What Happens If?

Re: Terry, the Pope

the Pope died on April 2nd, 2005, and it was all over the News, Saturday!
Some of you people must not even know what date it is!
As for religion, just because someone else says so, prove that religion should not exist.
Dead Pope\'s Society

As for religion, just because someone else says so, prove that religion should not exist.
Even better... how about saying the same thing about spirituality? IMO, any single religion is akin to a single gastric recipe for a meal within a specific cultural cusine, whereas spirituality is akin to the overall basic need for nutrition.

We all need nutrition (spirituality) to live, but not all of us consume recipes from the same cultural cusine (religion). Just because we all eat different meals does not mean there is still not an overriding requirement for nutrition for all of us.

It is all about what you do (accomplish) in life with the nutrition you consume! IOW, a Christian, a Jew, and a Muslim could all be considered "equal" depending on how they use their personal faith as a nutritional means to Create goodness in the external world. It matters not whether I am a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist. What matters is how I use my Belief to help Create a world that I want to live in, and what I hope is a world that others also want to live in.

This is part of the essence of the personal, individual Time Line. Time is 3-dimensional with respect to our Point Of View (POV) from which we experience Time. We all experience a Past, a Present, and a Future, individually...separate from other POVs. This is why my TimeLine can never be identical to any other living Being's TimeLine.

Re: Dead Pope\'s Society

By: Orflin G Champion

Bad Religion Evil

The flow of current events needs to quickly arrive at a new destination where human beings decide to depart from their old ways of material concern and focus on a new concerted effort in eliminating starvation, global destructiveness and violence. If more people would teach goodness and generosity through their compassionate deeds, actions and example, the mental circuitry of millions of minds would correct the current global escalating negative events. A profound reality would manifest and fill the world with radiant beauty accessible to reason in the most elementary form, constituting truth without fear or absurd egoism. This new fundamental truth would become the prime doctrine of all churches and religions, without exception or misinterpretation.

There is nothing of anything that is true, good, beautiful, that is rejected. Freedom from any attachment or agitation in terms of passion, aversion or delusion is not a matter of belief but a realization. Each religion sets forth an ethical and moral framework for its followers. It is in this component of religion that we find the teachings of world religions share a tremendous amount of common ground. Instead of comparing doctrinal differences, it is far more conducive to social harmony to find the common elements and put them into practice. The ultimate truth is in being one with God, without blocking the possibility of realizing this truth.


Fourteen thousand people die each day from dysentery.
Twenty-seven thousand people die each day from starvation.
Ninety-seven percent of all wars over the history of the planet,
can be directly attributed to religions and churches.


What is the universal significance of any religious doctrine,
if it is not embraced with honesty and practiced in truth.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.

There is no religion higher than truth.
Re: Terry, the Pope

the Pope died on April 2nd, 2005, and it was all over the News, Saturday!
Some of you people must not even know what date it is!

He died April 3rd. He was on the other side of the earth when he died and their days start before ours.
Re: Terry, the Pope

It was Sunday in Australia.

There is an international date line isn't there?

Or do you think that the Earth is flat?

Re: Terry, the Pope

What the freak is this date on this article?


England is 6 hours ahead of me, and Italy is only another at most about 4 hours ahead, unless I am thinking wrong.

I know this, Iraq is about 8-1/2 hours ahead of me here in the Midwest of the USA.

If it is 2pm here, it is 8pm in England, so it would have to be close to midnight then or so when the pope died. (Actually it was 21:37 which is 11:37pm as 20:00 hours is 10:00pm!!!!)

Now, the Vatican waited 15 minutes before announcing the News.
(From News article at link below it!)
He died at 2137 (1937 GMT) on Saturday, in the company of 13 people - old friends and aides from his home country, Poland, and his Italian doctors and nurses.


Now, Saturday was April 2nd, 2005!!!!!!!!!
Get a Calendar!
Re: Terry, the Pope

My mistake -- 20:00 hours is only 8pm, now I am getting off on the time.

21:37 hours (19:37 hours GMT) is 9:37pm and that is when the Pope died.
Still earlier on Saturday!

19:37hours GMT is 7:37pm, and the News on Saturday here in the daytime, was around 1:45pm or so when I turned on the TV!!!!

22:00 is 10pm!
23:00 hours is 11pm!!

Good grief!

I know when I was watching TV on Saturday!

Get a Life!!!
Re: Terry, the Pope

Well time not perhaps you have been hard on noeone but yourself being that I was watching Cnn on friday and it was 4pm est(eastern standard time for you retards) and it was 9pm italy time. So on sat it was April 3 2005 at 7pm here when the pope died but 12am when the pope died in italy on APRIL 4 2005 when he died. enjoy your bickering while it lasts
You predicted the date the pope dies. The pope dies more or less on that date. So some people are convinced that you are a TT.

I don’t Trust you Zeshua. I’ll tell the reasons:

In a previous thread, you were begging everyone to read your post from 2026.


So if you are real and you knew the date the pope dies, then you would have written:

“The pope dies on April 3rd. So trust me I’m a TT”

But you have just given some information about what would happen if the pope dies and just put a date below it. BECAUSE you were NOT sure whether the Pope would die on that date or not. You took the safe path.

Can you predict any other event in the near FUTURE? Can you tell us who the next Pope is? May be you can, from the prophecies.

“In 1994, members of the Italian National Library in Rome rediscovered a manuscript containing symbolic portraits of the Popes from the seventeenth to twenty-first century, indicating their fates, made by the prophet Michel de Nostradamus itself. This manuscript, which was never published, was handed down to the prophet's son Cesar (passed away in 1631) and later on donated by him to Pope Urban VIII. Their purpose was to indicate the hidden chronology of his quatrains to the future Leaders of the Catholic Church, the Popes.

The Board 10:41 of the illustrated Manuscript contains the image of the horse on the journey for which it is said that it represents Pope John Paul II. There is a Turkish warrior attacking him on his right side and on his left side there is a halberd, which was for centuries used as armament by Vatican Swiss Guard, whose handle butt hits the horse. Image is also depicting a lion sinking his claws in the horse.

First event depicted on the Board 10:41 happened on May 13, 1981, when Turkish criminal and assassin, Ali Agca, shot the Pope John Paul II in the chest while he was blessing the crowd during regular openair appearance in St. Peter's Square. Grievously wounded, Pope reportedly forgave his attacker from his hospital bed and visited Agca in prison soon after. Over the past 19 years, the Pope had often called for clemency for Agca, even lending support to a proposed presidential pardon in 1998.

On May 4, 1998, Vatican’s Swiss Guard Corporal Cedric Tornay killed the force's Commander Lois Estermann and his wife Gladys in a fit of rage, before turning his issue handgun on himself in the couple's Vatican flat. Officially the motive given was Tornay being passed over for promotion on disciplinary grounds, together with his own fragile mental state, which was blamed on a dependence of light drugs.

This is the second, publicly known, event which was registered on the drawing by Nostrodamus. Although it did not hurt the Pope physically it made tremendous damage to the perception of the Vatican and Catholic Church as a highly organized institution of benevolent beings, which are directly lead by the Holly Pope himself.”

Read this:

“Details of this drawing can be seen in the book "Scienza temporale e papi del futuro illustrati da Nostradamus" written by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti (publisher: Noesis-Roma, 1994). Iit's English version was published under the title "The Nostradamus Code" by Destiny Books.

Pope John Paul II, who was physically hurt during assassination attempt of Agca in 1981 and mentally and spiritually hurt when his dear friend, a Swiss Guard Commander, was killed by his subordinate in 1988, will die some 14,5 km from the river Rhone near the Lions Bay in France. This will happen after the two assassins, which were near to him have gone away.”


I guess from the details of the drawing in that book you could have calculated the death of the Pope but you were not sure of it.

But this is very interesting. I’ll try to get that book and if the Pope’s death could be calculated from that book, I’ll produce it here and your days of TT are over unless if you predict another event and it happens.

That would be true if you are really in the future!
So what DID happen when the Pope died?

When the Pope dies, according to Catholic doctrine, from the moment one Pope dies unti the moment the next Pope is appointed, the church is thought to be in a rare position of spiritual vulnerability, when its earthly protector and defender is absent, leaving "the gates to the kingdom" undefended, as it were. During that brief period, the church is thought to be, spiritually speaking, a little more unguarded, vulnerable, and exposed than at any other time.

What do you suppose might happen if the Antichrist (assuming for the sake of this argument that such a being does, or will, exit) obtained entry into the heart of Vatican city during such a time? Would the lack of a living Pope constitute some sort of spiritual "breach of security" that would allow the Antichrist to acquire influence over those living and working in the Vatican, thus providing an opening for him to place his own man on the throne?

George W. Bush not only visited the Vatican for the funeral of John Paul II (the first time any American President ever attended a Papal funeral), but even though Bush had recently had differences with the Pope, he made an ostentatious entrance at the funeral that some at the time compared to the haughty arrival of a victorious conqueror. While police were turning away an overflow of Catholics humbly trying to join an already 18-hour-long line of mourners waiting to pay their respects, an armed escort whisked President Bush and his delegation directly from Air Force One at Rome's airport to the Vatican for their very own private viewing. For someone often criticized for being too easy-going and taking too many vacations, Bush seems to have been uncharacteristically anxious to see the Papal corpse for himself, so much so, in fact, that he rushed to do so as fast as humanly possible. In contract, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans four months later, Bush waited two full days before finally bothering to go take a look at the devastation in his own backyard. But when the opportunity came to see Pope John Paul II in a casket halfway around the world, he seems to have been as anxious to go as a child to see Disneyland.

Considering how strenuously and publically Pope John Paul II had criticized and chastised President Bush just a few months earlier, this rush to see the Pope's corpse seems likely to have been inspired by something other than a simple urge to pay his respects.

Then just ten days after Bush's breathless dash to the Vatican, the man chosen to replace John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger, had the pomp of his Papal election besmirched by one of the most peculiar and grotesque natural phenomena ever reported : a sudden plague of exploding frogs. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected head of the Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday April 19th 2005, and celebrated his first public Mass as Pope on Wednesday April 20th, but he was not formally inaugurated as the 265th pope until Sunday April 24th. The same week he was inaugurated, a plague eerily similar to those imposed on Egypt in the Bible rained down upon Ratzinger's hometown in Germany. According to reports from animal welfare workers, veterinarians, and eyewitnesses, thousands of frogs mysteriously began to explode in Hamberg after swelling to three-and-a-half times their normal size. Like a scene from a horror movie (or one of the legendary plagues of Egypt), the frogs' bodies expanded for many minutes before finally bursting, propelling their entrails a yard or more. Since nothing like this has ever been reported before (science still cannot explain it) and it took place exclusively in and around the hometown of the new Pope and only occurred during the week of his rise to the Papacy, it is being viewed by many Christian faithful as a divine sign straight out of the Book of Revelation :

"And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet,
three unclean spirits, as it were frogs: for they are spirits of demons,
working signs; which go forth unto the kings of the whole world,
to gather them together unto the war of the great day of God the Almighty."
- Revelation 16:13-14

Numerous high-profile members of the Catholic Church have warned of this very thing, that the Papacy was about to be taken over by the devil himself.

One of three shepherd children who turned the town of Fatima into a pilgrimage site after telling of her visions of the Lady of Fatima in 1917 (the year of the Russian revolution), Sister Lucy dos Santos died in February 2005, just before Pope John Paul II did. The three prophecies she received became known as "The Three Secrets of Fatima", and the last of those secrets is, according to recently emerging reports, that Satan himself would soon take over the Vatican.

Vatican insider Malachi Martin also insisted that Satan was taking over the Vatican. From 1958 until 1964, Father Martin served in Rome where he was a close associate of Cardinal Augustin Bea and Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. Martin believed that the Vatican had finally been, after centuries-long efforts, infiltrated at the highest levels by Satanists.

"Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican
in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had
and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome"
- Father Malachi Martin, in The Fatima Crusader

In his books, Martin described a ceremony called "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer" held in the Vatican on June 29, 1963. Martin never recanted his claim that this Satanic ritual occurred in the Vatican, repeatedly insisting that the ceremony did occur and that a general Satanic conspiracy exists within the Vatican. Martin continued to speak out about these things until his death in 1999, doing numerous newspaper and radio interviews (such as "The New American", the "Steel on Steel" radio show, and "The Art Bell Show").

Martin quoted Pope Paul VI as bemoaning that "the smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary". Martin correctly predicted, long before the American priest scandal erupted, that reports of pedophilia rites and practices would dramatically increase among Catholic clergy because, in his words, "The cultic acts of satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen rites." (Keys of This Blood, Fr. Malachi Martin, p. 632). Since Martin's prescient warnings, tens of thousands of children have reported being raped at Catholic altars and inside Catholic confessionals, forcing the Church to pay out billions of dollars to settle court cases involving child sexual abuse by priests. In the Boston Archdiocese alone 65 parishes had to close in order to raise the money necessary to pay these court settlements. One case alone involved more than 500 child victims and a mandated court settlement of over $85 million dollars. Martin foresaw all this occurring long before it appeared in our newspapers, but his central message, that these acts are warning sign that Satanists are commandeering the church, has been ignored. His 1976 book on exorcism, Hostage to the Devil, leaves no doubt that Martin believed that the devil existed and was gaining strength in the world.

Martin is by no means the only modern priest to make this claim. A few years ago, a retired Italian priest by the name of Msgr. Luigi Marinelli claimed in his book Gone With the Wind at the Vatican that Satanic rituals have been performed within the walls of the Vatican. But far more impressively, the Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo also spoke out about Satanism in the Vatican, and took a lot of heat for it. Milingo is a very controversial figure in the church; he became widely famous in the church for essentially effecting miracles. In Europe and Africa he is recognized as having performed numerous healings and exorcisms. "Tales of [his] miraculous cures from cancer, AIDS and other terminal illnesses abound in Italy. Thousands converge on his services to witness people, reputedly possessed with demons, writhing in agony on the floor while Milingo conducts his mass exorcism ." (London Telegraph, 2/7/99) But his high-profile services were frowned upon by the Vatican, and even though Pope John Paul II supported him, he was censored by Cardinal Ratzinger, who banned him from charismatic healing sessions and exorcisms during Mass. In response, Milingo upped the ante, and began to publically declare that Satanists had infiltrated the Vatican. Milingo first made these accusations in an address to an audience of clergy and laity from across the globe at the Fatima 2000 International Congress on World Peace on November 1996. Since then, perhaps predictably, the Vatican has excommunicated Milingo from the church, but he apparently remains undeterred, writing in his book Face to Face With the Devil that :

"The devil in the Catholic Church is so protected now that he is like an animal protected by the government; put on a game preserve that outlaws anyone, especially hunters, from trying to capture or kill it. The devil within the Church today is actually protected by certain Church authorities from the official devil-hunter in the Church - the exorcist. So much so that the exorcist today is forbidden to attack the devil. The devil is so protected that the one who is the hunter, the exorcist, is forbidden to do his job."

Although the Vatican turned their backs on him, fellow exorcist and Vatican insider Malachi Martin supported Milingo, writing "Archbishop Milingo is a good bishop and his contention that there are Satanists in Rome is completely correct."

Of course, the best known Catholic figure to suggest that John Paul II's successor would be the last Pope was the eleventh century Irish priest St. Malachy. According to his prophecies, the line of legitimate Pontiffs came to an end with John Paul II. Canonized by Pope Clement III on July 6, 1199, St. Malachy undertook to list in advance the proper succession of Roman pontiffs from Celestine II to "the end of the world". Now, there is some mystery about just how many Popes were on that list, as two different lists exist, one with 111 Popes after Celestine II, and another with 112 Popes. John Paul II, who just died, was number 110. Pope number 111 is either the last Pope, or the second to last Pope. In either case, Malachy's prophecies strongly suggest that the current Pope may be the "False Prophet" mentioned in St. John's Revelation who is to deliver the church to Satan.

Are Saint Malachy, Sister Lucy of Fatima, Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Milingo, and Malachi Martin correct after all? If so, it is perhaps not so curious that Cardinal Ratzinger chose the name "Benedict" for himself when he became Pope. The worst pope of the Dark Ages, Benedict IX, is notorious for having dabbled in witchcraft and Satanism.

- Peter

So I ask you all, not that it is close to disregard or
further away from the pasture, as it confines you, the
degree of uncertainty surrounding your times.

Just what is that miserable mixed-up mess of a sentence supposed to mean, anyway?

Zeshua uses codes, and anagrams, and all sorts of stuff like that there. This sentence is so
utterly nonsensical that it could not have been caused by a simple typo. Its meaninglessness has
to be intentional.

The sentence is composed of four segments separated by commas. The first, third, and fourth
segments are at least grammatically correct, and COULD mean something if they were in a more
appropriate sentence. They are only rendered meaningless by the fact that they dont seem to have
anything to do with the other segments in the sentence. But the second segment is even worse.
It is completely meaningless even in and of itself, not even taking into consideration any
relationship with the other segments.

This has to be another code. It has waited in vain to be broken for over a year and a half now.
Anyone have any ideas?

- Peter
No doubt there is no reason to believe. Whats more, no
reason to believe in me. Then again why should I believe
in you, my predecessors as it were. [...]

The most important thing, which I must reveal now is,
that, above all, I must always sustain a degree of
disbelief. As long as some of you, as us humans do, will
always be IN disbelief, there are few but very definite
limits of what can be said. So I ask you all, not that
it is close to ... or further away from ... the degree
of uncertainty surrounding your times.

Now, notice how much more sense that last line makes if we disregard the
single word "disregard" and then also disregard the nonsensical phrase
"the pasture, as it confines you".

Suddenly the whole gist of the post remains constant from beginning to
end, a short essay on the subject of belief. She says that she
must keep us in some degree of disbelief, and compares that degree of
disbelief or uncertainty that she imposes upon us to the level of
constant uncertainty that our times are imposing upon us already.

In other words, she seems to be saying, "this level of uncertainty
I am imposing upon you, or this level of uncertainty I am asking you
to live with, is not too much for you to bear, because your times
are already imposing at least this level of uncertainty upon you,
so you are already used to this level of discomfort.

Now, that is interesting, but I am much more interested in the added
words "disregard ... the pasture as it confines you". Now, what do
you suppose we are to do with them?

Now lets again disregard the word "disregard", and just concentrate
for the moment on the phrase "the pasture as it confines you".

Now, since we've been discovering that Zeshua has been using anagrams,
I ran that phrase thru the anagram solver, and guess what I found?

Well, wouldn't you know it, but this mysterious nonsensical phrase,
sticking out like a sore thumb in the middle of that post that was
ALL ABOUT proof and doubt and disbelief and uncertainty, this phrase

I just find it too coincidental that this mysterious phrase translates
into something that includes the words "AUTHENTIC PROOF" in the first post
where Zeshua started talking about her own credibility, and so must conclude
that this is no coincidence at all, but another of Zeshua's anagram-coded
messages. If so, what does it say? Well, it seems to say that if we want
to find "authentic proof" of Zeshua's claims, we must closer at those
online posts of hers that might be called "essays", and try to "untie"
messages hidden within them.

So, well, that doesn't really tell us anything we didnt know before,
but it does seem to demonstrate that those hidden messages do indeed
exist within Zeshua's posts.

- Peter
In my estimation, this all boils down to the difference between percentages and individual numbers. "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." -Josef Stalin

Assuming a time traveler must have a degree of disbelief is logical. If everyone believes a time traveler is genuine, that will alter reality. Kinda like if Jesus Christ appeared in Times Square on New Year's Eve 2000- we'd all quit our jobs, go to church, repent, give to the poor etc... life as we knew it would be over.

Assuming such is the case, the solution is the difference between percentages and individual numbers. Posting the Powerball numbers so 100,000 people can win it is a percentage-figure... if 100,000 people won it, not only would they all get a mere pittance, but the event itself would be a major disruption in the natural flow of time.

However, if you gave one person the Powerball numbers, you can safely transmit that information through time. Even if that one person says "I got these numbers from a time traveler", no one would believe them and even if they did, no one could ever prove it and regardless, they possess the winning ticket.

If Zeshua is the real deal, Zeshua has the ability to give information to one person in this present as validation that she is the real deal. And I don't mean Powerball numbers- I mean personal communication one-on-one with tangable, actionable information.

But what Zeshua has given us to date is nothing more than educated guesses shrouded by anagrams- truth be told- if I came to this forum and said "I am a time traveler from the future and DISASTER LOOMS!!!", no one would pay me any mind. Why? Because this is not a prediction- it's a vague reference that can apply to anything, anywhere... it's not new information. And to date, this is all Zeshua has provided.

If we took the title of your latest novel "Original Christianity" and ran it through the anagram server, we'd come back with "Inartistic hairy lingo". Now is your novel inartistic hairy lingo just because it rearranges to spell that out?
If everyone believes a time traveler is genuine, that will alter reality. [...]
If Zeshua is the real deal, Zeshua has the ability to give information to one person in
this present as validation that she is the real deal.

How do you know she hasn't?

If she did do this, if she did provide one person with that validation, and that person
kept the information to themselves, then you never would have heard of it. On the other
hand, if she provided that validating information and the person then shared the information
with the rest of the world, then, just as you say, "everyone would believe a time traveler
is genuine, and that would alter reality".

But there is a third option. Can you think of it? I believe that third option is the one
that Zeshua chose to put into play.

- Peter
But there is a third option. Can you think of it?
she provided the validating information to a trusted third person but the third person has refused to share this information with a group of people or a public forum.

Or the third person has shared the information with one person and neither one know how important it is.

Much like JT's secret song to Pamela.
Just a general question and perhaps someone has asked already:

How old is Zeshua?

Perhaps some other tidbits of info from her about herself?

I doubt if anyone here is going to say that time travelers are visiting us? But then I do not really know anyone except what I read.

If anyone knew perhaps in a manner what was going to happen in the future, I doubt if it would change anything anyway since most people live by habits anyway? If a real time traveller even told us things to begin with, it is difficult for most people to change habits and even more so the way that they would think in the future even if they could change. Most people would revert to previous habits again and it would take a great conscious effort on the part of the person to really change and by that time, someone else who was more in agreement with what the boss wanted done would be found. Other people would question why the change in that person's thinking and begin to wonder if the person just went crazy or something and that person who had changed would have to state why they chose to change (although there are certain growth points along a person's life and all people in the end change but usually via what is going on in someone's life or by perhaps another person.)

So to me the question is really is Zeshua trying to change the way some people think as of now, and if so, why, and in the end what time ripples would that invoke?

If not, then providing tidbits of info to such a small group of people on this forum (and perhaps a few other forums) really is not going to convince anyone in the group or outside of the group to offer any different opinion than usually they will have?

The future is set by the personality of the big boss in the end, and that is the person that really has to change or else people all do what they have been doing and that is going along with it, and at times not liking what the person is doing.

We all need a job is the answer given then by the people who think they are better than the big boss, and by people too comfortable with the money they make now to make such a change.

That to me is where God comes in. If you do not go with the flow you end up doing something else with your life, and it may not make as much money but then you may just end up happier. Some people equate money with happiness and then complain how money helps but they are not happy anyway. (like not making as much money makes anyone happier either. It doesn't.) Then the only satisfaction involved is that doing something else is more in tune with what the person thinks makes him/her happier and the person ends up doing that anyway.

Then there are the other people who claim that no one should be happy because he/she is not happy.

It is all in the end a kind of mind control and a few people suggest it should be that way (usually the big boss.)

Therefore the other people either have to live with it or end up making a change that effect others without going into detail about what that may involve.

Well, enough of my babbling.

Some people ususally get scared by others suggesting that they change because the other people usually do not think that they have to change. This can be for any number of reasons like age, weight, sex, agenda, whatever. But most people will change during life at some time. When it is forced upon a person it scares them. Even if it is only meant as advice or to help. That person that is suppose to change according to the other person trying to help them suggest it is them that should change about offering advice in the first place. It will always be all mixed up and jumbled then. So why would anyone begin to think that time travellers are contacting people here at this time and in this manner in the first place. The only way someone would believe it is that it must be proved and that is something that only can be considered to advance by the time in the future.

So with the experiment of Kramer (I am guessing which was talked about recently in the Blast from the Past or whatever it is with the photons and entanglement and photons traveling backwards in time), to me, what will it really prove? First if the photons do travel back in time -- how far back in time do those photons actually travel? Can anyone really tell what else it does effect with other entanglements then? And if that did happen then the future was different already anyway so the experiment can not work because it was already proved back in the Past then.

I just don't intend to become a nutcase or nutjob about any of it anyway.
(And I doubt being as old as I am that I will. Perhaps some others will, but no, I read all of that psychology stuff anyway so I doubt if it really will effect my mind. It did not in life before so why should it now? It does not mean that I am stubborn but it may mean that some other people (or Leaders) are stubborn.)

So is Zeshua stubborn?

Just some amusing questions for the gal perhaps.
How old is Zeshua?

Perhaps some other tidbits of info from her about herself?

If I understand correctly, Zeshua is currently (that is, in December 2006) a young child somewhere around the age of eight, living in Iowa. She goes on to live through a version of history that has alot in common with what Titor predicted.

She says that a great many people, in America and other nations as well, die of starvation and conflict in the next ten years or so. Economic troubles get very bad, to the point that essentially all long-distance trucking ceases. Riots occur. One surprising developwent is that people in the heartland start dying in mass quantities, not only because they don't have food or water, but because even when they do have those necessities, they still find they have no access to salt. When salt ceases to be shipped into the nation's interior due to the economic crisis and breakdown of civil authority, people in the nation's heartland find out that being able to grow their own food and drill their own wells is not enough to fulfill their bodys' nutritional needs.

At some point, Zeshua travels overseas and gets enrolled in a major European university, where she begins her experiment. She does not invent any new technology, but figured out a new use for already-existing technologies that allow her to tap into the Internet of the past.

- Peter