The HDRkid Thread

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Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Rain:
I predict that Obama will lose in Penn.

Capture that just to be sure. It is really not much of a prediction given what we already know: That the GOV of PA has already endorsed Hillary, and that Hillary is the current leader in all state straw polls, with a wider margin in some than others. So what you say is definitely possible. But it still will not provide her enough delegates to overtake Obama. Recall PA is NOT a winner-take-all state, but the delegates are proportionally awarded. This means it could and will be close to a 50-50 split of their 188 delegates.

IVth: very few....

Do you really think we are going to decide to kill off everyone and everything in a huge display of firepower? There will be no nuclear war, there's too much real-estate at stake for anyone to be that stupid. Why don't you look into next month or next week, for that matter, and tell us something that will happen.

Hmm. Sorry dude but i really hope this doesnt happen but it feels like it will and theres no way out of it.
Look at our present state. There are many in our leading government that still want to keep the war pace going.
If we attack Iran then do you think Russia and China wont do anything about it? Not sure but i think they have some investments or something with Iran and wont let no one just charge in and take over.
Again, not sure what relations Iran has with other countries but even if they dont, Iran is no walk in the park like Iraq plus where the hell are we going to get the support for this type of war campaign? Not to mention the Iraq war alone is costing the US 12 mill a month.
If the US can invade Iraq then so can any combination or countries or nations.

I work in food stock business and everything is going up. We stopped selling green grapes last month for 2 weeks since it was $7 a pound! Milk is also going up and many 2 liter bottles went to 1.5 for the same price.

Reason i do not doubt (i wish i could or even deny it) we are headed to war is because since so many see the US as a great enemy then the best time to attack would be when we are weak.
Since we are aproaching a possible female president i believe this too would lay a path to others to see us as weak. Dont know how why a female president would show others a nation is weak but it does in a strange way.

Im out time travel now. I will sleep and arrive from this conscious to the next which should be about 6 hour from now :D
Re: A dual ticket?

Hey Kid:

Hi Rain:
It may very well be that gas will stay under $4/gal in 2008

My latest RV of the future predicts you will not only be wrong about gas prices this year, but also about Hillary winning the nomination. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Check this out:

And experts say motorists should prepare to pay nearly $4 a gallon - and in some places even more than that - before the price of gas finally comes down in the late spring as high prices crimp demand.

It seems CNN "experts" have been following my RV predictions... LOL.

Re: A dual ticket?

In the words of the good Doctor Quagmire: Giggedy Goo! :D

Get a load of this, Kid: Today I got some marketing snailmail from Honda, trying to get me to buy one of their cars (I am a Toyota and Chevy man, myself, but that's another story). Here are the words the Honda letter begins with:

<font color="blue"> "As I am sure you are aware the price of gasoline has risen dramatically in the last few weeks! Some of the experts are saying we will reach $4.00 a gallon by the summertime." [/COLOR]

Heh. Yeah. "Experts". They are talking about my predictions already. Or maybe it was that guy you said you talked to, and who you told that you had RVed that it would stay below $4.00 for all of 2008? Hey...maybe those two guys who said this are one-in-the-same? And maybe they know how to RV better than you?

I have also RV'ed ahead to see how the Palestinian drama with Hamas (Gaza) and Fatah (West Bank) will play out in the months leading up to and after the US election.

Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Pam:
We are not, I believe the Zeshua is a girl. Also Zeshua is a lot smarter than me. How is that for cocky?

Hi Timeprof:
No, I am hdrkid, I use rv and astral to gain knowledge of the future.

Hi Rain:
When I made the prediction when Obama was leading in the polls and Clinton was doing terrible.
Thinks have changed since then, now Clinton is now extending the lead over Obama, but 8 points behind McCain.

Today I talked to Steven Gibbs and he told me that he went top the future and saw Hillary President. Also, two days ago I talks to a lady psychic and she told me Clinton wins and that McCain has health problems. This could explain why he does not become president.

As for crude oil the trend is up, but I will go out on a limb and predict that is will soon fall below 100/b for a bit. Where I live gasoline went as high as $3.59/gallon, but today It is back down to $3.29/gallon, still I stand on my prediction of $4/gas in 2009.

Hi Recall:
Will Clinton be elected? That is the question.

Hi Illicious:
You are right. The invasion of Iran is the trigger for WWIII. I hope that we leave Iraq soon - before things get real bad.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi HdrKid,

You're a interesting case study. Anyways~

A piece of advice regarding remote viewing...

TRUE RV'ing is a difficult task to be done. One cannot claim RV'ing to be easy. It effects nerve endings in your body. It also effects the thinking processes in the brain, pending on how well the subject of experimentation tolerates it.

Astraliting is similiar in this case, however it effects mostly the "refreshment" of your nervous system.

Let me give you a true RV'ing issue regarding you, HdrKid. 3 Steps outlined:

1. A black bird.
2. A muddy window.
3. A brown plant.

These are what is given. Specific order are displayed.

Again, this is just a belief.
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Timeprof:

Thanks for the link. Here is a link for you. There are 100mpg cars right here right now!

Well, I have a muddy window and a dead brown plant, but no black bird.

Here is something that might be of interest to you, an article from businessweek "Bernanke reinvents central bank to avoid catastrophe"

The article says that we are currently facing the worst financial crisis since the great depression, and that is a big understatement. The article goes on to say "made it clear that Bernanke would take any step needed to prevent a financial catastrophe"

Actually the term hypercatastrophe is probably more accurate as what we face in the future makes the great depression seem like a joy ride. In WWII both food and fuel were rationed and expect that to happen again.

Not sure how Ben can stop the financial collapse of the US, but at least he is trying, the debunkers claim that there is no recession. Guess Businessweek is part of the fringe!
Re: A dual ticket?

the sr-71? that what your meaning?

hey kid! or ray! if either one of you have an sr-71, hook a mofo up with a ride! its the only plane i would ever consider flying in. it'd be worth the chance of crashing to go that friggin fast! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

All I see is a blackbird on a piece of paper.
RV Data:
You are right!

See the link
SR- 71

A piece of advice regarding remote viewing...

TRUE RV'ing is a difficult task to be done. One cannot claim RV'ing to be easy. It effects nerve endings in your body. It also effects the thinking processes in the brain, pending on how well the subject of experimentation tolerates it.

But you take the

RV 101


To Hrkid:
Will Clinton be elected? That is the question.
RV data:
-The Pink one is the answer! LOL

Best Regards
Space Fighter TAW-50 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

Hi Ruthless:
If I have an SR71 it would be a small toy plastic model. I suppose with a shrink ray I could get you down to the size of an ant and place you inside. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Recall:
The pink one, I suppose that means Hillary, unless Barack is into cross dressing.

On to a more serious note. The banks are crashing as I predicted, and yes the debunkers laughed when I fortold we would go into recession. Now we see that the execs at Bear Stearns as late as March 10 of this year were saying that there was no liquidity problem. Funny how RV is a lot more accurate than PHDs in financial science. The stock declined 97% in one week.

We need now an implode-o-meter to see which banks will fail. Entire sections of the US, mostly in Florida and California have been black listed so that no loans are made there, ever hear of redlining? Well, I believe that using remote viewing and astral time travel we can see that the future is grim and dim indeed. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

We need now an implode-o-meter to see which banks will fail.

Easy Task:

-Merrill Lynch (MER),
-Washington Mutual (WM),
-Citigroup (C)

-these four banks cannot afford to fall-

And John was right again:

-BERLIN (AP) -- Germany's foreign minister has warned China that its response to the crisis in Tibet may jeopardize the Summer Olympics in Beijing.-

end quoted


Best Regards
Free Tibet /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: A dual ticket?

And John was right again:

-BERLIN (AP) -- Germany's foreign minister has warned China that its response to the crisis in Tibet may jeopardize the Summer Olympics in Beijing.-

end quoted

Oh puhhhhhllllleeeeeze, recall! The very LEAST you could do is wait until the games begin (or not, as you may think) before you deem Titor "right". Mark my words:

Barack will be the DEM nomineee.
The Games in Beijing will open on schedule.

Re: A dual ticket?

Oh puhhhhhllllleeeeeze, recall! The very LEAST you could do is wait until the games begin (or not, as you may think) before you deem Titor "right".

Even if in the extremely slim chance that the games were cancelled this year you still can't give Titor a "hit". That the games would be cancelled in 2008 wasn't the prediction.

The "prediction" was:

01/29/01 12:25

((Are the Olympics still being played in your time?))

As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. However, it appears they may be revived in in 2040.

For the prediction, as stated by Titor, to be correct the 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028,2032 and 2036 Games will also have to be cancelled (I didn't count the Winter Games which are held in the middle even years).

But if the 2008 Games are held then the prediction is falsified.
Re: A dual ticket?


hey kid! or ray! if either one of you have an sr-71, hook a mofo up with a ride! its the only plane i would ever consider flying in.

Sorry, bro. But the SR-71 has been put out to pasture. No more rides...not even those who were qualified to fly them! One of my friends who was one of our test pilots on the MD-11 program used to teach people how to fly them (and U-2s).

However, you can still at least get into an SR-71 cockpit every so often. The Castle Air Museum has "open cockpit" days every year, usually towards the end of spring. Castle AFB is located in Merced off of I-99 in the Central Valley of California. One can also get into the cockpit of many other aircraft including a B-36 and an Avro Vulcan (presented to the 93rd Bomb Wing in the late 80s as a gift from the RAF).

So get your tickets in line for a Californy trip! You can stop by my place and say hello! :D
Re: A dual ticket?

Hey kid.... Did you see this on CNN?

Re: A dual ticket?

"However, you can still at least get into an SR-71 cockpit every so often."

now that sounds even better! considering that i expect a plane to crash with me in it, this would be a dream come true.

i love blackbirds, whoever designed it was a genius in my eyes.

now to figure out how to get to cali... glad my legs dont use unleaded! :D
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