Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

Hey Everyone!!! I've been following the postings through this topic matter and while it was humorous at times it was also disheartening to read the personal attacks. When it comes to comparing two reality based philosophies that are worlds apart in their meanings and beliefs they are the same in that they both stand on equal footing. There's good thoughts that can be made for both belief systems. I believe that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience!!! Does that make me wrong? No! It is my belief and it works for me in a lot of ways, therefore my beliefs are right, for me... If my belief is contrary to what someone else believes does that make them wrong? No! It is their own person beliefs and if it works for them then their belifs are also right. It's the personal attacks that are wrong..
Well enough said about that!!

Pamela could you please send me a copy of the symbol on the cover of that book. I agree Doc it does sound very interesting!!
While there a variety of methods to research, in regards to Time Travel, and there's not enough time in the day to truthfully research them properly, people must follow the instigating factor that gives them the drive and unrelenting searching for the truth that sometimes, they find, the answer has been in front of their nose the whole time..........




Draco the Druid

OK, lets look at different sides. While it is true that the government keeps secrets from us. Most of those are military in nature and I can understand those. There are other secrets to be sure, but I don’t believe they are on the level of conspiracy that you speak about and since the government will neither confirm nor deny much of what you suspect it is a great feeding ground for the paranoid.

There is another explanation to why the government doesn’t respond to UFO’s in the sky. Maybe there aren’t any. They would however keep the rumor mill going so that they can test new military vehicles without too much suspicion. This is called misdirection and is a favored tool of the intelligence community. Why create a lie when one is there wanting to be exploited.

But then maybe you’re right, and there are UFOs flying all around and aliens living among us. If so I would like to meet one. I am sure there is a lot I could learn from them and maybe even teach them some things.


You said, ”One other comment - I don't believe that there is any such thing as an absolute set of morals. Every action we perform only has consequences because society says it does. “

I half agree with you there. There is not absolute set of morals. What is right or wrong, good and evil is based on the situation. Some people will write that off as “situational ethics” and I say what is wrong with that. There is a time for everything.

Everything we do has consequences not because society says so, but because physics does. Really it is the nature of the universe and physics just describes it. Every action produces and equal and opposite reaction. That doesn’t mean that if your nice to people they will be mean to you, but it will cause a stimulus they will interpret and react as they choose. Negative stimuli generally produce negative reactions. Which propagates (like a wave) throughout society and eventually effect you. Not because it was meant to, but because it will increase the probability of harm coming your way. If you surround your self with people who have no respect for life and like to kill you greatly increase you chances of being killed. Hence the saying, “live by the sword die by the sword”. There is no determinism or fate just probability. That is how I describe Karma.

I am of the opinion that it is our job in society to define what type world we want to live in. If we (collective) want a society where life is cheap and you can be robbed at any time then we wont have laws against murder or stealing. But if we say we don’t want to live like that we will pass laws and invoked ways of enforcing them. If we really want a society without crime we would also eliminate the causes of it. By eliminating poverty and promoting respect for all, we could reduce crime even further. This could not be forced on society but rather must come about on its own. Similar to an addict hitting bottom before turning their life around.

I don’t ever see us living in a utopian society and really don’t want it, but we could improve things a bit. The paranoid out there will say that it is because there are secret groups controlling everything. Remember though if they exist they don’t have as much power as you’d think since exposure would nullify their existence. They can’t force anything to happen else they would be exposed. If it got bad enough society would rise up against it. You know “When in the course of human events…” and such.

I’ve rambled on enough for now.

Nice one kentheee,

How long did it take you to think of all that to write

As for you wanting to see a UFO. My advice to you, -Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.-

And don't quickly jump to conclusions thinking that their all good. After all, they are exploiting humans for their research, against our will. I don't remember granting anyone the right to abduct me. And you will be a fool to think that they are doing it for our benefit. Foolish humans.

Man, I sure hope mankind doesn't welcome them with open arms again. That will seal our fate for the next 3000 years.

Javier C.
It only took a minuet or so. I was vacationing for the long weekend.

You seem to know a lot more about aliens than I do. I don't know what your talking about. I don't believe our fate is sealed.

But I must admire the conviction of your faith for a person who is so anti-spirtual.

I don't believe aliens are working with the government because why would they. There are better run private companies to work with. They could work with Hollywood. Did you ever notice how before E.T. all movie aliens were bad. I guess that really started way back in the 60's with "Lost in Space" and "My Favorite Martian". I see how the connections can be made. Will Robinson even changed sides and became an alien on "Babylon 5". Hollywood must be just one giant PR firm for another planet.

Why work with the govenment they cant keep things secret. Bill couldn't get a hummer with out the world finding out.

If I were from another planet I would work with... say... Microsoft or Intel. Hmmmmm. Bill Gates does have kind of a big head.
Depending on what their agenda is, aliens would enter any or all aspects of government (federal/state/local/military), industry (management/labor/unions), academia (primary/secondary/higher), religion, political organizations, social movements, media (press/radio/TV/internet), science, technology, think tanks, medical research, etc. They would do it on global basis.
kentheee, if you mean 'consequences' in the physicsy sense, then of course everything has 'consequences'. I meant in the moral sense. Like you said, society has the ultimate control over its own morals and improving itself.

As a side note, I think it's absurd to think that aliens would come the hundreds of light years from their home, braving the interstellar gulf and a large risk of finding nothing, to hide away, mess with our government, and anally probe hillbillies. It seems too unbelieveable. It's silly to think that they'd be able to hide among us, because in all likelyhood they'd be so completely differently evolved as to look nothing like us. I prefer to believe that they'd come openly, with the intention of learning about us and trading information. That's what I'd do if I visited another intelligent race.
Hey Everyone!!! I just want to make a couple of observations...... First of all you're asuming that it actually takes time to achieve Inter or Trans Dimensional Travel and second of all you're asuming that they would have absolutely no form of shapeshifting or invisibilization capabilities. There is the possibility that if any form of extraterrestrials showed up that they could be humans from the future that would come to kick our asses into saving the earth and enlightening us on the finer facts of getting along with each other.
Perhaps then we would, as humans, be ready for the next Level!!!!

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Draco the Druid
Aliens may have to travel great distances to get here, but if they may have a fast and safe way of doing it then that would not be a factor.

They may not be able to openly present themselves to us because of physical, biological, or intellectual reasons. Physically, they may be hidious looking to us or vice versa; biologically, they may carry microorganisms that we can not deal with and vice versa; intellectually, they may think we are primitive or know for a fact that we are primitive (the snob factor). They may be mental giants compared to us.

They can study us without openly presenting themselves (using the probing mentioned above). If they are studying our evolution, then any sharing of information would destroy (contaminate) that study because they would give us information (technological, medical, sociological, psychological, etc.) that we would have had to discover on our own over a long period of time.

Maybe the plague and other diseases were caused by aliens (unintentionally or as an experiment). On a grand scale, maybe our whole existence is part of their experiment. Maybe human existence is just one of many experiments being conducted by alien civilizations.
Draco2 & NoTime,

How can you too accuse others of assuming, when you 2 are doing the same thing? Doesn't make sense...

Plus you’re both assuming that those Aliens are all good. Just how everyone else you accused of assuming thought. Man...

I just got 1 thing to say to you... What's wrong with you, is believing skeptically about someone’s motives that hard for you to do? And when you do it, you believe they have the best intentions in mind for us.

It's people like you that have doomed us all. Accepting everything, like helpless lab rats that can't do anything but just be apart of an experiment against their will.

Humanity has lost the will to resist. And that's what saddens me the most

You make these Aliens your Gods, your examples to be, to reach their evolution. But to what? To be just like them. To force another Race to follow their teachings. Exploiting them, and the End will justify the means of everything you do.

Am I one of the last who still has some sense of humans having freedom and freewill? Or has everyone else here enjoys letting others do things for them. Well you elected a Leader like Bill, I would think he represents how people here’s attitudes are really like. Mighty shame…

Btw, Nice Communism we have here. We are truly independent

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.

P.S. And in case you didn’t catch it, I was being sarcastic with my last statement.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 06 September 2000).>
TTA: Keep an open mind. Use your ideas and the ideas of other to build on. Combine different scenarios to visualize what may be "out there." The good new is: anything is possible. The bad new is: anything is possible.
Hey TTA!!! If you read my posts closer you may understand what thoughts and possibilities I was conveying in regards to some previous posts that I read. I understand your concerns about the ignorance of some in regards to the actual threat that has become of us. There are many possibilities, in regards to what will happen and what is happening, and it is not people like me that will doom this race as you have so gracefully proclaimed, it is the Powers That Be that will continue to doom the human race until they are stopped. Freedom runs through my veins just as strongly as it does yours, having differing viewpoints doesn't divide us, it makes us small pictures of the big picture.

Either way, the people have a say how the powers get used. And as long as people don't raise their voices, and complain about it. Nothing will be done.

NoTime, keep an open mind? To what? For what? Like you said, the bad news is, that anything is possible. So lets get off our asses and do something. Geesh. I don't want this planet to go to the Aliens.

Didn't any of you see ID4? Let's have some of that attitude, and kick them off our planet. Let's thank them for all the people they experimented on against their will. For all the terror they inflicted on peoples lives. For all the time lines they have changed in order to fit their "agenda." Damn S.O.B.'s let's get them. Anyone want to help, or have ideas how to do this, please e-mail me or respond. Let's unite and kick some extraterrestrial butt. (The ones responsible that is).

Javier C.
Hey Everyone!! There's no doubt that the existence of extraterrestrials on/around/in earth has had it's human toll and continues to be a human tragedy on how it ravages it's victims. We as humans are not defenseless but without the informing of the masses the knowledge they need to not only save themselves but also guide them to hook up with others. While it would be unwise to start an innerstellar war at this time as we humans don't have the technology at this time to properly turn them back where they came from and turn them into space dust, we can prepare ourselves. I feel that right now the biggest threat that we have are the Powers That Be that really control this country. While we do have the power of vote and cu deta it's not the total voted govt. that is wayward, there's some great people in govt. but there's the other ratio that is in deep involvment with private interests that will see their doom. It's how we chose to react as a race once the secret is out and We The People Of The World have to decide if we will learn from our predecessors or repeat history as we so often do. That is what will define us as a race of both material and spiritual humans.


Draco the Druid
Sorry if I sound a little sceptical but I always am when it comes to UFOs and aliens.

Is it just the US that has these secret affiliations with aliens or is it all nations? I live in Ireland and I find it difficult to believe that our Taoiseach(prime - minister if you don't speak irish) has any dealings with extra-terrestrials. I mean how can a man with the name Bertie Ahern be taken seriously with mentioned in inter-galactic circles?!?

By the way TTA what kind of hidden agenda would these aliens of yours have in mind for us? I mean if they have the technology to get here what do they want with a bunch of simpletons like us? In what way can they exploit us?

Oh and Draco2, sorry for being finicky about your French(My french lecturer would kill me if I let this one go!) but it's "coup d'état" not "cu deta"

<This message has been edited by James Anthony (edited 07 September 2000).>

<This message has been edited by James Anthony (edited 07 September 2000).>

In response to your question:

“Am I one of the last who still has some sense of humans having freedom and freewill? Or has everyone else here enjoys letting others do things for them”

I have been saying all along that we have freewill, but as I look in your past posts you seem to be saying that we don’t because people in the future will travel back in time and change it. Sort of a retrospective determinism. Which is it freewill or what?

And there is a big difference between the present and the aliens in ID4. If there are aliens on Earth they aren’t going around blowing up cities. If they were, then I would agree with you. If they were like some of the aliens in MIB then let them stay. If they are here to observe us develop ala Star Trek then, who cares they wont get involved. Maybe they are waiting for some galactic timetable as in Mission Earth.

Et al:

Many people have said that aliens are here to study us. Well then they must be pretty stupid since that have supposedly been here for 50 or so years, but if they were that stupid then they couldn’t get here. Hmmm And how much can you learn from an anal probe?

If aliens thought that we were too far beneath them, why would they hide. Wouldn’t they just come here and ignore us ala Priam’s Lens (Jack Chalker).

But enough jesting…

I also don’t subscribe to the idea that they would necessarily be friendly since, as used in movies, any society advanced enough for space travel would be enlightened enough to be friendly. The most rapid technological advancement on earth happened during war or the threat of war. It would seem that the most war like would get to space first and kick butt.

I still don’t see how aliens would use governments, but do understand how governments would use aliens or at least the threat from them.

First off you take everything to literal. Just because I mentioned ID4, you thought we do exactly as they did and blow them up. I said, "We need to get some of their Attitude." Meaning, get motivated to do something. Read the whole post next time.

And second. Just because you said, "we have free-will" you expect everyone to stop saying we don't and stop disagreeing with you just because you said? Please...

It's obvious you will be one of the people to welcome them and accept them. Why am I even wasting my time explaining it to you? It’s obvious you can’t comprehend their presence here?

Earth is a human planet. We will meet Aliens when we are good in ready. We don’t want them interfering with our affairs and exploiting us for their own benefit. They need to just respect our independence as individuals, and leave us the hell alone. Meaning, staying away from our planet and our people.

The reason why they might be here, is I think that there is someone who is either a threat to them or their key to salvation. They are after someone, someone who's character is unique among others. Someone who will genetically and spiritually set them free. It's their missing link.

Humans are their missing link. Waiting for that time, for this person to make him self known. That is who they are after. Manipulating the time line to get this man/ or woman out in the open. But not if I have anything to say about it.

A temporal fighter
for freedom always,
Javier C.