And yet you claim that you are so smart?
Strawman. Kindly please show me where I made this claim. If you cannot, then stop the strawman setups.
So your conclusion is I am weak minded due to the lack of evidence?
Do you have a problem reading what I actually write? I believe I made it clear that my opinion of your being weak-minded results from coming to conclusions that something happened without evidence. Get that? The weak-minded will jump to conclusions because they can pose a question which there is no evidence to support. Please read my actual words.
I have said over and over to do your own research!!
Yes, you have. And to again prove your weak-mindedness it appears you have raced to the conclusion that I have not done my own research. You assume too much.
You say that your investigation lead to the conclusion that I am weak minded?
Yet again we see you putting words in my mouth. Please read what I wrote above.
What did you investigate?
I have done significant investigation and computations with respect to the aircraft events of 9-11, and ALL of them have debunked the likes of people who claim "inexperienced terrorists could never have pulled it off." The EVIDENCE, in FACT, does show that they could, indeed have pulled it off. I have also done investigation and engineering computations of loads on steel under severe thermal stress. Have you done THIS type of investigation, or have you just gone looking for people's unsubstantiated opinions? Do you know or are you familiar with Euler's formula, which is used to determine when columns will buckle under stress?
You keep saying you need facts and yet you fail to seek those facts yourself.
Once again you are assuming something about me that is untrue. Moreover, for all the whining you do about this topic, YOU HAVE YET TO PROVIDE ANY FACTS YOURSELF!
I said before in this forum that I had nothing to prove to you.
Indeed you do not, for you would need to present evidence to prove anything to me (or any other reasonable investigative analyst).
But since you need someone to hold your hand and show you things, I will post one of many Structural Engineer's that have come forward and said that those buildings were blown up. Now I will say this slowly for you so you can understand....ok?
And it is when YOU take on a tone like this that I feel fully vindicated to take-off the kid gloves and rip you a brand new a-hole. Let the record show that I have remained civil throughout this discussion, and it is you who has resulted in childish put-downs such as this. And yet you have branded me as the childish one.
Charles N. Pegelow Structural Engineer
I am well aware of this gentleman's appearance on a conspiracy theorist radio show.
Now go and look it up ok, I'm sure you will spin this so it will fit what you want to say.
Here is where you fail. Look what up? His comments on a radio program? Again I must point out to the weak-minded that there are no computations, analysis, or calculations (evidence) to support his gum-flapping. Engineers perform analysis, via equations, that demonstrate FACTS. When you can show me a paper he has published with his detailed analysis to support his verbal opinions, THEN I will have something to sink my teeth into.
Mr Pegelow has more then enough experience to say what he says.
And I am not doubting that (if, in fact, he does have those credentials... I was not able to find Mr. Pegelow's name in the Texas register for Professional Engineers...I found that a bit odd. Nor could I find Fulton Construction Company as a registered engineering firm in Texas. Do you know what the word "shill" means?)
So once again you have provided no evidence, and all you have done is referred to someone's opinion which is nowhere (that I can find) backed up by a professional paper that sets out his analysis. I've got to go to work right now, but I assure you I can come back tonight and refute at least one or two elements of Mr. Pegelow's stated opinions. In the mean time, I suggest you get a grip on your own ego, and perhaps share some REAL EVIDENCE before you shoot your mouth off further. The more you try to prop-up someone else's opinion without being able to support it with facts (or your own analysis) the easier it is to make you look like a weak-minded fool.
And don't started the name-calling game. I will simply be the one to finish it.