Possible Time Distortion/Time Travel Method?

"space and time forms a sort of foam like structure where both space and time is distorted and can actually loop in on itself." ......... (Indeed.)

Now, it is I whom is having this experience of "Dejavue" Hmmmmm I distincty recall posting an earlier comment about this a long "Time" ago, except I referred to it as "The Loopback Theory"

I'm too tired right now to dig it up, but let me assure you, that if you went back to do a review of my earlier posts, it's still there somewhere I'll betchya.
TIme flow is identical to travel of physical mass as measured against some other mass (point). Since every mass has a unique velosity time flows at a different rate at every point of location.

A snail observed once a second is a sloooow snail. If it is observed once an hour it is quite zippy! Subjective 'time passage' says more about your sampling rate than it does 'speed' in the environment.

Well I just said that the passage of time is actually the passage of mind. So time FLOWS PAST SOMETHING; it flows past mind.

This is not a contradiction. Objective time = mass motion. Subjective time = observation of mass motion. This is a discription of 'now-time' or 'real time'.

Past-time is information as in exhausted potentials, future-time is locked up stress potentials "waiting" to be released as future nows. The kicker is 'now' happens (to be) WHEN EVER you look, where ever you look.
For the "now" (or anything) to exist, it must persist (or continue to exist). Time is that duration of existence.
Time is not the measurement of anything, not even the duration of existance. Time is movement (now) or potential movement later.

The fun part is everyone has their own definition. Remember, what we don't know we are not supposed to know.
All movement takes time and has duration: one second, one year, etc. Potential movement has nothing; it is merely something that might or might not happen.

We are supposed to know everything there is to know and we learning. Nothing is out of bounds unless we impose limitations on ourselves. At some level, we already know everything there is to know.
It's whatever level that you think is mankinds higest level, whatever name you give to it, whatever meanings you give it. Or, you can disregard it.

you have framed my little idea perfectly. I'm not saying I fully believe it myself yet, but the core of the definition for time that I've presented in this thread is : motion or travel does NOT take time or endure for a measure of time nor even does it make time, but that motion and travel IS TIME ITSELF.
OK, time is motion. In our temporal world, it has duration because time/movement is not instantaneous. It's a semantic thing.
So you think that mankind had already reached its highest level? If not, then how do we *already* know everything? If so, then I think this is a pretty crappy highest level.

And who's to say that, even at its highest level, the fullest extent of its abilities, that mankind will know everything there is to know? Maybe we are actually incapable of obtaining that state.

To understand the mysterious nature of mankind, you must realise that the word is made up of two smaller words, 'mank' and 'ind'. The fact that no-one knows what these words mean is what makes the nature of mankind so mysterious.
Hello friends,
In my opinion, we know everything. It's just a matter of opening ourselves to it and realizing it. Which is hard to do in this day and age because most people can't seem to be able to throw away the blindness which has been forced upon us throughout history. Once you realize that you are a highly evolved individual and except this, you are on the road to knowledge and wisdom. But, this will not happen until we learn to cast away doubt. Doubt is the blindness which keeps us from the knowledge and wisdom we seek. If you doubt that you can tie a shoe lace, then you can't. If you doubt that you can ride a bike, then you can't. If you doubt that something can exist, then it can't. But if you know that something can exist or be done... then so it shall. Know and believe that you have this knowledge and so you shall.

Shaun: Very well stated.

Raz: I think, respectfully, that your response is an example of the self imposed limitations that I mentioned previously. I stated that at some level we already know everything there is to know; however, at other levels, most of us don't realize that fact. We exist on many levels: physical, psychic, mental, noetic, etc. Everything there is to know exists, and we are part of that existence.

How we use our knowledge determines if the human condition is wholesome or, to use you term, "crappy". It is our responsibility.
Hey Everyone!! One thing that we must remember is that the knowledge and wisdom in regards to the abilities of the human mind has been around for ages, those that choose to seek the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients only need to look inside for the key and see the world with new eyes. This is not a modern revelation, insofar as these abilities, but it does seem to be revealed to the chosen ones that see it for what it is, some just have to work harder than others, others will never truely get it.


Draco the Druid
Draco: More good points. However, I am not sure about the "chosen ones" concept. I like to think that we make our own life choices -- that'a what I meant by "it's our responsibility," as in free will. Otherwise, it's too tempting to blame someone or something else when things go wrong.
Think of it more like thus;
we are not just physical bodies with a spiritual entity within us, but rather the other way around, where we are "spiritual entities" residing within a "physical body"
and with that, there are certain limitations that our spiritual selves do not experience when outside of this body. Our spiritual essence is that of a multidimensional one, where as our physical bodies we inhabit are subjected to this third dimensional realm, including the laws of physics that govern the properties of such.
Our spiritual minds contain all of the information of the cosmos, and has the ability to link to the spiritual collective, or "Matrix" as such, to obtain a shared commonwealth of infinite knowledge & wisdom from ancient days, to the present, as Time does not apply there. This is what the famous "Edgar Cayce" was able to experience, he figured out a method that enabled his spiritual body, AKA "Astral body" to escape his limited physical body, and by doing so, he was able to "Tap-in" to this infinite storehouse of ultimate knowledge.
There are many electronic tuning devices that stimulate certain areas within the body & brain to resonate particular sounds, frequencies, and vibrational fluctuations in order to allow one to bring forth such an experience for those individuals who lack the ability to do this otherwise. These devices are constructed from ancient knowledge, and combining current & available technology to replicate the effects to stimulate neuro responses for those who are not as well disciplined, or have the ability of those who have trained themselves to do this.
The beauty of these radionic devices is that instead of taking several years over a course of time to train ones mind to develop these abilities, now anyone can instantly have access to the same experiences through using these devices, and the devices can be used to generate many different results, depending on what you want to have your mental abilities "amplified" to achieve whatever result you are in pursuit of.
Much of Nicola Tesla's works was also related to many of this type of mind & electronic merging to amplify the ability of the spiritual mind, within the physical body, until the underground covert military GVT forces realized what he was on to, and took everything away, including his ideas for global communication towers, that could also be used to generate a force field, death ray, and transmit power wireless to every vehicle & building equipped with a receiver. The brain is not much different, only more complex.

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 20 August 2000).>
And that brings us to the mind/body duality and the "hard Problem" of consciousness/awareness that are the subjects of much research these days.
*respectfully bows head*

I see that you (all) take a very spiritual outlook toward humanity as a whole. I respect that, but must humbly disagree. I believe there is no spiritual realm, or any realm other than the physical. We are but collections of stardust, brought together for a fleeting moment of delusional self-awareness. I am deeply moved every time I look at the stars; I am awestruck at the immensity of the All-that-Be and my complete unimportance in even the smallest schemes of things. When it comes to knowledge, I believe that there are fundamental limits to what we _can_ know, although they are far greater than what we _do_ know currently. But when you say that we already know, at whatever "level", everything there is to know, to me that invalidates the daily struggle we each face in trying to improve ourselves. If everytime I learn something new I was instead simply 'becoming aware' of stuff I already knew, that seems to me to render the whole process pointless.

I think we all need to temper spiritual thinking with some dose of reality; I don't believe I can fly, therefore I can't. Does that mean that if i *really* believed I could fly, that I could? Of course not. I don't have wings.

Do you really think that there ever existed spiritual people who actually achieved the state of knowing everything there is to know? I don't.
Well said Razmatazz
. Could not have found the words to say that, even if I tried. Glad someone finaly said something though.

It is great to know that I am not alone in the manner I see spirituality, for what it really is.

It gets tiring of hearing the same sort of excuses they give for life. It is so sugar coated, that their whole mental process is all based on something that may very well not exist. All because they cannot cope with life in any other way, but in there lies. I guess it keeps some people from succumbing from things.

But never the less, try to live in reality people. Do not lie to your selves; making excuses for something, you are responsible for.

That's all I have to say about that. Call me ignorant if you want, you radicals don't know what it means to be human anyways. You would give in and sell your soul out just to be spiritual. Very sad...

-Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 21 August 2000).>
I don't know. You tell me... Would you sell your soul to be able to exprience life on a higher plain?

Get back to me in a few decades, then give me your answer.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 21 August 2000).>