The HDRkid Thread

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Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To All:
This week we saw the stock market drop about 20% in one of the worst drops in history. My prediction that gasoline would go over $4/gal came true, but now gas is below $3/gal where I live. Back in Jan 2007 it was $1.87/gallon. I expect that soon you will see shortages. The economy is now in a state of collapse.

Don't buy an SUV, this is a temporary drop. The world hit peak oil back in 2005 and every year we have less production not more. Also, while consumption in the US may decline, China and India are rising powers that need oil.

The debunkers keep flipping. One day they say that peak oil is a hoax, the next they claim that high gas prices were obvious due to peak oil. Well, back in 2000 when gasoline was close to a dollar a gallon, I predicted it would quadruple at the end of the decade, and it did. The shortages will soon hit. Arabs are tired of worthless green pieces of paper. The decline in the dollar is but one factor in our bleak future.

Here is what I have see in the future. Dark city with no light. Gas stations are boarded up. Grocery stores looted with windows smashed. Highways with no cars.

Those of you who listen to me in 2005 and sold your house, took the money out of the US and bought gold are OK. Gold that was $420/oz then and is now about $840/oz double, the house you sold for $500,000 is now worth maybe $250,000 if you can find a buyer. You sold all your stocks and now you see that the market is in freefall. The FDIC has to ask treasury for loans. Banks are falling.

It seems like 1929 as the stock market implodes. There is fear on Wall Street. People are finally waking up to the fact that the ship is sinking. I believe that John Titor did warn us about a civil war. Well, when there is no food in the grocery store things will get ugly. He said the civil war was between country and city. This might explain the empty shelves of stores. What was once a mortgage meltdown now is spreading to other sectors.

AIG, once worlds largest insurance company, first got 85 billion from the government, and now an additional 37+billion. The problem is no longer just banks. It is getting out of control.

It is important to keep all in context. Many people saw what I saw and built shelters. A period of peril is up ahead in the distance. It is known as the time of troubles. You can use astral time travel to see the obstacles that exist in our path to a new beginning. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

astral time travel
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

My prediction that gasoline would go over $4/gal came true

As usual, the Kid takes credit for predictions he never made! In fact, in this case he is taking credit for a prediction that he actually was AGAINST! His claim was that gas prices would NOT hit $4/gallon until next year (2009). All the data is in this here thread for anyone to see that was what he was arguing. *I* was the one who was predicting it would go above $4/gallon and I even predicted the week that it did so. Nice try, Kid.

I expect that soon you will see shortages.

Which belies the fact that OPEC is getting together early to talk about cutting production to keep the price of gas falling below $80/barrel.

Darby was right about gas prices for this fall season, you were wrong. But I know you will continue to take credit for predictions you never made...or predicted the OPPOSITE! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi rain:
Yes, I did predict that gas would go over $4/gal to the howls of laughter of debunkers. In fact, you will remember that I predicted back in 2005 that oil in 2006 would go over $80/b it went to $76.60 miss, 2007 it would go over $100/b it went to $99.80 miss, and in 2008 over $120/b hit. Even my misses are close. Hillary almost won the nomination. Astral time travel is not an exact science.

Hi Recall:
Thanks for the link.

Hi Darby:
The problem with houses in California is that they are very expensive.

For example, the average house in Indianapolis cost $100,000 ($20,000 down/$80,000 finance) so if you add insurance, taxes, electricity, water, etc. you are paying $900/mo. In Dallas the avg house cost $150,000 so you are paying a little more, but if you make the avg salary of $40,000/yr you are OK.

In Chicago, that same house could cost you $300,000 double that of Dallas and with both husband and wife working you might be able to afford it. The problem is that in many parts of California that house did cost in 2004 a cool million when you add together taxes on a million dollar house and insurance on a million dollar house it is hard for ordinary people to own one. So you have company owners that bought houses. Well, sales are way down, this will be one of the worst Christmas seasons on record, and sadly you will see many people lose their homes.

A tale of two malls.

Imagine two malls, one where everybody is looking out for number one and nasty. Another where the store owners help each other out and are nice to customers. In Mall B (nice) when a store is struggling, the other store owners help it out. In Mall A (mean), however it is every man for himself, if you die too bad for you. So, when a toy store goes under the guy who owns the sweater store says "Good, more money for me..."
However, what happens is that as many stores close, many people stop going to the half empty mall and go to Mall B (nice) where all stores are full. This causes even more stores to fail in the mean mall, eventually the sweater store goes under. The owner being a nasty person says that people stopped going to his store because they were stupid. He does not realize that his nasty attitude drove away his customers.

I have seen that in the future there are no wars, instead of nasty city people, you have these "hippies" that grow organic food and live in nature. A more communal existence where people are at one with their environment. These hippies are called tree huggers and econuts by the city slickers. Therefore the debunker types know full well that their big SUV trucks destroy the earth, but they are selfish and mean. They do not care if the world is a ruin. When difficult days come, the mean ones will attack one another for scarce resources. It will be a time of trouble for the city. These broken communities will not survive. However, the make love not war types will survive. The future is built around small communities where everybody helps their neighbor. It is a bright future, but we must first survive the wall of fire.

Using remote viewing I have seen in the future ruins of a dark city, littered with abandoned cars and old useless junk, where it is snowing. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Clif High's(Half Past Human site) predicted the crash in
the market perfectly using his software. He claimed that
an event on October 7 either financial or military since
his model only see those two events mainly. And guess
what it happened. I don't know why recall15 didn't pick
up on this since it was his find. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

I don't know why recall15 didn't pick
up on this since it was his find.

Sort of...40 Mil, 40economic & 20 Mother Nature...

it was here... that day... report...

and earlier...

and the NEO 2008 TC3


Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

If I remember correctly he(Clif High's) started seeing this event
just after 911. I think he said he saw it 4 to 5 years in advance
in the mp3 that came out it and said was all in the language.
In the end it just turned out to be economic as we all see now.
I think this adds to High's credibility don't you think.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Yes, Right of course...

if you want to read an early post regarding Webots on TTI

Link to TTI

The 2008 and 2009 Web bot resume as earlie as 08/02/08
Link to TTI

Does the Costal Event 09 is Related to Charlie Posts?

Link to TTI


Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Yes, I did predict that gas would go over $4/gal to the howls of laughter of debunkers. In fact, you will remember that I predicted back in 2005 that oil in 2006 would go over $80/b it went to $76.60 miss, 2007 it would go over $100/b it went to $99.80 miss, and in 2008 over $120/b hit. Even my misses are close.

But a miss is a miss.

Whether a prediction is close or not isn't what is being discussed. You claim to be a time traveler. A time traveler should know what the price of oil is given a specific date.

I'm not a time traveler but I've made specific predictions for specific dates. So far I've been wrong. My estimates have been below what the market has actually set for the mark. The difference between us is that I admit that I've been wrong - you've taken "close" as a hit.

So far you haven't demonstrated that you know anything more than what an educated viewer of the markets knows. Had you been a real-deal progonistigator your POV would have said that X-date was the day to leave the market and Y-date was the day to re-enter the market.

And so far, we've seen no evidence that you've packed up and moved to "Swiss". Why is that?
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Yes, I did predict that gas would go over $4/gal to the howls of laughter of debunkers. In fact, you will remember that I predicted back in 2005 that oil in 2006 would go over $80/b it went to $76.60 miss, 2007 it would go over $100/b it went to $99.80 miss, and in 2008 over $120/b hit. Even my misses are close.

So many problems here, kid. The biggest problem is that this is a board about Time Travel, hence the TIME part of it is pretty damn important...especially if you are making predictions. Your statement above that I have bolded has serious problems stating the whole truth...and those problems will always come back to haunt you. Your problems of "predicting gas over $4/gal" are like book ends...trapping you forever. Let us look at the book end at the left side... Here is your prediction from October 31, 2006:

BTW, inflation will rear its ugly head next year, oil goes to over $100/b and the price at the pump zooms from the now tame $2/gal of gas to over $4/gal.

First, inflation was NOT a big deal in 2007, so you got that wrong too. But notice that you were "predicting" that gas would go over $4/gal...when? Ahhhh that's right "next year". That would be some time in 2007. And let's not forget that this is not the spot price of gas anywhere. You, yourself, claim that your "predictions" are for the average price for a gallon of regular gas in the US. As we can see with this "left side bookend" you were wrong. The average price of US regular did not rise above $4/gallon in 2007 at all. In fact, as we saw through my mathematically-based predictions, this did not happen until the first week of June 2008.

Now let us look at the other "bookend" that paints trouble for you and your prediction of $4/gallon gas. It is from this very thread:

hdrkid:This month an oil industry exec told me that gasoline would be $4.50/gallon by summer 2008. I told him that gas would not break four in 2008 due to the elections, but that come 2009 we would see gas at over $4/gal.

And so here you became even more foolish after being proven wrong in your first prediction about $4/gallon gas. You limited the price to stay below $4/gallon even when a market expert allegedly told you it would go over $4/gallon. As we saw in this thread, I correctly predicted the precise time it would (and did) go over $4/gallon.

Game, set, match. You a proven to be a liar and twister of facts yet again. It is not just the issue of it going over $4/gallon. It is the TIME at which it does so. So far you have been wrong TWICE about $4/gallon gas with respect to when it did or didn't rise above that benchmark.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008


I won't go so far as to call you a liar. That's a pretty harsh assessment (and Ray, don't take this as an attack on your opinion - an opinion that you are fully entitled to).

What I believe is going on with you has nothing at all to do with RV, HDR or time travel. You're a rich kid who has access to your father's sources. Instead of just stating the opinions that you hold as being in line with certain experts in the field you, instead, claim the opinions as your own based on some New Age gadgetry. Now I personally believe that the opinions experssed by your sources are either Bear Contrarianisms or you've taken them wholly out of context and spun them to your personal desires. In the main you've been wrong on just about every aspect of your progonistications.

I've spent a lot of time chiding you on your positions because they've been so transparent. You've spent a lot of time avoiding addressing specific questions that I've asked you to respond to. You have, as yet, not responded to the questions about Coke Blaq, etc. yet you still take credit for posting them prior to their public release.

I was being fullly honest when I previously posted that this thread, and your posts, really don't interest me. They don't. I continue to post, on occassion, simply because no other thread on a particular day has anything to post about. Frankly, had Lyndzee not decided to take a vacation (and s/he'll be back) I wouldn't be posting on Ray's (not yours BTW) thread today.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To rain:
The gentle happy carefree people of the future are in stark contrast to the nasty people that exist now who are angry short-tempered rude and behave in warlike ways. Using remote viewing I have seen that the children of the future are very tolerant, patient, forgiving, and supportive of one another; these are the qualities that enabled them to survive the coming period of peril. You rain, could be a poster boy for people now.

This is what your future looks like.

Here is something you do not know, in fact, the information is a closely guarded secret. Atomic blasts do more than kill people, the colossal energy liberated during a thermonuclear reaction is so strong that it can and will destroy people's souls. That means you will not reincarnate, you are finished, gone FOREVER...

TO Designer:
We have gone from the authority figures laughing at me and saying it is a "mental recession" to total panic. "If you're not fearful, you're crazy," Dimon CEO JP Morgan. Perhaps his name should be demon!
Cliff is right on the money.

To Recall:
"food lines, schools and govt buildings closed and then later re-opened as shelters of last resort."
No sure what causes the food shortage, but I did see that in the future. Yes, with long lines. I reported this in 2005 and compared it to Katrina. Things are going to get real bad real soon!

"SOC–Self Organizing Collectives" sounds like the hippie communes I saw in the future.

Well, we are both on the same page.

To Darby=
Despite Bush going to Saudi Arabia this year and trying to hold down gas prices, he was unable to do so, however, oil is now falling fast and near me now is a gas station selling the golden liquid for $2.76/gal. This is an election stunt. Witness that in August 2008, month before last, I was paying $4.39/gal. Also in Jan 2007, last year, gasoline was $1.87/gallon near my house. The rapid rise in price of petroleum destroyed GM.

GM is dying.

The preponderance of evidence shows that information obtained using remote viewing is substantially equivalent to that we obtain using conventional technology. I am part of a collaborative team gathering this information to map out the future. I believe that many skeptic demand that the burden of proof be 100% accuracy. Well, if a cancer test tell you that 96% of people with an elevated level of an enzyme have precancerous cells, you do not use the 4% errors to invalidate the test. You start out with a crude model and as science advances you get better results.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Andron is a time travel that talk a lot about spirituality.
I personally think he gets it right on all the paradoxes of
time travel. He also in a way addresses conservation of mass
problem of having duplicate persons. Its an interesting read
I thought when he talk about time travel.

Andron time travel
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008


Despite Bush going to Saudi Arabia this year and trying to hold down gas prices, he was unable to do so, however, oil is now falling fast and near me now is a gas station selling the golden liquid for $2.76/gal. This is an election stunt. Witness that in August 2008, month before last, I was paying $4.39/gal. Also in Jan 2007, last year, gasoline was $1.87/gallon near my house. The rapid rise in price of petroleum destroyed GM.

You can clearly see what I mean. The post is directed at me, and one rightfully can suppose it to be in response to something that I posted, yet it remains a non sequitur. The response had nothing what-so-ever to do with my previous post.

To date s/he hasn't ever responded in a direct manner to the Coke Blaq issue...or any other direct question that I've ever asked.

Now I could post, but I won't, that to overcome this problem that people simply refuse to respond in any way to The Kid's posts other than to demand direct responses to direct questions - remembering all the while that you, not, The Kid, is in charge of the discussion.. As I said, I won't post that because it would be unfair to him/her.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Recall:
"food lines, schools and govt buildings closed and then later re-opened as shelters of last resort."
No sure what causes the food shortage, but I did see that in the future. Yes, with long lines. I reported this in 2005 and compared it to Katrina. Things are going to get real bad real soon!

"SOC–Self Organizing Collectives" sounds like the hippie communes I saw in the future.

Well, we are both on the same page.

Crop Failure
More quakes 9 +
false nuclear flag
Pole Shift
Link to wiki
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Darby:

Coke Blaq was a prediction I made when people were accusing me of only preaching doom and gloom. The said I was an apocalyptic doomsday prophet. So I said OK, I will give you a happy prediction. And told them that in the future I saw myself drinking Coke Blaq.

Now I was off by a month, predicted it coming out in April and it came out in May, also off by a letter. It was Blak with a K. However, the bottle was the same (brown coffee color) and the taste was the same (a coffee powered cola with fizz).

This is important because using RV you can get taste information. You can feel rain and temperature, as in HOT vs COLD. Not sure why this is important, but this is old news.

This is more like what I predict.

Analysts predict deep depression

To Recall:

Funny, how predictions I made in 2005 that sounded crazy then now are so mainstream. However, be willing to bet that few people stored food and fuel like I ask them to. They prefer to laugh at me and when the bad thing happen claim it was obvious. Those that listen though will be OK. Make sure you have supplies on hand. {food, fuel, lead, gold, cash, etc} It could get hairy!

Taken from
"For Americans who lived through the Depression, the last few months have felt like deja vu."

Indeed this is what the people at believe.

Banks are now entering a crashcading collapse where they are forced to sell assets at fire sale prices to raise emergency cash. Witness the decline in gold prices. Who in his right mind would sell gold now?

What do other people say.

I warn people to not buy an SUV because it is cheap now. This low gas is temporary. We hit peak oil in 2005 and expect oil prices to rise a lot in the next decade.

"September’s resilience follows surprise gains in August, when pickup truck and SUV sales rose 43 percent and 27 percent, respectively, compared with July. The reason for the rebound? High sales incentives and declining gasoline prices, according to Jesse Toprak, executive director of industry analysis for, an automotive Web site."

Natgas cars are the short term answer. It is cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel and produces less carbon dioxide. Also US has lots of natural gas.

We can replace jets with maglev trains. It uses 1/5 energy of a jet per person per mile. Less noise and consumes electricity instead of fossil fuels.

The maglev or magnetic levitation train uses electromagnetic suspension to attain its effect. For a guy who plays with electromagnets this is the only way to travel. It futuristic in that the ride is smooth and low noise. Quite unlike a bumpy noise filled jet. If we went to maglev we could replace most cars on the street with a system of light rail and electric scooters.

I wonder why I see food riot in the future and grocery stores are empty. This may provide a clue in Iceland the coutry is in chaos due to a banking collapse and crash of its small stock market, now comes food shortage.

Iceland store shelf empty
On the Horizon

You Forgot this part-from the given link-


No Faith In Government?

Here's a reader's reasoning:

"Not looking good for the bailout

Back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. Now we are trusting the economy of our country to a pack of nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling booze? "

On the Horizon

What one reader sees coming:

"I got inspired, so decided to torture you with these:

Top 10 pieces of good news about the coming Greater Depression

10) Lawyers to starve, be exiled into "unfair" wilderness, encouraged to file complaints with bears.

9) Fewer trees to be pulped to create "dollars", more log cabins mean "Abe Lincoln Day" forever

8) "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome" rentals to go through the roof as Bartertowns spring up across the USA, "2 men

enter, 1 man leaves" to be motto of local sports teams, Master/Blaster to become most popular mascot/Halloween costume/job

7) Fast food to become more considered, moderate in pace.

6) Political parties to crumble in favor of individuals who actually know, do stuff

5) "Career politician" to mean a mayor who continues blacksmithing while serving in office

4) Paris, Oprah, rappers to live remainder of lives in quiet, contemplative solitude

3) Arab countries to get back in touch with nomadic, camel-based roots, Central and South America to pretty much continue as usual.

2) Solar clothes dryers to be found strung near every family's home.

1) Obesity and related health conditions to vanish as concerns.

end quoted...

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Coke Blaq was a prediction I made when people were accusing me of only preaching doom and gloom. The said I was an apocalyptic doomsday prophet. So I said OK, I will give you a happy prediction. And told them that in the future I saw myself drinking Coke Blaq.


First, I have as yet to find any post anywhere where you mentioned Coke Blaq as a prediction prior to it's being introduced, first, in the French market cr. November 2004 (I'm guessing on the date but I believe that it's pretty close).

Over the past two years you have never before stated the "prediction" in the terms that you just made. The terms that you have always stated it in was as a prediction prior to its introduction into the market. You took credit for predicting the name of a Coca-Cola product prior to Coke naming it. "Seeing" yourself drinking Coke Blaq after it was introduced to hte market is far, far different than predicting the name of the product before it was invented.

And this is exactly where you alwayset into trouble. Not just with me but with Harte, GL100, Sosuemetoo, Ray or whomever. You overstate the situation when a straight forward transparent answer would suffice.

Anyway, I do, finally, thank you for making clear the Coke Blaq situation. I mean that sincerely. Even though I had to ask you six or eight times to come clean on the issue.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008


That much being said, I think that you might want to consider apologizing to me for saying a year or so ago, "You sir are a liar", in response to my post where I said that on PNP you claimed to be a 15 year old high schooler. As you are well aware, PNP is back up and running and the Admin is considering putting your old thread back up on the site. We both know, as do Sosuemetoo, Harte and GL100, et al, that your statement to that effect is in your posts there. Remember the red off-road pick-up truck Avatar that you used?

I really don't have any particular plan to get involved in your current thread there but that's always a possibility - especially so if the old thread makes it's way back to their forum.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Darby:
You keep using the word LIAR, notice that I prefer not use that word. Perhaps perceptions of your world will change when there is no food on the grocery store shelf and you starve. Remember, the thing I keep stressing over and over again is for people to have supplies. If I am not wrong, it was people like you that got this thread move to fiction. When people starve to death, you are the one who shall bear the greater blame.

To Recall:
Today is a historical day, Colin Powell publically supports Barack Obama for president. Why is this important? Colin Powell is Republican, the former Secretary of State under George Bush, a position similar to that of Prime Minister. At one time, Colin Powell was seen as a war hero, and the head of the Joint Chiefs.

For him to endorse Obama tells me that the US is broken. I mean, think about it, a prominent Black Republican endorses a socialist. And that's not all Obama has drafted no major legislation or done anything of note. All he has is the race card. A man with one year experience as a senator trying to be president. No experience as governor of a state, or as head of a major corporation, or even an important military figure - no command experience - ZERO!

Colin Powell, believes that this man can be Commander in Chief!

Well, I am Republican, and this is what I think.

In flight school I learned to fly a Piper Cub. Landing was not easy, but at no time did I claim I could fly a 747. In a simulation I crashed a 747 several times. It is very hard to land.

The Greeks say that Hubris is a sin. Obama acts cocky, it is a mask of false bravado. He is a nerd that hides when he sees bullies. He runs over to the library and hides behind a stack of books. His wife said that her first impression was that he was a nerd. First impressions are rarely wrong. He does not have the guts to make the difficult choices required of a leader.

Basically we are asking Obama to land a 747 in the middle of a thunderstorm with zero visibility and no landing lights. You don't need a time machine to know what will soon take place. As for me, I prefer an old experience pilot at the wheel.
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