Chrono Cadet
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008
Hi Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Buck-Buck-BUCKAW!!"
I thought I was talking to an adult. I may be the hdrkid, but you sound even less mature than me, strange...
Remember, this is a temporary, oil will go up a lot in the future. Gold will break 2000. And the only thing a debunker will say is "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything."
Everybody, with a few exceptions "knew" that Hillary would beat Barack.
HDRKID on 11/11/07: How much of your hard earned money do you want to bet on Hillary not being elected president on Nov 4, 2008?
HDRKID on 11/12/07: To Skeptic:
My question to you is - when Hillary is elected a year from now, the first woman president in the history of the US, will you admit I am right, or will you say "That was obvious, I knew she would win. You didn't predict anything!"
HDRKID on 11/19/07: If I had told you that in 2009 there would be a woman president you would have laughed,
HDRKID on 11/20/07: Yes, we have plenty of oil, but the people in power have created an artificial shortage. I point to the vast reserves of oil shale.
RMT on 11/21/07: The USA is quite aware that people are attempting to wage economic war against us. What is not too clear is if those countries have prepared for ALL POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. We are just as good (if not better) at waging economic warfare as we are at waging conventional warfare. Wait and see.
HDRKid: I thought I was talking to an adult. I may be the hdrkid, but you sound even less mature than me, strange...
You want a prediction, OK GM goes under!
To Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people."
To Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people."
To rain:
You want a prediction, OK GM goes under!
Peak oil is not a hoax.
The banks are refusing to loan money for automobiles.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008 [re: Designer]
11/07/08 12:14 AM ( Edit Reply
We've had people wonder aloud, in the past, that the time/date of a post was "anomolous". Of course, they might not have considered that anyone can dial in a time off-set in their profile so that the time of posts appears on their PC as local time rather than the server's time. Forinstance, as I write this the server time is 0013 hrs. 9-NOV-2008. It's "one day into the future" from the time that I'll see when I look at my post. Not anomolous at all. It's just the way that I've set the TTI clock at my end.
In fact, after I originally posted this message I changed my profile off-set to -48 hours. Viola. My post now says that I posted it on 7-NOV-2008 at 216 hrs.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008 [re: Designer]
11/17/08 08:14 AM ( Edit Reply
We've had people wonder aloud, in the past, that the time/date of a post was "anomolous". Of course, they might not have considered that anyone can dial in a time off-set in their profile so that the time of posts appears on their PC as local time rather than the server's time. Forinstance, as I write this the server time is 0013 hrs. 9-NOV-2008. It's "one day into the future" from the time that I'll see when I look at my post. Not anomolous at all. It's just the way that I've set the TTI clock at my end.
In fact, after I originally posted this message I changed my profile off-set to -48 hours. Viola. My post now says that I posted it on 7-NOV-2008 at 2114 hrs.
Hi MyTime:
The disaster that is coming. GM is the engine of america. When the engine dies the car stops. Sometime in the next few months the same debunkers that laughed at me will claim that the collapse was obvious.