Message To You All

In another topic, one time traveler mentioned the secret military action taking right now to Iran and it will show up by end of the month and some chain reactions will happen. Not sure if it is related to the stock crash. If all these things happen, I personally believe some real time travelers have come to our timeline.
Re: Gotcha

I honestly think it is the intention of some to bring the site down or try to silence individuals
by intimidation techniques. But if you just stick to the subject and don't respond back to those
individuals they will only be posting to themselves. The conversations can still continue.
You have the right to respond or ignore a post. Nobody says you have to respond to someone who
just comes on to try to upset you or others but does not ever contribute anything meaningful to the time travel topics at hand. It is possible to respond without attacks. Its also possible for you to take control and simply ignore people who waste yours and others time with useless flame posts.

Nothing probably frustrates the attacker more than if you do not respond back or ignore a flame post they have posted and only respond to those individuals you wish to respond to. After all it is YOUR time. Why waste it on individuals who have nothing worthwhile to say? I would say they simply are not worth your time. Anymore I only respond to things that interest me.

A flamer cannot continue if a flame is not fed it simply dies or the person simply ends up posting to themselves.

If someone is being disrespectful to you they really are not worthy of your attention or time.
What if they really happen? Do you 100% believe in time travel or if you want to 'excuse youself' for more evidence to support what you have already believed in your mind? My answer is same as yours, but in opposite direction.
Re: Gotcha

To me it is very suprising why people not believing in time travel is wasting their time in this forum everyday, every topic.
For those people, even if an exact prediction was given to them, they would still have thousand excuse not to accept it as an evidence that time travel may exist or ask for more evidence.
They can win on words but still cannot change people mind, just like people cannot change their mind. Some people believe in God and some don't. This is the way it is. Why can't we accept the fact that people have different views? (you are not going to make them change their mind anyway)
(May be this is one of the reasons why this world may end because there are too many different mind sets in this world)
I can see all this is killing the site.
I honestly think it is the intention of some to bring the site down or try to silence individuals by intimidation techniques.

Frankly Pam, I don’t think that’s what this is all about, and surely not to bring the site down, but to “expose” those behind “Group Titor” such as yourself.

Oh and I don’t intimidate, I tell it like it is!! and I feel “I do” contribute to this forum in a “truth serum” sort of way, AND and I could give two hickory nuts if anyone doesn’t respond back to me!! I say, let the conversation continue and lets keep exposing Titor so that those that are NEW to the forum aren’t subjected to YOUR INTIMIDATION AND SELLING TECHNIQUES!! Odds are every single sappy Time Traveller that has recently posted is most likely part of “Group Titor”.

After all it is YOUR time. Why waste it on individuals who have nothing worthwhile to say? I would say they simply are not worth your time. Anymore I only respond to things that interest me.

That’s right guys, “it is” YOUR TIME!! And Pam has nothing worthwhile to say other than to keep advertising for Titor whom is none other than her bosom buddy Javier!! The two of them are trying to work their way from Spanish Harlem to Hollywood by playing a RPG (role playing game) on the forum. That’s how they instigated this whole story from the very beginning.

For all newcomers to the forum that aren’t aware that Titor has been revealed:

I’m just wait’n for the next Time Traveller to start posting so I can collect my bet money!! Heck if you guys are making money off this deal, than so can I. It might sound crooked, but at least I donate half my earning back to the seniors club. While Titors money is lost in time. :D
It’s funny that after all this time, your still at it!

But that’s fine; you believe what you want to believe.

I’ll tell you what though, if I get invited to the premier of “JT’s Big Adventure” I’ll try and see if you can come along too /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif okay?

Perhaps then you can get your “exclusive exposé” on Group Titor, and the ones making all the big $$$.

Who’s it going to be staring?? “DUMBO” /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Don’t get your hopes up Javier, I don’t plan on being there, I'll be sitt'n with my boots rest'n up on a pedestal back at the ranch. Your skit is reducing into the stupor of fantasy, fraud, deception, untrue and misleading advertising!!

California's Business & Professions Code § 17200

Whoo hoo, keep em com'n dinger!! :D
What if they really happen?
No fair, Henry... I asked you first and you didn't answer! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Let's see, by the look of the stock market right now, today could well be the first day we see the Dow Jones close above the 12,000 mark! Guess I should be looking to pull all my investments, buy gold, and hide it under my bed, eh?

And my but we are running out of TIME in the month of October. We know that the Eisenhower strike group is allegedly going to arrive in the Persian Gulf on Saturday! Does that mean next week we will begin exchanging fire with Iran?

Just to let you know I am tracking these "predictions".

I just think it's funny that the John T story has a movie coming out soon and the guy did not get anything right. He for sure did not say things like the Stock market would reach 12,000 or you would have to have good credit to get a job. Which by the way CNN reported that in a town called Van Buren Ar at a business called Farmers Coop your credit must be in good standing to get a job. They also named 3 other towns and city's that just started this. What is this world coming to?? If Qronos is a Time Traveler I hope he gets the other things he said wrong.
In Reply to:I just think it's funny that the John T story has a movie coming out soon and the guy did not get anything right. He for sure did not say things like the Stock market would reach 12,000 or you would have to have good credit to get a job. Which by the way CNN reported that in a town called Van Buren Ar at a business called Farmers Coop your credit must be in good standing to get a job. They also named 3 other towns and city's that just started this. What is this world coming to?? If Qronos is a Time Traveler I hope he gets the other things he said wrong.

Well lets see, so far as I stated before he got the Art Bell thing right he got the stock market right so far and if what you say is true he got the credit thing right as well. What does all of this mean? Who knows, but so far he is right.
he got the stock market right so far
What exactly did he get "right" about the stock market "so far"? Given the past history of the stock market to go up over the long haul, anyone could have predicted 12,000.

And let me point out that he never quantified WHEN this crash would happen... and you know I will be looking out to make sure no one calls a 1-2% correction as him being "right".

He said TOTAL crash. By anyone's barometer that has to mean at LEAST 50% (and I am being generous there).

Ain't gonna happen. But you can spin all you want.
OK, I need some help from all you "true believers" in the Qronos16-crapola... First, a quote from Peepo to set the stage:
Peepo: he also mentioned that the stock market would hit 12000 and then some and then crash.
Now let's read a couple quotes from what Qronos16 actually said:
Qronos16: The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
Then, after I tried to coerce some more specific information out of him he said:
RMT: How big? Gimme a percentage so once it stays above 12,000 I will know how bad it is going to be!
Qronos16: Answer: Easy to answer TOTAL! It will not recover.
and finally his last words on this topic were:
Qronos16: The crash will be total as I stated before. The market now is being inflated with all the money being printed. They are printing more money then they have ever done before. The true Stock Market is only around 6500 or so.

So first I think it is appropriate to deal with Spinmaster Peepo.
You will note that nowhere did Qronos16 say the market would reach "12000 and then some". The "and then some" is what you have added for spin purposes. Taking his words at face value, he is already technically WRONG because as of today the market closed at 12,116.91.

So someone either needs to quantify "and then some" (Peepo, I imagine you have a hotline that you can talk to Qronos16), or we just chalk this up right now as Qronos16 being completely wrong. And if he was wrong on this, what are the odds he was "right" on anything else? Slim and none, are the odds I would give.

If not, then how long are we supposed to wait for this "TOTAL crash"? A week? A month? A year? See what I mean about specifics, and how he gave none?

OK, now in the interest of avoiding having someone accuse me of spin (well, Peepo is going to do that no matter what I say) I will even be kind. I will set some semi-arbitrary "trigger points" at which we say Qronos was REALLY full of it:

1) If the TOTAL crash does not occur by DEC 31st, 2006 then Qronos16 was full of dookie.
2) If the TOTAL crash does not occur by the time the Dow Jones exceeds 12,500, then Qronos16 is full of dookie.
3) And finally, since he DID kind of give a number for how big he might estimate the crash to be (he set the value at 6500), then I will EVEN be so kind as to allow a "TOTAL crash" to be interpreted as anything of 50% of its current value or more.

Now THAT is one fair-dinkum deal! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well here you go again, qronos did say it would reach 12,000 and it did. You said anyone could have called that. I don't see any post were you called it. As peepo stated you are spinning things to what you want it to be. I hope the guy was wrong about everything he wrote. I think we all should hope that. Because if he was right about the hell that he says is coming then we are all in big trouble. My God this AU he talked about is real and from what I have learned about it, it's nothing more then a New World Order just like Daddy Bush said so many times when he was in office. God help us all!!

I've purposely stayed clear of this thread because it was just one more of the "I'm a time traveler and the future is NWO/Bleak" memes.

However, calling the DOW at 12,000 is easy if you don't specify a date. The historical rate of growth, given sufficient time, is 10% per year. Yes, it has highs and lows, but over the past century it grows at that rate. It is a "no brainer" to say that the DOW will hit 12,000 if you don't say when, thus, its no surprise to anyone that the DOW eventually hit 12,000.

As to the "TOTAL Crash" that's another matter. If we put those words into the perspective that both Qronos and Rainman put them, then the "correction" would have to be a reduction to 6,800 or less. While that's not impossible it is highly improbable because of the automatic stops that the NYSE (and other SRO market makers) have placed into effect.

I understand that my comments aren't definitive with respect to saying that Qronos is just one more in a long line of hoaxers. However, there isn't anything definitive in his comments that one can point to and say that he made a specific and unexpected call about the future of the markets. The DOW hit 12,000 - as expected by anyone who is an investor. Eventually there will be a correction, which is also expected. But the DOW will eventually hit 13,000, 14,000 etc. unless the underlying math formula used to express the DOW is adjusted, as has occured many times before.

The real question, based on Qronos' statement, is whether the printing of currency is a problem. Inflation is the leading indicator if over-printing of currency is the problem. We have no real inflation. On the face of it, his assertion has no backing at this time. Inflation is not a problem.
Thank you, Darby, for clarifying my point.

I find it interesting that, yet again, Ren is accusing me of spin when clearly he and the other "wanna believers" are the ones spinning their belief that "the stock market will reach 12,000" as being a major portion of Qronos' prediction. Is it not obvious that using only part of Qronos' quote is spin, while using the entire quote is just accurate quoting?

Lest the spin doctors allow themselves to again modify what Qronos stated, allow me to again present the complete quote:
Qronos16: The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
That is a single prediction which defines a temporal sequence as (1) The market will (first) reach 12000 (2) and then (the part that defines the temporality) crash big.

So once again.... who is spinning here? What I am doing is reporting facts and how they stack-up against what Qronos actually predicted. So far, he is wrong.

And just to satisfy Ren, allow me to make some explicit (but trivial) predictions:

1) The market (specifically DJIA) will reach 12,200.
2) The DJIA will reach 12,300.
3) The DJIA will reach 12,400.

There. I have made 3 predictions of the stock market. So now when they come to pass will you hail me as a time traveler? No, of course you will not... nor would I. So why spin one part of Qronos' prediction?

Well here we go again!!! The spin master is at it again. Lets take a look at what the spin master said: In Reply to:

Lest the spin doctors allow themselves to again modify what Qronos stated, allow me to again present the complete quote:
In reply to:
Qronos16: The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!

That is what the spin master said Qronos 16 said, he said no such thing but if you go up the page and read what Qronos 16 did say you will find this: Re: Message To You All [re: TTA_01]
05/31/06 11:21 PM ( Edit Reply


New Orleans is the city of the dead in 2065. Why does it have that name? It's not there anymore. That city will be wiped off the map. The US stock market will make it all the way to 12ooo and then some and crash big.

Again the spin master has spun his web of lies. What Qronos 16 said is posted up this page.