Think of it more like thus;
we are not just physical bodies with a spiritual entity within us, but rather the other way around, where we are "spiritual entities" residing within a "physical body"
and with that, there are certain limitations that our spiritual selves do not experience when outside of this body. Our spiritual essence is that of a multidimensional one, where as our physical bodies we inhabit are subjected to this third dimensional realm, including the laws of physics that govern the properties of such.
Our spiritual minds contain all of the information of the cosmos, and has the ability to link to the spiritual collective, or "Matrix" as such, to obtain a shared commonwealth of infinite knowledge & wisdom from ancient days, to the present, as Time does not apply there. This is what the famous "Edgar Cayce" was able to experience, he figured out a method that enabled his spiritual body, AKA "Astral body" to escape his limited physical body, and by doing so, he was able to "Tap-in" to this infinite storehouse of ultimate knowledge.
There are many electronic tuning devices that stimulate certain areas within the body & brain to resonate particular sounds, frequencies, and vibrational fluctuations in order to allow one to bring forth such an experience for those individuals who lack the ability to do this otherwise. These devices are constructed from ancient knowledge, and combining current & available technology to replicate the effects to stimulate neuro responses for those who are not as well disciplined, or have the ability of those who have trained themselves to do this.
The beauty of these radionic devices is that instead of taking several years over a course of time to train ones mind to develop these abilities, now anyone can instantly have access to the same experiences through using these devices, and the devices can be used to generate many different results, depending on what you want to have your mental abilities "amplified" to achieve whatever result you are in pursuit of.
Much of Nicola Tesla's works was also related to many of this type of mind & electronic merging to amplify the ability of the spiritual mind, within the physical body, until the underground covert military GVT forces realized what he was on to, and took everything away, including his ideas for global communication towers, that could also be used to generate a force field, death ray, and transmit power wireless to every vehicle & building equipped with a receiver. The brain is not much different, only more complex.
<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 20 August 2000).>