Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

Hey TTA!! I must comend you on you last post as you conveyed some very thought provoking possibilities of the true nature of the alien agenda and intentions. You have a passion behind your beliefs that give you the drive to provoke people into giving thought to the truth of these other possabilities. Your passion is abmirable...



Draco the Druid
Good Jobb TTA;
perhaps now instead of attacking others here who do not wish to wage war with you, you might now have realized that we all have a common enemy. We can all benefit much better by placing our focus where it truly belongs instead of fighting amongst each other
Man take your own advise, read every word and relax a bit. Since you still are there and keep answwering, don't worry they are not after you.

Are you saying that we should not allow aliens on our planet just because they are different? If so, your sounding like a racist. I'm not saying you are, but the words sound the same.

You are right though I would initially welcome aliens and try to get to know them. I would judge them based on their actions and not by some preconceived idea about them. They could be coming to take over or to just say "Hello, we live next door"

Why do you say Earth is a human planet? It seems that there are more ants and roaches than people. Maybe the aliens among us looks just like ants or bees even. Wouldn't that be a better way to learn about us. Who questions the fly on the wall? Better yet nano-robots could infiltrate our bodies and manipulate us from within. They could event change our very DNA to match theirs.

OK, in such a situation I do question whether we would have free will.

And of course one way to colonize the galaxy would be to send probes out with frozen cells that could be cloned into "people". then when you "hear" from them ala seti type program, go out the let them know who they are.
Just out of curiosity, why does it seem like everyone is generalizing aliens as if there is only one kind? Personally, I feel generalizations cause more argument and blindness than anything. Some things here are sounding a bit racist.

Lets look at it this way, we are all humans as far as we know... but, we are many different types of humans that are genetically different. If I were to say humans are useless (Battlefield Earth) I would be generalizing the human race into mindless good for nothing waste. But, if I were not to generalize humans and put a little more thought and observation into it, I'd see that not all humans are worthless.

Same with aliens, we can just label them aliens as a generalization, but in doing it causes us to seem hostile, simpleminded, and over all the lowest lifeform on this planet.

Now what about those aliens that ARE friendly? You must keep in mind, when we speak about aliens as a whole like that, we are covering quite alot of territory. If anything, it's going to be people generalizing aliens causing aliens to get pissed off and come out here to settle a score.

Just like humans, if it weren't for humans and their generalizations we would have avoided many wars and deaths. (ex. Hitler and his generalizations about Jews?)

At any rate, just wanted throw in a thought.

Thanks everyone. I will try and not be so hard on people's ideas in the future. Even if they need a good healthy dose of reality cramed into their heads now and then =).


Like I said, I won't even waste my time. You just don't get it. I pity you.


But anyway's, thanks again everyone for making me feel welcome here for the first time
. Now lets get things done.

Javier C.

P.S. I don't watch movies made my cult leaders and their minions. Shaun...

And no body is being racist here either. Geesh... Some of you people are way to liberal. I'm glad I'm a republican now

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 07 September 2000).>
Good point Shaun. To go even further though, aliens should be thought of as individuals and not as one type or the other. The actions of individule aliens may not be indicitive of the population as a whole or vice versa.

With the obvious exception of collective thinking aliens of course.
Funny Javier, I don't either, its a book I read years before the movie was made. But instead of going opposite of what you said Javier, why don't you try and say something worthwhile to what I have said instead of the simpleminded criticism you seem to like to throw out. I have request Javier, when you want to really criticize my beliefs or views, instead of getting off topic here in this forum, why don't you send me a private e-mail? Then I can see what kind of person you really are, maybe even get to understand you a little better. What do ya say?

I say that you have a hidden agenda. No thanks.

For an enlightened man Shaun, I sense you have alot of arrogance and motives against people in you.

I won't manipulate or play games. I can't imagine living my life being 2 face. I pity you too Shaun.

Sincerely yours,
Javier C.

P.S. If I didn't mention that when you mentioned a book by him, then it must mean I didn't know who wrote the book

I'm not into his writings, perhaps you are

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 07 September 2000).>
You are correct, I have alot against a majority of the human race. To be honest Javier, I just don't like a majority of the human race. I get along so much better with the animals and the insects, hell, most anything labled human, I have issues with.

Out of curiosity Javier, there isn't an animal out there i'm aware of yet that doesn't use 100% of its brain except that what we call humans. Can you explain why? In my opinion, the human race has been led to blindness throughout history, forced to give up openmindedness and freethinking, forced to throw away that which is life. Forcing us into the darkness. And as a direct attack to you Javier, its people like you who attack every little thing that doesn't fit your belief that keeps us in the darkness. I'm open to all religions and beliefs, but since most of what we call humans are so ignorant and narrowminded and refuse to view all possibilities, I do have an issue with most of the human race. This cannot be said for animals or insects as a whole, thankfully because it means we can still learn and that there is still hope. When we can come together without putting down each others ideas, when we can come together and actually listen to what people have to say, when we can take in everything without rash judgements and generalizing... then, we will begin to accomplish so much more. If time travel is what we're here to discuss, then that is what we should "discuss", not criticize and tear apart other peoples beliefs or views. We should be helping each other, not "forcing" others to believe as we do, which is what I see you doing Javier. If someone believes something other than what you think, you begin to wine and burst out with a type of anger... you start telling them how stupid they are and how much pity you have for them. "Come on, give me a break" as you would say.

Here are several qoutes I like:

"There is no fundamental difference between man and the higher animals in their mental faculties... The lower animals, like man, manifestly feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery." -Charles Darwin

"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it. If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." -Saint Francis of Assisi

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." -Albert Einstein
Shaun Holt, I liked what you said however I just want to say that humans don"t use 100% of their brains only aprox. 10%..And the only thing that makes us different from the animal kingdom is the ability or deire to question "why." Otherwise we are on the same level. Any one that ever had a dog knows they can love. Any one with a cat knows they can enjoy torturing. We have been taught to move away from our instincts to use logic and follow rules. Dogs can learn rules. The rest of what you said about compassion I totally agree with.
Thank you for clarifying some things Mokrie, and that what I was trying to say was that humans are the only animals that i'm aware of that don't use 100% of their brains. I agree with everything you have said.

Just a little tidbit, we all have intuition, and at one time it was very strong. We used all be very intune with everything and were able to think on a higher level, but, things changed drastically and we gave up when we were forced to because of the fear of being labled a witch only to be burned or hanged. Thats just one example of how we were forced into the darkness, the blindness that we live in today.

Draco, I thought it was funny that you said "There's no doubt that the existence of extraterrestrials on/around/in earth has had it's toll and continues to be a human tragedy on how it ravages it's victims." Of course there's a doubt! There's a huge doubt that ET's even exist, let alone are messing with us.

Let me reiterate; Aliens would be physically completely different from us. They could gain nothing medically, psychologically, of resource-wise by experimenting/exploiting us. If they have the resources to travel among the stars, they have no need for stuff from us. Think; if we were the ones visiting their planet, would your first thought be to jab probes into the natives and league with their governing agencies? Pffft. We'd present ourselves and try to open up a peaceful exchange. With the possible exception of some deranged individuals.

BTW, AFAIK we only use 10% of our brains because only the convoluted surface is actually thinking tissue - not because we have some weird hidden powers. The rest of the brain is involved with basic body functions and maintaining the massive blood flow necessary to keep the neurons firing efficiently.
Shaun, was it my fault you were flawed? Was it my fault for pointing it out? Was it my fault you were just pretending to be something else? Was it my fault for discovering it and exposed you for what really are? Was it, or is it my fault for telling it how it is?

You say we should not attack each other. I am not attacking you, I am being as nice and as patient with you as I can. If anyone is attacking, it's you. You do, what you say I do to you. Contradicting your self... Shaun.

Btw, Now who's being a racist? Opps, was that an attack? I don't think it was. But with you, you think everything is an attack.

But anyway's, I was right about you being 2 face and not liking humans. So it wasn't really an attack, it was a fact. Right?

I sure wish Razmatazz was here to comment on the past few posts. He would tell it how it is, and you wouldn’t think he was attacking you.

Javier C.