The HDRkid Thread

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Hey Darby,

What I find interesting about the whole DEM conundrum right now is what they did to their OWN CONSTITUENT voters in both Michigan and Florida... they disenfranchised the people they SHOULD be pandering to! It would not be so comically ridiculous if it were not for the fact that this is the EXACT SAME PARTY that whined about voter disenfranchisement in Ohio in 2004 and (deja vu?) in Florida back in 2000. So in 2000 they were overly concerned about Florida voters who couldn't read a ballot... but now they are flipping Florida voters (THEIR voters) the big bird!

As usual with Democrat politicians, it seems to be OK when they do something that they complain about the Republicans doing. But if Republicans do it (even if they DIDN'T do it but just seem like they did), then the DEMS come unglued.

And people wonder why I won't go near supporting that party! Republicans are not a whole lot better on some issues, but at least they are not so OPEN about being hypocritical as are the DEMs.

A dual ticket?

Since this has turned into a political thread,
I thought it was rather interesting as I was watching the news the talk of a dual ticket
with Hillary and Obama. A he/she ticket. It would have been a clever way for John Titor to
have told us who would win the election. The winner being the president,the loser vice president.
Could such a thing happen? It would be the first time in history and could not have been
guessed at. Right now its all just talk but I kept thinking everytime John talked about the
next president he always said he/she. I also know he always tried to be clever.
I have never really cared much for politics but it all seems rather interesting at the moment.
The count seems so very close right now.
Re: A dual ticket?

A he/she ticket. It would have been a clever way for John Titor to
have told us who would win the election.

Or just a cop-out to cover the bases. Remember, only one person can be president.

Could such a thing happen?

Sure it could. In fact, if the DEMS were smart they would make it happen. But I don't hold out hopes for the intelligence of the DEM party. I mean Howard Dean is their chairman. No more need be said on that score. But the key is who would lead the ticket. I think Hillary's personality has been shown to be the type who would NOT take the back seat. She lusts for power, and that is quite clear. Anyone who would wish to debate that point would have a mountain of evidence to overcome. Her speeches eerily remind me of Babs Boxer from my state... sing-songy in their tone, and elitist and condescending in their content. I've got to hand it to Obama that he has certainly mastered the "great communicator" capabilities that Presidents Reagan and Bill Clinton were so good at.

However, if they DID make the "dream ticket" a reality, it is looking increasingly like Hillary would not have the option of holding out for the top job. And for the record of this thread, it would NOT count as a "hit" for HDRKID if Hillary was the Veep candidate on the ticket... although I am sure he would try to weasel it to make it seem like a hit.... I can hear it now "The debunkers were telling me I was wrong when I told them Hillary would be the first female VP..."

Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Rain:
Even if Clinton beats Obama, McCain could still beat Clinton. This would be worse because I have not seen this on any timeline. There was out of 30 jumps 27 where Hillary won, 2 where Rudy won, and 1 where Barack won. In that one he did have Hillary as the VP.

Hi Skeptic:
You do not need a trillion dollar budget to build a time machine, Steven Gibbs built his unit from from bits and bobs laying about his workshop.

I believe that the hardest part of building a right proper time machine is getting the dimensions correct. Steven Gibbs is a numerologist and he emphasized time and again the importance of having the various components be of certain sizes. Also, he uses the golden ratio quite a bit in his constructions and puts special emphasis on harmonics, resonance, and frequencies.

In fact, the plans are freely available on the internet. Steven Gibbs tells me that many people have built their own units and called him for advice on the construction. These talented individuals are the new wave able to modify the original design and add their own contributions. But the so called scientists see inventors as a bunch of toffers mucking about a laboratory without the grounding of rigourous science. Theses men of science spend their days scrawling equations on a blackboard.

Remember this - it was two bicycle repairmen that got us off the ground, not scientists.

Hi Darby:
I report what I see not what makes sense. Back in 2001 when John Titor was reporting a nuclear war in 2015 I went forward to see what was going to happen. A ten year jump to 2011 revealed a strange New York skyline. I saw that in the place of the twin towers stood a strange ugly building. I wondered "Why did they tear down the twin towers and put an ugly building there?" It made no sense, for little did I imagine that in the near future a terrorist attack would render them into rubble.
Re: A dual ticket?


Hi Rain:
Even if Clinton beats Obama, McCain could still beat Clinton. This would be worse because I have not seen this on any timeline. There was out of 30 jumps 27 where Hillary won, 2 where Rudy won, and 1 where Barack won. In that one he did have Hillary as the VP.

Hi Skeptic:
You do not need a trillion dollar budget to build a time machine, Steven Gibbs built his unit from from bits and bobs laying about his workshop.

I believe that the hardest part of building a right proper time machine is getting the dimensions correct. Steven Gibbs is a numerologist and he emphasized time and again the importance of having the various components be of certain sizes. Also, he uses the golden ratio quite a bit in his constructions and puts special emphasis on harmonics, resonance, and frequencies.

In fact, the plans are freely available on the internet. Steven Gibbs tells me that many people have built their own units and called him for advice on the construction. These talented individuals are the new wave able to modify the original design and add their own contributions. But the so called scientists see inventors as a bunch of toffers mucking about a laboratory without the grounding of rigourous science. Theses men of science spend their days scrawling equations on a blackboard.

Remember this - it was two bicycle repairmen that got us off the ground, not scientists.

Hi Darby:
I report what I see not what makes sense. Back in 2001 when John Titor was reporting a nuclear war in 2015 I went forward to see what was going to happen. A ten year jump to 2011 revealed a strange New York skyline. I saw that in the place of the twin towers stood a strange ugly building. I wondered "Why did they tear down the twin towers and put an ugly building there?" It made no sense, for little did I imagine that in the near future a terrorist attack would render them into rubble.

...and now re-begins the equivication. It seems that the degree of confidence that you once had in your prediction is waning so now you have to set up a "Many Worlds Theory" escape clause.

It's no longer "You won't be laughing when you see that I correctly predicted Hillary" - it's back to I saw Hillary on X number of 'shroom trips, Gore on Y and Kerry on Z, etc.

It's easy to be "correct" when you bet on every horse in the race.

And where's the "skyline" prediction to be found that you posted before 9/11/2001 and also before Titor posted about a missing building?

It made no sense, for little did I imagine that in the near future a terrorist attack would render them into rubble.

Well put - your imagination didn't envision terrorism...even though the Twin Towers had already been attacked by the same terrorist group.
Re: A dual ticket?

HDRKid: Hi Skeptic:
You do not need a trillion dollar budget to build a time machine, Steven Gibbs built his unit from from bits and bobs laying about his workshop.

I believe that the hardest part of building a right proper time machine is getting the dimensions correct. Steven Gibbs is a numerologist and he emphasized time and again the importance of having the various components be of certain sizes. Also, he uses the golden ratio quite a bit in his constructions and puts special emphasis on harmonics, resonance, and frequencies.

In fact, the plans are freely available on the internet. Steven Gibbs tells me that many people have built their own units and called him for advice on the construction. These talented individuals are the new wave able to modify the original design and add their own contributions. But the so called scientists see inventors as a bunch of toffers mucking about a laboratory without the grounding of rigourous science. Theses men of science spend their days scrawling equations on a blackboard.

Remember this - it was two bicycle repairmen that got us off the ground, not scientists.


HDR, your avoidance techniques are as predictable as they are boring.

Nobody here needs to be a scientist nor a bicycle repairman to see that you are incapable of backing up any of the crap you come out with. You're a liar HDR. Pure and simple.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Rain:
Even if Clinton beats Obama, McCain could still beat Clinton. This would be worse because I have not seen this on any timeline. There was out of 30 jumps 27 where Hillary won, 2 where Rudy won, and 1 where Barack won. In that one he did have Hillary as the VP.

Yes, yes, yes. As Darby has pointed out, NOW you are not acting so cocky about your Hillary prediction. It will be an interesting exercise for me to go and fetch some of those quotes from you (some in this very thread) to show just how CERTAIN you were that Hillary would win.

There were no jumps, and you have seen nothing on an advanced timeline. You know it. I know it. The cats and dogs know it. You couldn't even predict who the next big star from Hollywood that will die is gonna be. And there are a few who are on the verge!

Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Rain:

Cocky is a bad thing. I will admit to you now that when McCain came in third in iowa I was worried. How could he win the nomination with Huckabee so stong. Well, I can tell you that I did not see Huck win prez in any timelines, but he was a lot stronger than I bargained for.

Getting back to Barack. One thing that never made any sense was that people in 2009 did not talk about him. I mean from front page headlines to obsurity, but then again how many headlines do you see about Bird Flu?

Today was history, Obama refused the olive branch and said "prez or bust!"

The fact that he has missed critical votes in the senate to spend the time trying to raise money is strange. McCain found the time to vote. What does not make any sense is that when I ask other remote viewers about who is prez in 2009. It is always Clinton. Obama has spent the money as fast as it came in. There is no war chest to fight McCain.

Here is something that makes no sense to me. When I jumped ahead and see the election, both Clinton and McCain were close, but the polls show Clinton way ahead of McCain; then again at one time the polls showed Clinton ahead of Obama by more than 15 points.

Hi Darby:
I still remember telling you that Chavez, president of oil rich Venzuela, was a terrorist and in cahoots with fellow terrorist groups. All you did was laugh at me and claim I was paranoid. WELL


First reports of the documents recovered from laptops at the FARC camp spoke of promises by Chávez to deliver up to $300 million to a group renowned for kidnapping, drug trafficking and massacres of civilians; they also showed that Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa was prepared to remove from his own army officers who objected to the FARC's Ecuadoran bases.

Needless to say oil is today at $108/b a record high. The plot thickens!

The FARC is drug dealers that sell cocaine to the US and both Correa and Chavez helping them. You can't write a novel this good. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

Even if Clinton beats Obama, McCain could still beat Clinton. This would be worse because I have not seen this on any timeline. There was out of 30 jumps 27 where Hillary won, 2 where Rudy won, and 1 where Barack won. In that one he did have Hillary as the VP.

LOL. If you saw Clinton win what color of clothes was she wearing when she won? when she got sworn in office? Please be specific. If you forgot I guess you could always go back and review it again. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

A year from now, Bush will still be president. Remember this, as you won't be able to look it up on the inet next year.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Darby:
I still remember telling you that Chavez, president of oil rich Venzuela, was a terrorist and in cahoots with fellow terrorist groups. All you did was laugh at me and claim I was paranoid. WELL

Uh, you told me that...and I made that reply? Are you on drugs? (And I think that you are, BTW)

At least do us the honor of quoting the posts by using the appropriate URL links.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Pslasdius:
Other people have reported what you say. I however have not seen it. We would need a major hypercatstrophic event to justify martial law and suspending the rule of law. I have seen a code red event but perhaps this forum is not the best place to discus it. One thing that doesn't make sense is the lack of food & fuel in the future.

Hi Pamela:
I can tell you that she did not wear the horrible pink outfit on any of the 27 timelines. On each line she wore different clothes, usually conservative and grey, also, this is important, on one line Bill Clinton died and Chelsea was holding her mom's hand a lot during election day. Many believe that the death of her husband gave her a sympathy vote that helped her win the close race on election day.

As for her democrat opponent, O'bama is quite clearly not ready for prime time. Geraldine Ferraro is stating the obvious. To have a democrat of her caliber make the statement that O'bama would not be where he is if he were white is a powerful attack, but most people know she is correct in her assessment of the situation. When a person with barely tricycle experience is given command of a 747 the results are usually a horrifying crash.

Ferraro has had a forty year history of fighting against discrimination of all kinds, including racial, gender, ethnic, etc....

For O'bama to claim she is racist tells me all I need to know about him.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Darby:

You are always trying to ridicule me, but the predictions I have made have come true.

Take a look at today, the dollar at a record low against the euro, at a 12 year low against the yen. Gold over $1000/oz as predicted, oil over $111/barrel and soon, gasoline will break the $4/gallon mark. Still, remember... when you laughed at $4/gal gas, are you still laughing?

Blinding greed brought on by massive amounts of money is a problem in our world today. This problem was explored in the movie "WALLSTREET". The iconic Gordon Gecko is the ultimate user who lives off the hard work of others.

These execs rob our earth of its treasure and leave us with a polluted industrial wasteland. Huge smokestacks belching out black clouds of acrid soot are the very image of corporate greed. They use our common atmosphere as an open sewer for their filth. Like all leeches they rob the host of its vitality and produce nothing of value. The megamansions, fancy automobiles and lavish lifestyles are financed on the back of the working poor.

As for who will be president, well I will allow authority figures to speak.


the electorate has historically been racially polarized, generated one of the most divided votes. Mrs. Clinton received 8 percent of the black vote, and Mr. Obama received 26 percent of the white vote, according to exit polls by Edison/Mitofsky for The Associated Press and television networks.

How can Obama win when he has only 1/4 of the white vote? True he has 92% of the black vote, but last time I checked there are more whites than blacks in the US. In the case of Clinton, there are more women voters than men, this is due to wars, men smoking more than women, etc.

What I am trying to say is that if every single woman voted for Clinton, and every single man voted for McCain, Hillary would win. Do the math! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

You are always trying to ridicule me, but the predictions I have made have come true.

I was "ridiculing" you in the last post because you made reference to having posted something to me and my reply - neither of which ever occured.

At no time prior to the post that I was refering to had you ever posted to me that Hugo Chavez was a terrorist nor had I ever "laughed" at you or anyone else relative to that opinion. Never happened.

Now had you made such a post about Chavez I wouldn't have laughed. Hugo Chavez is no laughing matter. His heroes are Ernesto "Che" Guevarra-Lynch de la Serna, Raul Castro and Fidel Castro.

I very likely would have disagreed with you about the term "terrorist" because I use the word in a very specific, technical sense. In that strict sense Chavez does not fit the description. He is, however, a hard core communist revolutionary. When he received authority from the legislature to suspend the Venezulean constitution in November of 2006 for "one year" in order to declare himself the "temporary" dictator I knew then that Venezuela was in for a world of hurt and that the constitution was going to be suspended indefinitely. That tactic comes directly from Marx and Engels. The communist vanguard revolutionary forces are to overthrow the capitalist bourgeois elite, set up a workers revolutionary government and until such time as the proletariat can fend for themselves the revolutionary council would remain in power to "protect" them, i.e. dictate the terms of their lives in perpetuity as serfs of the state.

Fidel made virtually the same promise to his Cuban "revolutionary brothers and sisters" in 1959. He'd only be dictator for a limited period of time. Admittedly, the period of time from 1959 until the date of his death is limited and short relative to the age of the universe but I don't think that the Cuban people contemplated half a century as a "limited period of time".

What I am trying to say is that if every single woman voted for Clinton, and every single man voted for McCain, Hillary would win. Do the math!

Not necessarily so. We don't elect the President based on the popular vote. William Jefferson Blythe III (aka Bill Clinton) is an example. He was twice elected as President but in neither election did he win the a majority of the popular vote. In 1992 he only received 43%. In 1996 he only received 49%. He's not the only minority President. In fact other than Jimmy Carter who had 50.1% of the popular vote, the last Democrat who won both the Presidency and the popular vote was Franklin Roosevelt.

We elect the President based on the compact made by each state signed at Philadelphia in 1787. The states are guaranteed a republican form of government under Article IV of our Constitution - they are quasi independent nations. Each state, under Article II of our Constitution, elects its own electors who then vote for the President. Each state receives one elector for each member of the House of Representatives and the Senate. No matter how small a state is that state is guaranteed at least three electors. This was a deal breaking issue at the Constitutional COnvention. New York walked out over it because the small states knew that if the election was based solely on the popular vote New York would elect every President no matter what the popular vote was in the other twelve states. The same is true today if you add in California and Florida.

Thus, a President can be elected without winning the popular vote because the small states have some leverage as quasi independent nations. In "PC" language it's called minority rights.
Re: A dual ticket?

kid, i have a question to ask you, and ive been wondering it for a while. i hope you can shed some light.

most of the people on this forum believe you are a fraud. people ridicule you and mock you. regardless if you are what you say you are, why do you do it? i am curious. what are your motives?

thanks for your time.
Re: A dual ticket?

Take a look at today, the dollar at a record low against the euro, at a 12 year low against the yen. Gold over $1000/oz as predicted, oil over $111/barrel and soon, gasoline will break the $4/gallon mark. Still, remember... when you laughed at $4/gal gas, are you still laughing?

Here we go... trying to reframe, reshape, or totally ignore what you REALLY said in the past. The issue is not that you predicted $4 gas. I can stand here right now and predict $5 gas. It WILL happen. The issue is WHEN you said it would happen. Anyone can go back in this thread and see where I have quoted your own predictions, from your own blog, that it would happen prior to the end of 2007. But your "predictions" of when any specific price comes to pass are all over the map. Here is one from a thread in the other TT discussion forum:

hdrkid:This month an oil industry exec told me that gasoline would be $4.50/gallon by summer 2008. I told him that gas would not break four in 2008 due to the elections, but that come 2009 we would see gas at over $4/gal.

So you are all over the (temporal) map. There is documented evidence that you "predicted" $4/gal gas before the end of 2007. But it didn't happen. And in the quote above (from 1/28/08), you tried to cover that mistake by reframing what you said you saw. So here we see you saying we won't see $4 gas until 2009. And now we see you introduce that most favorite of fuzzy indicators "soon". Folks...witness hdrkid "working his magic" and covering his bases. You must have a past history as a con-man, right kid?

I will now prove myself to be a better "RV time traveler" than hdrkid, because I will tell you right now we WILL see $4/gal gas before the end of 2008. You can take that one to the bank. And I will follow-up my prediction with proof, right here in this thread, with a dated photo from a gas station here in SoCal showing the price...seeing as how we have the highest gas prices in the nation.

Drivers in states in the western part of the country shelled out the most at the pump, led by California's average of $3.62 for a gallon of gas.

Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Rain:
It may very well be that gas will stay under $4/gal in 2008, but I can assure you that come 2009 we will see gasoline at over $4/gal and it will keep going up! Using remote viewing I have seen many gasoline stations close in the future.

Hi Darby:
The Chavez problem is that he uses his oil wealth to spread revolution and aid FARC which is a group of left wing drug dealers that are trying to topple Columbia.
I agree that we use an electoral system so in theory Hillary could lose the election and win the popular vote. However in the big states like California, Texas, Florida and New York she is ahead.

The question is why is Barack getting only 1/4 of the white vote? I believe the answer is his pastor Wright who leads a Black Seperatist Church of which Obama has been a member for 20 years. A church that claims Louis Farrakhan is the epitome of greatness.

Barack is trying to distance himself from pastor Wright, the man who told him to write "The Audacity of Hope" A pastor that says "White people are evil" and "God Damn America!" Listen to his speeches and you tell me.

Hi Ruthless:
Debunkers say "you look for all that's wrong with the world" What can I say, a fire watcher in his lookout tower looks for fires.

I did warn you that your asset allocation model should include the precious metals, the stock market would crash, banks would fail. Also that fuel would become expensive. The nickname "scooter" came from me telling people to get a scooter rather than a hybrid car because a scooter was cheaper, more energy efficient, and able to transport you long distances.

John Titor's advice was "Get a bicycle". I believe that shortages of food & fuel in the future make this essential. If you are to survive what is coming you should start today to prepare yourself.
Re: A dual ticket?

Using remote viewing I have seen many gasoline stations close in the future.

Recently, in fact, one of ESSO's important gas refinery in Alberta has been lost for a while. Stations across Canada that is reliant on that source for fuel are buckling and has indicated several outlets will close due to this. The rising gas prices aren't helping either... But our prices are far from $4.00/Gall... If I end up having to pay that much CAD, I'll certainly ride a bike more often.
Re: A dual ticket?

It may very well be that gas will stay under $4/gal in 2008, but I can assure you that come 2009 we will see gasoline at over $4/gal and it will keep going up! Using remote viewing I have seen many gasoline stations close in the future.

My remote viewing is better than yours. I just told you it will exceed $4/gal before the year is out. Unlike your wrong prediction that it would top $4 by the end of 2007, my form of RV involves mathematics. That makes it better. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif You'll see. In fact, I would lay a wager that the price tops $4/gal right around the time that Barack sews-up the DEM nomination.

Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Cubikdice:
When remote viewing the future to see the price of gasoline I saw that many filling stations are closed and so are many grocery stores. I saw malls smashed and cities burning out of control.

Hi Rain:
I predict that Obama will lose in Penn. He is not doing too well after he said he was not aware of the controversial preachings of Rev Wright. That reminds me of Dawn Wells (Mary Ann of Gilligan's Island) telling police she picked up a hitchkicker hippie and he dropped some joints in her car. She was sentenced to five days in prison for the possession of marijuana.

I feel that we should enjoy life and have a sense of humor. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
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