The HDRkid Thread

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Re:John Titor\'s Prediction was: Obama named

Generator fire at the Cook Nuclear Power Plant shut down the Unit 1 reactor Saturday night. Although the government claims that there was no leak of radioactive isotopes, I checked with my geiger counter and found outside background radiation levels ten times normal. Our government reminds me of Red China which said that the milk was perfectly safe and now thousands of babies are dying of kidney failure. I still remember being told that the banks are rock solid and now we are told we the taxpayers must bail them out to the tune of trillions of dollars, or else we face a great depression worse than the first.

In other news the bank bailout did cause the dollar to weaken sending gold and oil up. I still remember telling people to go for the gold and that it was cheap. Due to the international crisis in the last five days gold has shot up from below 800 to above 900. And the debunkers, they claim that the banks falling was obvious and that I did not predict anything. These are the same people who laugh and call me a doomer when I tell them to get their money out of the bank and buy bullion. Right now the dow is DOWn 372 points. The casino known as Wall Street is willing to take your bet that the US economy will improve.

Debunkers, what do they say now when the government says we must bail out the banks or face a great depression worse than the first?

Where is your giggling now debunkers? All your talk that all I do is predict gloom and doom?

Listen to me, the day is coming when food and fuel are rationed. I have done remote viewing and seen the future. The gas card is red/blue you get ten gallons per month per family. Now on some timelines you only get five gallons per family per month and the dumber than dogdirt debunkers say "You predicted ten and we only get five so that proved that time travel is a hoax!" Wake up, the world you knew is gone!

Gas shortage is real 85% of stations without gasoline

My thoughts exactly!

Oil Jumps $25 in a single day

Nuclear reactor fire
Re:John Titor\'s Prediction was: Obama named

Hey KId... more on Web bot...


In our interview last night, Cliff pointed out that the latest output from modelspace seems to indicate that the meltdown in October will likely split into two components. A financial aspect which will hit about October 7th and then a 'military' oriented event(s) that will happen about October 15th. Then, this morning's editions of the New York Sun headline that "Spies Warn that Al Qaida Aims for October Surprise."

The next thing up was a phone call from m,y tax attorney/CPA who has been keeping track on the back of an envelope - he says that as far as he can figure, the cost of all the bailouts willk total about $1.8 trillion dollars, but in his estimate (remember, he's only a tax attorney and CPA - not an advisor to any of the players) the real total could run upwards of $5-trillion dollars when all is said and done. The problem he outlines is this: When you read up on how much the bailout will cost bear in mind that the biggest players have not yet indicasted their feelings on the matter. And those 'biggest players' are whom?
Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

and the Graphic:
if broken...
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

Hehehehe--- I saw the same post Recall... The first thing I thought of was HDR also...

Thats money brother...
Re:John Titor\'s Prediction was: Obama named


I checked with my geiger counter and found outside background radiation levels ten times normal

What is the make and model of your Geiger Counter?
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

Thats money brother...

Right it`s all about...

If you want to hear
The Web Bot Guys on C2C Sept 21 st

from show

Something bad this way comes .. predicting next week and lasting 5 months. If you need prescription medicines, stock up.. "

there is the link
Play list Part 1 t o12

Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

To Recall:
Thank you for providing the link about the time monk. I listen to Art Bell fom time to time. Most of what they see, you can also see with RV 101. There was a lady that talked about people living underground in the future. I like how they told people to get food. Back in 2005 I told people to build shelters and stock up on food and fuel. You will soon see the wisdom of this.

Here is a poem about the future to give you hope.

In my arms I do hold
an angel with shiny hair of pure gold
her glowing dress is bright spotless white
and her heart shall fight for all that is right.

To Kanigo:
My view Jan 2005
Corporate executives of major conglomerates do not understand is that in the future we will see a major depression worse than the 1930's with the total collapse of the global economy. Many believe nothing will happen, and as a result of this inactivity the government will be forced to bail out the banks, but the government will run out of money and when that happens we have a run on the banks like the 1930's. Many office jobs in high office towers will soon be outsourced - to low wage low tech third world countries where the taxes are cheap and regulations lax.

Before america used to be a mighty industrial power, but now we slowly tear down our factory and send our top paying jobs to Red China. Gone is the industrial heartland, gone is the factory floor. All we have left are service jobs like flipping burgers. The high tech future of tomorrow has been mortgaged away on the pipe dream of globalism. Rust belt cities lie in ruins as the people move away in a desperate search for jobs that no longer exist.

Well, take the long view. What will things look like when all our banks are bankrupt, our factories shut down, our high tech jobs gone?

My view Sep 2008
I believe that in the near future russia will nuke america and completely destroy it. They are in expansion mode and will take advantage of our economic crisis in america in order to expand. US has no money to for an iranian invasion so must withdraw from the persian gulf. I see a grave economic crisis as america runs out of oil. Arabs will refuse to accept dollars for their petroleum. Without fuel, people freeze to death, our crops are not harvested and rot in the field, grocery store shelves are empty, filling stations have no gasoline so the highways are empty. I can hear the cries of hungry children that are starving to death. Ration cards are issued for food and fuel. People wait in long lines to get a loaf of bread. Many rich people have left for Europe. Corporate headquarters are empty. The city is dark because we have no power. The sun truly has fallen on the american empire.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

Two words.

Liberty Garden.

People haven't forgotten- HDR. It wasn't that long ago.
Since I have come in here, I have made every preparation. I have sent word through my small town.
They have listened.
I only feel sorry for the people in large suburban areas.
But then again, food will be easier to distribute.

Nothing to worry about. Let the bankers rot- Those of us that work with our hands and have the tools already do these things everyday.

Sons out hunting wild boar now--- and we aren't even hungry yet.

Remember for me also----
I only came here because of the Titor story in the first place--seeing I am so close.

Nobody here or on any conspiracy site is fooled anymore,, and the rest of the people are waking up.
The people with money now will try to shut people like country folk up.. and they might just find things aren't so pretty when you walk around pushing your weight around.

Ego--doesn't eat well in hungry times.

Thanks for trying to stay on message though, I appreciate the effort--hope it makes you a better remote viewer.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

To Kanigo:

Liberty Garden.
That's the spirit. You should have no problem. We need to fight to the finish. It will not be easy, but I intend to help rebuild a new world. Most of my neighbors are all in. They have pulled their children out of schools and are getting ready for what is coming.

I prefer the company of my neighbors to that of our corporate leaders who constantly talk about outsourcing and liquidation of unessential personel. Now they beg for our help. Shall we help them?

To Darby:

Here is a picture of today's paper and the geiger counter. It called Radiation Alert Monitor 4 and was purchased for $349. Small and portable it fits in the pocket. A friend in iowa told me he had a count of 126.


How a geiger counter works.

Gas shortage is real.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

HRDKid: Most of my neighbors are all in. They have pulled their children out of schools and are getting ready for what is coming.

That sounds like the coming apocalypse is to be with us very soon. To take your kids out of school is pretty final. So what's the estimate HDRKid?

And when are you planning on having your 'End is Night' sandwich board made up?

Oh, I forgot. You've been wearing it for several years now.


The end when it does come will bear no resemblance to any meltdown you've 'predicted' HDRKid.
Your brand of reading the trends is hardly a science. Coupled with your awful attempts to guess presidential outcomes so you can pass them off as actual predictions, you have no credibility in the 'I've seen the future' stakes.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots


This is an easy one to confirm. All one needs do is check with the Bloomington, IN community. As a descendent of Indiana farmers whose family still lives there I have a feeling that they there aren't in The Kid's camp.

But they do have a website so I'll check it out.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

To Darby:

Here is question for you. Why would I stay in the US when my family wants me to take out all my money and go to swiss?

I mean I know that Geneva will survive LHC will survive why stay here?

Actually my Dad sold his farm back in 2005, but I still have land enough to grow food and survive after WWIII. Not the best quality soil, I am at the top of big hill that I call a nountain. I can see for miles around, great strategic value. Far away from cities and no cell service. Trees for lumber, lakes for water, and very important, far away from highways and houses.

To Skeptic:
I hope not in answer to question.

Here is what makes little sense to me. I have gone astral time travel into the future and seen long lines to get food and me waiting four hours to get 1/2 loaf of bread. WHY? I have land, animals, storage of food, fuel, water, and strategic metals. Also, farmers have enough fuel to get the crop in this year, and probably next year.

Even with the refineries in Texas shut down and many gasoline stations closing, most farmers were able to get fuel for farm. Something big is going to happen that I am not seeing yet.

Hey, even in the Great Depression, there was food in the store, there was fuel at the filling station, and not all banks fell. I mean, food and fuel was rationed in WWII, but electricity was not cut. I have seem the DARK CITY view and empty highways.

WaMu collapse biggest bank failure in history

"Americans facing tighter lending and watching their stock portfolios plunge in the wake of the nation's most momentous financial crisis since the Great Depression."

China stops loaning money to US banks

Martil Law soon?

Tis what Titor talked about. So sad...

Please remember that the FDIC has 50 billion to cover 1 trillion in deposits.

To keep the banks afloat we are printing more dollars leading to economic collapse.

Rich getting ready for financial armagedon and apocalypse DOW

How did we get here?

Here are the parts you need to build an HDR
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

HDRKid: I have land, animals, storage of food, fuel, water, and strategic metals. Also, farmers have enough fuel to get the crop in this year, and probably next year.



No you don't Kid.

You know why I know this?

Because you've been caught lying so many times that your credibility has been damaged beyond repair.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots


Here is question for you. Why would I stay in the US when my family wants me to take out all my money and go to swiss?

I still don't know what country is known as "Swiss". As far as I know the word Swiss refers to a citizen of the country known as Switzerland in English (Schweiz in German), the language spoken there (Swiss-German) or matters exclusively involving the country known as Switzerland.

That much being said my answer is this. You, as far as I know, are a citizen of the United States of America, not Switzerland. As an American citizen and patriot you have a duty to support, defend and uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States of America - not Switzerland. If you, not your family, believe that you cannot so support those codiciles then you have an obligation to defect and rescind your citizenship, apply for singular citizenship in Switzerland and move there, never looking back, without regret and without recourse of reversal of your decision.

To move to Switzerland is your decision and not the decision of your family. But based on your stated opinions the decision to move there is to be one of irrevocable emmigration and denial of American citizenship. If you personally believe that it is not worth your effort to remain a citizen of the USA, to support , defend and uphold the Constitution and laws of the USA, then deny your US citizenship and move. But when you so do it is also your obligation to cut the umbilical cord and forever sever your ties to this great nation.

If you so decide then do not tender any regrets when a clenched fist from a true and upright citizen of America is offered instead of a handshake. A clenched fist is the penalty for a defective former citizen.

Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

To Skeptic:

This is an I told you so moment. The biggest point decline in history 777. You may wonder about this constant worry about food and fuel. Well, a generator needs fuel, and in the future the cities are dark. As for food it is still inexpensive. Over at the farm bureau co-op a fifty pound bag of corn. sells for six bucks. As for protein a can of tuna at the dollar store is two for $1. It is better to be positive and think you will survive and try to do so than to surrender to negativity.

I believe that you can store food costing you less than a dollar a day. If nothing happens you can donate old cans (six months old) to the local food bank. I have been storing food since 2002. Yesterday I saw my next door neighbors shelter. He lives over a mile away. It is much bigger than mine and like a luxury five star hotel. Mine is an ugly hole in the ground. It is dark and damp inside.

My prediction of economic collapse is taking place right in front of you. Today's record dramatic drop was the biggest ever for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Think of all those geniuses of Wall Street with their Harvard PhDs in business finance, and you with a simple pencil & paper can see the future much better than they can.

The time has come to stop being a skeptic and harness those latent psychic abilities you possess to see what is coming. Your future will depend on it.
Re: Rehow the predictions works...Web Bots

Over at the farm bureau co-op a fifty pound bag of corn. sells for six bucks. As for protein a can of tuna at the dollar store is two for $1. It is better to be positive and think you will survive and try to do so than to surrender to negativity.

If that's true why, in God's name, would you be considering rescinding your citizenship and moving to Switzerland?

I agree with you that it's a folly to surrender to negativity. Yet, among all of our members here, it's you who has most frequently promoted the negativity. America is a great nation. The people here are the world's most productive. Of course we have economic downturns. Of course there are certain times when life is, in relative terms, more of a struggle than in other times. But the bottom line is that we, and we alone, have the ability to weather the storm and come out of it stronger than before. And in doing so we elevate the rest of the planet. The driver's seat is in Bloomington and the rest of the Midwest. That's where my family is from...Indiana.

I give you a hard time for the most part but that one comment - the comment that cautions against surrendering to negativity - let's me know that you really aren't the silly assed twit that most of your posts would otherwise indicate.

I encourage you to continue the positive message, Kid. I also encourage you not to give in to the "bunker mentality" that most of your posts indicate.

Just that one comment in a singular post gives me hope that under it all the person...the real person...behind HDRKid isn't quite as silly as the posts might indicate.

And I don''t want you to be scratching your head and wondering what Darby's secret agenda might be when he actually compliments you. There is no secret agenda. You've shown in many cases that you are a literate and well educated individual who knows how to read the financial tea leaves. I've never disagreed with your take on what the leading and trailing financial indicators mean. You do know your "stuff" in that regard. My objection has been solely based on RV and HDR. They don't work. They don't predict anything that you, an astute observer of economic indicators, have the ability to correctly read.

If you'd just stop embellishing on the facts and admit that you are a good student of economic theory you and I really wouldn't have that many problems. Modern science, whether it is physics or economic theory, is based on the ability to predict events that have never before occured. You have shown that you can do that. There's really no need to call upon things that, within your stated theory, have nothing to do with your intelligence. Your intellect is sufficient in that regard.

In the end I think that you short-change your abilities when you turn to "magic" to explain your thoughts.

waiting for 7th october...2008

The biggest point decline in history 777.

The Number 7

7 is a Prime Number.

7 is a Mersenne Number.

7 is an Octahedral Number.

7 is a Lucas Number.

7 is a Centered Hexagonal Number.

7 is a Heptagonal Number.

7 is a Hexagonal Pyramidal Number.

5 can be Partitioned in 7 ways.

7 can be Partitioned in 15 ways.

7 is the number of + signs needed to write the Partitions of 4

Sum of the first 4 Fibonacci numbers= 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 7

7 is the number of frieze groups, i.e., the groups consisting of symmetries of the plane whose group of translations is isomorphic to the group of integers.

7 is the maximal number of regions into which 3 lines divide a plane.

The 7 Hexagonal (6-fold) crystal classes.

The 7 Tetragonal crystal classes.

Topologists have been able to prove that 7 colors may be needed on a donut shaped map to ensure that no adjacent areas are the same.

There are seven different ways of linking four hexagons together.

7 is the smallest number of integer-sided rectangles that tile a rectangle so that no 2 rectangles share a common length.

The Chemical Element Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7.

The 7 directions: north, south, east, west, up, down and the center.

In Humans: the 7 Endocrine glands.

The 7 colors of the rainbow.

The 7 double letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The 7 classical planets.

The 7 bodies of the Human microcosm.

In Humans: the 7 chakras.

Seventh heaven is the farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars in the Moslem and cabalist systems.

Seven is the maximum number of eclipses of the Sun and Moon that can occur in any one year.

The seven Virtues are: Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, and Temperence

Mahatma Gandhi
Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice

The Seven Virtues: Jin: benevolence, Gi: honor or justice, Rei: courtesy and etiquette, Chi: wisdom, intellligence, Shin: sincerity, Chu: loyalty, Koh: piety

Vices recognized by Christianity: The seven deadly sins are:
Pride: excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy: the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony: an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust: an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger: is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed: the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth: Avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

Film: The Magnificent Seven.

The Year 7 AD
In the year 7 AD Publius Quinctilius Varus is appointed governor of Germany.

In the year 7 AD the Illyrians revolt against Roman rule.

In the year 7 AD Abgarus of Edessa is deposed as king of Osroene.

In the year 7 AD Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus dismisses the Judea ethnarch Herod Archelaus.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi Recall:

Thanks for sending me the information about the number seven.

Another place where the number seven is important is in Bible Prophecy, for example in Genesis the Pharaoh of Egypt had a prophetic dream where he saw seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

41:1 Two full years passed. Then Pharaoh had a dream. He was standing near the Nile,
41:2 when suddenly seven handsome, healthy-looking cows emerged from the Nile, and grazed in the marsh grass.
41:3 Then another seven, ugly, lean cows emerged from the Nile, and stood next to the cows already on the river bank.
41:4 The ugly, lean cows ate up the seven handsome, fat cows. Pharaoh then woke up.
41:5 He fell asleep again and had a second dream. He saw seven fat, good ears of grain growing on a single stalk.
41:6 Then, suddenly, another seven ears of grain grew behind them, thin and scorched by the [hot] east wind.
41:7 The seven thin ears swallowed up the seven fat, full ears. Pharaoh woke up and realized that it had been a dream.

Hi Darby:
My Dad has not surrendered his American Citizenship. When I was little I asked him, what is the future like he said "People are poorer." A few month ago he gave me the same answer "People are poorer." My mom told me "People are living in tents and old abandoned cars." My dad always told me that the desert was a safe zone. Few people and no rain.

What a debunker does is deny cause and effect. I tell a debunker lock your car or it will be stolen. He say I left my car unlocked yesterday and it is still there so you are wrong. That club you talk about is a hoax because cars are not stolen. Lojack is another hoax. A few days later the car is gone. The debunker claims that the car is still there. It is fine. He claims he now takes the bus to work because he no longer likes to drive.

Debunkers are not very rational. The economic crisis is now visible and they still talk about a recovery of the real estate market next year. WAKE UP! Next year things will be worse than now.

In California, many high net worth residential neighborhoods are blighted by an abundance of empty abandoned homes. Thousands of boarded up bank repos. Empty golf courses with brown grass. These Ghost Towns are similar to the empty hollowed out factories downtown, a grim reminder that our economic crisis has a price tag.

To understand why I am here with friends and neighbors, you must understand that I grew up here, part of a community, know everybody miles around. I care about the people here. Want them to survive. To prosper.

However, my family believes that by me staying here I will not live. They want to be part of a new structure. In 2005 they left because they saw what was coming. The complete collapse of the US. Remember the story I told you about the Jewish guy who left Poland before Hitler invaded. His family told him that he was a traitor and he told them that they were fools. His family stayed behind and they all died, some in the NAZI invasion, some during the war, some in the death camps. This story from an old man is a formative experience for my dad. Basically, escape the bad place. Many rich have left and feel that they must escape. This is the lifeboat theory of survival - leave the sinking ship.

Here is an interesting article that may give a clue on how the HDR works.
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