Message To You All

Spin spin spin spin, Tikmovado called you out as a spinster and he is correct. You are so sad spin master. All the original claims by the government have been change 5 times since they came out with them. And a 5th grader in school knows that the fuel that was in those jets can not burn hot enough to have brought down those buildings. Not to mention most of the fuel burned off in the initial explosion. As for building 7, no jet hit the building at all and yet it simply fell down. But you will say jet fuel brought down building 7. I think everyone can now see that you are nothing more then a spin master. As for responding to relevant points that you make, you have not made any. All you do is take what someone says and spin it in a way so it matches what you want it to match. A person as yourself lives in a fantasy world and nothing anyone says or proves to you will be good enough. When the sh** hits the fan, and it will, I would love to be standing right in front of you to see the look on your face. As for posting more engineers names? Why? All your going to do is spin it and say they don't check out or you know more then they do. Millions and MILLIONS of Americans are waking up to the fact that 9-11 was an inside job!!!

Now back on topic, Qronos 16, was he a time traveler or not? Who knows but he sure was right about all the phoney terror bust that would take place before the mid terms. And the heat wave was really bad this year. As for the rest of his claims, only time will tell.
Please tell me when this was created back in the 70.ahhaha The idea was created in the mind of ryron gracie in brazil,

Yeah i guess you must be right? before the Gracies there was actually NO ONE that was trying to promote the concept of MMA. The fact that JKD (as one example) was around before anyone knew the name Gracie probably doesnt say anything to you either, does it. In the 70's (i.e. NOT sport) there were many martial artists that were spreading the concept of MMA. Your problem is all you see when i mention "MMA" is sport UFC style fighting. And this is what i find quite amazing. I certainly agree UFC has single handedly done the most to promote it, but to say a Gracie "created it" borders on the rediculous. Even my 18 year old mate (that is just starting out) understands where MMA came from.

The UK does not even have a show that pays more that 200-200(200$ to show and 200$ to win)

Basically, i think i may actually go and bang my head against a brick wall in the minute.....

The UFC is a name brand not a style

Now we are getting somewhere. UFC is a brand name. MMA is a concept (i think this is what you need to drill into your slightly limited outlook). MMA literally means mixing martial arts to make a superior and complete fighting system, as such - is a style. UFC only pushed this into the spotlight of the sporting world - i think we at least agree on this.

I bet you also heard that rumour that the gracies created the planet in 7 days too?

P.S. Gracie JJ is also pretty much now regarded as a traditional system, due to their arrogance to change and step up their game. And well, we all know how that ended recently. They've always been flawed strikers, thus their MMA has fallen behind the current standard. So much so, the back lash played in fact, on quite a truthful description of thier current situation.

Now back on topic, Qronos 16, was he a time traveler or not? Who knows but he sure was right about all the phoney terror bust that would take place before the mid terms. And the heat wave was really bad this year

Did you really need a 'time traveler' to tell you that? Does this simple logic actually impress you enough to view it as evidence in any way.

Please tell me, surely not?!
In Response to: Did you really need a 'time traveler' to tell you that? Does this simple logic actually impress you enough to view it as evidence in any way.

Please tell me, surely not?!

No Qronos did not impress me, I simply noted that he said that. And you are correct, you do not need a time traveler to see that coming. Anyone with a little common sense could see that coming from a mile away.

And a 5th grader in school knows that the fuel that was in those jets can not burn hot enough to have brought down those buildings. Not to mention most of the fuel burned off in the initial explosion.

I guess that we won't be getting any "time travel claims" out of this thread so...

A B-767 crashed into the tower and "most of the fuel burned off in the initial explosion".

Now, it left Logan with approximately 24,000 gallons of Jet-A fuel. I'll be generous and say that it burned 4,000 gallons before hitting the tower. So it had ~20,000 gallons of Jet-A on board when it struck.

If it burned off 20,000 gallons of fuel in the "initial explosion" it output how much thermal energy in a few seconds? And that energy was insufficient to degrade the support structure of he tower when coupled with the kinetic energy of the impact of 300,000 lbs traveling at ~.75 Mach?

What is the maximum burn temperature of Jet-A (which it should attain in a flash burn when atomized, as you suggest). Isn't it somewhere in the area of 980 degrees?

How long does it take for ~20,000 gallons of Jet-A to burn off?

Considering that the aircraft was almost wholly contained within the building, how much kinetic energy was transferred to the structure, what course would that kinetic energy take through the structure, what effect would the shock wave have on the structure and at what speed would the shock wave be transmitted through the structure of the building? Would that have any effect of the tensile strength of the structure?

What was the initial stress and strain placed on the structure by the advancing shock wave? I think that this might require some sort of advanced multiple indexed vector analysis (is tensor analysis the correct term?) - but I don't know for sure.

Just a series of questions. As I said, I'm a bear of little brain so I don't really know much about physics thus I can't opine on these issues. I'm interested in your analysis based on the questions.

Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

BTW: Has the primary school education system changed over the years and they now teach advanced physics. metalurgy and aeronautical engineering in the 5th grade?

Its been a very long time since I was in the 5th grade or had any real contact with a 5th grader so, again, I have no opinion or a basis for an opinion here. Your help in this matter would also be much appreciated.


Just a question or two about Charles N. Pegelow:
He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1972. His CV states that the only time that he ever worked on high rise building engineering was 1972-1974 - meaning that he was a very junior engineer just out of his undergradate engineering program who was learning the trade.

Since then he has workd exclusively in the oil industry. (Hmmm...Just an aside, but doesn't the Bush family also work in the oil industry? Very interesting...that no one has commented on this obvious and possibly conspiratory connection.)

Considering that his CV seems to indicate that he stopped advancing his education some 34 years ago (no MS for instance), especially relative to high rise construction, is it possible that his opinion here could be based on the views of a junior engineer who might not be especially qualified to opine on the situation?

As before, just some questions. I don't know the answers and I'm not in a position to offer an opinion.

What do you think?

Considering that the aircraft was almost wholly contained within the building, how much kinetic energy was transferred to the structure, what course would that kinetic energy take through the structure, what effect would the shock wave have on the structure and at what speed would the shock wave be transmitted through the structure of the building? Would that have any effect of the tensile strength of the structure?
Oh come now, Darby, everyone knows that your whole post is nothing but a lot of spin, spin, spin!
You can't actually believe that physics can be used to debunk Peepo's airtight theories! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

And the next thing you know, Peepo will respond that none of your questions are relevant points!
As for your remarks about the 5th grader comment I made, it was just a smart a** response to Spin Master nothing more. Sorry that went over your head. As for the questions you asked about Charles N. Pegelow, simple research into his career as I did will answer all your questions. And if that is not good enough for you contact him and ask him about his career yourself. Again I only brought up 9-11 because some else did here, and I'm not here to answer questions about it. You really want to know the answers to the questions you pose go and research it.
Darby's questions are very good ones, I mean he simply poses the questions and he does not assume everyone is beneath him as you do. Anyway Darby seems to be a person who will listen to what someone has to say and not call them Qronos 16 or a phoney or put them down for asking anything. You know like you do spin master.

And yet you continue, but still you can provide no scientific facts and evidence to support your conspiracy theories. The more you reply to me without addressing the facts of column buckling that I pointed you to, the more foolish you will end up looking. I guarantee it. But if you insist on continuing, who am I to tell you what to do?
And a 5th grader in school knows that the fuel that was in those jets can not burn hot enough to have brought down those buildings.
Oh really? So then a fifh grader is familiar with how temperature affects the Young's Modulus (modulus of rigidity) of steel? I didn't know they were teaching such things in the 5th grade these days. You see I teach aerospace engineering and we don't usually get into Young Modulus until the sophomore year structures curriculum. A question I would like you to answer: Are YOU familiar with Youngs Modulus and how it changes over temperature? And are you also familiar with how the lowering of Young's Modulus has an impact to the Euler column buckling equation I pointed you to?
Not to mention most of the fuel burned off in the initial explosion.
I'd like you to explain what scientific knowledge this statement is based upon, and substantiate this by citing the thermodynamic property of jet fuel that is most relevant to this conclusion. Can you do that? Because based on my knowledge of jet fuel I do not think your statement is correct.
But you will say jet fuel brought down building 7.
No, I certainly will not. So again I would ask you to stop putting words in my mouth, and instead address the issues that both I and Darby are putting to you... if you can.
I think everyone can now see that you are nothing more then a spin master.
And if everyone can not, as yet, see how limited you are in your actual knowledge of science and physics, they will see it without a doubt as our discussion continues. We already see you do not wish to talk about the facts of column buckling (nor did Mr. Pegelow, for that matter!)
As for responding to relevant points that you make, you have not made any.
Let me try your strawman tactic: So by saying this are you then saying that the physics of column buckling are not relevant to why the WTC towers collapsed? If that is what you are saying, you clearly do not know physics or structural engineering. I think Darby (and others) would agree that the science of column buckling is the single most relevant issue in explaining why the towers came down.
All you do is take what someone says and spin it in a way so it matches what you want it to match.
Now this is truly hilarious, because what you accuse me of doing is EXACTLY and PRECISELY what you are doing in referring to the radio appearance by Mr. Pegelow! You clearly have no scientific knowledge of the physics of column buckling, and all you do is "take what someone says" (Mr. Pegelow) "and spin it in a way so it matches what you want it to match (or believe)." That pretty much describes exactly what you are doing. The difference is, I know the science and the physics behind why the towers fell, and you fail to see how something like column buckling explains why they fell. And so you avoid discussing these facts.
A person as yourself lives in a fantasy world and nothing anyone says or proves to you will be good enough.
Really, I am not asking for much... I am just asking for you to provide ACTUAL scientific analysis of column buckling that supports your claims and your conspiracy theories. That is not too much to ask, is it, for you to provide SOLID evidence and facts, rather than just someone else's opinion?
As for posting more engineers names? Why? All your going to do is spin it and say they don't check out or you know more then they do.
Well, that could be, but I think a more likely answer is that you do not have any other names of credentialed structural engineers who support Mr. Pegelow's views. And yet, I can point you to the statements of MANY structural engineers who have actually said these conspiracy theories are UNSUBSTANTIATED AND UNFOUNDED. Would you like me to give you some quotes from such people to counter your Mr. Pegelow?

The statments by Mr. Pegelow on that radio show were just as ridiculous as the statements made by Donn de-Grand Pre on Alex Jones' radio program. They are in the same vein. Mr. Pegelow gave ABSOLUTELY NO analytical evidence for his views. None. Moreover, he did not even attempt to give any form of explanation for how column buckling is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FAILURE MODE that building design engineers consider in their designs. Other statements he made about concrete and rebar are simply incorrect and do not reflect the facts of the WTC design.

Now I would like to call your attention to EVIDENCE in a WTC tower photograph that directly supports the science of column buckling as being the critical failure mode that caused the towers to come down. Take a good look at this photo:

The numbers just below the fire in this photo represent how much deflection (in inches) the structural columns are exerpiencing. As much as 55 inches in one spot! This buckling is caused by two things: (1) The force of the weight of the floors above it and (2) the weaking of the structural rigidity of the columns (Young's Modulus) due to the heat of the fire.

I would like you to address these facts. They are not spin, as you would like to call it, they are scientific facts, and they are related to the Euler column buckling equation I pointed you to earlier in this thread. By not addressing these facts, and how these facts not only support the official reason for why the towers fell but also debunk your controlled imploision theory, you will simply look even more foolish.

You are in pretty deep right now, Peepo. It is now time for you to put-up or shut-up.
Darby's questions are very good ones, I mean he simply poses the questions and he does not assume everyone is beneath him as you do.
And so do you plan to address the scientific points Darby has made that refute your opinion? Or will you ignore them as well?
Anyway Darby seems to be a person who will listen to what someone has to say and not call them Qronos 16 or a phoney or put them down for asking anything. You know like you do spin master.
Darby is being nice. You gave up your opportunity for me to nice to you when you entered this thread denigrating me, and then further attacked me without addressing the scientific issues.

Every time you replay & call me a spin master and at the same time ignore the scientific points I am making that refute your conspiracy theories, I will continue to turn up the heat on you. You can quit now or keep going. The choice is yours, but I assure you that you are out of your league and you cannot support your conspiracy theory claims.

You really want to know the answers to the questions you pose go and research it.
This is always the convenient conspiracy theorist "brush off" when they cannot support their claims. Since many conspiracy theorists are not that familiar with science and physics, they do not have the abilities to answer technical questions or points that disagree with their views. So when someone paints them into a corner asking detailed technical questions, rather than telling the truth that they cannot answer the questions, they simply invoke the handy "the answers to your questions are out there...research it yourself!"

Always a classic...

Here we go again with the spin and rubbish, now he said before that I was weak minded when he thought I was posting website's about Alex Jones. In other words anyone posting info from someone else other than themselves is weak minded. And yet he post this waste of time info or rubbish that he got from someone else. Now from what you say about other people spin master this makes you very weak minded and small. Also with all that trash you have posted you have failed to mention why building 7 which was not hit by any jet or anything for that matter, and simply fell down. Or why before 9-11 and since 9-11 no building in history has ever fell from a fire. Also just within the last year a building burned for over 24hr and never fell but yet the twin towers burn for what, 50 some minutes or so and fell straight down? I could post the answers up on this board and yet all you would do is spin it and say it is all false or call me Qronos 16 or say I'm a phoney or weak minded. Spin is what you do best my friend and believe me a lot of people are seeing you for what you are my little tea cup, a Spin Master!!

Now back on topic, since you are so smart spin master why do you build a time machine and show us just how smart you are.
You Don\'t Know When To Quit, Do You?

Back for more, eh Peepo? OK, if you insist! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Here we go again with the spin and rubbish
Yes, it does seem that this is all that is left to your argument, seeing as how you refuse to discuss the relevant science involved with column buckling.
now he said before that I was weak minded when he thought I was posting website's about Alex Jones. In other words anyone posting info from someone else other than themselves is weak minded.
Another strawman. You do know what a strawman argument is, right?
Also with all that trash you have posted
I had no idea that the science of column buckling is "trash". That is quite surprising that you would brand this as such. Let's ask Darby since you seem to like and respect him, OK?

Darby: Do you think the physics of columns under compression and the dynamics of their buckling is "trash"?

have failed to mention why building 7 which was not hit by any jet or anything for that matter, and simply fell down.
I was wondering when you would use the "change the subject" tactic. It is clear that you will not (and can not) hold a scientific discussion about the physics of column buckling to explain why WTC1 and WTC2 fell (without needing planted bombs to bring them down). As such, what choice do you have but to try and change the topic, thereby not having to answer the tough technical questions about column buckling and WTC1 and 2? I can see your dilemma, but it will only get worse if you continue.

You see, I fully expected you to move on to WTC7 when you could not support your claims about WTC1 and 2. If you agree that you cannot possibly support your claims about WTC1 and WTC2, then we can move on to WTC7. Are you aware that your statements above about WTC7 not being hit by anything are in direct opposition to the testimony of firefighters who saw this building before it collapsed? Will you at least answer this one question I put to you?

Are you also aware that WTC7 was indeed heavily damaged in one corner, for as many as 20 stories from the ground? Do you agree that WTC7 WAS damaged and caught fire? This is a matter of fact, so I hope you don't disagree with these statements.
Or why before 9-11 and since 9-11 no building in history has ever fell from a fire.
No buildings of this design and this size have ever experienced the causal chain of events that these buildings experienced. Can you show me ONE other event from history where a "tube within tube" structural design (like WTC1 and 2) was hit by a massive jet airplane flying at high speed? No, I didn't think you could.
Also just within the last year a building burned for over 24hr and never fell but yet the twin towers burn for what, 50 some minutes or so and fell straight down?
And what are the design specifics of the building you are referring to? Start by citing the story for me of this building that burned for more than 24 hours, and then show me how that building had the same design architecture as the WTC (which I would bet it did not). If you are going to make comparisions like this, you are going to have to do a better job of providing evidence and analysis!
I could post the answers up on this board
I really doubt this. I do not think you have the relevant background in science to actually answer all the technical points that I have made, or that Darby has made. Why not just try answering one or two of my points about column buckling? If you did, you just MIGHT convince me that you are not as weak-minded as I think.

I've offered to give you names and quotes of certified civil engineers who disagree with this conspiracy theory angle, and it is odd you have not demanded to see them. Instead most of your replies are spent trying to make the "spin master" label stick on me. The more you make this "about me" and not "about the science and facts" the less compelling your claims that bombs brought down WTC1 and 2. It really is that simple.

Re: You Don\'t Know When To Quit, Do You?

Here we go again! More spin spin spin spinster!!! More rubbish more puke from the spin master. I have said from the get go spinster that there is no point in posting anything up on this board to try to rebut anything you say. Why? All you do is say, why were is the proof that Charles N. Pegelow was what he said he was or he does not have enough knowledge to know this or that.
Even if I posted the info about Professor Steven Jones who brings to bear his 20 years of experience and peer-reviewed research in the field of physics, you would find some way to call his findings phoney. So I say again what would it benefit anyone to post anything that does not go along with what you think on this board? All your going to do is to continue to prove that all you can do is post a whole lot of rubbish and puke and say what you say is holy and no one else can come close to you. Oh and by the way building 7 was not damaged from any part of any jet, and the 2 small fires that was burning in the building was not enough to bring the building straight down on itself. The footage clearly shows that. Oh that's right its all phoney too, and Qronos 16 is the one who posted the footage. No maybe Mr. Pegelow is Qronos and Professor Steven Jones is John T.

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for your remarks about the 5th grader comment I made, it was just a smart a** response to Spin Master nothing more. Sorry that went over your head. As for the questions you asked about Charles N. Pegelow, simple research into his career as I did will answer all your questions. And if that is not good enough for you contact him and ask him about his career yourself. Again I only brought up 9-11 because some else did here, and I'm not here to answer questions about it. You really want to know the answers to the questions you pose go and research it.

I didn't fail to glean the smart a** context of the 5th grader response. I referenced it because we oft times refer to "common sense" in a physics situation when the reality is contrary to what one might normally attribute to common sense.

You're correct in as much as I can do the research myself on Mr. Pegelow. But you have to appreciate the context in which I asked you the questions. This is a discussion forum.

It isn't very helpful if Member A asks Member B questions about a reference made by Member B only to be answered "look it up yourself." There's not much discussion in that situation.

I asked you the questions without stating an opinion because the questions directly relate to your position on the issue.

You seem to have made some conclusions about the situation based on your knowledge of the events as well as your trust in the professional opinion of Pegelow. I think that its only fair, given the forum in which I asked, that you should at least attempt to answer them. If you don't know the answers to the physics based questions just state that you don't know. Its not a crime or a shame if you don't know the answers.

As to Pegelow I believe that the questions about his CV are spot on even if the correct answers are unknown or ultimately support his position. The fact is that his CV seems to indicate a lack of current professional experience in the area of high rise construction engineering and that what experience he does have was as a junior (apprentice) engineer. There's a huge difference in the physics and engineering behind the construction of an oil platform and the physics and engineering behind building the largest buildings in the world. In physics and engineering scale is always an issue.

Pegelow may well have the proper professional education, training and experience to profer a valid opinion.

Now, you've been bashing Ray with the "spin, spin, spin" rhetoric. In that regard I'd ask you this:

Prior to ever hearing about Pegelow had you already formed an opinion on the cause behind theTwin Tower collapse? If you had and if that opinion was on the side of the contrarians is it possible that when you read what he had to say that you accepted it without much in the way of questioning his conclusions? Is it possible that you heard what you wanted to hear, i.e. did the spin of his opinion match your preconceptions of the event?

Does his CV give you any pause to reflect on his qualifications?

Does the fact that he only holds a 34 year old B.S. degree in civil engineering have any weight in how you rate his qualifications?

And does the fact that the only references to him on the Internet or UseNet relate to this one event (meaning that there are no references to aricles written by him in professional journals or other engineering related media where he has experssed his professional opinion to his peers during the course of his 34 year engineering career)?

I assure you that I'm not being a smart a**. We see "opinions" everywhere on the Internet. That's what the Internet is all about, frankly. But when a professional offers a professional opinion in writing its helpful if that person has some sort of a track record against which we can make judgments about his/her reputation in "the community" (engineering in this case) and make better informed conclusions about his qualifications to profesionally opine on the instant event.

Don't get me wrong on this. Of course he has every right to state an opinion. But the opinion of an engineer who opines on an engineering problem tends to carry more weight with non-engineers and non-physicists than does a general lay opinion. We have every right to question and consider his qualifications to professionally opine about an area of engineering that appears on its face to be beyond his professional experience over the past 1/3 of a century.

Also please note that I haven't (yet) even questioned his objectivity. Qualified or not, there's still the possibility that he has some axe to grind or that his political positions have clouded his objectivity. I don't know the answer to that one and I haven't looked. For now, at least, it's irrelevent to our discussion.

I hope that you'll consider the above and attempt to answer.



Relative to the Jet-A being almost entirely consumed in the initial explosion I can give you a bit of assistance.

If even 10% the ~20,000 gallons of jet fuel had "instantly" burned off in the initial explosion we wouldn't have had to worry about the fire weakening the structure.

In our conventional weapons arsenal we have FAE's - fuel/air explosives (bombs) - also known as "Poor Man's Nukes". They atomize kerosene and oxygen into a large oxygen rich cloud and then a secondary explosive source ignites the vapor. BMFKB!

The BLU-96 FAE II is a 2,000 lb fuel/air bomb (that's the 10% I refered to above). When a FAE explodes the effects are very similar to a low yield atomic bomb explosion sans ionizing radiation. The temperature near the detonation is above 4,000 C degrees and the overpressure of the blast is on the order of 500 lbs/sq. inch. A BLU-96 FAE II could destroy the tower by blast effects alone.

If it were physically possible to "instantly" create a 20,000 gallon fuel cloud and ignite it the result would have been a bit more than a "low yield" nuke. It would have flattened several city blocks of lower Manhattan. Fortunately its not really possible to create such a cloud by crashing an aircraft. There's not sufficient time to expand the cloud while simultaneously suspending the vapor in the air before it becomes super saturated locally and insufficient oxygen to support instant ignition. The FAE's work because they carry pure oxygen and through very elegant technology mix the fuel and air and allow the cloud to expand before igniting it (BLEVE - boiling liquid, expanding volume explosion).

When a large aircraft crashes the fire frequently does involve a BLEVE-like fuel explosion. But the fuel consumed in that explosion is minute compared to the total fuel carried (unkless the tanks are mostly empty). It took a considerable amount of time for the fuel to burn off.
Oh I see now what your doing Darby, and yes one can appreciate the context in which you asked the questions. But as stated before for the spin master, I am not here to answer questions about 9-11. And yes Darby I have researched this for a long time now. And as stated before if I post anything up here it would be the conclusion I came to and therefore my "opinion". Now lets take a looksie at the argument me and Spin master have gotten into. A I say spin master is always spinning anything anyone says.B Spin Master says he knows everything and no matter what anyone says he will always be right. Even if they are talking about being in the armed services like Ren was, Spin Master said he knew more then Ren did about it. Or C someone ask a question about time travel and spin master jumps all over that person and makes her feel really really bad /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif . Now If posted info here that I found out about 9-11 like I have seen people do,I will be called weak minded because I went along with what someone else said. I have received many private messages from people thanking me for taking this "Spin Master" on and calling him for what he is, a Spin Master. Ok lets break this down for you. The argument about 9-11 is not as important as is what it proves about Rainman, it proves this: he's a spin master. Now as for:
Relative to the Jet-A being almost entirely consumed in the initial explosion I can give you a bit of assistance.

If even 10% the ~20,000 gallons of jet fuel had "instantly" burned off in the initial explosion we wouldn't have had to worry about the fire weakening the structure.

In our conventional weapons arsenal we have FAE's - fuel/air explosives (bombs) - also known as "Poor Man's Nukes". They atomize kerosene and oxygen into a large oxygen rich cloud and then a secondary explosive source ignites the vapor. BMFKB!

The BLU-96 FAE II is a 2,000 lb fuel/air bomb (that's the 10% I referred to above). When a FAE explodes the effects are very similar to a low yield atomic bomb explosion sans ionizing radiation. The temperature near the detonation is above 4,000 C degrees and the overpressure of the blast is on the order of 500 lbs/sq. Inch. A BLU-96 FAE II could destroy the tower by blast effects alone.

If it were physically possible to "instantly" create a 20,000 gallon fuel cloud and ignite it the result would have been a bit more than a "low yield" nuke. It would have flattened several city blocks of lower Manhattan. Fortunately its not really possible to create such a cloud by crashing an aircraft. There's not sufficient time to expand the cloud while simultaneously suspending the vapor in the air before it becomes super saturated locally and insufficient oxygen to support instant ignition. The FAE's work because they carry pure oxygen and through very elegant technology mix the fuel and air and allow the cloud to expand before igniting it (BLEVE - boiling liquid, expanding volume explosion).

When a large aircraft crashes the fire frequently does involve a BLEVE-like fuel explosion. But the fuel consumed in that explosion is minute compared to the total fuel carried (unkless the tanks are mostly empty). It took a considerable amount of time for the fuel to burn off.

I'm not qualified to answer that my friend. But one must ask this question, 2 weeks before 9-11 why were all the bomb sniffing dogs removed from the twin towers? Oh and if you follow the money trail which I'm sure your capable of doing a whole new world of very very odd things will fall into your lap. Sometimes it's best to hide things in plane site. But I have said one thing that is a fact. Millions and MILLIONS of people are waking up to the fact that 9-11 was and inside job.
Oh what the hell, since some people here are coping and pasting large text here and trying to impress everyone why don't I just past this simple link to Professor Steven Jones With his 20yrs of experience in physics lets see what he says about it. Oh I'm sure someone will say he is not qualified he is fake or I'm weak minded for posting his link here. This guy researched everything and this is the conclusion he came to. Oh he just lost his job for it also. What a brave man putting his whole life on the line and standing strong for his nation. but I guess he just saw what he wanted to see. Right?

Ok lets break this down for you. The argument about 9-11 is not as important as is what it proves about Rainman, it proves this: he's a spin master.
This is what I don't quite understand:
We're having a discussion concerning an accusation against the government that it committed some 3,000 plus premeditated first-degree murders but that's not as important as what the conversation proves about Ray, i.e. that he sometmes gets over-the-top and "spins" topics to his liking while posting on an unmoderated alt-sci time travel Internet forum.

Do I have this right?

Spinning a topic cuts both ways. In the case of Ray you don't appreciate how he spins a topic and you rebel against it. But are you absolutely sure that relative to your position on 9-11 that you haven't been spun because you happen to agree with the conspiracy aspect of that particular spin? It is possible that that's what occured?

Have you considered the possibility that you want it to be true (and God only knows why someone would want that) therefore in your mind it will be true even if the truth involves some remarkably absurd (and unexplaned) conspiracy?

Is it possible that some people make a living by creating conspiracy theories because they know that there are people who want to believe and that it is an easy sell?. And I mean "sell" in both the persuasive ability sense as well as the financial gain sense.

"Conspiracy theory" is big business and the creators don't necessarily believe their own theories. Its only necessary that the targets believe the spin. You identify your market and then sell them the product that they demand.

I tossed out an absurd proposition - that Pegelow has spent virtually his entire adult life working for Big Oil therefore it is theoretically possible that he's yet another co-conspirator candidate. Considering the overall absurdity of the proposition why hasn't that "obvious connection" been explored?

That's why I've been asking you about Pegelow and the fuel burn rate. At some point in the recent past you've been convinced that Pegelow is a valid professional source and that 20,000 gallons of jet fuel can burn off in a flash fire. Were you manipulated by conspiracy spin into trusting those propositions?

This is what Ray means when he says "weak minds". Some people allow themselves to be manipulated even to the extent that they end up believing just about anything no matter how absurd. Now, I wouldn't use his specific term because in my mind it is a bit over-the-top. But the underlying thought is valid. As Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

Thankfully its just the Internet. As Willie Davis once said, "It's not my life and it's not my wife." He was talking about playing baseball - but it can also apply to an unmoderated Internet alt-sci time travel forum. ;)
