What Happens If?

I PMmed you the way to do it.
<font color="white"> I predict Novak will post "I don't know much of anything about all that technical computer internet stuff, but I have a few questions about your argument." in the next post. [/COLOR]
I don't know much of anything about all that technical computer internet stuff, but I have a few questions about your argument :

1. Am I the only one that "physical route" stuff is true about? If not, how many others share those unique characteristics? A hundred people? A thousand? A million? Ten million?

2. If you think I am Zeshua, then how do you explain all those correct predictions she made?

3. If you think I can make those kind of very precise and specific correct predictions, then why aren't I rich and famous?

4. If you think I can make those kind of correct predictions, then shouldn't you heed all of Zeshua's predictions of our future regardless of your personal doubts about her identity?

To me, the whole "time travel" angle was the least interesting aspect of the "John Titor" and "Zeshua" stories. Far more intriguing to me was their demonstration of advance knowledge of our futures. How they did this was really besides the point as far as I was concerned.

To make the pot even muddier in your eyes, I will admit here that I happen to be a long-time student of astrology. Not really a very good one, but you don't know that for sure. But if you jump at the chance to theorize that I used astrology to make those correct predictions, then my question to you would be, "Why would I attribute those predictions to any other source of future information?" I mean, face it, as demeaned as astrology is in today's world, there are still alot more people who believe in it than those who believe in time travel. Why would I go through all the trouble of using astrology to make predictions and then reduce the changes of those predictions being taken seriously by attributing them to time travel?

- Peter
Let's see. I think in 300-400 million years our Galaxy along with the other local group of Galaxies numbering around 50 that we will be in the Virgo SuperCluster String of Galaxies that won't be there then and in 3 billion years we probably will collide with our other larger local Galaxy - the Andromeda Galaxy.

Because that was stated on the Internet probably by NASA or some Astronomer.
Yeah, but since you said it, when it happens it will be a prediction you made that came true. And of course when ANY astronomical event happens, you can lay claim to that too- after all, you told us to "look to the stars for the answers".

The funny part is I looked at the sky last night and saw shooting stars- a definite sign of impending doom. Once again you can lay claim to the galaxy because you called it.

When we collide with another galaxy, the only thing that can save you is salt. I heard that somewhere on the internet.

Every night as the sun sets, I wonder "will it come back tomorrow?" Can you shed some light on this for me oh great one.

Finally (as if I didn't already milk this for all it's worth), I ran "Virgo SuperCluster String" on the anagram server. It stood out from your message, almost like you were hinting at something bigger and came up with these:

RESTRUCTURE LOVING SPRIGS- Sprigs are small leaflets. So to restructure them means to plant more of them. Holy crap- you're saying we need to stop cutting down the rainforest!

SLIPCOVERS URGING TURRETS- Slipcovers go over your living room sofa. And turrets allow you to shoot the enemy from a safe place. So you're saying civil war is coming and we should all board up our windows and arm up!

SCULPTURES GIVING TERRORS- This means Biblical figures (who we can see today as sculptures) will have all the answers for these terrors about to befall us, so read the Bible. Holy crap- you were right again!

CITRON STRUGGLES UP RIVERS- You're saying global warming will limit the tropical land raising the price of oranges! Buy more oranges Mortimer!

All hail TimeNot_0!
Oh yeah- I made a prediction too. Scroll up on this page to there I posted "I PMmed you the way to do it." and highlight the entire body of that message. Oooh Scary!
Ya, but still the Near Earth Orbit objects may hit the Earth also since there are at least 500 that are unknown. You did not happen to see anyone of those while looking up at the meteor shower?
If you weren’t hiding behind a mask like a coward, I’d sue you for libel.

Using the coward's mask of an internet nickname may successfully conceal your true identity, but it doesn’t begin to conceal your lack of moral character, which stands out in sharp relief today for all to see. It is very easy to stand back in the shadows and throw stones at those few souls in the world who are brave enough to stand up out in the open and plainly speak their minds, but it doesn’t say much for your integrity. And acting like a coward isn’t the way to convince anyone of your opinions. Your words reflect no honor, and so elicit no respect.

As for myself, I have never worn a mask, and never will. I try to stand up boldly for what I believe in : “I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them.”

Now, you have ignobly taken your unfounded and libelous claims against me to a new low, besmirching my good name at multiple internet locations. Your charge against me is baseless, and would not hold up in court. You have publically accused me of fraud, illegally libeling me in print. Your case of fraud against me would be laughed out of any court in the land, but my case of libel against you would stand up, and everyone familiar with the facts of the matter know this to be true. You have repeatedly defamed my good name in public, and there is a law on the books against that crime for good reason. Yes, you can probably successfully resist the enforcement of this law by continuing to hide behind your coward’s mask, but that will not dispel the shame you have rightly earned for conducting this disgraceful campaign of character assassination.

Honor and integrity have traditionally been highly valued in human culture for a good reason. Perhaps one day you will understand why that is.

Again, I ask you : if you claim that I am Zeshua and have perpetrated a fraud, then how do you explain all the correct predictions Zeshua made? Perhaps instead of resorting to libel, you could actually support your position with an actual argument?

- Peter
I find it highly interesting that both Zeshua and Peter Novak share the first three nodes in their journey from their computer to the TTI website:

Peter Novak-
Defender Technologies - Prescient Software - nLayer Communications- Verizon Internet Services

Defender Technologies - Prescient Sortware - nLayer Communications- Equinux Inc- Time Warner Telecom- Fort Bend Telephone- Everyone's Internet

Now let's look at the physical route of the nodes and routers of both Zeshua and Peter Novak's IPs:

Zeshua------ Ashburn VA, Washington DC, Dulles VA, Ashburn VA, Houston TX
Peter Novak- Ashburn VA, Washington DC, Dulles VA, Ashburn VA, Houston TX

Jmpet, Using your software from http://visualroute.visualware.com/ , you said to me (in a PM) that you have worked out that I am posting at this site from Perth, WA, Australia. I can asure you that that this is incorrect by at least a road distance of 2781km or 1,728.03 miles. I live and post from Sydney Australia!
So how can that software be accurate at all?

I met Peter a long time ago because we were both communicating with Zeshua. I can assure you that Peter and Zeshua are NOT the same person. We have been in communication about Zeshua since the beginning. I have always searched for the hoax while Peter has endeavoured to look at the meanings of her posts. Although I have some good ideas as to who this hoax is I must admit that I have no concrete proof and along with that, Zeshua has seemed to have nailed a number of predictions too well for me to be convinced that she was a complete hoax altogether. I am consistently at 50% in belief and disbelief about this person. It's damn frustrating for sure but I can tell you that Peter is not the perpetrator of the hoax about this character called Zeshua. I have theories as to who she could be but they are not totally supported by tangible facts that I can use to support my theories. Did I say frustrating? You betcha it is!
I must say that if your software was used in court then I would have just proven it to be unreliable. Don't get angry at this post Jmpet. Peter is innocent here! It is in Peter's nature to look for validation but that is not a crime. He wants to find the truth as much as I do.So Peter is simply asking the question: "What if Zeshua is the real deal?" That is a valid question in my book!

I'd like your help to try and find this person if Zeshua is in fact a hoax. If you have anything to contribute then I'm all ears!

Using the program http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation I get:

Peter: Chesterton, IN, US

Zeshua: Grant, MI, US

Using the program http://www.dnsstuff.com/ I get:

Peter: Chesterton, Indiana

Zeshua: Houston, Texas

Looks like you need a more reliable IP locater jmpet before hurling slanderous insults and accusations. And before you go to locate me, let me make it easy on you.... I'm NOT in Downer's Grove, IL.

Have a nice day /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ah, validation! How sweet it is!

And here's where we all find out if jmpet has the education enough to admit when he's wrong, and the integrity enough to apologize for having wronged another.

- Peter
Impet has absolutely nothing to apologize for. Peter Novak has three different IP addresses--just on this page alone. Tracking software is useless when trying to track origins of people using proxies. For your information, it was ME who posted on Godlikeproductions pointing out that Mr. Peter Novak aka Duder, aka 535 aka Zeshua (probably part of Group Titor for all I know). This is all getting rediculous and giving TimeTravel Institute a very bad name--as bad as Godlikeproductions which is a fringe conspiracy forum that is fun to visit once in a while, but is usually a whacked out site for every paranoid-schizophrenic nutjob to express his (or her) particular form of madness.

At the very least, Mr Novak and all his comments should be relegated to the claims section. At the extreme, he should be considered for banning. No wonder that Rainmantime (and others that I know) are not posting here anymore. Some of these people coming over here from Godlikeproductions (and sister organizations just like it) can't even spell, let alone put forth intelligent comments on the SUBJECT OF TIME TRAVEL--NOT TIME TRAVELER CLAIMS. It is obvious that Mr. Novak has an ego the size of the Empire State Building--first by cutting and pasting his nonsense from here to the other sites, using his given name so that he will get the proper credit, "solving" the anagrams that he created in the first place and "solving" the "coordinates" of Iran from a jumble of numbers listed on the other site and, of course, making sure that it was HE who solved it. This is adolescent stuff. When are we going to get back to intelligent conversation!!
1. I never claimed to be an IP expert, I was using the available software and it all pointed in Novak's general direction as it still does now.
2. I was not making an accusation- you'll know when I am.
3. Have you considered that I posted that just to see Novak's response? Hmmm?
4. This is not validation of anything. As I originally posted, Zeshua is using the-claok.com which makes it impossible to pinpoint the location- see point #1.
5. Peter Novak remains the only person here who believes anything Zeshua has any weight and
6. Zeshua is still a hoax.

My interactions with anyone regarding Zeshua are over. By posting anything, that only bumps the thread which only makes Peter Novak post how right Zeshua was regardless of the other 20 things about Zeshua that simply don't add up.

I agree with zerubbabel- this thread should be moved into the time traveler claim section right next to all the other time traveler claims.
5. Peter Novak remains the only person here who believes anything Zeshua has any weight
Actually you're incorrect. There are other people who feel Zeshua carries some weight and they do post on here. I happen to be one of them.
Peter Novak has three different IP addresses--just on this page alone. Tracking software is useless when trying to track origins of people using proxies.
Most internet providers change IP's on a regular basis w/o the consumer knowing. They do this because of constant hacks to their server, especially those based in major metro areas of the US. It is not surprizing that Peter's IP changed three times on this page alone.
Well Peter,

If you are going to get all huffy and holier-than-thou, you can bet people are going to get huffy right back at you. For instance:

"If you weren’t hiding behind a mask like a coward, I’d sue you for libel."

Before you do, I think you would do well to do a little boning-up on libel case law, because it is clear you are not a lawyer and do not understand it. First and foremost, libel cases are typically only heard for published media, of which a forum is not. Second, and the biggest thing you clearly do not understand is your burden of proof in bringing a libel case before a court. You, the one claiming to be libeled, must be able to show that the person who you claim of publishing libelous claims about you did so while knowing the statements were false. Therefore, if you are going to try to sue jmpet, you're going to have a lot more evidence up your sleeve than anything you have here. So catch a clue before you start slining idle threats. Second:

"Again, I ask you : if you claim that I am Zeshua and have perpetrated a fraud, then how do you explain all the correct predictions Zeshua made? "

I have yet to see you clearly and unambiguously deny that you acted as Zeshua and/or that you were never involved in any of the hoaxer(s) that came up with Zeshua. How about starting with that one first? And beyond this, you keep asking jmpet, or others, to explain these "correct predictions". I know for a fact that both I and jmpet have made it clear to you that these were NOT Zeshua's predictions. Rather, they were YOUR interpretations of Zeshua's words. And I believe you even admitted to this at least once when Darby suggested as much. So please knock off the endless asking of this question. And perhaps instead of ignoring the various forms of evidence jmpet has put out there for you to address, maybe you could address them? For example, the clear alignment between arrival, departure, and re-arrival dates between yourself and Zeshua. You have conveniently ignored them, haven't you? So I guess it is odd that you expect people to accept your interpretations of Zeshua's words as more than coincidence, and yet at the same time you apparantly ignore the correlations between you and Zeshua, and I suppose you want people to believe that those ARE coincidences.

Finally, I have put forth another statement that I asked of you that you have also ignored. I asked why it is that you can only "find" negative statements about a terrible future in your "interpretations" of Zeshua. Why, Peter? You have heard of "confirmation bias" before, haven't you? Please explain to us how you are so clearly a fatalist, as exhibited by the statements on your own website, and as such explain to us how your "interpretations" of Zeshua's statements are not confirmation bias based on your fatalist views of the future?

So instead of your anagrams, and instead of your ceaseless propping-up of the Zeshua hoax, why don't you start addressing and answering some of the issues that draw suspicion to you like lightning to a lightning rod?

And if you do not like people accusing you of running a hoax (for whatever sick and twisted reason one might have), then you are free to leave and thus never be the object of such ridicule in the future.

Good day, sir.

Just because Peter is trying to unravel some of the Zeshua mystery he is subjected to this crap?

What's the point of even trying to invoke a discussion with people like you who are so damn righteous that any investigation into a TT here at TTI Is justification to accuse them as being the hoaxer (for whatever sick and twisted reason one might have). C'mon mate!
Go back to discussing the grandfather paradox for the next hundred years then!

Yeah it's a great site when one has to be subjected to reticule for being active in analytical research of a so called TT that originally posted here at TTI.


You don't have to read it if you don't like it!

Peter is a trusted friend of mine and if you want to talk to someone who has been researching the Zeshua hoax for near on 2 bloody years then talk to me!

I assure you that Peter IS NOT THE HOAXER!
Why don't you just let him be?

Are you going to start on me now?

If you don't like it, you can read other posts!
They’re really very simple questions.

And they won’t go away simply by being ignored.

How did Zeshua, whoever you think s/he is, know the date of the Pope’s death a month in advance?

How did s/he know in advance that Terri Schiavo and the Pope would die within days of one another?

How did s/he know that Terri would die first, and then the Pope quickly thereafter?

How did s/he know that Terri’s feeding tube would not be re-inserted?

How did s/he know that no violence in the streets would occur over Terri?

How did s/he know to warn Sosuemetoo about a coming bad weekend that turned out to include both a divorce and an unexpected death in her family?

How did s/he know that America’s next “major event” after May 2005 would be a “crisis” that came from “the sky”?

How did she know in May 2005 that Australia’s drought would last at least another 18 months?

How did s/he know all of this stuff? If you think you’ve got everything all figured out, then explain this to me, because I’d really, honestly, like to disbelieve in Zeshua. Show me a way.

- Peter.