The HDRkid Thread

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Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Buck-Buck-BUCKAW!!"
I thought I was talking to an adult. I may be the hdrkid, but you sound even less mature than me, strange...

Hi rain:
Not all of my predictions will come true, but most will. BTW "common sense" is a killer. Everybody, with a few exceptions "knew" that Hillary would beat Barack. I mean, she was the wife of the popular Prez Bill Clinton, and she had a good old American name, not a muslim name.

I still remember a republican who said "Hussein Osama" the best of both worlds, osama bin laden and saddam hussein. Having a name that sounds like a terrorist is a big strike against you. Imagine during WWII against FDR we had running Alfred Hitler.
That said, McCain could still win, which is something I did not see on any timeline.

Back to predictions. Yesterday the market was up nearly nine hundred points. However, I predict that it is better to be cautious due to our economic crisis. Many companies will not survive. The smart money dumped dollars and decided to hold gold in vaults in Zurich. Back in 2001 people were told to hold gold. They did just fine. However, some went into real estate, and for a while, did well. However, now they cannot sell the properties. With gold it is easy to find buyers. Gold has held its value over centuries. Most comapnies that were around 100 years ago are long gone. Many banks went under in the 1930's. What happens when the gov runs out of money and cannot bail out banks?

Credit Card Bomb

As people lose their jobs in 2009 they will not be able to pay their credit cards. This will cause banks even more suffering. Housing prices are still falling and banks must now brace for more defaults in auto loans as the economic crisis damages the ability of people to pay.

DREADit cards are now a major problem since people have huge mountains of debt and cannot refinace homes to pay it off. They cannot refi the house due to the drop in real estate prices. A bank will not loan $300,000 on a $200,000 house and due to high default rates banks are holding on to their cash and not loaning it out. The deep freeze in credit is causing many businesses to fail, and others to postpone expansion.

"Home prices fell in August for the 25th consecutive month and prices in 10 major markets plunged a record 17.7% year over year, according to a key index of real estate values released Tuesday.
The hardest hit of all 20 cities on a year-over-year basis was Phoenix, where prices plummeted 30.7% during the past 12 months. Las Vegas prices plunged 30.6% and Miami sank 28.1%. No city showed a price gain during the last 12 months."
Taken from

Back in 2005 I told people to sell their house and also to get rid of their big SUV truck. Back then gas was over $3/gal. Debunkers said that peak oil was a hoax and that real estate was rock solid. In Jan 2007, last year gasoline was selling for $1.87/gallon and many people were still buying SUV trucks. This year gas went over $4/gal and finally, people woke up. Peak oil is real. Well, now that gasoline is close to going back down to the $2/gal mark we have the same debunkers saying that peak oil is a hoax. Remember, this is a temporary, oil will go up a lot in the future. Gold will break 2000. And the only thing a debunker will say is "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything."

But those people who sold their house in 2005 can buy it back at maybe half the price, those people who got an energy efficient vehicle(like a scooter) will be happy when fuel is rationed. I predicted that banks would fail, and they did. I predicted that may people would become unemployed, and they have. You can pick at the one or two predictions that did not come true, but most have come true.

Over and over again, since 2005 I have warn people to get ready. Doing remote viewing of the future I see shortages of food & fuel. I see massive riots over food. Please, if you value your life, prepare for the future.

Have a garden where you can grow food, get a bicycle so you can get around when there is no fuel.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

I dont think anyone is out to debunk your take on the future, it is as good/bad as anything proposed by the main stream & alternative media.

In my opinion some of what you say rings true.

The bit that is the problem is your method, nothing you have said requires RVing and I have to question your ability to do it. None of your predictions have concrete event+date, just generalities, I can get that from bloomberg/cnn/bbc etc

Show us something real. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

I'm surprised that the secret government hasn't snapped you up, HDRkid. After all, not all Remote-viewers galavant around the future so easily, looking at such specific details as you.

I just have this image of HDRkid walking around the streets of the future munching on a packet of astral patato chips, while at the same time, writing down the state of the stock exchange on her astral note-pad. The title on the pad reads, 'things to write on the forums when i get back'.

I feel that a lot of 'imagination' makes up your astral 'adventures', Hdrkid. How easy it is for astral-projection to decend into lucid dreaming and to a small extent; cognitive control therein.

Of course, neither should i imply that remote-viewing and astral projection are in anyway the same thing.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Haha Olly-- you know that is just going to get recall to start posting pictures...

Then again-- what doesn't. :D
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Buck-Buck-BUCKAW!!"
I thought I was talking to an adult. I may be the hdrkid, but you sound even less mature than me, strange...

Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people! I actually agree with Skepti's assessment. The reason you refuse to talk about the statistical evidence against you is because you are afraid that people will stop believing you... as if so many have!

Remember, this is a temporary, oil will go up a lot in the future. Gold will break 2000. And the only thing a debunker will say is "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything."

And even if "they" said this, they would be right. Look right here at what you have written:

1) "Oil will go up a lot in the future." Here we see that you have learned your lesson from the humiliation I handed you by being a better predictor of oil futures than you. Never again will you get specific about oil prices, seeing as how your one venture into specificity in this realm was a complete dud. I am glad I could be part of your learning experience. But this is really a non-prediction if ever there was one. Perhaps you would like for me to forecast next year's gas price peak?
2) "Gold will break 2000." But of course you won't say when it would break this price point. You won't even give a year! The lack of specificity amounts to... how would Skepti put it??? "Buck-Buck-BUCKAW!"

You're a big chicken, Kid. All you can do is try to ignore the failures and keep up your false pretenses. Good luck with that...

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Oh yeah... I can't forget:

Everybody, with a few exceptions "knew" that Hillary would beat Barack.

And isn't it interesting that I was one of those "exceptions" who knew she wouldn't win? Pretty much goes right along with my skills in oil futures, eh? Does this then qualify me to make a claim like you that "most of my predictions come true"? I think it does. What say Darby and Skepti?

I predicted Hillary would not win the nomination. You did not. Once again my predictions are better than yours. In addition, when I refinanced my Huntington Beach home in 2005, I knew that the market was going to go back down, which was why I selected a fixed-30 loan. By those metrics, I am 3-for-3.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Welcome back, Olly! Great to see you again!

Let me catch you up on some of the Kid's more embarassing statements made while you were gone. This should also be a good trip down memory lane for a few of the others! :D

Here is a real goodie:

HDRKID on 11/11/07: How much of your hard earned money do you want to bet on Hillary not being elected president on Nov 4, 2008?

I shoulda taken that bet for a cool $100 G's!

HDRKID on 11/12/07: To Skeptic:

My question to you is - when Hillary is elected a year from now, the first woman president in the history of the US, will you admit I am right, or will you say "That was obvious, I knew she would win. You didn't predict anything!"

Geee... The Kid sounded really sure of himself there! Not even a hint of his now-claimed "sometimes I don't see things clearly....blah blah blah." Nope. Back then, he was sure.

HDRKID on 11/19/07: If I had told you that in 2009 there would be a woman president you would have laughed,

There will be no woman president in 2009. Can we laugh now?

HDRKID on 11/20/07: Yes, we have plenty of oil, but the people in power have created an artificial shortage. I point to the vast reserves of oil shale.

What a difference a year makes! Back then, I got him to admit that there was plenty of oil. Seems clear he believed it. Now he can't stop squawking about "Peak Oil is REAL!". Which is it, Kid? Which one of your diametrically opposed statements is WRONG?

I'd say that's enough of the Kid for this trip in the wayback machine. I don't want to get people too ill. But before I close this message, perhaps it IS good to look back upon another one of MY predictions...because it is an interesting one:

RMT on 11/21/07: The USA is quite aware that people are attempting to wage economic war against us. What is not too clear is if those countries have prepared for ALL POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. We are just as good (if not better) at waging economic warfare as we are at waging conventional warfare. Wait and see.

We are not the only economy hurting right now, are we? In fact, we even WARNED China about pegging their currency and not letting it float like the rest of the free world. As goes our economy, so goes the economies of all those developing nations that wish to knock us off the top spot.

Is it possible I knew something, or did some political analysis, to make the statement I did back then?
(I have mentioned once before that I have a nephew whose wife is an economist)

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

HDRKid: I thought I was talking to an adult. I may be the hdrkid, but you sound even less mature than me, strange...

Hah. Like your one to promote adult discussion. The above is possibly the first time you've ever directly responded to anything I've written here. Your tactic is always the same!

Ignore! Change the subject! Ignore!

Do whatever you have to do to not asnwer a direct question.

Seriously, Kid, WHY don't you just RV next week and come up with a solid rediction that no one could doubt?

Given the nature of your interminable cliams for your time travel prowess, I don't think this
is being unreasonable.

What is unreasonable is your constant ignore/change the subject tactics.

Say what you like about the way I put it, my assesment of you is correct. The reason you won't do as I ask is because you are afraid you'll show yourself up for what you really are.

Now, quick ignore me!! And for Gawdsake change the subject!!
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people."

Sadly, I disagree. BTW debunkers score a big hit with gas under $2/gal. Sorry for the poor quality. Taken with telephoto.


To rain:
You want a prediction, OK GM goes under!

The coming catastrophic collapse of the economy is now starting. Back in 2005 when I did warn all of you of tidal wave of bankruptcy that would hit the US, debunker darby claimed I was crying wolf. Well, now you see that I was right and he was wrong. Those of you that prepared will do OK. Those of you that listened to debunkers will suffer the consequences.

Peak oil is not a hoax. Petroleum is a finite resource. Today we have less oil than yesterday. Expect that as supply disruptions hit home we will see huge increases in price. I warn you now that gas is close to $2/gal we will see dramatic increases in price in the future. Those of you that told me to be optimistic have seen 401Ks smashed, businesses destroyed, and credit lines wiped out. I predicted that rather than our housing crisis ending soon it will in fact get worse. Panic selling of homes and banks dumping foreclosures has cause a dramatic drop in prices. A realtor told me that he now has 27 years of inventory and nothing is moving. He is an old man and does not remember things ever being this bad before. For example, a property that was put up for sale in 2005 for 165,000 finally sold this year for 15,000 cash and he told me that he is unable to get financing because banks refuse to loan money.

The banks are refusing to loan money for automobiles. The coming CARnage will leave few standing. This means that GM will go under as consumers are tired of the carbage it produces. I predicted GM going under back in 2005. Most people realize that customers want small fuel efficient cars, not luxurious landyachts or metal monstrosities like the Hummer. Even with low prices for oil, sales are way down. It is running out of cash and banks are reluctant to loan it more, in fact, this could be the end of the road for GM. Vultures are circling the CARcass. The few cars that sell in today's market are old used econoboxes that I like to call the junk yard dogs. Funny, I talked today to a guy who has a junk yard today and he is not getting any more cars, business is so bad, that people are not getting parts like before to fix cars. Things are even worse than I predicted.


"all of Detroit will tumble into bankruptcy. And that will take down thousands of parts suppliers, dealers and other businesses that depend on the American automakers."

Here is a man who believes similar to me.

I plan to expand my garden to two acres for growing food and could go to ten. The problem I have is water. Last year I dried up the well due to excessive watering. This year I might pipe in water from the lake in the back, but come a drought the lake could dry up. Growing food is essential as we may face problems in the future due to a fuel shortage, but the most important thing is to grow your own food and not depend on the grocery store.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people."

Actually, I said no such thing HDR. Its Rainman you're quoting! Why don't you read people's posts properly? This is the same as when you accused Darby of calling you a liar when he was in fact quoting YOU!!

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Now, the debunkers laughed when I said your reaction to my request that you remote view something solid and undeniable from next week would be met by you ignoring it completely and changing the subject. Well, now my prediction has proved absolutely correct!!

So once again...

Hey Kid, why don't you just remote view something from next week's news event? Something solid and and absolutely undeniable as a prediction of the future? Something impressive that can't just be put down to guesswork?

Seriously, why don't you? Or, right enough, give us the actual date the GM goes under.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

To Skeptic:
You said and I quote "Isn't it obvious, Kid? You just bring out the very best in people."

As has already been pointed out, it was me, not Skepti, who said that. Geez...I don't even get credit for my own poetry! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif What is more amazing is that HDRKid cannot even read the PAST when it is written in front of his face... and he expects us to believe he can "RV read the future" with accuracy? BAH! His accuracy of reading the past (without RV) already is poor!

To rain:
You want a prediction, OK GM goes under!

And again, this is just further proof that it is nothing more than an educated guess. For a "prediction", in the terms you are using to "RV the future", would need a LOT more meat on it. For starters, it would need a date for filing, as My_Time suggests. Surely if you are "RVing the future" you are "seeing" this on a newspaper headline....something like "GM files for Chapter 11". All you need to do in your "RVing the future" is look to the top of the page of the paper and give us the date! You could also give us salient details of the circumstances...for example, we all know GM and Chrysler are talking merger. Does the GM bankruptcy filing come because the merger failed, or that it succeeded? (A shrewd businessman would make the merger happen first, then file, as you are gaining assets in the merger which can then be protected while in Chap 11...but there I go giving the Kid my "predictions" again!).

Peak oil is not a hoax.

So then a direct question for you, Kid: If you now maintain Peak Oil is real, then were you lying when you agreed with me back then that "there is plenty of oil"? Please...a direct answer to a direct question, if you don't mind.

The banks are refusing to loan money for automobiles.

Do you think that means NO ONE is loaning money to buy cars? Hell, I can go and buy a brand new Corvette and get a loan for 0% for three years from GMAC! Same sort of thing going on with Toyota Motor Credit Corporation... they have oodles of money to loan...anyone with at least a 650 credit score can surely buy a new car.

Your story is swiss, as in cheese, Kid.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Found an anomalies in the time line.

1. My brother watch date stamp on the
display was one day ahead and it was
the normal before yesterday.

2. The second anomaly was when I was
uploading my software I developed onto
two different servers on the same day.
What I found was the day date stamp was
off on one day ahead and not the other.

Both 1. and 2. happened both one day

What I found should give hope to Reactor1976
project which is trying to find anomalies
in the time line.

What I found I guess is two time line
converging into one I think.

But if you wish to be rational about thing
then an accident must have occurred. LOL.

Has anyone else have this problem? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008


We've had people wonder aloud, in the past, that the time/date of a post was "anomolous". Of course, they might not have considered that anyone can dial in a time off-set in their profile so that the time of posts appears on their PC as local time rather than the server's time. For instance, as I write this the server time is 0013 hrs. 9-NOV-2008. It's "one day into the future" from the time that I'll see when I look at my post. Not anomolous at all. It's just the way that I've set the TTI clock at my end.

In fact, after I originally posted this message I changed my profile off-set to -48 hours. Viola. My post now says that I posted it on 7-NOV-2008 at 2114 hrs.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008 [re: Designer]
11/07/08 12:14 AM ( Edit Reply


We've had people wonder aloud, in the past, that the time/date of a post was "anomolous". Of course, they might not have considered that anyone can dial in a time off-set in their profile so that the time of posts appears on their PC as local time rather than the server's time. Forinstance, as I write this the server time is 0013 hrs. 9-NOV-2008. It's "one day into the future" from the time that I'll see when I look at my post. Not anomolous at all. It's just the way that I've set the TTI clock at my end.

In fact, after I originally posted this message I changed my profile off-set to -48 hours. Viola. My post now says that I posted it on 7-NOV-2008 at 216 hrs.

Or I can set the off-set to +200 hours and I'm posting from the future.

Re: waiting for 7th october...2008 [re: Designer]
11/17/08 08:14 AM ( Edit Reply


We've had people wonder aloud, in the past, that the time/date of a post was "anomolous". Of course, they might not have considered that anyone can dial in a time off-set in their profile so that the time of posts appears on their PC as local time rather than the server's time. Forinstance, as I write this the server time is 0013 hrs. 9-NOV-2008. It's "one day into the future" from the time that I'll see when I look at my post. Not anomolous at all. It's just the way that I've set the TTI clock at my end.

In fact, after I originally posted this message I changed my profile off-set to -48 hours. Viola. My post now says that I posted it on 7-NOV-2008 at 2114 hrs.

We've had OWETO's try this same trick before...change the off-set, copy and paste the "future" post into a post as proof of the pudding.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi MyTime:
The disaster that is coming. GM is the engine of america. When the engine dies the car stops. Sometime in the next few months the same debunkers that laughed at me will claim that the collapse was obvious.
Get gold, dollar will go poof!

Hi rain:
You are right, there is plenty of oil, but it is in the form of oil shale. Also, the US has plenty of coal, but it is called "dirty" by enviroMENTALism.

Hi Skeptic:
Debunker Darby called me the prophet of doom. In fact, he laughed at my prediction of General Motors going under. Well, this decade GM has gone thru CARmageddon and its stock has lost most its value in Apocalypse DOW, it is not the end of the world, but you don't want to be left behind, when planet X-on raises gasoline to $6 and later $7/gallon. When that happens we will face the last days of the american empire and a financial holocaust that will make the 1930's look like the good old days. I have seen the following endtime scenario in the future - shelves are bare in the supermarket. Food riots break out. People stand in line for hours to get half a loaf of bread. It is almost like the old soviet union under Stalin.

Let's face it, Christmas sales this year will be as ugly as Frankenstein's Mother-in-law. Things are so bad that homeowners are dropping their insurance policies and many insurance companies are hit hard. A mechanic told me that he is working only three days a week (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday) due to people not fixing their cars. They take the bus to work!

Hi Darby:
Obama wants to be the next FDR. However, we are now a service economy. The factories are in China, the call centers are in India. When I told people to get gold you laughed at me. However, the dollar will lose its value. Gold will retain its value. You will see inflation take off. Many technologies like the webbots see this. RVers see this.
History Channel talks about webbots and 2012

Here is close to what I have seen in the future.

Get ready for big changes in 2009, it is massive monuMENTAL, a truly epic situation that will take place as the most horrifying of truths are revealed. I see ahead in the distance shortages of food and fuel triggering massive riots. Read about the gun run!
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

My biggest concern with all the predictions-- and I do not just mean yours and your alone HDR--

Is not that the predictions are made--or in what form the messages are delivered(like boomer did).

My biggest problem with them all -it seems-- that no-one can see to the other side of the doom.

Have we no positive future?
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi MyTime:
The disaster that is coming. GM is the engine of america. When the engine dies the car stops. Sometime in the next few months the same debunkers that laughed at me will claim that the collapse was obvious.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think anyone has said that GM going under is likely or unlikely. Looking at the news, to me at least, it seems possible that GM may collapse. However, you have stated that it will go under, I asked you for a date, you have said 'in the next few months'. You're giving yourself a fairly wide margin for the thing to happen. Is a few 3? Can you narrow that down abit with your RVing skills to maybe a given week?
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hi Olly:
Astral is right. I use astral time travel . it is simple enough to learn. Also, remote viewing. The barrier cost of entry is real low. A pencil and a piece of paper. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Kanigo:
Look on the bright side. Today gasoline price was OK, only $1.82/gallon at the Circle - K.


Hi My_time:
It is obvious now, but it was not in 2005. The key is to get ready now. Gather food now.

Read the following article by the author of "The Black Swan" an XLent book, BTW. This will explain why we cannot rely on statistics.

He says and I quote "And we are beyond suckers: not only, for socio-economic and other nonlinear, complicated variables, we are riding in a bus driven a blindfolded driver, but we refuse to acknowledge it in spite of the evidence, which to me is a pathological problem with academia."

Indeed, that bus will soon fall off a cliff, as I predicted back in 2005. Expect more banks to fail and the government to go BANKrupt.


Here is a person giving warning over a year ago.

He was 100% right. I gave people the same warning back in 2005. Finally, the skeptics are waking up.

Right now I am gathering food. Expect shortages in the future. Remember, I had a lot of money in the market in 2005. I Got out! I warned people to get out too. Some did, they are OK.
Re: waiting for 7th october...2008

Hey HDRKid,

Why don't you remote view a news event from next week. Something specific that you couldn't arrive at by guesswork?
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