Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

Activist, I think you take this a little too seriously. You have to accept that there will be people out there who need the crutch of spirituality to help themselves come to grips with reality. Nothing you or I can say will sway the minds of these unshakeable believers, but we don't need to argue. Personally, I find the discussion the most interesting part, regardless of who 'converts' whom in the end.

And mokrie dela. Like I said before, I'm not afraid of your 'unseen' stuff. That's a typical spiritualist barb, which doesn't actually carry weight. I can more validly say that you (and all spiritual people) are in fact afraid of admitting that there is no spiritual realm, and that the physical reality is all there is. That is a truly frightening prospect; that we are no more than flecks of chalk on a planetary cueball, whirling round and round in cosmic emptiness. Perhaps you are afraid of the finality of death, and turn to spirituality to ease that fear. Perhaps, like Shaun, you have experienced great horrors, and hang on to the false order spirituality brings to life. Whatever draws you to spirituality, I urge you to try to take a look at your beliefs without the filter of fear or of hope, and use evidence and logic to see the Universe as it truly is.
Im curious Razmatazz,
do you really believe we are nothing but flecks of chalk on a planetary cueball whirling around in cosmic emptiness?
Do you really think the spirit cannot live without the body?
how do you explain people that have out of body experiences? well documented specials that have been on tv on the discovery channel and other scientific programs.?
How is it that the people have not only seen and described what was going on in the operating room if they were not in spirit and out of their body? this is the simplest explaination everything else requires some imagination. Iam trying to think..if i didnt beleive in the spirit body how would I explain this scientifically....
the hearing part could be rationilized by saying the person was somewhat conscious but it did not register for some reason on the medical equipement. the seeing and describing what was done with 100% accuracy is a little harder to explain....hmm well let's see...maybe they produced an image in their minds by the words they were hearing? maybe they overheard the doctors talking about it in another room? doesnt explain how they viewed it from the ceiling from a point of view that noone else had in the room...even telepathy has to be ruled out on that then....maybe they dreamed it? and just so happened that they were 100% accurate and described the place and what happened exactly. what are the odds on that?
Im also scientifically minded and cannot explain it in these terms because they dont fit. the simplest explaination tends to be the right one. they were out of their body plain and simple. the truth is the truth you cant dismiss it because it doesnt fit into what your view of reality is.
unless you can describe to me scientifically how this could be...maybe i am missing something. but if the conclussion is they were really out of their body then there is spiritual life. and that the body is only a container for your real self...your spirit.

Amen to that...

And oh, sorry to say this Mokrie, but you had this one coming too
. No offence.

And to you Shaun, me pampered? Don't make me laugh... I'd experienced things you can not even begin to conceive of. I've had bad relationships, I've seen death. Hell, I work at a hospital; I see it all the time. My mind is in no way weak. Well anyway's it's nice to see the real you Shaun, finally your talking like your self. Doesn't it feel better now to let the lies down, of who you thought you were? Finally, your true colors show bright. Good luck to you, I hope you manage to cope and to fully recover from your pain someday. But remember, the key to solving most of life’s problems isn’t by religion or seeing the world in a metaphysical way. Then your only lying to your self even more. The key is to be honest with your self. Tell your self how you truly feel, then you can begin to heal.

Let me know if you need my help. Take care.

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.
Ahh Pamela's inquisitive questions. Are they just that, or are they means of using what they say against them later, for personal reasons? Just thought I ask

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 27 August 2000).>
Pamela, so long as you are on this spiritual subject, you know, with spirits ascending in the air and what-not, describing what is happening on the operating table, or, perhaps who is sitting in an adjacent room, how is this documented? Why are there so many inconsistencies? Why does one person supposedly die and see his/her relatives? Why do Buddhists claim to see Buddha? Why do some see heaven?hell? Others see Christ? Other stories?
here is a story...
a young man and a young woman died at the same time. they met in the spirit and both were heading toward the bright light that everybody claims they see.
"there is a bright light upahead." the young man said "do you see it?"
"yes" the young woman said"But that is not just a bright light..that's Jesus."
the young man looked confused.
afterwards the young woman approached Jesus and asked him"why is it that the young man that was with me could not see you but only saw a bright light?"
Jesus looked at her and smiled."because you know me."
Hey Pamela,
It becomes useless when it becomes obvious that some people are single minded in certain areas. They seem to look towards logical and scientific explanations for everything. Fact is, even though the bumble could fly, Javier would have fought against that argument for the same amount of years that science couldn't prove it, even though we knew it could. We have to remember, it's people like Javier that are not going to make the transition right away, he's the type we'll be fighting for. One of the reasons the warriors are gathering. But, let him lay where he chooses for now, when the time comes and he's ready, he'll open his eyes.

And Javier, just so you know, I don't believe in a God as you believe in a God. And you can't say you don't, because you obviously question yourself about it, why else would you have such grudge against him. Why don't you get familiar with the works of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and Ervin Seale and then get back with me on what I believe. But then, you sound like a selective reader so I should only expect you to pick out things that you could handle, such as table of contents and maybe the preface. And my friend, all the help I need is already being given to me, same for everyone else who stops to see and listen. And my friend, I don't look towards a God for this help nor guidance, I don't think "you" could possibly even come close to understanding how the mind works as well as I've come to understand it. Remember Javier, when the Marines have you bent over grabbing your ankles and crying, which is known as, assuming the position, feel free to send me an e-mail for advice. And the biggest tip I can give in case you kiss the wrong arse and get put into the brig... remember, the people you'll meet in the brig will be some of the best people you'll meet in the military, don't mess things up there. It's where I met some of the most trustworthy men within the military.

What amazes me, here or elsewhere, is the in ability of people to be tollerant of anyone's personal beliefs. Everyone must prove someone wrong. In other words, great science or incredible discoverys can't possibly come from anyone that does'nt think like you. I'm not religious. So what. The information I may add that may possibly be of value is not based on my religious beliefs and the same with everyone else. Personal beliefs are nothing to be argued over. They are to be respected. If you want respect as a human being you must first give it. I should think YOU JAVIER should understand that concept. I have not seen you show much respect to anyone on these boards so you have lost the respect of others.
*leaning back with a thinking frown*

I was amazed by the passion of each side...I was taken aback by the heat of the anger displayed here...

It is my understanding that this place is for open discourse with the express purpose of learning from each other...exploring alternatives..seeking truth...searching for pieces of a grander puzzle that any one of us may hold in part...

There is great knowledge in old teachings..whether or not your reality includes a spiritual belief, having the ability to read, gather, and incorporate the content is something all human beings are capable of if they so choose....

*chin in hand thinking* I am not a scientist yet find science fascinating... I am not a spiritualist, although I find spirtualism fascinating... I am not a photographer yet I find beauty and truth in some photographs... I am not a chef *grinning* but I love to eat well prepared food...

Rather than shut down through attacks and anger... I hope all of us can go full circle and take time *ahem* to hear each other's truth and treat each other as equals...

I can always break out the wet paper towels... *hiding behind the couch* *aiming for the next moving target*

Take a step back and consider the purpose of each of our contributions...S*

Be safe and dream sweetly.

you are right Mokrie. all beleifs should be respected. I beleive everybody is at different levels of developement spiritually that is why there are so many different churches and religions to help each person where they are at. sometimes it becomes important to discuss your beleifs for example spirituality if you feel it might be used as a way to time travel. example: out of body experiences. I have talked to people who have all kinds of personal beleifs: (buddists,zen,christians,evolutionists,catholics,satanist,jewish,ufologists,psychics,druids etc.etc.)
each one of them had something important to contribute to the research of time traveling.
even though you dont have the same beleifs as someone else doesnt mean you cant learn something from them.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 27 August 2000).>
(And there Shaun sits, crouched behind the coffee table, with his keen eye sight, he eyes a potential target...........) *WHOOOSH* ......... *SPLAT* (Damn he thinks, I missed again... keen eyes sight is great, but I hate my hand eye coordination... I'll have to work on that, but first, need to make my way to the kitchen for more paper towel)
I completely agree with you Pamela, unfortunately, some people can't see that, and that's the reason we have some many disagreements as such as the one thats been carried on here. The are so many like Javier in between those like ourselves. But, you may have noticed as well as many others, that this is starting to change, with the different sciences being a good example, now that they are starting to work together, we are discovering new things and coming down to new truths. People like Javier (sorry to use you Javier, but you've made yourself the best example) for the mean time, I find humorous, even though I have other things to do that could get alot more done, I still enjoy finding the time to play with people like him.

Well said Wandering Soul! The last time I looked this was still America and freedom of religious beliefs is part and parcel of of the freedoms we enjoy. Great minds have come from every religion or lack thereof. What on earth is the problem with anyone believing in ghosts or God or Budda or Wakentanka or little grey men? Every one calm down.
Ok I can see you need alot of help Shaun... Remember when you used to be so calm and passive in your posts. And once I started asking you to consider that your religion might not be true, you start attacking me. Anyone else notice that? Cause it's true, I'm not assuming anything.

You think you know me so well? You think my mind and body are so weak? You think that if I were to join the Marines that they will make me cry for my mommy
? Is that what you truly believe? Huh Shaun…?

Your faith is missed placed if that's what you believe. Cause I am far from weak my friend. I grew up in the tough streets of Southern California. Our home was in the middle of gang territory; we were poor and could not afford to live in a nicer place. I went to a public school that had drugs and gang members, at even the age of 7. That's how bad it was.

I was fortunate to make friends with some of the tough kids in school for protection. Walking home and seeing all those gang members, you get to know why it was necessary to do as in Rome.

I would hear gun shots every night, I would get in fights in school, cause someone didn't like the way you looked at them. And remember, these are elementary kids.

No, life wasn't easy. And I am in no way weak. I know pain and torture. Not just from where I grew up, but from my 6 and half years of Martial Arts training, and 2 years of wrestling. I can withstand great amounts of pain. You have no idea how good I am
. I am a Black Belt, and in Wrestling I was a 1 time League Champ, and 1 time MVP
. That's how good I am. Trophy’s and awards, my house is full of them.

So am I pampered, am I weak? I worked very hard all my life to get what I wanted, and no one is going to stop me from telling the truth. Not you, not no one. Cause I know what the truth is, I seen it. And someday, you may know it too.

Just look at Shaun for the proof. Look at his sudden change in behavior. Didn’t I say he would do what I said if I questioned his spiritual ways? Now, Shaun is showing his true colors, and since you, people have gotten to know him as a spiritual individual. Now that his humanity and spirituality is struggling to find ways to crush me, while still remaining like if he’s this nice guy. And you are accepting it. Give me a break.

Which goes back to my last point. Luring…. See how he was able to lure your thoughts from calmity, to move on and attack those that don’t think like you? That’s only the beginning I said. If you didn’t notice it this time, you will again later. It’s a domino affect… If he chooses to stop now, it will be noticeable how he transitions back to how he used to talk. Then maybe you’ll believe me.

-Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 27 August 2000).>
here is a good example:
one guy I was talking to was a satanist- directly opposite of my religion but he knew more about the Montauk project than anyone I ever met had I not talked to him I would not know now what I know about that project.
it does not matter what you beleive but what is the truth. it is the truth we are after. isnt it?
You are correct Pamela.

Heheh, looking good Javier. So let me see if I have this straight, you know everything there is to know so you know "the" Truth? Btw, I'll say it again, I'm not religious. But you seem to be a selective reader as I've mentioned before. That is a rough little life you've grown up in. I'm glad to see how you've turned out considering how most people turn out in those situations. I my friend, have gone through very similar experiences and then some. You were somewhat fortunate and it sounds like you may have gotten quite a bit out of it. But it also sounds as though your holding a type of grudge because of how you were raised. I sense a bit of hatred there. Now if only you can quit bashing peoples beliefs, I'd probably have alot of respect for ya. I truly enjoyed your earlier posts, don't know what happened to ya to cause you to take on the role of a horrible critic. Hey, got an idea, try reading a whole post, then replying. Its a thought. Ooooh ooh... another idea... when you refer to what people have said, make sure you've read what they've said, hey, even go back and make sure if you have to. Why is it so hard for you to actually discuss something or carry on a conversation?

Hello Javier,
You know, I can't help this because I'm rather enjoying it. How do you know i'm not one of these time travellers that you speak of, thats been messing with your life? How do you know i'm not here to mess with your head? Have you noticed any changes around you or in yourself since I come to this board and started talking? Have you noticed the change in your behaviour? Others have. How do you know I didn't just show up all of sudden in order to use my "manipulative" talking skills to make sure you stayed blind to the truth? Have you noticed that the more I post in response to your posts the more defensive you get, the more you seem to avoid what's being said? Have you been questioning things lately that you thought you were sure about? Could that possibly be the plan? Hmmm... Maybe i'm the one working for the government, after all, I did spend some time in the military, I did spend time in a military psychiatric ward, and I then spent time locked up in a brig, I was released only a short time ago. Could it be that i've been experimented on, and then led to this board and the people i've met for some reason that i'm not sure of? Could it be that I'm just here to insure the you stay off track? Questions questions questions. Paranoia, it can be a pain in the arse, and at the same time, it can be so much fun. Can't wait for your response Javier, but then, maybe I know what your response will be, and I just want to see it to make sure i'm doing my job.

I am observing that what has been given to you is what you have given to others if you consider it an attack then maybe it is wise to sit back and reflect on how you have been talking to other people on here.
that my friend,is the truth.
I truly don't have a clue what you or Pamela are expecting from my respond from your posts. But to be honest, I think that your assuming to much Shaun. And Pamela isn't brave enough to tell you that, because I think she likes you

Just wanted to say that your last posts, made you sound like an Evil Mr. Rogers. All that sarcasms, and false compassion. I can see why you might have been locked up. And I wouldn’t doubt you have hidden agendas, either.

But I won't play your game Shaun, that's what you want me to do, isn't that right? You said it your self, your enjoying it. Your just a little to pleased with your self. For an enlightened person, that's contradictory to all that your good-natured soul said since first coming to this board... And you know it.

And that's just the facts; I'm not assuming nothing. It's now the way your presenting your self, and I see that I was right all along.

No, I don't know all the truth in the world. But I do know something’s, that you and alot of people don't know.

Well what else can I say. You have friends here who will stand by your side and defend you in your radical ways. No matter how many times I point them out to them, they still won't see what my last post meant. But just go along with you. Don’t say I didn’t tell you about luring.

-Javier C.
Heheh, Javier my friend. It's obvious you take things too seriously. It's also obvious that you aren't going to give a meaningful response to anything. So I reckon I'll quit picking on you. <smiling> But it has been interesting.


<This message has been edited by Shaun Holt (edited 27 August 2000).>