Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

....."time".....hmmm...that was the subject of this forum, right? Let's put things back on topic. I would like to see some progress on this subject. There are other boards like the old Montaukproject.com that started out like this and it is now shut down. Let's not repeat that here. It is fine to disagree, but arguing accomplishes nothing. What have have we proven concerning "time"?

...~The Doctor~...
"There is no time to waste, only time to change"..."The sum of all knowledge is that you and your reality do not exist; only thought and imagination are real, and therefore...I am."~ Magi Systems Forums~
Oh, btw, "possible time distortion methods" doesn't mean possible ways to distort the topic of "time" to something else a lot less appropriate.( well somebody laugh, it was a poor shot at humor to breakup this shooting match).

...~The Doctor~...
"There is no time to waste, only time to change"..."The sum of all knowledge is that you and your reality do not exist; only thought and imagination are real, and therefore...I am."~ Magi Systems Forums~
That was pretty funny Doc. HAHAHAHAHA

by the way Doc yesterday I was walking by a bunch of books and spied a book that had an image on the front of it that looked like the image on your magi matrix device. I picked it up and sure enough it was about time travel. dont know if it is any good or not. its a fictional book. its called "manifold time" by stephen baxter. I'll let ya know. the author is a trained engineer with degrees and a doctorate in aeroengineering research. alot of times their ideas are weaved through their fictional books. look forward to reading it.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 01 September 2000).>
Raz,Believe it or not I agree with you. My beliefs are based on my experiences and not the teachings of someone else. I do however take what others say examine it and incorporate what agrees with my experiences and disregard what doesn't.

Why is it so hard to comprehend a higher consciousness? It seems natural like a natural progression to me. Atoms join together to form molecules and molecules join to form proteins, proteins join to form cells, cells form organs, organs operate together to form you and your mind. Why are we (humans) arrogant enough to think that it stops there? It is obvious to us now that ecological systems act as a living organism due to the interdependence of everything. The first time I read anything about this was in a book by Robert Pirsig where he described New York city as a living being. That started me thinking about it. Other things I have experienced agree with it so I believe it.


In the comment I made about selling your soul, I was speaking sarcastically. Now that I think about it though I realize the only answer is yourself. The only one who decides your future is you. You have to choose you actions and live with the consequences. If you choose not to decide (now I sound like a Rush song) someone else will choose for you, but you first get that choice. It may be a life or death choice, but it is still a choice.

Please don’t confuse the higher mind I speak of with you thoughts of the Borg collective. If everyone though the same and acted the same it would be a very stupid higher mind. It is the individualism and the interaction between people that creates this mind. BTW, the Internet is making the higher mind more intelligent by increasing this interaction very much like the brain gets smarter by increasing synapses.

And don’t just to the assumption that just because I mentioned the “G” word that I am a devote Christian or something. I use to refer to it as the universe then I came to the realization that the words were synonymous. People make assumptions about you when you use the word god just as you did. Don’t confuse spirituality with religion.

I do have a question for you though. How come everything you read about spirituality, angels, and miracles are crap, but anything about aliens and conspiracies is fact. Aren’t these just the myths, monsters of the 20th century? Even if some of it is true. BTW, I do believe there is life out there. The probability is too high. The jury is still out on whether anyone has come here yet. I wouldn’t want to shack your faith on the subject though.

And now a bit on time travel:

It may be possible that the possibility of time travel exist, but is inconsequential. With only 6 or 7 dimensions it is possible to have a universe where traveling in time would have no effect on the present. In a universe limited to 4 dimensions, we would be living in a deterministic existence where someone who travels in the past can affect the future. Modern scientists theorize that we live in a 10-dimension universe.

P.S. This is my forth post so I had to make it a long one.

More on dimensions later.....
I think that every action has a consequence. A person who time travels might experience something that effects that person's life and the way that person subsequently affects the lives of others. Actions without consequence, it seems, have no meaning.

I also think that the concept of multiple dimensions demonstrates that we exist in much more than just the physical universe that we are familiar with.
Every action that you perform does have consiquenses and you (everyone) must take responsibility for them. What I am saying is that the effects of another's medaling in time may not effect you since the results would only be other pathways. This would however make time travel pointless and could be the reason that we don't see people from the future here in the present.
Oh give me a break. Karma, ripples, whatever. The fact still remains, someone can do something to you to change your past. Not that you had it coming or that it was already meant to be.

You can't go on in life blaming and making excuses that everything everything happens to you is because it was already meant to be (because you brought upon your self, and that you did it to your self). Have some common sense people...

There are some things that are beyond your control. And Karma, and ideals like those, go off balance, and innocents who didn't deserve it, do get in the cross fire, and get hit when it wasn't meant for them.

Geesh, come on. I seen it, so I know. Time Travel is not pointless, and it's very dangerous. Someone traveling back in time will not get it in the end, he would have cheated death and all other human prinicles. And along with everyone else who he encountered, whether it was meant for them or not. Doesn't anyone see that? Am I the only one who has some common sense to see that?

Well any ways, I gotta go, think about what I said. It's very real. So sorry if this reality check makes you upset or offends you. Didn't intend for that. Just had to tell it the way it is.

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.
Sounds interesting Pamela. Let me know how their fictional device was set up to work, and send me an image of the cover if you would. Thanks,

...~The Doctor~...
"There is no time to waste, only time to change"..."The sum of all knowledge is that you and your reality do not exist; only thought and imagination are real, and therefore...I am."~ Magi Systems Forums~

Who said anything about Karma? If you actually read what I said and not assume you know what I am talking about, which it is obvious by your statements that you don't you may gain a different viewpoint to observe the universe.

I didn’t say time travel IS pointless. I said it may be pointless, if I am correct about the nature of the universe and dimensions.

Let me explain:

An increase in dimensions is made by motion. Zero dimensions is a point. Put that point into motion and you get a line (1D). Put that line into motion and you get a plane (2D). Put the plane in motion and you get space (3D). This is not the space we live in, but a static non-changing space. You need to put the space into motion for that. I do not call this dimension Time because it doesn’t quite fit. Time is an illusion of moving through the 4th dimension, but that is another story. If you looked at your life from outside the 4th dimension you would see a continuous line from birth to death. The line would interact with other lines and may change direction multiple times as a result of these interactions.

In 4 dimensions, you would be correct in thinking that someone could go back in time to change your past and have it effect you. Then time travel would be very dangerous. Another problem with 4D space is that it is deterministic. And since I believe that we all have free will. So you have to put it into motion to add other options to your life and to the universe. This breaks down the duality between determinism and free will. Both can exist at the same time (oops slip of the pun). Your path and observations are based on the choices you make. You determine whether the cat in the box lives or dies based on which path your consciousness takes.

Now I originally was thinking that by moving this 5D universe you would get additional choices, but now I think that it may add potential or probability to the mix. It also would fit in nicely with Schrodingers equations. I don’t know if it works mathematically but maybe I’ll look into it. If 5D was only additional choices 6D, 7D, and 8D may be potential and probability.

In this 5D universe your life would look like a tree. With branches going all over the place for the different choices you could make and the opportunities that result in them. Some of the branches would be shorter than others indicating paths where actions had effects that lead to destruction. Someone could not go into the past and alter your present because ALL possibilities already exist. If they observe you acting different it would be because they are observing a different version of yourself.

Now I know you are going to write this all off as crap and it my very well be wrong, but until I hear or come up with a different explanation of the universe that fits in with my observations, I’ll stick with it.

Kentheee: Is your concept of dimensions similar to the multiverse or many-world theories?

I'm not sure about the nature of the higher dimensions because I can't consciously observe them and most ideas about them vary.

Also, you said: "Someone could not go into the past and alter your present because ALL possibilities already exist."

Question: If ALL possibilities already exist, wouldn't those possibilities include 'someone going into the past and altering your present'?
kentheee, so your saying if I didn't assume what your meaning about consequences and every action everyone makes creates more consequences. Me mistaking that as Karma, and the such, I would have ended up gaining a different viewpoint from you? Man... What a mind job

Like I said it before, and I will say it again. Give me a break.

I read your whole post; it seems to me that you were the one who was assuming. If you want people to get your meaning the first time around, don't speak in riddles. Like the first time when you said, "Who wants to buy your soul."

How the hell was I supposed to know that you were being sarcastic, and meant something else by it, geesh? I don't think alot of people here know what you mean when you speak, and later to explain what your words really meant. And to even go as far as manipulating a statement that was not even directed to you. I didn't say you said, "Time Travel is not pointless."

I said it to everyone. Not just you. I didn't even say that my last post was even directed to you. You thought it was

Notice I didn't put your name on the beginning of it. That's the clue you should have picked up, that I wasn’t talking to you
. I was making a statement for everyone.

Now this post on the other hand, is in responds to you. So you should feel special now

Nevertheless, I got other things I have to do today. Friday night ya know

Have a good TGIF,
Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 01 September 2000).>
Is Karma the same as Destiny? When we exercise free will, do we create Karma? If we try to change Karma, do we create additional Karma in the process? If so, how do we break the cycle? Does Karma follow us through life and into successive lives?
No Time:

Your right. My beliefs are very similar to the many-worlds interpretation of Quantum Physics, but a bit different. As I understand it, the many-world states that the act of observation splits the universe. I am saying the universe is already split. Well it is not really split, that would depend on your point of reference. Both paths already exist and your observation (or choice) only determines what path your consciousness will follow. Maybe it follows both paths and maybe it remains connected at a higher level. But that is getting very metaphysical.

Btw, I have agreed with some of your posts in I have read while trying to catch up on what is going on. They were provocative and made me think.

I am sorry if I made the conclusion that you last post was at least in some part directed toward me. It did follow mine and seemed to reply to statements I made. I guess if it it was directed to everyone, I am correct in thinking that it was in some part directed to me though.

You seem to be very adept at disagreeing with people, but I have yet to state what you do believe and how it all fits together.

You have mentioned some things about GVT conspiracies, aliens and time travelers, but how does it all fit together and what does it mean. If we are in danger, what do we do about it? If you want the soapbox here it is.

Also, you still haven’t answered my question directed at you of why you believe everything about angels, miracles, and spirituality is crap and everything about aliens, and conspiracies is the truth. And aren’t these the myths and dragon of the 20th century.
The reason why you may think I argue alot with alot of people is because alot of them leave out very important information. And I just want to make it clear to the reader, reading the post, that that is not the only interpretation out there. Do you see what I mean? Some people only make clear the Pro side. While alot leave out the Con, and that's what gets to me.

So it's nothing personal when they do it, I just wish people considered both sides. Eventualy if they still keep doing that, that’s when I make it personal

But anyway's, as for GVT conspiracies and Aliens. I've talked so much about it in the past old post. Your new here so I guess you never read them. I didn't think it was important to repeat what I said so many times before. So it's not that I didn't want to answer your question.

Basically it's like this. Government hides truth from the public. Public is closed-minded and maintained ignorant about the hidden agendas of Alien/US Government Co-venture.

If an enemy plane from China is spotted in US skies, the government will surely handle that A.S.A.P. right? Because they don't know about it. But if there is a UFO in the skies, they let it go. WHY? You do the math.

And thirdly, how would you feel if Aliens were among us? That's exactly why the GVT isn't saying anything. But we have a right to know. We are being exploited by these beings. And for purposes that someday, you will come to see as being spiritual. Meaning, you will be okay with them.

You should look at some of my old postings, I'm kind of tired to type right now. And I know I left out alot of things. So instead of repeating my self, just do a little digging. You'll find the answer to your questions somewhere in this message board.

Javier C.

P.S. See, I told you I didn't assume nothing
kenthee said:
"Raz,Believe it or not I agree with you. My beliefs are based on my experiences and not the teachings of someone else. I do however take what others say examine it and incorporate what agrees with my experiences and disregard what doesn't."

Well then, I can't fault you. Just don't try to get it taught in public schools

"Why is it so hard to comprehend a higher consciousness?"

It's not; I just see no reason to believe in one. You can say 'New York is a living being', but that's just a metaphor. You can say 'All humanity forms a collective consciousness', but as far as I'm concerned, that's just a metaphor as well.

I'm curious about two things: One, do you consider proteins to be life? And two, what are the experiences that lead you to believe we are all parts of a higher being? (Forgive me if they're personal) If you answer, I'm sure it'll lead to interesting conversation.

One other comment - I don't believe that there is any such thing as an absolute set of morals. Every action we perform only has consequences because society says it does. For instance, if it were not illegal or viewed immoral to steal, there would be no consequence to that action (except for getting nice stuff). It is simply because society usually has a set of self-regulating mores that some things seem 'good' and others 'bad'. I don't believe that things like karma or absolute consequences can exist because morality is simply a function of society.
Raz: If it were not illegal or immoral to steal, then the consequences would be much greater. It's the law that prevents uncontrolled retaliation by crime victims. In the old west, for example, cattle rustlers were hanged outside the law and without trials or proof of guilt, in some cases. That's a big consequence, not only to the person who was hanged, but to his family, as well. Every action has consequence.

I suspect that everyone believes in a "higher conscious" but many don't realize that they do. If you think about it, it's not too difficult to imagine that our physical bodies are only a small part of our overall being.
Hmm... But if our society had a different perception of 'property'? That you wouldn't be offended if someone took something from you? There truly would be no consequences. You still look at it from the standpoint of our society.

And, it's easy to imagine lots of things - what's tough is finding out what's true and what's not. I know for a fact that I don't believe I'm a part of a higher consciousness.
Raz: In the scenario you described, people would, in fact, feel differently about property. But that is not the reality we currently live in. You said: "You still look at it from the standpoint of our society." Of course, because that is our day to day reality, at present.

Our ability to imagine things is part of our higher conscious, unlike other life forms that live purely on instinct. You believe that you are not part of a higher conscious and I beieve your are. I could be totally wrong. The higher dimensions discussed here may be part of that higher conscious, and maybe not. Some think the 'soul' is part of our higher consciousness, while some don't.
Yeah, I pretty much agree. My whole point was that our morals and 'consequences' are not absolute, and that actions without consequence are not necessarily meaningless.

Imagination's great, but you kind of sounded as if you were saying our being part of a higher being is not hard to imagine, and therefore it's likely to be true, which doesn't make sense. I mean, I can imagine a lot of things easily, but it doesn't make them more true.
the answer to time travel is not stand alone.
the day v find how to transverse time
v will be seeing the universe in a newer way.
v need to finally assert
whether time and space r dependent?.
was there time beyond big bang?
does time flows independent of big bangs
and big crunches(if it exists)?
if time and space r independent we have 2 choices
pulsating space and linear time
pulsating space and some time behavoiur
if time and space r dependent then
r they linearly dependent
r they linearly dependent with some kind of offset
they r related thru some random function
beyond comprehension till now

the first dead lock is
the question of dependency between time and space
