Re: he was right
In response to: You're joking, right? Do you want me to start a list? OK, I will start one. And I probably will only get so far in this post. But you go ahead and feel free to start showing how any of this can be proven true. I'll even number them for you.
Well making this list proves nothing. You can't prove yourself if any of it is wrong. Nor can I.
I know some of it has happened, lets take a look....
1) We have warned you 2 times before.Did you listen? No!! -- can not prove for sure, but a guy by the name of Qronos 1 made several post on the net last year 2005.
2) My name is Wyatt and I was born 11-3-2041.I come from the year 2065.2 of my years ago another one came here on a mission that was a secret one.------ can't prove one way or another.
3) So now group 6 of 10 or Qronos16 which is 3 people to a Qronos unit have been sent to pick up the efforts of the resistance in this time line. (Ed: Why is group 6 of 10 Qronos16? Why not Qronos6?) ---- can't prove one way or another
4) Right now you are loosing your right and what remains of the United States Of America.If you do not stop it the boarders of the USA will go away and you will be known as the Americas. (Ed: Note misspelling of "losing"....Qronos is edumacated, no?)------ True the North American Union is a fact. Watch Lou Dobbs on CNN sometime and you will see this is coming true.
5) The middle class of this country will be destroyed and the economy will buckle and fall.----- True watch Lou Dobbs on CNN sometime and you will see this is coming true.
6) Not to mention the race wars that are about to start. Not true so far.
7) I'm sure you think this is all bull.Is it?I could be a nut right?Or I could be telling the truth.Which is it?I will tell you this is the truth. (Ed: No need trying to prove that this is bull. I believe that. But go ahead and prove he was telling the truth.) ?????------------
8) You are all going to be marked soon. (Ed: Vague, but based on later posts of his you would have to assume he meant being "chipped")---- True several ways of chipping people have been mention over the past 2 months on CNN, Fox, Drudge Report, and the NWO Report website's.
9) Scott gave you the details of what is to come, and after he came home and saw that not much had changed, he fought for 2 years for another mission to this time. No way to prove.
10) The new bill that just passed is one big step in the direction of the NEW WORLD ORDER.If it passes all the way, the middle class people of this nation will be destroyed. -----True
11) The globalist will then have a reason to chip the illegals.Then laws will be passed to chip kids.Then adults. Not true so far.
12) It is known that building 7 was blown up to conceal the high tech equipment that was in that building to home the plains in on the targets. (Ed: He refers to WTC building 7)----- I could go on for years about this topic but needless to say how many buildings have you seen fall from a fire like that??? I will answer for you 3 all on Sept 11 2001. Not to mention a high rise building in Spain burned for 19 hours in 2005 and never fell. The whole building was one big fire.
13) By making Illegal Aliens legal, or amnesty. (Ed: By the way, history since Qronos has proven this one is NOT true. No amnesty was passed.) Wrong, that is true and since the Democrats have taken over the house and senate Fox CNN and all the major news channels say that the bill will now be passed.
14) Jobs will require you to have a chip to get into work or clock in.----- True more and more reports from around the country have been coming up about Jobs requiring you to have good credit to work for them.
15) call Alex Jones and ask him how he knew that the world trade center was going to be attacked 2 days before it happened. He has proof he knew and said it on the air 2 days before it happened on his show. (Ed: This has also been proven to be false) ---- How has this been proven false???
16) Before the year 2000 Art and his wife took $80,000 and some gold and buried it in the ground at his home.----- can't prove one way or another yet.
17) You can list all the links you want, but the facts are over 70% of Americans no longer believe the official story of the government. (Ed: I believe in this very thread his facts were shown to be untrue)--- And yet he corrected himself.
18) No one has explained why building 7 fell? (Ed: I believe the 9-11 report did explain it.) Again you show you know nothing, the 9-11 report has been changed 5 times.
19) New Orleans is the city of the dead in 2065. Why does it have that name? It's not there anymore. That city will be wiped off the map. (Ed: Not proven as yet, and no way to prove it.)--- Agree no way to prove yet.
20) The US stock market will make it all the way to 12ooo and then some and crash big. (Ed: Here is a big one. Not happened, and not proveable.) Wrong it did reach 12,000 but has not crashed yet as he stated. By the way you spelled provable wrong.
21) Some of the "Time Travelers" that has posted on this board and other boards are real. (Ed: Have fun proving that one.)---- Agree you can't prove that.
22) Alex Jones was contacted before that day in 2001 by a Time Traveler and given info on what was going to take place that day. He then warned people on his talk show about what was going to happen 2 days before it took place. Alex did warn people before it happened but never told anyone how he knew it was going to happen.
23) Time Travel starts in the 2030's--- No way to prove this.
24) I'm me John is who John is. Scott is who Scott is. Yes John did loose his temper. Did he loose it the way others have? (Ed: None of this is proveable. And he still has a problem with "lose"). Yes he still has a problem with loose just as you have a problem with provable.
25) The answer to your question is New Orleans will be hit again by a storm soon. (Ed: "Soon"?)---- Not happened yet. He was vague with the time on this.
26) The death told from Katrina is closer to 7000. The government for some reason never gave a number. I wonder why?
27) This year I would also be looking up to the North East at New York City. (Ed: For what? The year's almost up)----- Nothing has happened in the northeast.
28) In my time gold is the big thing. No way to prove.
29) In the coming days I will post things here on this board that will come to pass.--- He has.
30) Someone asked me if newspapers are still around. Yes, the news is transmitted right onto the newspaper itself from the net. (Ed: Wouldn't even know how to go about proving that one.)---- No way to prove.
31) Solar cells are 70% more effective then they are now.---- Can not prove but very possible.
32) Yes this is true.
33) The NWO is that which is trying to kill the United States Of America and turn it into The American Union, and kill the US Dollar and turn it into the Amero. In my past this is how it went down. (Ed: How you gonna prove that?)----- Again the new money Amero has been mention on CNN, and even Fox news.
34) With the Mexican thing going on now, this is what they are trying to use to get the civil unrest started. Can not prove yet.
35) The United States Of America is almost dead!!! The American Union will replace it.--- Agree this is true.
36) What will happen? Once the AU is established and even before, all the animals in the USA will be chipped and tracked. Then the Mexicans will be chipped then the kids will be chipped to keep them safe. After that all of you. If you do not take the chipped you will not be able to get a job. True they are already talking about chipping all the animals. CNN had a report on this very subject a month ago.
37) Troops will be on the American streets and there will be Marshall law. (Ed: I believe he meant "martial law".) Not happened yet.
38) The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!