The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Rainman:

How about a link to a running clock, so we could watch the seconds tick away. :D

I hope HDRkid saw this coming.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Packerbacker:
Its an expression, but you already knew that. In the old days some farmers would put a pig in a poke (sack) and sell it. A few scoundrels would place a cat inside the sack instead of a pig. So "she let the cat out of the bag" means that the secret plan is now known.

To Recall:
Thanks for the link. This is temporary. Oil will skyrocket. The fact that it is so cheap means a lot less exploration will take place. The existing oil wells are depleting rapidly. The population of planet earth is increasing. In jumps to the future I have seen food riots and gasoline being rationed. Gold might go down to 500 an ounce, but I am not selling I am buying. It will break 2,000. Our government is printing green pieces of paper in a frantic attempt to restart our economy.

To rain:
The shortage of oil is real. We hit peak oil in 2005. Our world petroleum production is in decline. Many of the Saudi oil fields like the supergiant Ghawar are past their prime.

Our decline in price is temporary as you will soon see. Even now when oil is falling I am getting ready for a dramatic rise in price. Like I told you, do not buy a big SUV, not only will oil prices go up, but gasoline will be rationed in the future. Remember is was in 2005 when real estate prices were rising that I announce that fall in real estate and mortgage meltdown that would trigger collapse of the banks.

Get Sirius?
The automobile industry is collapsing and the banking industry is collapsing. So even if someone wants to buy a car there's no money to finance such a purchase," said April Horace, an analyst with Janco Partners.

I still remember me saying that if the banks fail, not only would fewer houses be sold, but also fewer cars. This impacts many industries. This year SIRI is down over 90%. As the economic crisis gets worse even the max skeptics will have to admit that we are in recession.

To Skeptic:
Its time for you to become a believer!

OK, so the DOWN Jones Industrial Average is DOW over 400 points. It closed today under 8,000 for the first time in years. Apocalypse Dow is here. The skeptics that said that they were going to jump back in when the DJIA went under 10,000 are now in a state of shock. The market is in free fall.

I told all of you to get out of the stock market and stay out. I have gone astral to the future and the numbers are horrible for this Christmas, many stores will not survive. Those of you on board the Titanic are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

My prediction in 2005 that GM would go under no longer triggers laughter, for even the fools are now beginning to wake up.

Wagoner CEO of GM said
"The societal costs would be catastrophic -- 3 million jobs lost within the first year, U.S. personal income reduced by $150 billion, and a government tax loss of more than $156 billion over three years.

"Such a level of economic devastation would far exceed the government support that our industry needs," Wagoner said. "This is about much more than just Detroit. It's about saving the U.S. economy from a catastrophic collapse."
Taken FROM

Will Super Obama save us?
I could not have said is any better.

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Is this obfuscation?

and pray tell what has the Rainman found that could be so compelling?

I suggest the last post be disregarded, what is a few days-- for such a long running thread..
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Is this obfuscation?

Yep. Da Kid has a long history of ignoring anything that is difficult for him to align with his lies. So instead he just keeps up his "look at me and all the predictions I got right." But the game is almost up. They are not his predictions and they did not come from RV.

and pray tell what has the Rainman found that could be so compelling?

I get the feeling the Kid is going to bluff it all the way to the end. That is certainly his choice, but again I note I am giving him an "out".

I suggest the last post be disregarded, what is a few days-- for such a long running thread..

I disregard most of his tripe.

<font color="red">T-minus 9 days and counting...[/COLOR]

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

My prediction in 2005 that GM would go under no longer triggers laughter

For the second time..... Please could you provide a link to where you made this claim in 2005?

One question, one answer required and no RVing needed, just post the link. Thanks
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


For the second time..... Please could you provide a link to where you made this claim in 2005?

Don't hold your breath waiting for the answer. The Kid has no intention of touching it because s/he didn't mention GM at all before November of 2007, a day after the 3rd quarter financials were released online.

It's precisely the same gag s/he pulled with Coke Blaq. S/he took credit in 2007 for making the announcement that Coca-Cola Corp. would release a coffee drink named Coke Blak before it became public information in November of 2004...but refuses to provide a link to prove the point. S/he just ignores the requests while continuing to take credit for the phantom announcement. The same goes for several quotes that s/he's attributed to members who never made such statements (nor did anyone else). Ask for the response.

(And she actually believes that people buy the gags. Yikes! I think that they have it correct on Paranormalis...s/he's delusional.)

And the band played on...

(Of course if people really wanted to force the issue to see how thick his/her skin is they'd read his/her posts...and not respond to them. It's a bit difficult for loons to get their ego stroked when no one pays any attention to them. It really irritates them when people talk about them as if they weren't in the room.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

I have gone astral to the future and the numbers are horrible for this Christmas

That.... right there... is another dead giveaway as to whose predictions HDRKID has been passing off as his own. HDRKID may not want to fess-up and tell you, but there is one thing for sure:

If he does not tell you, I will tell you in...

<font color="red">T-minus 8 days and counting...[/COLOR]

(Are you loving this drama yet, Kid?) :D
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Rain:

As predicted the recession is turning into a D-pression. People who go out of the stock market in 2005, sold their house in 2005, and bought gold are fine. Gold that average around 400 and change in 2005, double to around 800 in 2008.

However, people who listen to Darby saw their $500,000 house go down to maybe $300,000 if they can find a cash buyer. Banks are a bit tight with money now. After Apocalypse Dow people get wiped out. They saw their stock portfolio get DOWsized. Their 401K got smashed and they cant retire any time soon.

There be blood on the street, WALL STREET, and things are going to get worse, much worse.

It is now called the great crash of 2008. I warn you this was coming.'08-(Cont.)-Dow-Below-7600-S&amp;P-at-11-Year-Low?tickers=C,GM,MOS,%5EGSPC,%5EDJI,JPM,F

To Darby:
Actually, there are many product that never make it out of the lab. Getting back to familiar territory, Steven Gibbs called me today and told me that things in 2009 are going to be a lot worse than now.

I am taking steps to make sure that I have plenty of food and fuel. This year I was hit with a fuel shortage at harvest season and many filling stations were closed due to lack of fuel. Down to only fifty gallons and force to make many calls and put pressure on people to get it.

Back in August 2008 a farmer could get $6/bushel for corn. Now in November they are lucky to get $4/b - the local coop pays $3.71 and the price is falling. Analysts say that in Jan 2009 corn will be down to $3/b.

Back in August there was a fuel shortage so farmers could not harvest grain. I called in a lot of favors and was able to get fuel at top dollar. The farmers were able to make the harvest. Rather than praise my ability you made fun of my decision.

Well, one farmer waited for lower fuel prices. As a result in September it started to rain. Now in November it is raining almost every day. Not only that, he must now pay to dry the corn. If you put wet corn in without drying it will get moldy. This is an additional cost.
As a result of the rain his combine got stuck in the mud. It was pulled out finally but badly damaged. A $200,000 combine gone. The farmer told me that he now bought a cheapo from China for $29,000 - GOOD LUCK!

He was in a rush to harvest because we have a major rat problem. If he waits until Jan 2009 vermin will have reduced his yield by 50%. According to him, get gets 250 bushels an acre. I am lucky to get 200, but giving him the benefit of the doubt, since he lost about 1/5 due to flooding that leaves 200 bushels per acre.

So we have two scenarios.

Harvest in August
Diesel $5/gallon, crop size 200,000 bushels, price $6/b = $1,200,000 cost $5,000

Harvest in January
Diesel $3/gallon, crop size 100,000 bushel, price $3/b = $300,000 cost $3,000
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

well hdr, its good to see your still into doom and gloom.

im going to make a prediction. the economy will bounce back and soon. its going to blow your mind. lets see who has the correct prediction. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

the economy will bounce back and soon.

Well Ruthless I hope you are right and I am wrong. But for that to happen a lot of things have to be in place that are not in place now. Credit, jobs, revenue, debt to assets ratio, as well as a host of calculations like housing, job orders and the list goes on and on have to fall in place before the guys on wall street to start getting excited enough to start getting bullish on the market and start trading as in days of old. Things are looking bad now. Very very bad. And, to date this could drag on for years if things don,t start improving. But, again. I would love to see you right and me wrong. It would not hurt for everyone to be saving everything they can save now because in the future they might need it. Maybe even a spot in the country with a garden, some animals, and a well would not hurt. Things are going to get very very bad before they get better. One of my majors in college was economics. And as I see it now the economy is collapsing in on itself. The government is trying to bail it out but they can only do so much. Fate has the rest of the say. Right now as one part of the economy collapses it causes another part of the economy to collapse. Right now we are still in the domino effect. After every part of the economy has collapsed that is possible to collapse with are situation then an equilibrium will be reached. Then after that the economy will start rebuilding itself like a house of cards getting ready to fall again some day. But in the meantime as it is building itself everything will be good again. But as bad as things will get eventually things will get better again.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


Even though you may think I am a big ahole, ruthless, we still agree on HDRKID's penchant for gloom and doom. We should also not forget how often his gloom and doom have missed the mark. For example: Have you checked the national gas price average lately? Here, let me repost this wonderful chart!


Woweee!!! :eek: Quite a steep dropoff, eh? And let's not forget that, according to Da Kid, that drop-off was not supposed to continue after the election. Yes, after the election Da Kid was telling us that gas prices were going to skyrocket again. Hmmmmm.... kind of hard to do in an economy where people are cutting back all unnecessary expenses. Question is: How come now that fuel prices are back to normal (or below) that the airlines are not rescinding their baggage check fees?

And as far as HDRKID is concerned, his band keeps playing on... even while he is facing certain embarassment in...

<font color="red">T-minus 7 days and counting...[/COLOR]

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Yo Mytime:
I made the prediction repeatedly. And now you are going to claim, what, that I never made it?

Yo rain:
Yes gasoline is cheaper because the US is falling apart. Well, very soon the entire system will collapse. I also told people in 2005 that the banks would fail. Who cares if gasoline is $2/gallon when you dont have a job? Guess what, during the Great Depression prices fell as well.

You know what debunkers said in the 1930's - prosperity is just around the corner.

Yo Kanigo:
People laughed when I told them in 2005 that the banks would fail. It is estimated that in 2009 the FDIC will get claims about 8X its total reserves. Today Citigroup is putting itself up for sale. The big bank lost half its value this week.

The same people now claim it was "obvious" and that I did not predict anything, because I get all my predictions from CNN. Check out CNN back in 2005, you will not find any predictions of Citigroup, then the biggest US bank, going under.

Yo Darby:
When there is a small fire I warn you and tell you to pour water on it. When the fire grows to medium size I tell you to use the fire extinguisher, when it becomes a roaring flame and engulfs the whole house I tell you to exit the house as all is lost. Well, we are rapidly approaching the point of no return.

Here are the latest figures for KALIfornia. The goddess Kali was the goddess of destruction, strangely prophetic?
Taken From
The statewide median home price plunged to $278,000 in October, compared with $424,000 in the year-ago period, according to San Diego-based MDA DataQuick.

Remember when I said that GM would go bankrupt in 2005. Now read this. It is that lunatic fringe "conspiracy theory" group know as the Wall Street Journal.

Yo Skeptic:

Get ready for martial law when stores run out of food. Using remote viewing I have seen riots and cities on fire. The debunkers claiming that it was obvious and that they always knew it was going to happen, and that I did not predict anything -- Well, over a month ago this guy predicts the market diving below 8,000. I call him the antiskeptic or better yet - realist!
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

My Time,

It's precisely the same gag s/he pulled with Coke Blaq. S/he took credit in 2007 for making the announcement that Coca-Cola Corp. would release a coffee drink named Coke Blak before it became public information in November of 2004...but refuses to provide a link to prove the point. S/he just ignores the requests while continuing to take credit for the phantom announcement. The same goes for several quotes that s/he's attributed to members who never made such statements (nor did anyone else). Ask for the response.

To Darby:
Actually, there are many product that never make it out of the lab. Getting back to familiar territory, Steven Gibbs called me today and told me that things in 2009 are going to be a lot worse than now.

I am taking steps to make sure that I have plenty of food and fuel. This year I was hit with a fuel shortage at harvest season and many filling stations were closed due to lack of fuel. Down to only fifty gallons and force to make many calls and put pressure on people to get it.

I rest my case.

As I said, one can determine the thickness of the hide by treating the subject as if s/he wasn't in the room. Talk about her but don't talk to her.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Yo Mytime:
I made the prediction repeatedly. And now you are going to claim, what, that I never made it?


I have never made any claim that you did or did not make a claim about GM in 2005, I was not online in 2005 (My weapon of choice at that time was a chainsaw /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

So, all I ask is that you provide a link, for those of us who were not around then, to back up your claim that you predicted GM going under back in 2005. Is this a problem for you?

I am keeping an open mind here but your evasive nature is beginning to tunnel my vision /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

So, for the third time /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif Please could you post a link to your 2005 prediction that GM would 'go under'

Thanks in anticipation.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Even though you may think I am a big ahole

I think your statement is generally agreed upon by a consensus of members. But who really cares anyway. One person is as good as another at the end of the day though I am sure some could argue that point. Think god gas went down
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

"im going to make a prediction. the economy will bounce back and soon. its going to blow your mind. lets see who has the correct prediction."

and the very next day...

"NEW YORK - Wall Street staged a surprising comeback Friday, with the major indexes jumping more than 5 percent and the Dow Jones industrials surging nearly 500 points in a late afternoon rally, ending another volatile week that saw stocks reach six-year lows.

Stocks erased about half of the losses that came in steep selling Wednesday and Thursday after investors got an unexpected jolt of confidence late Friday following an NBC News report that President-elect Barack Obama plans to name New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary."

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

kid, ya better learn that when i say something... it happens.

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

My Time: So, for the third time Please could you post a link to your 2005 prediction that GM would 'go under'

Seriously, you can forget it.

I've tried to pin HDRkid down many, many times in this manner. As have many, many others.

He/She will just ignore you.

The Kid's ability to do so is legendary here which is why few take the HDR posts seriously.

It is in fact, one of the things that leads me to suspect that he's a genuine delusional. Any of the occasions HDR's been shown without any doubt to be lying, fraudulant, inaccurate and just plain wrong, he/she sweeps efficiently under the cyber-carpet and moves right on.

He/she's as slippery as he/she is deceitful.

And always with the irritating 'the debunkers laughed when...' crap.

And when the economy bounces back, anyone trying to haul him over the coals about this current line in b/s will just be soundly ignored.

Little wonder this thread was moved to the 'fiction' section.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

i think 'ol hdr is just messing around with us. i think its just a fun little game to a very bored person.

i think the kiddo will eventually get bored one day and come clean. then the kiddo will tell us how much fun it was. we have all been trying to get through to hdr to no avail. why? thats a very good question.

just remember, everything comes out in the wash. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
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