The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Hi Recall:
The beauty of RV is that its costs are so low - a pencil and a piece of paper.

At one time flying was cat 3 until two bicycle repairmen chose to challenge orthodox science and FLY!

I feel that most unusual phenomena terrify scientists because science is their religion and they deny the existence of a spiritual world. Basically the HDR is a technoshamanic tool used to unlock the greater mysteries of the universe.

Hi Rain:
The United States consumes 1.6 billion litres of gasoline per day. Current projection is that price of gasoline will reach $3.75/gallon this summer. I predict that in 2009 the cost will go over $4/gal gas.

The high cost of fuel is what caused the current recession. It powered inflation, and destroyed jobs. We lost 80,000 last month.

Fox is right about a liberal bias in media. Funny, even bloggers tend to be liberal. I guess most journalism majors tend to be idealistic sorts.

Here is something most people do not know - McCain is leading in the polls. He is increasing his lead, and the Iraq war has been replaced by the economy as the main concern.

Americans worry about job, and food, and fuel; the war is not seen as that important. And yet it is the Iraq war that caused fuel prices to go up which created the current recession and loss of jobs.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

At one time flying was cat 3 until two bicycle repairmen chose to challenge orthodox science and FLY!

What part of orthodox science - and who exactly - did they challenge? I don't think that you know your historical development on this issue.

You seem to be ignorant of Sir George Cayley. How about Alphonse Penaud? Galileo? Newton? Jean Charles de Borda? Benjamin Robins? Jean Le Rond d'Alembert? Antoine Condorcet? Charles Bossut? With the exceptions of Cayley and Penaud, who lived until the latter half of the 19th century, the scientists who were working on the new science of aeronautics lived in the 17th and 18th centuries.

There was very little theoretical objection to the fact that dynamic flight (powered, heavier-than-air) was possible. The major problem was the power plant. Damlier didn't invent the gasoline engine until 1885. Prior to that time there was no power plant available that had an adequate Specific Power ratio (power output per unit of weight) so that it could be mounted in an airframe and be able to lift the air craft, pilot, engine and fuel. But the above named scientists had generally worked out the physics of powered flight long before the Wright Brothers's grandparents were born.

When you make these silly statements about pop culture myths I have to wonder if you ever actually do any studying.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

BTW: I'm not suggesting that any credit should be taken from the Wright Brothers for their accomplishments. The point is that they neither worked in a vacuum nor were they working in a generally hostile environment that suggested they were attempting to do "magic" or the impossible. That part is the myth.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Hi Darby:
At one time people could do research like the Wright Bros and there were many backyard inventors, but in this new age when inventors are being accused of being tea error ists, little research is allowed outside official channels.

One fact few people know is that the WB received government grants from the military to do their research. There are many military applications for the aeroplane. Interesting as Steven Gibbs also got grants, at least he told me he did in the early days, and help from the Oak Ridge Institute.

In fact, remote viewing was a product of military investment in science, russian researchers, not american, and the US debunkers soon closed down the CIA project; as a result we are blind and cannot see that russia is planning to destroy us, so sad.....

Getting back to WB, in their day they were laughed at much like Goddard was by the academia - debunker central and it is a miracle we ever got off the ground. Actually two other brothers - the Montgolfier brothers with their hot air balloon got us off the groumd, but that was floating, not flying.

So why is it that we do not have time machines in the local convenience store? Well, times have changed. In 2001, before I bought an HDR, a friend who was an old engineer told me a story. He was in college back in the 50's and noticed that his physics prof was gone.

He went by the profs house and was told "I'm retired", he then told his eager student the story. He had been doing research on electrogravitics getting a small ball to levitate and the gov beat him up and burn down his lab. So, he tried something less controversial, creating a 200 mpg car. Well, some oil exec pulled up in a big black car and handed him a briefcase with a cool million dollars and told him to retire.

Now you know why we do not have flying cars or 200 mpg cars. Your world is a fraud. The US has over 10X the oil of Saudi Arabia and we are told there is a shortage.

I did not believe the story I was told until 2004, when there were 27 police cars outside my house and a helicopter over head simply because I took pictures of an electromagnet. It was then I realized I lived in a police state and the story I was told was true.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

To Darby:
Two more of my predictions have come in.

1) More Waco Style Incidents
Take a look at the polygamist compound. That looks a lot like Waco.
A religious leader accused of molesting young girls and Feds march in.

2) Trouble with the Olympics in China
See all the protests and marches, now some say the Olympics might be canceled.
Clinton wants Bush to boycott the Olympics.

Remember how you made fun of John Titor when he said there would be no Olympics in 2008?
Or when you asked - Where are the Waco Incidents?

Well, expect more Waco style incidents and more 911 style attacks in the future...
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.


If you must know.

Ludicrous acts done by these people only means there is a intelligence banishing the acts of particular scientists or potential ones.

This is/was the first step to do in order to conquer this planet. Chaos, wars, and etc, are steps to gain control.

The more I see these things, the more I see a 'alien intelligence' behind all of this.

"Yea, blame the aliens for our problems"... this could be a close call of a such statement but again it has been going on for the last century.

People will not come forward to talk about these things as if these things are 'forbidden' to talk about. Strange things happens to them, they are in fear of discussing their unusual experiences because they know it would lead to retaliation from critics.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.


Two more of my predictions have come in.

1) More Waco Style Incidents
Take a look at the polygamist compound. That looks a lot like Waco.

A religious leader accused of molesting young girls and Feds march in.

2) Trouble with the Olympics in China
See all the protests and marches, now some say the Olympics might be canceled.
Clinton wants Bush to boycott the Olympics.


First of all, that wasn't "your prediction"...unless you're going to take credit for being TimeTravel_0/John Titor. It was Titor's prediction.

Second, where's the "Feds" in this swooping in? It was the Texas Department of Family Protective Services (CWS - Child Welfare Service in most states and counties). They were backed up by the Texas Department of Public Safety (state police).

Third, other than being a group of Mormon polygamists where's the armed camp, stand-off with law enforcement and the shoot-out?

This item made the news for three reasons: 1) It didn't end up being a Waco Incident, 2) It involved 400 juveniles and 3) The prurient interest - the juveniles were young girls.

This one's both a miss and falsely taking credit for a prediction.

Patrick Crimmins, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

Lisa Block, a spokeswoman with the Department of Public Safety


Again, you're taking credit for a John Titor prediction. And the prediction hasn't born fruit.

The prediction was that there would be no Olmypic Games from 2004 until at least 2040. Titor didn't say there would be "trouble" concerning the Olympics.

For this prediction to be true the 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032 and the 2036 Games will all have to be cancelled. So far the 2008 games are scheduled to go in 4 months.
Ride of the Spirit (B-2)

Hi Rain:
The United States consumes 1.6 billion litres of gasoline per day. Current projection is that price of gasoline will reach $3.75/gallon this summer. I predict that in 2009 the cost will go over $4/gal gas.

Big deal. I will have stolen your thunder because when it busts $4 this year, and I provide evidence here, we will all yawn when you are standing on your chair come Jan 1 2009 saying "I told you it would go over $4 in 2009. RV works." Heck, I am yawning now.

And now we get a little inside look into how hdrkid "works his magic":

The high cost of fuel is what caused the current recession. It powered inflation, and destroyed jobs. We lost 80,000 last month.

Ya catch what he did there? One can go find (here and on hdrkid's own blog) places where hdrkid was emphatic that it was the housing credit crunch that "caused this recession". But now here he is "gently" (but not without someone noticing) covering his bases. All so he can come back and say "see, I told you that (a) The housing credit crunch or (b) Gas prices caused this recession." (Choose a or b depending on which makes him look better).

<font color="red"> READER NOTE: Even though hdrkid says "this recession" we should point out that at this time we have not seen the defined marker of a recession, which is TWO QUARTERS of NEGATIVE growth. The fact is, we have not even seen ONE quarter of negative growth yet. Numbers for 1Q2008 come out in a few days, so we will see if we even get one for this past quarter. [/COLOR]

And yet it is the Iraq war that caused fuel prices to go up which created the current recession and loss of jobs.

You sure about that, or just covering your bases again? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Are you so sure that global demand for oil didn't have something to do with the price of fuel?

You are so all about the absolutes, aren't you kid? Until you get caught! :eek:
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

but in this new age when inventors are being accused of being tea error ists, little research is allowed outside official channels

What "official channels" and who are the researchers who are being thus abused?
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

One fact few people know is that the WB received government grants from the military to do their research.

The Wright Brothers were, after the fact, involved on the board of directors of the NACA - the forerunner to NASA. But they didn't receive any government funding for their initial research.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Getting back to WB, in their day they were laughed at much like Goddard was by the academia - debunker central and it is a miracle we ever got off the ground. Actually two other brothers - the Montgolfier brothers with their hot air balloon got us off the groumd, but that was floating, not flying.

Laughed at by whom? Aeornautics, at the turn of the 19th-20th Century, was a part of theoretical physics. I've already listed many of the physicists and engineers, worldwide, who were involved in the research. No one was laughing - that's simply a part of your lack of self-confidence...being laughed at, that is.

The problem, the main problem, as I've already stated, was getting a power plant that had sufficient power out-put to weight ratio to accomplish the task. The other problem was one created by Newton. Newton had a slight error in his equations that seemed to indicate that powered flight was improbable. This wasn't reallly a hinderance because there was empiracle evidence that strongly suggested that he was wrong. The Wright Brothers were not the first people, by half a century, to accomplish sustained powered flight of an airplane. Their accomplishment was to add a human passenger to the load.

It's more than obvious that you've never taken the time to actually research the real history of flight. There's a single outcome that you desire - that man is stupid, doomed and destructive - and you're hell bent on proving your theory even though the body of evidence says that you're 180 degrees out of phase with reality.

I don't care, personally, if I ever convince you of this. An up-dose of your lithium won't change anything any more than my posts. It's sufficient that I put out enough information for the "masses" so that they can do the research on their own and come to their own conclusions. That being said, you are basically irrelevent. You serve as a foil of ignorance against reality. Sorry, my friend. But that's about as far as it goes (other than the fact that you have a tendency toward plagerism of "predictions" that you claim for yourself).
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Hi Ruthless:
You said in another thread you would give anything to time travel. Well, with a minimal investment of a pencil and a piece of paper you can remote view the future. If it is physical time travel that you are interested in then by standing over a time vortex you can experience a time warp. Typically you are shoved forward in time as it is easier to move forward the time stream than against the current, but this is dangerous as you do not know where and when you may travel to.

Hi rain:
Yes, you predicted gas over 4/gal in 2008 and I in 2009. The US is putting pressure on the Saudis to pump more oil, but even with more oil it will go over $4/gal in 2009. The problem is not the amount of oil, but that the dollar is dropping. Shortages of oil and long lines at the pump are still many moons away.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan says the US economy is in the throes of recession.

Hi Darby:
What sadden me is how foolish you are. The insiders have been telling you falsehood from day one. Do not believe the authority figure, they see you as a "useful idiot" that parrots their party line. It remids me of a union worker that told e ha had nothing to worry about. He had been promised that the plant would not close. The CEO gave speech against rumors of the closing and promised it would not close I saw it closed in the future. Three days later he announced the closing and said that he was extreeemely sorry.

That is how authority figures behave. The consider you a fool. Stop believing their lies, we had ZPE back in the 1800's. It was developed by Tesla. It has been suppressed by the current leaders. As a result we have a polluted planet.

As for my prediction being similar to those of John Titor, they should be as he came form a timeline close to our own. I predicted that there would be an Olympics in 2008, but sadly would be trouble. Titor predicted no Olympics. I predicted Waco style incidents, but not the frequency. Titor said one per month. Also, I predicted shortages of food and fuel and you will see those in the future. Titor said get a bicycle, I said get a scooter. Titor said digital cameras replace film, I said there would still be film, but most photos in 2009 are shot on digital cameras. Also, I prediced back in 2000 that DVD would be replaced by a hi cap HD disk and later by crystals, that hard drive would be peplace by SSD, and that Titor was 100% correct on TV over IP. Debunkers laughed at me in 2000 and said "So, everybody is going to have a $1000/mo T1 line to watch Tv over the internet?"

I said that terabyte drives would come out in 2007. As late as June 2007 they were not out and a debunker said "Where are the Terabyte drives you promised?" When they came out before Christmas he said "You didn't predict anything - that was obvious!" However, I said terabyte drives were for people to edit HD video and stream it over the internet. Now comcast and verizon has a new high speed broadband.

There are terrible epidemics in the future with massive loss of life.
I said instead of Mad Cow, that Bird Flu was the problem.

If you look at what other psychics are saying you will see we are all on the same page with 2012 and the hypercatastrophe. In fact, the prediction of a nuclear war in 2015 Titor gave is accurate. The exact date is July 4, 2015 - evening.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

"Hi Ruthless:
You said in another thread you would give anything to time travel. Well, with a minimal investment of a pencil and a piece of paper you can remote view the future. If it is physical time travel that you are interested in then by standing over a time vortex you can experience a time warp. Typically you are shoved forward in time as it is easier to move forward the time stream than against the current, but this is dangerous as you do not know where and when you may travel to."

so, are you saying its impossible to physically travel to a certain date?

this is what i need: i need to go back to sept.29 1999 and save my mother from being murdered. if you know how, or have some info that would help, that would be great. but i have no idea what a time vortex is, nor do i have any idea how to find one. ive done alot of walking in my life and i havent found yet. to give you an idea of how much i walked, i was homeless for years.

"If you look at what other psychics are saying you will see we are all on the same page with 2012 and the hypercatastrophe. In fact, the prediction of a nuclear war in 2015 Titor gave is accurate. The exact date is July 4, 2015 - evening."

that is a bold statement. care to make a wager? ill bet 10,000 dollars that no nuke goes off on that day, and you bet 10,000 dollars that it does. im sure darby or someone could whip some kinda legal document that holds us to the bet too.

"As for my prediction being similar to those of John Titor, they should be as he came form a timeline close to our own. I predicted that there would be an Olympics in 2008, but sadly would be trouble. Titor predicted no Olympics. I predicted Waco style incidents, but not the frequency. Titor said one per month. Also, I predicted shortages of food and fuel and you will see those in the future. Titor said get a bicycle, I said get a scooter. Titor said digital cameras replace film, I said there would still be film, but most photos in 2009 are shot on digital cameras. Also, I prediced back in 2000 that DVD would be replaced by a hi cap HD disk and later by crystals, that hard drive would be peplace by SSD, and that Titor was 100% correct on TV over IP. Debunkers laughed at me in 2000 and said "So, everybody is going to have a $1000/mo T1 line to watch Tv over the internet?"

ok, it is my opinion that you are a hoaxer. i am not saying you are, thats just my opinion in all respect and i will tell you why.

if you know alot about psychology, then you can decode alot from your statements. a person that has seen these things does not refer to them as predictions. the future is not the future to you. it is the present or past if you have already done it. this means that a person who is making this up would most likely subconsciously write "predicted" because they did not think of all aspects, only the most blatantly visible. a person who actually saw these things would say "i saw."

what im saying is, if you wouldve stated that paragraph to a psychologist, you would be on meds, and you would be diagnosed with a mental illness. spooky eh? :eek:
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Hey kid,

Yes, you predicted gas over 4/gal in 2008 and I in 2009. The US is putting pressure on the Saudis to pump more oil, but even with more oil it will go over $4/gal in 2009.

You are already wrong (already).

"WAILUKU, Hawaii - The average price of regular gasoline on Maui island has reached a record $4 a gallon.

Wailuku is the first area in the nation tracked by AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge Report to hit the $4 mark. In the remote coastal town of Hana, the price is around $4.55 a gallon."

I am sure now you are going to try and squirm. Perhaps something like "Well, my prediction was for the mainland." Or the always popular "I was predicting the average for the whole country." But those would be post-facto modifications to your prediction.

So there we are folks...yet another in the long line of predictions that hdrkid got wrong. And yet I, with my form of RV, got it right!
(Oh, and I will still post a photo once I encounter $4 gas in my neck of SoCal...not far away at all!)

Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

Hey Rainman,

A local station where I get gas in Novato, CA. I just noticed it this morning during my early morning run.

Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

A local station where I get gas in Novato, CA. I just noticed it this morning during my early morning run.

Thanks Einstein. Indeed you folks are even higher than us. Here are the prices I just encountered at the station I frequent here in Huntington Beach.


Credit Price


Cash Price

And the run-up to the summer travel months has not really even begun yet!
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

To Recall:
Nuclear fusion is a big deal in the future. It is used to power teleporters which use a lot of energy.

To Darby:
I told you that gasoline would go over $4/gallon in 2009, few doubt that prediction now, but I also told you that the oil shortage is fake. We are swimming in a sea of oil. The Bakken Oil Formation under North Dakota holds 500 billion barrels of oil. But wait there is more - oil shale has enough oil to supply our needs far into the future. The world biggest oil deposit is right here!

To Ruthless:
There is a man by the name of Prof Opmur who claims to have done time travel using the HDR inside his jeep. He says the he can only go ten years using the box - no more. So I guess you are pushing the box to the wall. Still, I feel it is doable. So start building it, the parts are available at your local radio shack.

According to Prof Opmur he was able to do physical time travel in his jeep using the HDR and he said that he could not go more than ten years. Using astral time travel, I have gone about 500 years. He also said that the distortion field is 24' in diameter over the time vortex.

Needless to say I must warn you that people have called me and told me that they have gotten stuck on the other side using the HDR. So, you risking it big time - literally.

Steven Gibbs inventor of HDR confided to me that it is hard to go more than two or three years in physical time travel, but that he was able to time travel back to the 70's one time. He also told me that if you bring physical objects with you they will turn into dust. I believe this is because they lose their timelock.
Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

He also told me that if you bring physical objects with you they will turn into dust. I believe this is because they lose their timelock.

This is the Greenwaldian Theorem


The fate of the Duplicated items are doom!!! is a matter of time.

Futurama Math...

Re: Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner.

To Darby:
I told you that gasoline would go over $4/gallon in 2009, few doubt that prediction now, but I also told you that the oil shortage is fake. We are swimming in a sea of oil. The Bakken Oil Formation under North Dakota holds 500 billion barrels of oil. But wait there is more - oil shale has enough oil to supply our needs far into the future. The world biggest oil deposit is right here!

Huh? This is a response to which post that I made?
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