Re: waiting for 7th october...2008
To Recall:
It is really bad. Back in the Great Depression of the 1930's my great grandfather fed many homeless people. He was lucky to have means to do so. I have talked to my neighbors about putting trailers on my land to house people. One of my neighbors has seven trailers (empty right now) ready for renting.
To Rain:
Wake up, your pres just gave the banks 700 billion of your tax dollars which China will want back with interest. Things are a lot worse than you can imagine. You have already seen the banks begin to fall, price of food and fuel skyrocket and expect things in 2009 to get a lot worse for the economy.
To Darby:
I did
astral time travel using HDR today. What I saw in the future was interesting. People using fireplaces and wood for heating. Also, people using boats for transportation. It reminded me of what John Titor spoke of that people in the future used sail boats for transportation. The trading post was the size of a dollar store.
California and Florida are ground zero in the economic war that is here TEOLAWKI - the end of life as we know it. John Titor said that by 2008 was when people would realize that the world they thought they were living in is over.
"The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. "
Where do I begin? Back in the 1990’s there was a push by the global elite to move away from oil and toward solar energy. They realized that if we continue to burn coal for electricity and use oil for transportation we would cause the polar icecap to melt; first Greenland and then Antarctica creating a global catastrophe. This melt water would stop the thermohaline circulation of the ocean. I believe Al Gore calls it the “conveyor beltâ€. Al Gore was the point man for the global elite. He realized that if the oceanic conveyor belt shut down, the sea would die and so would all life on earth.
However, an evil cabal put their man, George Bush in power. This group was composed of big oil, big pharma, wall street, and others. They did not care if the planet was destroyed. They said that global warming was a hoax, peak oil was a hoax, etc. As a result these two factions are now in a bitter battle for control. The global elite know that the US has in the form of oil shale over ten times as much oil as Saudi Arabia, and a 500 year supply of coal. However at our current rate of consumption we will destroy our atmosphere in a few years. The average American use 100X more fossil fuel than a person in India or China.
Back in the 90’s my dad was working on building bullet trains to connect the US. There was even talk of a chunnel connecting Russia and America. They were maglev – that means magnetic levitation and use electricity. This was to replace fuel using jets. Also, he was into production of solar cells and wind power.
The plan back then was to replace gasoline in cars with concentrated natural gas of which the US has plenty and use wind power for electricity. Many call this the Pickens Plan. Actually they wanted to build a pipeline for gas from Alaska to California and also to set up hydro in Alaska to bring water to California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Eventually they would have thousands of wind mills and switch all cars to electric power using ultracaps, not battery power. Al Gore was all for it. Plans for the bullet trains where ready.
But Bush won. Actually, let me rephrase that, my pal Al won the popular vote, but lost Florida due to Jeb Bush, George’s brother throwing out thousands of black votes. As a result we see the global elite circle their wagons and go on the attack. They believe that if they fail the planet will die.
First thing they did was pump massive amount of money into the housing market and create an artificial boom. Most of these houses were sold for great profit. Luxury condos were built on a massive scale. They created the illusion of prosperity by creating millions of jobs, but all the while they were closing US business and shipping them offshore. At first the government noticed that the balance of trade was getting worse.
By 2005 having outsourced and offshored the heart of America they began phase two where they crashed the banks. First they started pulling out massive amounts of money and at the same time selling property. Banks began to falter and stop loaning money.
As unemployment increase workers could not find jobs and began to fall back on mortgage payments. Banks began to foreclose. Construction jobs dried up. The government did nothing. Finally the banks needing money began to dump foreclosed properties on a saturated market. Housing prices plummeted. The banks were now underwater owing more money than they were worth. The global elite used fear and panic to get people to withdraw money from the already weak banks.
Banks began to fail. Those still in business refused to loan money. I predicted back in 2005 that GM would fail because oil would go up and also because banks would not loan money on autos. Sales of new cars are now down meaning that more plants will close and more people out of work. These people will lose their houses driving prices down even further.
We are now moving from a mild recession to a deep depression as the economy spirals out of control, but the global elite are not done yet. Phase three is coming. They want the Arabs to refuse to sell oil to America, and the Chinese to demand euros.
Go to Wal-Mart, most products say MADE IN CHINA. If the Chinese and other countries demand euros and will not accept dollars, then the dollar will plummet on world market. Without oil, US will grind to a halt.
A big event such as Israel attacking Iran might trigger an Arab Boycott of the US. The globalists want the euro to replace the dollar. They are pushing for this hard. Many banks in Europe were burned with the mortgage meltdown of the US. They see a declining dollar as bad and will prefer to hold gold.
When people panic they will buy gold and silver. I believe that personal ownership of precious metals will become illegal at that point. The treasury will print even more money causing inflation. This will cause people to lose faith in banks and their government.
Phase four is when there is no food in the grocery store and no fuel at the filling station. The government will ration food & fuel and pass laws against hoarding. Many Americans will go live in Europe. To prevent a massive exodus the US gov will prevent people from evacuating.
I believe that it is around this time when russia attacks america.