What Happens If?

good point, i don't think us americans thought of that. in fact before you posted this i just realized that. very interesting to see, as you see, for us this thread was Posted on March 4th 2005. and at the bottom it said 03/04/05 we assumed March 4th 2005 like a date stamp. but perhaps it was a predicition, April 3rd 2005. regardless, i did not at ALL expect this downturn with the pope so suddenly, figured he had a few years left.
The Pope is feeling better!

Hey everyone ! the Pope is on the mend !

Just look at this recent happysnap of our dear pontiff:


Yep ... he is looking "RATHER PERKY" to me

Good onya Pope !
Re: The Pope is feeling better!


It seems that our holy Pontiff has suffered a relapse while a “get well soon card” was being read to him by a pesky admirer !


Poor Barstard!
Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

Sister Lucia, seer of the 3rd Secret of Fatima died on February 13, 2005. When Sister Lucia passed, the Pope's health was failing and I felt this would be his last battle. People die in 3's...usually of the same magnitude. I think Terry fits in with these two people...However, I hope the Pope lives, because he has a great desire to. His presence in our world is very important in some way.

Princess Diana, Mother Teresa and Dodi Fayed all died in the same week.

Johnnie Cochran just died last week, but I do not think his death was part of the trilogy...I think his death will be with another two persons yet to pass over.
Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

That is a good point nittescot, didnt see it it like! But I thought you were. Anyways, that could be his date indeed.

Everaftergirl, it is said that good people are taking before a catastrophe...apparently we will have a big one/s soon. We can expect many good people to leave soon.
Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

Kinda wonders why he would hold on so hard, he'd be going to heavan right? i'd let go if i was at death door step...unless he was provay to some information not everyone else was...
Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

because he has a great desire to. His presence in our world is very important in some way

I must stress this opinion rather then 'fact';

His presence at the moment in terms of people other then him, it a purpose of delusion. The purpose for himself is to experience life a a messenger or figure of god on this planet.

Inside the Popes head is nothing but confusion; If he is a figure of god - why is he offered no proof by god. Why does he have to keep up this act when really, he has no more proof then the average man on the street. But he's probably become accustomed to the privileged lifestyle. So, better keep this to himself.

I wonder what the world would think if on his deathbed, before he died the pope admitted he didnt know whether this 'Catholic' god existed or not.....
Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

The pope is on his last legs tonight. He is going to die the world will continue spinning, obviously not very important is he? But, the problem we see here, is the catholics, they are the strangest bunch of peeps I have ever seen, they think that god is this and that, that god does what they ask him/her/it to do. They have confession, why have that if you follow the rules laid down by your 'god'? I suppose they are so scared of death that they have to kid themselves into thinking there is an afterlife, whereas the truth is there is nothing but an empty void, no heaven, no angels, no land of milk and honey or whatever they say. I know that this is the truth, that is it, this pope will die, a bunch of sad peeps will cry, kill themselves, blame others, conspiracy nuts will out from the woodwork, but life will go on. Religion will wane, truth will out, peeps will continue on whatever slope, or climb whatever hill they wish for their futures. And I will not shed one tear, I know the truth, I know the future I have made for myself, whether good or ill, and I will reap the benefits or pay the price. One day I will be known to many of you by my true name, for now Malcolm is the name I wish to go by, draw conclusions from that if you wish, but I will be back on these boards in a few days time. Other than this little rant, I shall continue in the same vane as before my usual slightly iffy self. Til then /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif
Re: Terry, the Pope...and Sister Lucia

everaftergirl, how could you even come close to saying terri shavio and the pope in the same sentence? really? if you lump them toegether then you do have to say Johnny Cocran, I mean come on.The Schavio thing is so overblown, stuff like that happens everyday. Zeshua if it happens on sunday I'll be impressed.
Re: Terry, the Pope

About Terry and the Pope...I was not lumping them together, as you put it, in a way that you were infering, which was to lessen the importance of the Pope. I was making a point.

The Pope was a tremendous person, greatly loved and accomplished great things. He has passed over. I believe there is some connection there, because both people crossed over in the same short time-period.

What made Terry special? She was a prisoner in her body for 15 years. The world watched as she was unwilllingly starved to death over a 13-day period. She was someone who suffered...her fight became an issue in the world because she represented many. Terry died a martyr and she is now a legend.

Yesterday morning I got a phone call. My son's grandmother died. She was a very good person, did great things for needy people in her lifetime. She suffered for many years at the end. Is there a connection? I think so...The connection is that right now some very special and good people are crossing over...but then, what do I know of these things...
Re: Terry, the Pope

Well the Pope is dead folks. Zeshua was only off by 1 day, maybe even on purpose? Are we missing a clue here has anyone else followed this story? all i know is a month ago nobody thought the pope would be dead, now he is. Zeshua was posting about it then, i think some people here know more than they are letting on...

Re: Terry, the Pope

all i know is a month ago nobody thought the pope would be dead
Whoops! Hang on a sec, Ren. Don't lump me in that big group called "nobody". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The Pope has been on my "dead pool" list since last year. And if you recall, his serious health issues (trouble breathing) began at least over a month ago. His tracheotomy was performed on Feb 24th. In fact, there are quite a few people who are surprised that he lasted this long, me being one of them, as he first showed up on my "dead pool" list last year.

Re: Terry, the Pope

ok what about giving the date April 3rd 2005 and only being off by a day, and like i said perhaps on purpose? this is still unexplained.
Re: Terry, the Pope

ok what about giving the date April 3rd 2005 and only being off by a day, and like i said perhaps on purpose? this is still unexplained.
Is it really? Rather, I think you may have jumped on the bandwagon that thought that maybe, POSSIBLY, the date format that Zeshua used was the "Euro" format (Day/Month/Year) rather than the "USA" format (Month/Day/Year).

I don't think Zeshua gave any indication as to his nationality, nor what standard he considered and used in specifying dates. However, his use of language seems to indicate he has tendencies towards American English as his native language. If you want an explanation of that date, I would think that he was simply putting down the date he was "targeting" for his post to show up...using the US date format, rather than the "Euro" date format.

Explained? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Terry, the Pope

yah, i have it on good authority this claimed time traveler is living in europe. Also that this is the only post this individual ever date stamped. including all of the information over at time travel forums. This individual claims to be american born but living in europe.
Re: Terry, the Pope

yah, i have it on good authority this claimed time traveler is living in europe.
OK, but be careful! For all you know, you could be creating yet another legacy a la John Titor! God knows we don't need anymore of those! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Terry, the Pope

Predictions are interesting don't you think? I like the idea that some can tell what is going to happen and of course they choose to really mess with others heads in this regard.

Ref the tt living in europe, yes there certainly seems to be a number in europe, mostly the UK, I wonder why? I have a gut feeling about something that will become aparent over the next few months, I will share more when I can get proof, possibly not of the concrete kind so sorry there.
For those feeling something sinistar is in the offing, then maybe yes, something is brewing in the old world, but it will affect everyone.
As for the tt, I gamble with my prediction, but i wonder if you are in Shirley? You know where i mean, and you know who really i am, you know my true name, come visit, I promise not to bite.
Re: Terry, the Pope

Well the Pope is dead folks. Zeshua was only off by 1 day, maybe even on purpose?

Well, where I come from he was on the money. He got it right. The 3rd of April - 03/04/05.

Right on Zeshua ! "Now I will not be so quick to call you a hoax"

"A Vatican statement said the Pontiff died at 9.37 pm (0537 AEST Sunday) in his private apartment."

What was the date in Italy?