Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia
The pope is on his last legs tonight. He is going to die the world will continue spinning, obviously not very important is he? But, the problem we see here, is the catholics, they are the strangest bunch of peeps I have ever seen, they think that god is this and that, that god does what they ask him/her/it to do. They have confession, why have that if you follow the rules laid down by your 'god'? I suppose they are so scared of death that they have to kid themselves into thinking there is an afterlife, whereas the truth is there is nothing but an empty void, no heaven, no angels, no land of milk and honey or whatever they say. I know that this is the truth, that is it, this pope will die, a bunch of sad peeps will cry, kill themselves, blame others, conspiracy nuts will out from the woodwork, but life will go on. Religion will wane, truth will out, peeps will continue on whatever slope, or climb whatever hill they wish for their futures. And I will not shed one tear, I know the truth, I know the future I have made for myself, whether good or ill, and I will reap the benefits or pay the price. One day I will be known to many of you by my true name, for now Malcolm is the name I wish to go by, draw conclusions from that if you wish, but I will be back on these boards in a few days time. Other than this little rant, I shall continue in the same vane as before my usual slightly iffy self. Til then /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif