Message To You All

In response to: You use the term "fact" quite loosely. And I might add you seem to be so weak-minded that you are accepting the speculations of people like Alex Jones (and that is exactly what they are) as if they are fact.

See here we go again, you calling people names like a little kid or something. You seem like a person who had a bad childhood. You come across to me as a little man who has to constantly put people down to make yourself feel big. I researched the info about 9-11 myself. The facts are we have been lied to. So instead of putting people down like a little boy who got some candy stolen from him at school, why don't you go and research it for yourself. Stop getting on this board and harassing people when they are simply trying to talk to people about different issues. Grow up kid.
See here we go again, you calling people names like a little kid or something.
Now let's see if you recognize these words:

"Boo hoo boo hoo!!! That mean old peepo called me a name boo hoo boo hoo!!! Grow up! You are truly sad."

So let me get this straight: YOU are supposed to be able to call people to task, and even call them names, but if anyone else does that to YOU, all of a sudden the rules change? Right!

And BTW, I did not call you any names. I merely expressed my opinion that you are weak-minded based on the people whose propaganda you believe.

I am still waiting for your "facts". You slyly avoided laying any out for myself (and others) to assess.

I think you might be the one who needs to grow up.
He works for a company that makes TONS of cash from this government, he will spin anything.

Also the same company that makes the drone that hit the pentagon...
Ha-ha anti air defenses?? Where was it that day? Hmmm down...Transponders??? any plane can fly in our airspace and not be found if they do not want to be located, wow ...we all remember the 40+ min of "where is that plane "..Hmmm
Good to know that all any terrorists would have to do to repeat this is to turn off there transponder...

Why was the wreckage sold to china ASAP for recycle before we tested it or even studied it.?

Why was there no Test done on the building wreckage. Would Thermite show up?

Who was in charge of the world trade centers security and his contract up 9/11--Marvin Bush-Bush's brother.

Why did Larry Silverstein take out a record insurance policy on the complex in June of that year?

Why was a gag order placed on firefighters? This was an attacked right?

I have personally be on location of three demolition and I have been a spectator on two others, I have never heard of or have heard of concrete slabs slamming into each other with enough force to make a explosion sound. NEVER. Explosions sound so much different than material falling.
I have been on 8 demolition site that did not use explosives and I tell you that are loud when they fall but nothing like implosion.

What are 2 big differences in none imploded demolition and an imploded demolition?

1: Pyroclastic flow. The dust and concrete blown apart looks to flows like lava from a volcano!

I believe only two things can create this effect.
Implosions & volcanos

2: Falling in on it self.
The center core is taken out first so the walls fall in on each other!
Do not try to say this is the same in all demolition it is not!

In a normal take down with out implosions there is dust but nothing like on 911.

This is a very small bit of what does not sit well with me on 911 I have TONS MORE...and rainman's spin sounds like the TT he bags on all day...You only answer question that play into your plan, and you avoid the hard ONES and answer the easy ones with garbage SPIN!
I don't care what you call me, I'm making a point about you. How you always have to put people down or call them some kind of name. I will say it again, you come across to me as a little man who has to constantly put people down to make yourself feel big. As for me proving something to you? I don't think so, your smart go research it like millions of other people have.
I doubt it,

Firstly - i am only interested in its ability for street aplication, Some of the ground aspects and obviously the complete stand up system. Therefore i'm not interested in competing. I doubt i will in the future as its not really my intention with it. However, never say never....I'd have to put on weight first though, which i find hard.

Secondly, i learn it from doormen generally, As such they do not compete on a professional level. But i like their attitude towards it though, as it matches my own view. I know some of them want to though.

Over in the uk, cage fighting is still bigger then the UFC - though the gap seems to be closing.
Ok well you u do not train MMA! Ha-ha the UK cage fighting leads the usa ha-ha do you know the #'s please tell me.

I am an expert in this field.

You have stated the "TUF" claim (The ultimate fighter is a TV show that made every wanna be claim to train MMA, then when asked the question that I asked you, I get your response! ha-ha

And I have been to the UK to train as well as all other parts of the world.

HAHA no one uses BJJ in a street fight...ha-ha lets me know more of your knowledge or lack there of MMA

Again what is the name of the gym? Or better yet what is the UK's top fighter?

The facts are we have been lied to

I must admit there are some apsects of 9/11 that are quite alluring to the imagination. But this is dangerous water to tread. There are many people around the world that are just praying this causes the controversy it so easily could. The same people that planned it would likely have also have planned to kill two birds with one stone, and cause political unrest.

However it is certainly one almighty claim. Generally "facts" are considered provable "evidence". In which case you have to present your findings. Not just other peoples opinions or things that fit with your opinion. You need to list the things that are provable events only. Not just things that lend themselves to relative speculation.

I think that few to none on this forum have the knowledge to say that the "fact" is, we have been lied to. Which is not something you should spout out of mere opinion alone.

This is the last post i make on this - if you want to discuss it further, i will do it over PM as it doesnt belong here. But really, we are coming from different angles, as such we would not get anywhere.

Ok well you u do not train MMA!.

Ok maybe i don't. Maybe i am a sorry loser who likes to say i do, just to appear 'hard'. you are welcome to this opinion.

Ha-ha the UK cage fighting leads the usa ha-ha do you know the #'s please tell me.
I am an expert in this field

I did not say that. I said that IN THE UK, cage fighting is still bigger than the UFC, but the gap is narrowing (ie UFC is starting to catch on as it is in US). Really they are the same thing anyway. Your "expertise" (rather mentality) in MMA has not impressed me so far.

HAHA no one uses BJJ in a street fight

Interesting - I could tell you about people that have used BJJ techniques under practical senarios. Are you saying that my friends are liars. It is not optimal as i mentioned before and very dangerous/ risky to use. I wouldn't recommend it myself, some people adapt it to work. It works, but not towards multiple attackers (i'm talking ground work here specifically).

MMA is a concept. UFC is sporting application of a concept that was create back in the 70's. Your hang up is, that you cannot see past the sport. But if this is your main focus, thats a non issue.

You remind me of someone who wants to argue over football teams and goal statistics. That doesnt interest me one bit.

kind regards,
Please tell me when this was created back in the 70.ahhaha The idea was created in the mind of ryron gracie in brazil, he then came to the us and opened a gym and trained people in BJJ to prove that Gracie JJ was the best there was. He had a 100k challenge to anyone that could beat his family in a no rule fight .This brought crowds to his gym (*) then his idea had direction!

Then Nov 12th 1993 the UFC was born!

Then Japan followed suit

Japans population has like 30% watch MMA then the US with 17-19%

Russia with 13-15%

Then the Uk with 8%--now what event in the UK has more than the UFC?

Pride#1 in the world (6k-6k) min

UFC#2 in the world (2k-2k) min

K-1#3 in the world (1k-1k) min

The UK does not even have a show that pays more that 200-200(200$ to show and 200$ to win)

The UFC is a name brand not a style. Yes your buddies are lying I have fought a time or too in the street and I would say wrestling since I was 4 has helped me in ALL GROUND fights.

Any MMA'er knows this!

So keep you lies to trolling this forum as a TT from you best friends PC

You keep making things up. You Sir are a liar!

Tik & Peepo:

I could really care less what you think about me. I don't base my life or self-value on what people think about me. Now with regard to this:
You only answer question that play into your plan, and you avoid the hard ONES and answer the easy ones with garbage SPIN!
If you think what I share is spin, then I am afraid you would have to agree that Alex Jones is the biggest spin doctor on the internet.

Now let me correct your assertion above... I do NOT even attempt to answer questions or issues that either (a) I am not experienced in or (b) there is not enough evidence to provide accurate answers. I submit that this is why you and peepo don't like me. You think I act as a "know it all", but if you look carefully I will ONLY comment with authority on those things that I KNOW THAT I KNOW. You will find that this is the mark of intelligence: An intelligent person knows when he/she does not know enough on a subject so they keep their mouths shut. As such, I am rarely shown to be wrong because I don't venture into areas where I have not done my homework.

And now let me share with you an extremely important premise with regard to investigations that it is apparant that both of you do not follow. I am professionally trained in aircraft accident investigations (among other things). The single most important precept of investigating ANYTHING is as follows: DO NOT SPECULATE ON QUESTIONS FOR WHICH THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO ANSWER.

Tik, I will admit that some of your questions are good ones. But where we appear to differ is that I refuse to believe (or even infer) an answer to any of those questions when there is NO EVIDENCE to support any form of answer. However, both you and peepo appear to be the typical conspiracy types who will allow their minds to go from a well-posed question to some form of "conclusion" that because these questions remain unanswered, that this must be some sort of evidence against the government as being complicit in 9-11. That is just VERY BAD INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUE. And if you think I am giving you "spin", all you need to do is check with any other professional investigator, and they will tell you the danger of speculating or inferring about questions for which no evidence is in existence to support an answer.

These are the FACTS OF INVESTIGATION that lead to my opinion that peepo is weak-minded... for it is a weak mind that will assume something must be true due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

You may be an expert in MMA, Tik, but you are far from any kind of professional in investigating anything related to physics and engineering. And the fact that you have been onsite for a demolition does not make you a structural engineering expert who is qualified to make claims about the physics of building destruction.

Sorry, but I call them as I see them.
In Reply to: These are the FACTS OF INVESTIGATION that lead to my opinion that peepo is weak-minded... For it is a weak mind that will assume something must be true due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

And yet you claim that you are so smart? So your conclusion is I am weak minded due to the lack of evidence? What are you talking about? I have said over and over to do your own research!! You say that your investigation lead to the conclusion that I am weak minded? What did you investigate? You keep saying you need facts and yet you fail to seek those facts yourself. I said before in this forum that I had nothing to prove to you. But since you need someone to hold your hand and show you things, I will post one of many Structural Engineer's that have come forward and said that those buildings were blown up. Now I will say this slowly for you so you can understand....ok?

Charles N. Pegelow Structural Engineer

His resume;

B. S. Civil Engineering 1972, Lamar University
B. S. Mathematics 1972, Beaumont,Texas


Present: FULTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - private consulting engineer/ contract

1998: Contract Engineering - Paragon Engineering Inc. (Houston, TX)
1) Shell Nigeria onshore gas gathering compressor flow stations and pipeline export station.
2) Mozambique - offshore field development and design for 4 caisson platforms and one central gas export caisson platform.

1997: Contract Engineering - Reading and Bates (Brownsville, TX)
Structural / construction project engineer for the upgrade of Rig 41 for 1000 meters drilling depth. Engineering, construction, scope of work for the support steel for the riser turn-down sheaves, substructure reinforcement, and many miscellaneous structures.

1994-1996: Contract Engineering - Fulton Construction Company (Houston/Livingston)

1994-1995: Hudson - McDermott (Houston)
LNG plant and export terminal for Trinidad. Cost optimization study and conceptual design for jetty and dredging, preparing bid tender documents and design specifications for jetty design / gangway / dredging / bulk steel / nav-aids / and misc. Items. Plant foundation and steel design.

1979-1993: Conoco, Inc. (Houston)
Company project structural engineer and design engineer on various projects including drilling and production platforms, gaslift injection platforms, living quarters platforms, and many miscellaneous deck extensions, skids, and access platforms. Duties included feasibility studies, reviewing and writing specifications, design calculations, computer input/output, review/checking structural drawings, scope of work, design premises for outside source work, interfacing with other disciplines, and writing various reports.

1977-1979: Brown and Root, Inc. (Houston)
Structural designer of Gulf of Mexico type platforms. Also mud slide resistant platforms. Deck design, jacket tubular, foundation analysis, flotation and launch analysis, lifting and installation analysis.

1976: King-Wilkinson Ltd. (Scotland, U.K.)
Project management team for the installation of Occidental Petroleum's Claymore "A" platform. Duties included structural design of pile elevator clamps, pile alignment clamps, miscellaneous installation skids and platforms. Review and recommendation of bids for grouting and pile driving. Also, rigging review, pile driving sequence, and module installation.

1974-1976: Earl and Wright Consulting Engineer, SEDCO (San Francisco)
Structural design of North Sea type platforms, deck modules, large tubular joints, control capsules, deck support trusses, punching shear design, and parameter study for laterally loaded large diameter piles for Arabian Gulf SBM's, Semi-submersible platforms.

1972-1974: Associated Engineering Consultants (Houston)
Structural design, analysis, drafting and checking of structural drawings for commercial buildings. Steel structures, foundation, post tension concrete structures, tilt-up construction and high rise building structures.

Now go and look it up ok, I'm sure you will spin this so it will fit what you want to say. Mr Pegelow has more then enough experience to say what he says. Or is he Qronos 16 to. Oh that's right everyone is Qronos 16!!!
And yet you claim that you are so smart?
Strawman. Kindly please show me where I made this claim. If you cannot, then stop the strawman setups.
So your conclusion is I am weak minded due to the lack of evidence?
Do you have a problem reading what I actually write? I believe I made it clear that my opinion of your being weak-minded results from coming to conclusions that something happened without evidence. Get that? The weak-minded will jump to conclusions because they can pose a question which there is no evidence to support. Please read my actual words.
I have said over and over to do your own research!!
Yes, you have. And to again prove your weak-mindedness it appears you have raced to the conclusion that I have not done my own research. You assume too much.
You say that your investigation lead to the conclusion that I am weak minded?
Yet again we see you putting words in my mouth. Please read what I wrote above.
What did you investigate?
I have done significant investigation and computations with respect to the aircraft events of 9-11, and ALL of them have debunked the likes of people who claim "inexperienced terrorists could never have pulled it off." The EVIDENCE, in FACT, does show that they could, indeed have pulled it off. I have also done investigation and engineering computations of loads on steel under severe thermal stress. Have you done THIS type of investigation, or have you just gone looking for people's unsubstantiated opinions? Do you know or are you familiar with Euler's formula, which is used to determine when columns will buckle under stress?
You keep saying you need facts and yet you fail to seek those facts yourself.
Once again you are assuming something about me that is untrue. Moreover, for all the whining you do about this topic, YOU HAVE YET TO PROVIDE ANY FACTS YOURSELF!
I said before in this forum that I had nothing to prove to you.
Indeed you do not, for you would need to present evidence to prove anything to me (or any other reasonable investigative analyst).
But since you need someone to hold your hand and show you things, I will post one of many Structural Engineer's that have come forward and said that those buildings were blown up. Now I will say this slowly for you so you can understand....ok?
And it is when YOU take on a tone like this that I feel fully vindicated to take-off the kid gloves and rip you a brand new a-hole. Let the record show that I have remained civil throughout this discussion, and it is you who has resulted in childish put-downs such as this. And yet you have branded me as the childish one.
Charles N. Pegelow Structural Engineer
I am well aware of this gentleman's appearance on a conspiracy theorist radio show.
Now go and look it up ok, I'm sure you will spin this so it will fit what you want to say.
Here is where you fail. Look what up? His comments on a radio program? Again I must point out to the weak-minded that there are no computations, analysis, or calculations (evidence) to support his gum-flapping. Engineers perform analysis, via equations, that demonstrate FACTS. When you can show me a paper he has published with his detailed analysis to support his verbal opinions, THEN I will have something to sink my teeth into.
Mr Pegelow has more then enough experience to say what he says.
And I am not doubting that (if, in fact, he does have those credentials... I was not able to find Mr. Pegelow's name in the Texas register for Professional Engineers...I found that a bit odd. Nor could I find Fulton Construction Company as a registered engineering firm in Texas. Do you know what the word "shill" means?)

So once again you have provided no evidence, and all you have done is referred to someone's opinion which is nowhere (that I can find) backed up by a professional paper that sets out his analysis. I've got to go to work right now, but I assure you I can come back tonight and refute at least one or two elements of Mr. Pegelow's stated opinions. In the mean time, I suggest you get a grip on your own ego, and perhaps share some REAL EVIDENCE before you shoot your mouth off further. The more you try to prop-up someone else's opinion without being able to support it with facts (or your own analysis) the easier it is to make you look like a weak-minded fool.

And don't started the name-calling game. I will simply be the one to finish it.
Tikmovado called it, he said your nothing more then a spin master. Boy was he right about you. All you do is spin spin spin!!! Spin city with you. All you are is a little man who thinks if he post a bunch of words he will look bigger then he really is. You jump all over anybody who has an opinion on anything on this board. Someone post facts about something then you spin it to fit what you want it to fit. Did you get your lunch taken from you all the time when you were a kid? When a person as yourself has to constantly call someone weak minded that person is trying to cover up a short coming in his own life. Is this true? Do you have a short coming? I wonder what could that be?

Are you happy in your life? We all care about people who post here, and we want to see you happy. Now why don't you stop the name calling or I will call your Mom and tell her what you are doing. And one more thing spin master, no one mention Alex Jones and yet you keep bringing up his name. Did he beat you up or something? You seem to have it in for him. Im sure we will hear from you soon spin master.
It is interesting how you never respond to the relevant points that I make about your arguments. You accuse me of spin, and this entire response from you is nothing but spin of your opinions about me.
Are you happy in your life?
I am extremely happy in my life. And you?
And one more thing spin master, no one mention Alex Jones and yet you keep bringing up his name.
False. Get your facts straight. #1 - Qronos16 mentioned Alex Jones more than once in this thread. #2 - YOU were the one who cited two of Alex Jones' websites in THIS reply.

I don't enjoy making you look foolish, but if you insist on posting nonsense and continue to avoid facts, the only weapons I need to use against you are the facts. BTW, you have cited ONE engineer (whos credentials cannot be verified as yet) but you said "one of many". Care to give me some more names of engineers who have come forward...and provided real analysis? And beyond this, how do you think your one cited engineer's opinion stacks up against SEVERAL engineers who made their analysis available in Popular Mechanics?

There is certainly someone spinning around here, but it is not me.

I hope you are ready for my rebuttals to some of Mr. Pegelow's statements. It should be funny reading how you deal with those facts. I suggest you might want to study-up on Euler's equation for column buckling. I will even give you some material to read the FACTS upon which my rebuttal is based: HERE.