,
or radio waves yet I know they exist through the effects they have on other material objects. there are alot of things you cannot see, or feel or smell (like certain gases) but they never the less exist.
Can you see these time travelers that you say are altering your life? How do you know they exist? no offense ,Javier but you don't make any sense. you contradict yourself over and over.
You said "try to live in reality people."
would that be YOUR reality? the one with the time travelers that you say are altering your life?
you said "always trying to see something that isnt there, you people are delusional."
were you talking about yourself?
I think you are the one that needs to face reality, Javier and begin to realize that these time travelers of yours are a byproduct of your own making and by using your own beleif system you have magnified them to a point where you beleive they are altering your life. you are creating this reality yourself through your own paranoid delusions about reality. maybe thats why you hate the thought of the beleif system so much because you cannot control yours and have made a living hell for yourself thinking they are after you all the time,
you cannot even help yourself.

You are obviously fighting something that you cannot see... are you not? You obviously beleive that these time travelers are real.....dont you?... even though you cannot SEE them.

well,which reality are we talking about then?
do you see how confusing you are??????

p.s. Shaun is a guy.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 August 2000).>
WOOOOOO HOOO Pamela!!! As much as I've been wanting to say something along those lines, I just couldn't find the words. Well done m'lady.

You had it comming Javier. You yourself admit to being psychic....the metaphysical type of psychic? The unseen kind of psychic? And Razmatazz. You sound like someone protesting too much. Afraid of the unseen? Pamela fights back! AWWWWRIGHT!
Your victory over my truth of my last statement, is a tad bit premature...

For as you very well know, better then anyone, that what I meant, was in no way saying that “seeing is believing.” Yet, you took it upon your self to assume that the context of my message meant exactly that. Why not ask the question if it was that what I meant to say, then to jump to conclusions?

Of course, no one can see the wind. However, that does not mean you are correct then about everything else that we cannot see, must very well exist. As your meaning you sent out to me was quite clear, that is what you and what the rest of your cronies are implying.

I merely suggested about the behavior of people in a belief system that, how you said it “are creating this reality yourself through your own paranoid delusions about reality.”

That is all I was pointing out, and it seems I was right about being attacked by just criticizing it.

And being psychic or thinking that time travelers are attempting to silence me, is not a paranoid belief, that’s a lot more scientifically possible then Jesus Christ being God

Like God would spend his first 30 years of his human life as a carpenter on Earth, come on
get real.

So in conclusion, I am not confusing, you all just do not understand. My reality is not contradicting with anything, just because I choose not to see things spiritual, only means that I enjoy being what I am. A passionate person. Not apart of a whole, where people think they see something, that doesn’t exist.

I only said that you people need to stop believing everything so blindly. It’s going to get us into some very big trouble someday, if we don’t stop and recognize. So, don’t believe everything you hear, or read. Especially if it’s something about what you like, like metaphysics, religion or lost cities or what have you. Why you may ask? Because it can be used to lure you into other things that can affect the world (and not in a good way). Like using candy to lure a kid to do what you want. Sorta like that analogy? This process will leave your mind to open, and accept everything (even if it’s bad). Which is what we need to avoid at all cost, or we risk losing alot.

Take Care,
Javier C.

P.S. Don’t attack Razmatazz, he’s only being a critic of the way you people behave and talk. Can you really blame us? I mean come on, look at your selves. We are just talking as normal as we can with you people. You keep attacking us because it offends your belief system. Can’t you just perhaps consider that your belief’s might not be true?
Hey JC,
Why don't you cut it out. Try to talk normal my arse. All you do is criticize this and that. And who ever said Jesus Christ was God? Eh? My boy, you have alot to learn. You shouldn't speak on things that you know nothing about. Open your eyes. Jesus Christ was a highly evolved being, which is the status we are all slowly coming to. Some will reach it most definately before people like yourself. So are you telling me, that Jesus Christ didn't do what has been claimed? Are you telling me that these imaginary friends of yours are real and are actually doing what you claim. Want to talk about facts, there is plenty to prove that Jesus Christ existed and helped to bring about the miracles that have been spoken of. Where is this scientific proof that your imaginary friends exist? Most of your comments have been the ones that are immature. Now that i'm thinking about it, and after your comment on Jesus Christ being God, I must ask, exactly what do you know about religion and spirituality? I gotta be honest man, i'm not talking to anyone else when I say this, just you... you are definately afraid of something that you can't see. And you know what, it appears to me to be your own imagination. If you can't take posts like Pamela's without getting upset, then maybe you should think twice about posting messages you can't back up, you contradict yourself in, and quit sounding like someone that is working for the government trying to put out disinformation. Lets see if you can post a "normal", eh, no, a reasonable post explaining why you feel the way you do about spirituality and back it up with some type of experience or fact. Can you do that?

Not so calm and tranquil now are we Shaun?

Where’s your higher sense of serenity now?

I said it before, and I will say it again. You attack anyone who doesn't agree with your metaphysics and religion. Thanks for proving that point repeatedly

And oh, that responds just cannot get no more normal then that. Cause those are the facts. Whether you like them or not.

No jumping to conclusions, no attacks. Just the reality of what is, not what you want it to be.

And as for Jesus being God. That remark was made to Pamela, not to you. We used to be good friends
in the past. But anyway’s, that it as far as I will say on the confidential information people tell me. I am very ethical and moral.

I may not be religious, but I live a good, honest, hard working life. And I am very proud of all that I have accomplished, thank you very much

Therefore, it doesn't get me down when you insult me. Cause in the end, all those attacks, will just make you look bad.

Notice how surprised Time02112 was to see your true colors emerge? I think this was just the beginning.

You spend your life meditating and learning about higher states of being. And what does it get you when you are faced to discover that it might not be true. Anger, confusion, the emotions in your last post shows all of that. When all I asked for was to consider the possibilities. But no, not even that.

Your just hypocritical like the rest... Give me a break Shaun, bring down the share-aid.

Javier C.

P.S. Let’s get this straight, I am not a government employee (although I may decide to join the Marines next month
. But that’s all, and that’s the truth.
Hey Time, I liked your picture!

..( o ).........

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 August 2000).>
Hello Javier,
Sorry friend, your far from disgruntling me. After what my ex has put me through. I don't think there is much of anything left that will upset me. Hell, just a cpl months ago my brother came to me after bathing himself in gasoline and lighting himself on fire. Can you imagine what thats like Javier? Freshly fried individual staggering in, the smell of singed hair immediately filling the room. Can you? I don't think so, you sound like someone that has led a pretty pampered life. I've seen alot worse. Javier, I do wish you the best of luck. Especially if you go into the Marines, I've already done my time in the Mil. Alot of fun, but I wouldn't expect to get far with the attitude you have now, but then, they'll break you. They succeed in doing that to all weak minded individuals. Again, I wish you the best of luck. Heheh. Still havn't given an actual post on why you see things the way you do. I think that's because you really don't know what you believe. Your still searching and doubting.
