OK, I need some help from all you "true believers" in the Qronos16-crapola... First, a quote from Peepo to set the stage:
Peepo: he also mentioned that the stock market would hit 12000 and then some and then crash.
Now let's read a couple quotes from what Qronos16
actually said:
Qronos16: The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
Then, after I tried to coerce some more specific information out of him he said:
RMT: How big? Gimme a percentage so once it stays above 12,000 I will know how bad it is going to be!
Qronos16: Answer: Easy to answer TOTAL! It will not recover.
and finally his last words on this topic were:
Qronos16: The crash will be total as I stated before. The market now is being inflated with all the money being printed. They are printing more money then they have ever done before. The true Stock Market is only around 6500 or so.
So first I think it is appropriate to deal with Spinmaster Peepo.
You will note that nowhere did Qronos16 say the market would reach "12000 and then some". The "and then some" is what you have added for spin purposes. Taking his words at face value, he is already technically WRONG because as of today the market closed at 12,116.91.
So someone either needs to quantify "and then some" (Peepo, I imagine you have a hotline that you can talk to Qronos16), or we just chalk this up right now as Qronos16 being completely wrong. And if he was wrong on this, what are the odds he was "right" on anything else? Slim and none, are the odds I would give.
If not, then how long are we supposed to wait for this "TOTAL crash"? A week? A month? A year? See what I mean about specifics, and how he gave none?
OK, now in the interest of avoiding having someone accuse me of spin (well, Peepo is going to do that no matter what I say) I will even be kind. I will set some semi-arbitrary "trigger points" at which we say Qronos was REALLY full of it:
1) If the TOTAL crash does not occur by DEC 31st, 2006 then Qronos16 was full of dookie.
2) If the TOTAL crash does not occur by the time the Dow Jones exceeds 12,500, then Qronos16 is full of dookie.
3) And finally, since he DID kind of give a number for how big he might estimate the crash to be (he set the value at 6500), then I will EVEN be so kind as to allow a "TOTAL crash" to be interpreted as anything of 50% of its current value or more.
Now THAT is one fair-dinkum deal! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif