Message To You All

Right. Give me a minute and I'll provide a screencap of me making this post 100 years in the future....

If you really want to impress me, go back in time and post a screencap of this post I just posted as an attached image in your post above the post I just posted.

That'd Eff some minds right there.[DOUBLEPOST=1411676738,1411675539][/DOUBLEPOST]waait, ha, what Im more interested to know here is how did you get a photo of your phones screen? It looks like a photo of the display on a monitor. Why not just screencap the phone as it is OBVIOUSLY an iPhone... just press the top and bottom button together and poof, screen captured.

Instead, using the phone, you took a picture of your phones screen as it was displayed on a tube or CRT monitor, judging by the image loss, interlacing and curve of the screen.

This means two indisputable things:

1: the image was manipulated on a computer and re-photographed by the iPhone before posting and

2: you are not from the future because you are using outdated, obsolete technology. They got time travel but no LED monitors?

I doubt in 2038 they are even still supporting iPhone (and judging by the screen size it is a 4 or 5, not the 6 released recently) and you are still using a tube or CRT style monitor, not a flat panel, plasma or LED type which can be picked up in a pawn shop for as little as $30 USD. The scan lines and screen curve give that away. And it is especially not a CRT/Tube in the future because the phosphorous in tube monitors is no longer legal to use and they are no longer legal to manufacture replacement parts due to EPA rules in an attempt to deliberately phase out the style. Doubtful one survived into the distant future intact.

Plus is ATT still even a cellular company in 2038? That's 24 years in the future. 24 years ago ATT wasn't even ATT as we know it today and it stands to assume they wont be the same ATT 24 years from now.

Too many questions, too many holes in the plot. This is like a M. Knight Shamalam film...

Actually, I do have one item of proof I'm willing to share. It's already in the public domain.This appeared on my Earthquake app. in 2013. This date was on every single push pin. It appeared for only a day.View attachment 77

This is only one photo.[DOUBLEPOST=1411671371][/DOUBLEPOST]It’s not my intention to prove to anyone that ‘Time Travelers’ exist. For me personally, I know without a shadow of a doubt that they do. But, let me remind all of you that this is my truth. I’m not here to convert anyone. I’m here to warn you and hopefully, wake you up. I’m the messenger!


Well I know who yo are. I been following the qronos thing for a few years now. I'm a friend to Pam as well. But thats another case.

t’s not my intention to prove to anyone that ‘Time Travelers’ exist. For me personally, I know without a shadow of a doubt that they do. But, let me remind all of you that this is my truth. I’m not here to convert anyone. I’m here to warn you and hopefully, wake you up. I’m the messenger!
Alright, now we're on the same page, finally. You are the person I posted about on my website. I haven't posted that photo, yet (I don't think? I'm so tired right now), but I confirmed, out of nothing but pure curiosity, that you could not change the date on your phone or your app.

So, your story to me is still VERY interesting.

A question for you -- have you received any more "messages" more recently?

I confirmed, out of nothing but pure curiosity, that you could not change the date on your phone or your app.
actually you can. set the phone in airplane mode, turn off bluetooth, change the date on your computer to whatever you want it to be in the shell OS (Linux/Unix/DOS whatever), make sure neither the phone nor the computer have access to cellular or wireless except with one another, open iTunes offline with the new date and time and sync the phone. Since neither machine will have any reason to think otherwise the time/date stamp will match the OS and become what you tell it to be. Takes a bit of work but its perfectly do'able.
Or you can spoof it or, like is apparent in the image above, simply photoshop/MSPaint it or go to and change it there. Or use the pixlr app or any of the thousand image editors for free on the web or app.


To make it more believable he could have emailed it back to himself and then opened it on his phone and screencapped it that way. At least it wouldn't have looked so 'shopped.

Basically its just a fake and a lazy fake at that.

Just because you have good computer knowledge doesn't mean everyone does... Lord knows I used to get spam from 2036 to 2038... I don't know why.... I didn't do nothing.... I lost that account though... It got hacked or something... don't get spam from the future anymore.

Just because you have good computer knowledge doesn't mean everyone does... Lord knows I used to get spam from 2036 to 2038... I don't know why.... I didn't do nothing.... I lost that account though... It got hacked or something... don't get spam from the future anymore.
I don't think he's saying they know how to do it, just that it can be done and the evidence provided is therefore inherently invalid

.....I get spam from 2036 to 2038
I'm a time traveler from 2036 and I won a lottery for $4.2 million. Obviously, I can't pick up such a large sum without causing problems in the time lines that could potentially cause the Universe to implode. You don't want that to happen do you ?

Please help me out by allowing me to deposit the money into your account. If you can do this for me, I will give you 20 %. I looking forward (backwards, actually) to doing this business with you. Please acknowledge the receipt of this email by placing response in a time capsule.



A Time Traveler



On a serious note, although an experience can be reproduced, doesn't necessarily mean that an event didn't happen as experienced by someone. For instance, if the door to my office at work opens and closes by itself, sure, it can be re-created mechanically by a skeptic. Doesn't mean I didn't actually experience a supernatural event.

On a serious note, although an experience can be reproduced, doesn't necessarily mean that an event didn't happen as experienced by someone. For instance, if the door to my office at work opens and closes by itself, sure, it can be re-created mechanically by a skeptic. Doesn't mean I didn't actually experience a supernatural event.
Oh I get that but if you were coming into the room saying "ooooo I'm a spoooooky ghost!" I'm going to want a skeptic on hand to prove you're not otherwise Im going to need some pretty solid evidence beyond closing doors and clanging pans.

if you were coming into the room saying "ooooo I'm a spoooooky ghost!" I'm going to want a skeptic on hand to prove you're not otherwise Im going to need some pretty solid evidence beyond closing doors and clanging pans.
Shit, there go my weekend plans.

So then there is "paper trail" where you have indisputable proof that can be photographed/screencapped/replicated in some way and posted here on this forum, right?We're all waiting on baited breath...
You won't believe him even if he did, so what's the point?

I will provide one additional piece of information. In 2008, I received my first date: January 1, 1601. Does anyone know what the significance of this date may be? Anyone? Google the date, and you will discover it is connected with Y2K—Y2K-2038. Isn’t that the reason JT was here in the first place?

This last date: January 18, 2038, also is connected to Y2K 2038. These are the only two dates I’m willing to provide. You have photo evidence of this last date. You also have my permission to authenticate it or prove it to be a fake! Go for it!!

As I have previously stated: “ This is a SIGNATURE”.

I’m here to warn you. Pay attention to what is happening in the world NOW! It has already begun!!


Don’t forget your gas can!

I will provide one additional piece of information. In 2008, I received my first date: January 1, 1601.
As I have previously stated: “ This is a SIGNATURE”.

I’m here to warn you. Pay attention to what is happening in the world NOW! It has already begun!!


Don’t forget your gas can!
How did you receive the date 1601? And how do you know it is a "Signature" of a time-traveller?[DOUBLEPOST=1411760335,1411759833][/DOUBLEPOST]Just to repeat myself, I do not believe we are being visited by time-travellers. If there is anybody who knows about tablets/memory cards/technology stuff, then can you explain this?
A couple of days ago, I formatted a micro sd card to use in a tablet. Once formatted, I used software program called airdorid to wirelessly transfer files to my tablet from my laptop. When I opened up the folder for the external sd card, I noticed there was several empty folders already there....the strange thing though, when I hovered over them, each folder had a date such as 07/17/2054 etc...... just wondering why are these empty folders on the micro sd card and why have they been time-stamped that way? I will include 4 screen shots.... any explanation will be appreciated.[DOUBLEPOST=1411760388][/DOUBLEPOST]

How did you receive the date 1601? And how do you know it is a "Signature" of a time-traveller?[DOUBLEPOST=1411760335,1411759833][/DOUBLEPOST]Just to repeat myself, I do not believe we are being visited by time-travellers. If there is anybody who knows about tablets/memory cards/technology stuff, then can you explain this?A couple of days ago, I formatted a micro sd card to use in a tablet. Once formatted, I used software program called airdorid to wirelessly transfer files to my tablet from my laptop. When I opened up the folder for the external sd card, I noticed there was several empty folders already there....the strange thing though, when I hovered over them, each folder had a date such as 07/17/2054 etc...... just wondering why are these empty folders on the micro sd card and why have they been time-stamped that way? I will include 4 screen shots.... any explanation will be appreciated.
Edit: How do I upload images from my hard drive to this thread?

How do I upload images from my hard drive to this thread?
You should be able to drag/drop the photos onto the text editor; there's also an Upload a File button next to Post Reply which will give you a traditional file selector. Might want to start a new thread for it though ;)

You should be able to drag/drop the photos onto the text editor; there's also an Upload a File button next to Post Reply which will give you a traditional file selector. Might want to start a new thread for it though ;)
Good idea.

This last date: January 18, 2038, also is connected to Y2K 2038. These are the only two dates I’m willing to provide. You have photo evidence of this last date. You also have my permission to authenticate it or prove it to be a fake! Go for it!!Don’t forget your gas can!
The answer to both dates is UNIX:

January 1, 1601:

When programming in C++

The FILETIME structure records time in the form of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601


"So if you are trying to convert a FILETIME date that comes for example from theFindFirstFile/FindNextFile Win32 API you may find it’s not completely straightforward. Don’t try to accomplish this with some date function conversion because you will probably just waste a lot of time –I know because I did.

A UNIX timestamp contains the number of seconds from Jan 1, 1970, while the FILETIME documentation says: Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC)."

January 18, 2038


The Year 2038 Problem: (John Thomas gets credit for making me aware of this on another forum)

John Thomas states: " In summary, on some 32bit UNIX time devices, you can set the time to 2030 and it will automatically reset it to 1970"

NOTE: John Titor stated he can only travel 60 years each direction. 2030-1970=60

Conclusion: It is very possible that Titor's time travel device uses the Unix operation system, and what kind of computer did Titor come back for? An IBM 5100 running Unix. They probably needed to try to fix the 2038 problem in 2036.

So, gnostic's story ties in with this very well, in my personal opinion.

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You won't believe him even if he did, so what's the point?
The point is that we have an individual saying basically "X event will happen unless Y actions are taken". Forget for moment what the actual event and required actions are, this is, in itself, a dangerous statement without supporting evidence to warrant actually taking Y actions.
And I know its not as base as this example but how is it any different from someone saying "I'm from the future, send me $10,000 or the world will be in danger"?

If you want to believe without any supporting evidence that this person is from the future that's perfectly fine, I make no judgment on how or what you choose to believe. Me, on the other hand, I cant blindly accept a claim as grand as his without proof.

What's really the question you should be asking is what is the point to believing his claims without proof?

BTW, I actually AM from the future and I actually DO need $10,000 so if anyone has a certified check ready I'll PM them my PO box. ;)

Reading comphrehension. It's a thing. Sometimes even I miss a word here or fail to understand the context there. It happens to the best of us.[DOUBLEPOST=1411782551,1411782215][/DOUBLEPOST]

I'm a time traveler from 2036 and I won a lottery for $4.2 million. Obviously, I can't pick up such a large sum without causing problems in the time lines that could potentially cause the Universe to implode. You don't want that to happen do you ?
Please help me out by allowing me to deposit the money into your account. If you can do this for me, I will give you 20 %. I looking forward (backwards, actually) to doing this business with you. Please acknowledge the receipt of this email by placing response in a time capsule.



A Time Traveler



On a serious note, although an experience can be reproduced, doesn't necessarily mean that an event didn't happen as experienced by someone. For instance, if the door to my office at work opens and closes by itself, sure, it can be re-created mechanically by a skeptic. Doesn't mean I didn't actually experience a supernatural event.
Nah the stuff I got was typical ads... just with a very wrong time stamp.
