Message To You All

In your mind Darby you have it right, again I did not start the topic of 9-11. I only responded to the Spin Master when he tried to talk down to Tikmovado. I will say this again, if you want more info about Mr.Pegelow, go look it up. There are at least 60 to 70 scientist and engineers that have come aboard to the 9-11 truth movement. Professor Steven Jones is another who just recently lost his job over his findings. You can see what he says here: .
Re: You Don\'t Know When To Quit, Do You?

Here we go again! More spin spin spin spinster!!! More rubbish more puke from the spin master.
This line is getting quite tired. Do you think that by using it over and over again that people will forget or ignore that you have not addressed one, single technical issue I have raised about your controlled demolition theory? Is that how you think this works? So if you keep calling me a spinmaster a million times over that will nullify the fact that you do not wish to discuss the technical details of column buckling. Interesting approach, that is.
I have said from the get go spinster that there is no point in posting anything up on this board to try to rebut anything you say. Why? All you do is say, why were is the proof that Charles N. Pegelow was what he said he was or he does not have enough knowledge to know this or that.
In reality there was only a single reply of mine that just pointed out two things about Mr. Pegelow. Since that one reply the majority of my replies have been about SCIENCE NOT PEOPLE. You, however, wish to make this about me and not about the science.
Even if I posted the info about Professor Steven Jones who brings to bear his 20 years of experience and peer-reviewed research in the field of physics, you would find some way to call his findings phoney.
Oh good, I was wondering when you were going to bring his name up. I was almost going to bring it up for you, but I am glad you have finally played this card. Now for all your accusations of ME spinning something, it will be interesting to dissect your very words above just to see how much YOU are spinning professor Jones' work! Let's dissect your words above one piece at a time:

1) Professor Steven Jones' 20 years of experience - NONE of it is in structural engineering. You are aware of that, right? In fact, the majority of his "experience" is in teaching and researching nuclear energy, solar energy, and "cold fusion" (which is not a highly accepted theory in science to begin with). So you cannot just say he has 20 years of experience without pointing out that he has NO experience in structural engineering. But let's move on to...

2) Peer-reviewed research in the field of physics - The paper that Jones wrote on "controlled demolition" of the WTC towers WAS peer-reviewed, but it was NOT peer-reviewed by ANY journal of structural or civil engineering. THAT, my friend, is SPIN! But we are not done yet, because one must ask "OK, so if his paper WAS peer-reviewed, where and by whom was it peer-reviewed?". The answer is pretty shocking: The first time he has this paper published it was in a volume entitled "9/11 And The American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out". This is not even a professional journal, and one must point out that the editor of this volume is one David Ray Griffin who is a known 9-11 Conspiracy Theory propagandist. In any event, the peer reviewers for this volume did not include any structural engineers that I could identify. The latest journal to publish his paper is the "Journal of 9/11 Studies" edited by Kevin Ryan. It is noteworthy here to point out that NONE of Kevin Ryan's "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" are credentialed in structural engineering. So once again we see that while Jones' paper was "peer reviewed" by people associated with this journal, none of them have the relevant qualifications in structural engineering to perform a proper critique of his science application in this important area.

3) I would find some way to call his findings phoney - Actually, I do not have to say anything about professor Jones' findings, because the statements of HIS OWN COLLEAGUES at Brigham Young University are quite telling indeed! And here you have finally gotten to a point where I can give you those quotes I promised from credentialed structural engineers who disagree with Jones' theory. Are you ready?

Dear Editor,

After reading in the Daily Herald the presentations made by Professor Steven E. Jones (BYU Physics) to students at UVSC and BYU, I feel obligated to reply to his "Conspiracy Theory" relating to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center (9/11/01).

I have studied the summary of the report by FEMA, The American Society of Civil Engineers and several other professional engineering organizations. These experts have given in detail the effects on the Towers by the impact of the commercial aircraft. I have also read Professor Jones' (referred to) 42 page unpublished report. In my understanding of structural design and the properties of structural steel I find Professor Jones' thesis that planted explosives (rather than fire from the planes) caused the collapse of the Towers, very unreliable.

The structural design of the towers was unique in that the supporting steel structure consisted of closely spaced columns in the walls of all four sides. The resulting structure was similar to a tube. When the aircraft impacted the towers at speeds of about 500 plus mph, many steel columns were immediately severed and others rendered weak by the following fires. The fires critically damaged the floors systems. Structural steel will begin to lose strength when heated to temperatures above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Steel bridge girders are bent to conform to the curved roadway by spot heating flanges between 800 and 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. It is easy to comprehend the loss of carrying capacity of all the structural steel due to the raging fires fed by the jet's fuel as well as aircraft and building contents.

Before one (especially students) supports such a conspiracy theory, they should investigate all details of the theory. To me a practicing structural engineer of 57 continuous years (1941-1998), Professor Jones' presentations are very disturbing.

D. Allan Firmage

Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering, BYU

Did you get that title? PROFESSOR EMERITUS... In case you are not familiar, this is the highest level a professor can reach after MANY years of research and teaching. And you will also note that he is the civil engineering Professor Emeritus from Steven Jones' own university, BYU. But we are not done yet (and remember, these are ONLY responses from BYU, I have not even begun to list the opinions of other structural engineering professionals outside BYU). Read this one:
"I think without exception, the structural engineering professors in our department are not in agreement with the claims made by Jones in his paper, and they don't think there is accuracy and validity to these claims" "The university is aware that Professor Steven Jones's hypotheses and interpretations of evidence regarding the collapse of World Trade Center buildings are being questioned by a number of scholars and practitioners, including many of BYU's own faculty members. Professor Jones's department and college administrators are not convinced that his analyses and hypotheses have been submitted to relevant scientific venues that would ensure rigorous technical peer review." - A. Woodruff Miller, Department Chair, BYU department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
and yet another from the BYU engineering department:
"The structural engineering faculty in the Fulton College of Engineering and Technology do not support the hypotheses of Professor Jones." - The College of Engineering and Technology department
Now if you are going to call this "spin" then you are going to have to direct your "spinmaster" tired catch-phrase at the individuals and institutions who are denying the validity of professor Jones's work and his theory. Get this through your head: These quotes are NOT MINE... hence, they ARE NOT MY SPIN!
All your going to do is to continue to prove that all you can do is post a whole lot of rubbish and puke and say what you say is holy and no one else can come close to you.
The opinions of structural engineering professionals with regard to Steven Jones' theory are HARDLY "rubbish and puke"... and once again I must point out this has NOTHING to do with me or any attempt to "spin" it. The VAST MAJORITY of professional structural engineers do not agree with Jones' theory AND for his claim of "peer review" there is NO EVIDENCE that his paper has ever been peer-reviewed by a qualified structural engineer. These are simple facts that you can "research for yourseld" to use a term you enjoy throwing at others.
Oh and by the way building 7 was not damaged from any part of any jet
Ahhhh, how sweet! Here we see YOUR OWN SPIN MASTER TECHNIQUES AT WORK! Not only are you NOT answering any of the technical questions I put to you, but you are choosing to answer questions that are DIFFERENT than the ones I am asking you! This is a perfect example. I did NOT ask you specifically if a jet hit WTC... what I asked is as follows:
RMT: Are you aware that your statements above about WTC7 not being hit by anything are in direct opposition to the testimony of firefighters who saw this building before it collapsed? Will you at least answer this one question I put to you?
Clearly my question is different than the point you are making about a jet...who is spinning now, Mr. Peepo? Will you now answer my question? And oh, BTW, my question was prompted by YOUR ASSERTION which reads as follows:
Peepo: have failed to mention why building 7 which was not hit by any jet or anything for that matter
You are asserting that WTC7 was not hit by anything. But all you want to do now is talk about not being hit by a jet. Your assertion is simply WRONG, and it is quite obvious that this is YOUR attempt at spin!

So maybe I should use your same tactics: Peepo is nothing but spin, spin, spin! Spinmaster Peepo! ALl you do is spin, spin, SPIN! SPIN! SPIN! Spinster Peepo! (Gee, isn't this so terribly mature!)

and the 2 small fires that was burning in the building was not enough to bring the building straight down on itself. The footage clearly shows that.
Talk about your rubbish! Could you please explain to me how video footage can possibly show that it "was not enough to bring the building straight down on itself"? ONLY scientific analysis could confirm or deny this! And your SPIN SPIN SPIN relating to "2 small fires" is also not in concordance with EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS! To make you look even more foolish (and show YOUR tendency to use SPIN to make your point) let me now share with you quotes from firemen who were eyewitnesses to the damage to WTC7 and its fires:
"They told us to get out of there because they were worried about 7 World Trade Center, which is right behind it, coming down. We were up on the upper floors of the Verizon building looking at it. You could just see the whole bottom corner of the building was gone. We could look right out over to where the Trade Centers were because we were that high up. Looking over the smaller buildings. I just remember it was tremendous, tremendous fires going on. Finally they pulled us out. They said all right, get out of that building because that 7, they were really worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they regrouped everybody on Vesey Street, between the water and West Street. They put everybody back in there. Finally it did come down. From there - this is much later on in the day, because every day we were so worried about that building we didn't really want to get people close. They were trying to limit the amount of people that were in there. Finally it did come down." - Richard Banaciski NYFD
Gee, it doesn't sound like this genteleman, a professional fire fighter, would agree with you that there were "only 2 small fires".
"Then we found out, I guess around 3:00 [o'clock], that they thought 7 was going to collapse. So, of course, [we've] got guys all in this pile over here and the main concern was get everybody out, and I guess it took us over an hour and a half, two hours to get everybody out of there. (Q. Initially when you were there, you had said you heard a few Maydays?) Oh, yes. We had Maydays like crazy.... The heat must have been tremendous. There was so much [expletive] fire there. This whole pile was burning like crazy. Just the heat and the smoke from all the other buildings on fire, you [couldn't] see anything. So it took us a while and we ended up backing everybody out, and [that's] when 7 collapsed.... Basically, we fell back for 7 to collapse, and then we waited a while and it got a lot more organized, I would guess." - Lieutenant William Ryan NYFD
Again, the good lieutenant doesn't seem to think it was "2 small fires". How do you reconcile these statements from EYEWITNESSES with your SPIN, eh SpinDoc? But wait, there are more eyewitness accounts of the damage to WTC7:
"So we go there and on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good. " and "We headed toward 7. And just around we were about a hundred yards away and Butch Brandies came running up. He said forget it, nobody’s going into 7, there’s creaking, there are noises coming out of there, so we just stopped. And probably about 10 minutes after that, Visconti, he was on West Street, and I guess he had another report of further damage either in some basements and things like that, so Visconti said nobody goes into 7, so that was the final thing and that was abandoned. " and "There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered throughout there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably about a third of it, right in the middle of it." Captain Chris Boyle, Engine 94, NYFD

OK, I think this is enough evidence to seriously call into question what YOU BELIEVE about WTC7's damage. I suppose I will now sit back and wait for your next reply that says nothing more than "SPIN SPIN SPIN". It is apparant to all reading this thread by now that you have NO other tactic to address the problems with your outrageous conspiracy theory.


Spinmaster Peepo:
Oh what the hell, since some people here are coping and pasting large text here and trying to impress everyone why don't I just past this simple link to Professor Steven Jones With his 20yrs of experience in physics lets see what he says about it.
See my post above, and start answering my questions. Otherwise what you are doing is nothing more than your own spin, and you continue to ignore any form of scientific discussions.
Oh he just lost his job for it also. What a brave man putting his whole life on the line and standing strong for his nation.
Does anyone think this statement is NOT spin? I'd like to hear from you if so! Do you want to know the REAL truth? Here it is straight from the Utah Desert Morning News:
Brigham Young University placed physics professor Steven Jones on paid leave Thursday while it reviews his involvement in the so-called "9/11 truth movement" that accuses unnamed government agencies of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center.
BYU will conduct an official review of Jones' actions before determining a course of action, university spokeswoman Carri Jenkins said.
Now this, THE TRUTH, does not quite jive with YOUR SPIN that he "he just lost his job", now does it?

How ridiculously FUNNY it is for ME to end up pointing out YOUR SPIN, Peepo! :D :D For all the flamethrowing you have done at me about "spin", this last statement of yours is clearly 100% SPIN by you (or the people you believe).

SPIN! SPIN! SPIN! SPIN! SPIN! Who's the SPINMASTER DADDY now Peepo? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Like I told you many replies back: If you keep going with this Peepo, you will continue to look more and more foolish.


There are at least 60 to 70 scientist and engineers that have come aboard to the 9-11 truth movement.
More spin, and more falsehoods!

I believe I know what list you are going to trot out now... perhaps I should cut to the chase and provide some FACTS about this list of academics (NOT ALL OF WHICH ARE SCIENTISTS OR ENGINEERS)?

Or maybe I will be just a tad bit kind to you, and ask you if you REALLY want to go down this path, Peepo? I can guarantee that I can demolish your spin-cycle statement above and demonstrate how there is NOT ONE credentialed structural engineer on the "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" movement.

You just let me know... if you want to pursue this, I would be happy to make you look like an even bigger fool.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh I'm sorry I was going to respond sooner but I fell asleep trying to read all of that none sense posted by the Spin Master. In all of that poop that he posted about Steven Jones he failed to mention that Mr Jones got 2 molten steel samples from the site and found Thermate. As you all can see again Mr Spin Master does nothing but spin spin and spin.
Now we shall all site back and watch the spin master spin what Mr Jones found in the samples he got from the site. And again proving what I have said all along about Mr spinster. One of the links I have posted is a video link to Mr Jones explaining his findings. And again we will see the work of the spin master spinning anything anyone post any place on the net. Oh and thanks for all the private messages in support of Operation Expose Rainman. Yes it's been a hard fight but we shall win the fight!! We shall stay the course!!! Oh yea I bet the Spinster thinks that weapons of mass destruction was in Iraq and we should have our troops over their. What you say Oh great Spinster? And as for answering your dribble, I have or did it go over your head.

Oh one more thing someone told me that your next move would be to take a poll, boy they sure do know how you are. Looks like you have made many enemies here my little ru ru. But your little boyish tactics will not work this time. You've been called out. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And also in all of that poop up there that Mr spin master posted he also did not mention the fact that the official story by the Military Industrial Complex I mean government, has changed 5 times now.

And in a 2000 paper titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses," Project for a New American Century, whose founding members were Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, argued for vast increases in military spending to assure American global dominance. Such a process, PNAC said, would take time absent "a catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor." Military deployment into Central Asia followed 9/11, as well as their desired increases in military spending. Now lets all site back and watch the spin!!!

It's a Fruit Loop Universe. First came the Fruit Loop bird, and then you ate of the Fruit Loop and then created the Universe(s) and put yourself here at this time.

The structural beams someone said a while back on a website were not actually the ones the engineer called for, but I think were somehow different. I am sure the Building was not designed to have a Jet land on it, in it, or through it. There are people in the Building and Furniture in the Building, and many other structural things that changed since it was in use. That does not mean that everyone has the time to babysit in this Universe.

And dis-jointed analysis without having all the info is what it is -- a dis-jointed attempt to not include all the facts that make a determination on what happened with the World Trade Tower Buildings.

I just do not like Microsoft, since now Nero Showtime does not work anymore, when it worked before -- Microsoft updates.


Thanks for what you are doing. He also fails to mention how fast they shipped all the metal out of the country from the crime scene and none of the so called engineers got to look at the metal. And how the "official Report" doesn't even mention building 7. This guy jumped all over me for asking questions about Qronos 16. I don't know what his problem is, and I don't see how any women would put up with him. Thanks Peepo!!

Ah according to the guy who designed the building who by the way should know this stuff, he said the building could withstand multiple hits by jets. The key word being multiple.

You had better watch it keke! Next he will say you’re me!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

In all of that poop that he posted about Steven Jones he failed to mention that Mr Jones got 2 molten steel samples from the site and found Thermate. As you all can see again Mr Spin Master does nothing but spin spin and spin.
You are just handing me bogus information to make you look even more foolish, aren't you? First of all, it is spelled "thermite", but more important than your misspelling is your lying... or, if I wanted to be nice, I would gently suggest that you have bought into SPIN that ALEX Jones stated, NOT Steven Jones! I know with a challenged mind like yours it might be difficult to keep the two Joneses straight, and what they are saying.

So far, you have answered NONE of my specific questions, and instead try to keep changing the subject (as you are doing now). But now you have stated a complete fallacy, and I would like for you to please provide EVIDENCE of Steven Jones saying he tested any samples and actually FOUND thermite. Go ahead... why not start in The following article and tell me where you see Steven Jones actually claiming what you have said he claimed.,1249,635198488,00.html

Or any other reliable source would do. I expect, like the long trail of unanswered questions and inability for you to support your theory or discuss science, you will not answer this crucial question nor supplying evidence to support your claim... and yet this claim of yours involves you supplying clearly inaccurate information!
Now we shall all site back and watch the spin master spin what Mr Jones found in the samples he got from the site.
I won't be able to spin anything until you can show me evidence that this actually occurred.

One of the links I have posted is a video link to Mr Jones explaining his findings.
That was a 2.5 hour video, and I don't feel I should have to listen to all of his babbling hoping to find out what you are referring to. Why not point me to exactly what he said that you are using as "evidence"...or are you afraid to do that?
Yes it's been a hard fight but we shall win the fight!!
So far it looks really dismal for you and your theory, pal.
Oh yea I bet the Spinster thinks that weapons of mass destruction was in Iraq and we should have our troops over their.
Another strawman.
And as for answering your dribble, I have or did it go over your head.
No, you really haven't. Rather than take a poll, would you like to me collect all the points I have made that you have ignored? And you didn't even answer my question if I should be easy on you and not call into question your statement about "60-70 scientists and engineers" in the form of the "Scholars for 9/11 Truth". I'd be happy to make some irrefutable points about that!

Let's start with one amazing (and fun) fact! FACT: There are approximately 139,000 members of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), and NOT ONE OF THEM is a member of Steven Jones' "scholars for 9/11 truth" nor does even one ASCE member support Steven Jones's conclusion! Now THAT is certainly a fun fact! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

But how about the flipside??? IOW, has there ever been a paper written on the WTC collapse by members of ASCE, and also peer-reviewed by other members of ASCE? ANSWER: Why YES THERE HAS! Look right here:

So the direct question to you Mr. Peepo (which I know you will not answer) is this:

Who do you think is more authoritative on this matter? A group of certified Civil Engineers or a physics professor with no experience in structural engineering? Care to answer at least that one question?


Ah according to the guy who designed the building who by the way should know this stuff, he said the building could withstand multiple hits by jets. The key word being multiple.
That's not the only key word you need to consider, Peeps old man. Another key word would be "velocity". OK, your homework for tonight is to post me the EXACT words of the person you are referring to who made this vague statement. I would like to see where he specifically stated that those buildings could withstand two 767-size airplanes hitting them at 500 mph.

Since you didn't want to talk about the science of column buckling, perhaps you might be more willing to talk about conservation of momentum? There is a very simple calculation for momentum you could do to know how much energy each of those 767s imparted to the buildings when they hit them at 500 mph. Do you know what that simple equation is, Peepo?

My, your homework sure is stacking up! You have lots of work to do my friend... But alas, you will just say I am spinning facts and then change the subject to some other topic that you cannot provide supporting evidence for! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

He also fails to mention how fast they shipped all the metal out of the country from the crime scene and none of the so called engineers got to look at the metal.
That claim would pose problems for the claim that Peepo has made that Steven Jones actually got two samples and found thermite! You conspiracy folks can't have it both ways...which is it?
and I don't see how any women would put up with him.
That's because you haven't seen the size of my "personality". :D


In Reply to:

You are just handing me bogus information to make you look even more foolish, aren't you? First of all, it is spelled "thermite", but more important than your misspelling is your lying... or, if I wanted to be nice, I would gently suggest that you have bought into SPIN that ALEX Jones stated, NOT Steven Jones! I know with a challenged mind like yours it might be difficult to keep the two Joneses straight, and what they are saying.

More spin!!!

Now as usual the spin master has to try to show us all he knows everything. But I have been trying to show you all just what he's all about. Lets take a look at the word he said I misspelled : Thermate lets see what that word really means and how to spell it.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Thermate, or Thermate-TH3, is an incendiary compound primarily used for military applications. Because of the similarity in names, thermate is sometimes confused with one of its components, thermite.

Thermate is a mixture of thermite and pyrotechnic additives which have been found to be superior to standard thermite for incendiary purposes. Its composition by weight is generally thermite 68.7%, barium nitrate 29.0%, sulphur 2.0% and binder 0.3%. Addition of barium nitrate to thermite increases its thermal effect, creates flame in burning and significantly reduces the ignition temperature.

Thermate is used in incendiary hand grenades.

Retrieved from ""

As you can see the Spin Master has spun again. Nice try Ru Ru!! Now for someone who thinks he knows it all, how come you did'nt know something as simple as this? Now who has the challenged mind? One must wonder if he knows anything at all.

Lets take a look at the word he said I misspelled : Thermate lets see what that word really means and how to spell it.
You know, I honestly didn't think you would take the bait, but you went for it hook, line, and sinker!

You see, given that you have ignored (and not responded) to EVERY SINGLE relevant technical point I have made so far, I had to lure you into actually addressing something I said by giving you a "carrot". So now you have been able to "prove me wrong". Wonderful. Applause all around the room? And oh, BTW, I will readily admit that I was wrong about thermite and its relationship to thermate.

But now that you had addressed my issue, you must address it fully. By that I mean I want you to produce evidence to back your claim that Steven Jones tested WTC samples and found thermate (or even if he found thermite, I'd accept that too!). You have addressed the issue of me being wrong about the thermite (the simple, pedestrian issue) because you were looking for ANY chance to prove me wrong. Now let's see you handle the bigger issue of proving me wrong that Steven Jones actually tested WTC samples and found thermate/thermite.

If you don't answer this will reveal your SPIN even more, and add another unanswered/unsupported claim to the list of items in this thread related to your 9-11 conspiracy theory.
As you can see the Spin Master has spun again. Nice try Ru Ru!! Now for someone who thinks he knows it all, how come you did'nt know something as simple as this? Now who has the challenged mind? One must wonder if he knows anything at all.
I know a lot of things that you apparantly have ignored and avoided discussing...technical things. Now that you have decided to address thermate/thermite let's see how much you know about the "testing" Steven Jones actually did. I know exactly what he did, and it is NOT what you have SPUN it into! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif You whipped out that Wikipedia reference on thermate in short order. Let's see you find evidence where Steven Jones claims he tested WTC samples!

Prediction by RMT: This will also fall by the wayside and Peepo will be eerily silent and not be able to provide proof for his claim.
Re: Gotcha

In reply to:

You know, I honestly didn't think you would take the bait, but you went for it hook, line, and sinker!

You see, given that you have ignored (and not responded) to EVERY SINGLE relevant technical point I have made so far, I had to lure you into actually addressing something I said by giving you a "carrot". So now you have been able to "prove me wrong". Wonderful. Applause all around the room? And oh, BTW, I will readily admit that I was wrong about thermite and its relationship to thermate.

Ok lets see if I can get this right oh great spinster. You say this is some kind of bait that you put fourth so you could " get me into actually addressing something " I must say this is to most pathetic spin you have done to date!!! I think everyone here can see that. First you say: "I honestly didn't think you would take the bait, but you went for it hook, line, and sinker!" and then you totaly contradict yourself by saying: "I will readily admit that I was wrong about thermite and its relationship to Thermate". Need I say more? As stated when all of this began, im not here to explain anything about 9-11. Im here to proove how incompetent you are and how you spin things. I must say oh spinster you have proven my point quit well. And with this pathetic attempt to redeem yourself you've proven my point even further. How sad you are. And we are to believe you are smart?
Re: Gotcha

As stated when all of this began, im not here to explain anything about 9-11.
That is exceedingly obvious.

Great, so that wraps this up. Let's summarize:

You have no real evidence that explosives brought down the WTC towers, and thus cannot prove that it was "an inside job." Your inability to support your claims in this thread makes it clear.

And I could care less about what you were trying to show about me. It has been clearly established your conspiracy theory is junk science, and that YOU, my friend, are the subject of some of the most evil spin there is in the world today!

Thanks for your cooperation in this little debunking effort.

Re: Gotcha

In Reply to:

And I could care less about what you were trying to show about me. It has been clearly established your conspiracy theory is junk science, and that YOU, my friend, are the subject of some of the most evil spin there is in the world today!

Spinster spinster slow down little guy!!! No one ever said that I did not have proof, but you. As usual you are spinning things yet again. I have proved some things here but when myself or anyone tries to explain anything you'll just say it's wrong or you know better. So you see spin master when you can't except anyones opinion or proof of anything you will just say its junk science. I hate to tell you this little spinster but this makes you look even more foolish. Try to control yourself.