rofl...so very few....
Do you really think we are going to decide to kill off everyone and everything in a huge display of firepower? There will be no nuclear war, there's too much real-estate at stake for anyone to be that stupid. Why don't you look into next month or next week, for that matter, and tell us something that will happen.
Hmm. Sorry dude but i really hope this doesnt happen but it feels like it will and theres no way out of it.
Look at our present state. There are many in our leading government that still want to keep the war pace going.
If we attack Iran then do you think Russia and China wont do anything about it? Not sure but i think they have some investments or something with Iran and wont let no one just charge in and take over.
Again, not sure what relations Iran has with other countries but even if they dont, Iran is no walk in the park like Iraq plus where the hell are we going to get the support for this type of war campaign? Not to mention the Iraq war alone is costing the US 12 mill a month.
If the US can invade Iraq then so can any combination or countries or nations.
I work in food stock business and everything is going up. We stopped selling green grapes last month for 2 weeks since it was $7 a pound! Milk is also going up and many 2 liter bottles went to 1.5 for the same price.
Reason i do not doubt (i wish i could or even deny it) we are headed to war is because since so many see the US as a great enemy then the best time to attack would be when we are weak.
Since we are aproaching a possible female president i believe this too would lay a path to others to see us as weak. Dont know how why a female president would show others a nation is weak but it does in a strange way.
Im out time travel now. I will sleep and arrive from this conscious to the next which should be about 6 hour from now :D