The HDRkid Thread

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Hi Timenot:
Please stop posting ads for speaker. Got to spammers dot com.

And why don't you do the same re. Gibb's gadget that you've been shilling for the past several years?
I am not posting adds for speakers. You may just need some music. This type of stuff has been going on for the last 40 years or longer or shorter depending on your age. And if every News story is brought up, then at least consider the source of the News article, the reporter, and anything else involved with such News stories. That is why they are News stories in the first place. Someone else decided to make it a News story, and I just contend there are other News stories also out there. I guess myself I am just getting tired of News stories, since only a narrow-view is usually making the News. Good News just don't seem to make it, and one has to look for it. When you get all use to all those News stories, just let us know. Anyway, like anything else, people consider the News for awhile and then tend to put it in proper perspective -- there must be something else to do - and whatever hobby that may be -- it tends not to be politics or always looking at the News. Time is short in life in the sense that even though the Lord stated that Life is Long -- people just do not view it that way. After years of making tension for yourself, it is just best (at least in my opinion) just to glance over the News, because of what the News is in the first place - the negative aspects of the human species. Looking for the positive aspect is a little more difficult but the field of endeavor is probably just as big if not bigger in the end. All that negative News stuff does is change the attitude after awhile.

It's just nice sometimes to view the daylight nice blue sky and the clouds and say -- "It's a Beautiful Day!"
Do what you want to, but do not expect people to always endorse it.
And it is a question of the technology of the future. Of course that has been going on also for a long time since a long time ago. With the HDTV then sound will also be considered to be important for all the News. It is like designing a speaker system to fully handle the Cannons of the 1812 Overture in Music. But will people actually want that degree of technology? Usually not, since most people consider other things more important after awhile, but the beats go on, whether with the News or with creating sounds or a digital picture that contains more resolution.

It is just a fact that even in your own place (usually in the living room) a person can knock those senses silly with the technology that can be bought nowadays.

If it were virtual reality, then I guess everyone would end up with Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder.
I suppose then that those type of subjects also define what people will put up with in the future.
Does it become a good thing or a bad thing then? The people usually decide in the end by what they consume and buy.
And that all may contain a lot of back and forth words also in the end.
Just another news LOL HDRkid Style

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 08 Election
Link to Youtube

Best Regards
Maya Elephants...
More interesting is the fact Chaac Mol god was an elephant and not the ridiculous explanations /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
To Recall:
Thanks for the pics of elephants. I want to go see 10,000 BC. The reason most people do not know the truth is that it is suppressed. I have seen small statues found in Mexico of dinosaurs from the Maya period. Yes, dinosaurs!

To Darby:
If I were to time travel back 40 years to 1968 when the movie 2001 Space ODDessy was made and show you what really happens in 2001 with the twin towers, how would you react?

We have a lot less tech than in the movie 2001.

1) No HAL 9000 AI computers
2) No moon base
3) No astronauts going to Jupiter.

The Jetsons world with robots and flying cars is still hundreds of years away...
but the ultimate challenge is when we learn to drop our tools and use our mind.
If I were to time travel back 40 years to 1968 when the movie 2001 Space ODDessy was made and show you what really happens in 2001 with the twin towers, how would you react?

How would I react?


(I had a great time the night that I saw 2001 in 1968. As I recall, I married the girl a few years later.)
To Darby:
Your ZZZ answer does not make sense.

Well, Baracula is so certain he will be prez that he has started hiring for the Whitehouse. He offered Teddy the job of First Chauffeur. They are getting a water proof limousine ready. Baracula also called up Lurch for the position of First Butler.

Baracula: Hi Lurch...
Lurch: You rang?
Baracula: Yes, would like to be part of the CHANGE and be my First Butler?
Lurch: I'm going to have to ask Teresa for permission.
Your ZZZ answer does not make sense.

If you ask a question and get an answer that you either don't like or don't understand maybe it's you that has the problem.

In any case, it's sufficient that I understand the responce irrespective of your confusion.
Well, what can I say, the debunkers have grown silent once more.

"Older voters backed her over Obama by a stunning 46-point margin (72 percent to 26 percent). The tide is turning in Clinton's favor."

Indeed, I talked last week with an RVer and and said "I keep seeing Clinton in the Whitehouse, in the future, but O'bama is ahead in the polls." He said replied "Clinton will win both Ohio and Texas."

Interesting as I saw this in the future, but I did not see her win Rhode Island. Needless to say my prediction of McCain being the Republican candidate came true.

Darby said that me predicting Hillary winning was like shooting fish in a barrel. Well, it has been anything except easy for Clinton. A hard fought battle.
Darby said that me predicting Hillary winning was like shooting fish in a barrel. Well, it has been anything except easy for Clinton. A hard fought battle.

You got most of the idea correct but you missed the gist of it.

I didn't indicate that Hillary's (or any other candidate for that matter) winning the nomination was going to be an easy task. I simply said that predicting that Hillary would be the nominee was an easy task. It was an easy task. Every newspaper, TV network and radio network on the planet (OK - that's a bit of an exaggeration
) has been predicting her as the nominee, if and when she decided to run, for years. I've believed for years that when she decided to run that she'd be the nominee. I'm still not convinced that she won't be. She's a Clinton. I don't like her, I don't trust her. But I know that she is a political warrior and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get to where she wants to go. I won't count her out until the last fire goes out in the streets surrounding the convention center (ala the 1968 Democrat convention) and she's not the last one standing.

What's really at issue for us is that over time you've predicted Gore, Clinton and Kerry as the "next" President. So far you haven't been correct yet - which isn't to say that you won't get this one right. But getting this one right, which would make you 1:3 or 33% is no better than guessing. No big deal, as I've said recently, but the statistical result isn't indicitive of "time travel" success.

You might have a problem with our singling out these three predictions but over all they represent just about the totality of the body of predictions that you've made that are clear, concise, specific, unequivocal and are available for subjective scrutiny.

I could add another similar prediction to this class but you won't supply us with a specific reference to where we can find the appropriately timed "Coke Blaq" prediction. Though you missed on the exact spelling I might be willing to give you a "hit" on that one if I saw a post that was made prior to Coca-Cola's public announcement of the name of the product. I only include the word "might" here because I'd still like to see the post in it's original context, preferably on a site that you don't manage as the SysAdmin or Moderator which would give you the opportunity to edit the post at any time. It would especially be nice if the forum was archived on the WayBack Machine. Even if the archive didn't include the forum and posts (it rarely does - at least directly), looking at the post and the responses - which gives it some context that you couldn't edit, i.e.other peoples responses made before the announcement - could go a long way toward getting it in as a "hit".

Don't get me wrong because I don't intend to jack you around on the issue. Let me be clear about this: Getting Hillary correct and getting Coke Blaq doesn't equate to "you're a time traveler". Gore and Kerry are still "misses" and you potentially end up 2:4, 50%. That's not very impressive. Furthermove, If I accept your self described biography, that you are not JS and not a female but, instead, are a male who did indeed travel a few years ago to France then I have to consider the fact that Coke Blaq was announced and became publicly available in France before it was available in North America. France was the original test market. Traveling in France at about the time that it was released there could explain the "mystery". Again, it would really come down to the context of the posts, the timing of the posts, the timing of your trip to France and the timing of the public announcements in Europe.
The quote feature is no longer working for me.

Just wanted to say Darby, that don't worry, someone else gets it. The ZZZZZZ's that is. Not that you were remotely worried about that /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If Hilary DOESNT win, will you then be finally willing to eat crow, since you are so adamant about her winning???

Consider the following. Following nothing more than a hunch - like your own - that Obama will win the nomination, many, many Moons back I pursued just such a comitment from HDRKid.


My question to you is - when Hillary is elected a year from now, the first woman president in the history of the US, will you admit I am right, or will you say "That was obvious, I knew she would win. You didn't predict anything!"


Skeptisaurus: Okay...I'll play. A year isn't that long HDRKid. I WILL acknowledge your Time travelling prowess if Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States next year. But only if you agree right now to admit you're full of crap is she isn't.


(after a more attempts to get HDRKid to take me up on my offer, I posted...)

Wow! That's the third time you've chosen to ignore my honest answer to your question, HDRKid. Is my simple challenge too much to ask?

People are going to think you're trying to avoid committing yourself to another one of your 'predictions'.


As you can see from the above, I've been trying for a LONG time to get HDRKid to commit to his prediction. I hounded him and hounded him to take me up on my offer, but he just plain refuses to put his money where his mouth is. He's a liar and a fraud.
Hi Risata:
I would admit to getting the prediction wrong.

Hi Darby:
"It shook the building. I thought it could have been thunder, but I looked down and there was a massive plume of smoke so I knew it was an explosion," said Terry Leighton, 48, of London, who was staying on the 21st floor of the Marriott.

Do you believe that it was another "gas main", or do you finally realize that terrorists are attacking the US and we are trying to suppress the information.

It was the 3am ad that got Clinton Ohio and Texas. America does not think that O'Bama can handle a crisis. Even for McCain the primary was not shooting fish in a barrel. Huckabee won Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Tennessee and West Virginia. Romney won Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana North Dakota and Utah.

Do not forget that in Iowa, Huckabee was number one, Romney was number two and McCain was number three.

Do you believe that it was another "gas main", or do you finally realize that terrorists are attacking the US and we are trying to suppress the information.

Uh, you're trying to convince me that there's a terrorist threat? Apparently you haven't been listening, over the years, to what I've said about what I did for a living during the earlier part of my professional career.

Trust me...I know as a matter of fact, rather than a matter of watching the news, that a terrorist threat does exist and that it has existed here for 40 years. Some of the same players on the domestic scene who were active in the 60's and 70's and who were controlled through international communism (RIM) via RYM I (SDS) and RYM II (RCP & WU) are cranking it up again. They were and remain closely alligned with the Middle Eastern terrorists - and they burned it down in Chicago 1968.

RIM is "Revolutionary International Movement" (originally controlled by Moscow)

RYM is "Revolutionary Youth Movement". (also originally controlled by Moscow)

The Roman numerals indicate which international convention they sprang from.

WU is "Weather Underground"

RCP is "Revolutionary Communist Party"

USSR is "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics"

PRC is "People's Republic of China"

PLO is "Palestine Liberation Organization"

PFLP is "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine"

RYM I saw the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) spring forth. After the 1968 Democrat Party convention in Chicago SDS split into two warring communist factions under RYM II, the RCP and the Weathermen. The Weathermen later became Weather Underground (WU) because Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers' girlfriend (later wife), thought that Weathermen was a sexist term. And it's a bit funny how Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn's names have come up recently in the Democrat Party's current round of campaigning.

The SDS split was over the degree of violence each of the factions thought was necessary in order to bring a communist government to power in the USA - general bomb targeting of anything "American" vs. limiting bombings to the bourgeois class of US government establishments, US corporate establishments including their lackey employees - and general communist philosophy. Each faction was and is willing to murder, it was just a matter of whether or not "civilians" (the proletariat "victims" of the bourgeois) should be specifically targeted by their bombs in addition to government/corporate property and people. WU remains a Marxist-Leninist movement (USSR-Moscow). RCP is Maoist-Leninist (PRC-Beijing).

Because this doesn't really relate to time travel I won't go into RCYB (Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade), Red Brigade, SLA and all the other "progressive people's fronts" that still exist. Suffice it to say that they remain, as always, closely tied to the PLO, PFLP and their progeny that we see today. Moscow and Beijing did a number on the Middle East that was intended to bring down the Western world.
2001 was somewhat a different movie back then. It seems to me to be the first time that a wide screen for a movie was used, as long as I can remember. The movie also was unique in the time for we were just going to the Moon and Landing there.

Well, back to whatever it is anyone is talking about. Hillary and John -- well, I have my own view about any of that. Are you sure that both political candidates just are not quite right in the mind with either of those two?

You may think Obama sounds a little off, but perhaps he is the only one that really may not be. Afterall, it seems as if Huckabee just wanted to preach "God" again in the end, but where is "God" at with any of what is going on? NO! People make the decisions on this planet, and I just wonder if there is any valid reason not to think that some people enspouse a mass delusional type of voting for a political candidate giving theirselves assumptions that the candidates have not even named or talked about in the end. Assumptions??

You know there's kind of a famous line from Stargate SG=1 when Daniel becomes a Prior and asks the others to trust him, since he can pilot one of their spaceships through the Supergate and use Merlin's weapon against the Ori and not have the Ori gal use it against the Ancients:

Jack O'Neill states it:
You know, Daniel, that I don't believe anyone. (since their minds have been messed with before downloading the knowledge of the Ancients off of one of their library head terminals before and before killed and brought back to life with the Sarcaphous- spelling - and all of that before, so why should he believe Daniel now, and since he is supposed to have two minds in him, one being that of Merlin which is going to end soon, and they all have to make a decision on how to handle that in the TV show??)

Well, the Ark of Truth comes out soon (March 11 or 18th, 2008) along with another type TV movie in July to tie up lose ends with the original TV series Stargate - SG1 since it seems there won't be an eleventh year of episodes, but perhaps TV type budget movies in the future maybe.) The July release one Stargate:Continuum looks like a good one for that type of show since it concerns Ba'al travelling back in time with other Gou'ald's to end even the Stargate starting up on the so-called Planet -- Planet Earth. The Ark of Truth ties up the story about the Ori and looks to be good also, for something to do.

And still the political candidates running anyone will still hear about also. Time to go, time is up!
2001 was somewhat a different movie back then. It seems to me to be the first time that a wide screen for a movie was used, as long as I can remember.

2001 ASO did replace CinemaScope's wide aspect ratio with 70 mm film. Good call.

The real innovation, of sorts, with 2001 was the foley - the background environmental sounds that are added to the soundtrack such as doors opening/closing, footsteps, birds, etc. If you recall, for most of the film the entire folly was the low frequency hum of the machinery of the ship and breathing sounds in the spacesuits. There was little dialogue and the sound of the dialogue was seriously echo, flat, the paint on the walls and ancient Dave Bowman's clothing and hair. It was absolutely flat. Sound seemed to become totally lost in the ship instead of being reflected. The technique sounded isolation, loneliness, foreboding and death. Everything in the movie moved in slow motion - people, spaceships, pods, doors, bones thrown by primates...everything.

Ricard Strauss' tone poem "Also Sprach Zarathustra" coupled with Johann Stauss' waltzes were effective as a contrast to the otherwise dead ambient soundtrack of the folly and dialogue. The real kicker of the widescreen aspect ratio in 70 mm was that it emphasized the vastness of space between Earth and Jupiter versus the confined space inside the ship, pods and spacesuits. Brilliant!

Contrast this film with another 1968 70 mm widescreen blockbuster "Bullit", Steve McQueen's break-out movie. Both films were big box office winners but they were on opposite extremes of cinematic technique.
HDRKid: I would admit to getting the prediction wrong.

Why should anyone believe you HDRkid? You never admitted it when you lied about RVing the future and forseeing a Kerry presidency...

HDRKid: Pres Kerry had given a general evacuation order for all large cities.

You never said..."Yup...once again my prediction was completely and totally mind-bogglingly, ass-fu****gly wrong. No wonder everyone here thinks I'm an ass."

HDRKId...You claim you have been to the future. You have seen what is going to transpire and yet I've been trying to get you to put your money where your mouth is over Clinton for months and all I've had from you is your usual tactic. ABSOLUTE AVOIDANCE.

Now you're saying you will admit your prediction was wrong if she doesn't get elected!!!???

Holy Crapoly HDRKid!!!!! What kind of half-assed bullshit time traveller are you anyway? The amount of sheer crap you post here is far, far more astonishing than even the actual concept of genuine time travel.

Its truly incredible what you think you can get away with. I've read newspaper horoscopes that get more right than you do. You're a joke. A clown. A discussion board liar. I don't mind saying it either. You've accused Darby of being a liar when its clear to everyone here the only one telling genuine porkies is your pitiful excuse for RV ambassadorship.

If you're the best RVing has to offer then I have no doubt the art is soon to go the way of spirit photography and the Indian rope trick. I've said it before and I'll say it again...You're a liar and a fraud. Your predictive ineptitude is equalled only by your pathetic insistence on avoiding those who point this out to you.

Now, once again, here's your chance to redeem yourself. My offer still stands...

Skeptisaurus: Okay...I'll play. A year isn't that long HDRKid. I WILL acknowledge your Time travelling prowess if Hilary Clinton is elected President of the United States next year. But only if you agree right now to admit you're full of crap is she isn't.

Come on, difficult can it be? If you're telling the truth then what in heaven's name have you got to worry about?
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