Message To You All

It's now 2014 and this is definitely right on the mark.
These predictions still seem quite ambiguous in my eyes. Race Wars? What Race wars have occurred? (let's put aside the fact that there is only one race; the human race). I remember reading about riots occuring in Ferguson, U.S.A. but the anger of the Black community there, was more directed at the Police, so I would not consider that a "race" war. As far as I am aware, no mass racial riots/wars have occured yet in the 21st century. Only riots I remember from 20th century history are the 1919 Chicago riots, as well as a few others.
Also, are the middle classes of America really destroyed? What does that mean exactly, "destroyed". A rather ambivalent statement in my mind. I'm not at all convinced (even though this has nothing to do with convincing me).

Class war, race war, civil war.... We do seem to be a nation addicted to war. And the NWO plan does seem to be to bring that war to the homefront...

Also, are the middle classes of America really destroyed?
The middle class is being made poor and will disappear. We have to pay more than our mortgage for health insurance. We are forced to file bankruptcy to pay our medical bills. Our percentage of taxes hurts while 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. We have to decide to get rich or will become poor. There is a cement ceiling holding the middle class down from becoming too successful.

I am with you, Mylo X. More vague bloviations. Same old, same old. Bring on the misspelled apocalypse sandwich board signs. Just one little specific prediction of a future event---maybe something like Tom Cruise lost at sea for days until rescued by a New Zealand fishing boat--- or ----Miley Cyrus gets a billion downloads of her remake of Spandau Ballet's "True" or Art Bell marrying for a third time---Amy Adams, maybe---would be great. Until the real thing comes along, I'll patiently await the return of the Evil Debunkers. ;) So glad this place is back.

The middle class is being made poor and will disappear. We have to pay more than our mortgage for health insurance. We are forced to file bankruptcy to pay our medical bills. Our percentage of taxes hurts while 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. We have to decide to get rich or will become poor. There is a cement ceiling holding the middle class down from becoming too successful.
On that note : The rich don't care about anything but their bank accounts. California is in an extreme drought. Someone I know just signed a contract with a water bottling company, to sell them water pumped from wells off his property for $15,000 a week. The local's can't even use water without following strict usage laws , yet, this guy ( who already is immensely wealthy ) is selling water that in reality isn't even his to sell.
Think either care that they could pump the aquifer completely dry ? Where is the responsibility ? Socially and environmentally ?


As far as race wars, yeah, those have been occurring through-out time. However, seem's to be getting worse in an era when race shouldn't even BE an issue anymore. Not necessarily more or less rioting, but, obviously the tension is rising. No one can deny that a lot of people are looking with unhealthy suspicion at any one who appears to be of a particular theological persuasion in the U.S. and other countries. And the same goes for kids wearing long, black trench coats in the summer. Goth rocker expressing themselves or nut job about to unleash hell?

Why are applications for concealed weapon permits rapidly rising ? Why have teachers in some school districts been granted permission to carry concealed guns ?

I've had two friends die within weeks of each other because of "medical complications" - or as described by another friend who works in the medical industry, Medical dumps ! Medical dump ? Should such terminology even be part of our vocabulary?

Anyone who invests in the stock market knows that the market is artificially inflated, and knows it will crash, but, a lot of people still play away hoping the inevitable never happens. But it will. And when it does...

Yeah, I get tired of reading the seemingly never ending proclamations of doom. BUT, would I really be a skeptic IF I spent a fairly large amount of money and time on preparing for worst case scenario's ? I mean if I truly didn't believe...

I think that's the problem with belief. You are being directed to believe and accept many things that you basically don't even bother to see if they are true or not. The way I see it is if you can't verify it, don't believe it.

Yeah, I get tired of reading the seemingly never ending proclamations of doom. BUT, would I really be a skeptic IF I spent a fairly large amount of money and time on preparing for worst case scenario's ? I mean if I truly didn't believe...
You said it all perfectly. I don't believe in spending large amounts of money (I don't have) for disaster preparedness, but some minor precautions are always good, especially if you have a family. I have a small stash of food, matches, candles, and a water filter, but I live in hurricane valley. Louisiana shows that it could take 3 days for help to arrive if a devastating hurricane hits, so at least I have something, you know?

You said it all perfectly. I don't believe in spending large amounts of money (I don't have) for disaster preparedness, but some minor precautions are always good, especially if you have a family. I have a small stash of food, matches, candles, and a water filter, but I live in hurricane valley. Louisiana shows that it could take 3 days for help to arrive if a devastating hurricane hits, so at least I have something, you know?
Yes, I do.
Always a good idea to learn how to become self-reliant. IF all the modern gizmo's stopped working / natural disaster or other... any one who can't survive for the duration, then they didn't educate themselves properly. What it comes down to are knowledge and practice. The knowledge is free, the practice takes 'some' time. Other than fending off those who didn't prepare ( thus where cash is required - ammo isn't cheap / plus horses are common around these parts, which combined with cars cost quite a bit) ; the rest can readily be found in nature. Food, water, tools, and medicine.

Hurricane Katrina was a horrific event, however, it was a localized event. How long did some people wait for help in New Orleans ? What if it was an event that affected the infrastructure of an entire State ? May or may not happen. Doesn't matter what I believe or don't believe.

A claimant can proclaim all kinds of disasters, and even if a hoax, doesn't mean that the hoaxer doesn't have an idea of events that are developing and just might occur. Even with the obvious or ambiguous predictions that anyone could put into a claim, is that an excuse NOT to be prepared ?

Admittedly, can't prepare for everything, but can sure prepare for a lot of SHTF events. I'm not condoning panic and being a nervous wreak, however, a little bit of time and knowledge can bring about a whole bunch of peace and confidence - no matter which and if any time travel claimant turns out to be right.

Nibiru is coming! Y2K will be the end of the world as we know it. Yada yada yada...

It goes on and on and on.

Don't tell the doomer gloomers about Betelgeuse or Yellowstone.

Nibiru is coming! Y2K will be the end of the world as we know it. Yada yada yada...It goes on and on and on.
Don't tell the doomer gloomers about Betelgeuse or Yellowstone.
LOL. Well, it just comes down to common sense. Live life, but have a few emergency supplies. That's how I see it!

LOL. Well, it just comes down to common sense. Live life, but have a few emergency supplies. That's how I see it!
Yup, besides the way I see it, the really bad stuff are things you are better off not knowing about anyway. Would you really want to worry about being vaporized?

And a chunk of that 50% not paying taxes is the homeless who sleeps on the cement. In this country anyway. Dirt floors in Africa.
Lol, the homeless would have very little to contribute to tax revenue as a percentage of the whole - almost a negligible amount. And they do pay sales taxes.

I think that's the problem with belief. You are being directed to believe and accept many things that you basically don't even bother to see if they are true or not. The way I see it is if you can't verify it, don't believe it.
Einstein, I always read your posts in a German accent in my head.

TTA_01New Orleans is the city of the dead in 2065. Why does it have that name? It's not there anymore. That city will be wiped off the map. The US stock market will make it all the way to 12ooo and then some and crash big.
That was correct..... Quote:"The Dow shrugged off the news, and hovered between 12,000-13,000 until March. On March 17 2008, the Federal Reserve intervened to save the failing investment bank Bear Stearns, the first casualty of the subprime mortgage crisis...."

Qronos16: The middle class of this country will be destroyed and the economy will buckle and fall.Not to mention the race wars that are about to start.

It's now 2014 and this is definitely right on the mark.

I think that's the problem with belief. You are being directed to believe and accept many things that you basically don't even bother to see if they are true or not. The way I see it is if you can't verify it, don't believe it.
24/7 media coverage of the same thing, over and over, the same video footage, over and over, makes the situation seem far bigger, far more wide spread, than it actually is. Ferguson had marches, lead by and instigated by the true promulgators of race issues, Jackson, and Sharpton. Looting committed mostly by people "not from" Ferguson. There are many black families where I live. My next door neighbors are black. No one rioted, placed signs in their yards, or marched. No race wars here.

24/7 media coverage of the same thing, over and over, the same video footage, over and over, makes the situation seem far bigger, far more wide spread, than it actually is. Ferguson had marches, lead by and instigated by the true promulgators of race issues, Jackson, and Sharpton. Looting committed mostly by people "not from" Ferguson. There are many black families where I live. My next door neighbors are black. No one rioted, placed signs in their yards, or marched. No race wars here.
This is comforting. I was beginning to wonder if I should be afraid for my life.
