Message To You All

Rainmans, wait, I have his vette,

T is in Gary I need you come here?

Let me grab your shirt.I've got you now, this is funny but this looks wierd.

Okay lets walk over to the vette?

What part?Its up to you Gar..Okay fender, thats right and, okay I have you now, you put your hand on the fender.

Okay into time

I have you dont worry, fowards smoke, yelling a few shots.

sounds of military vehicles.

water, I know thats what Im thinking and it stinks.

Oh sh*t!
Strap a rocket on the back of a teenage boy, and what do you and what will you have?

Rocket men!

In the Kahbalha (spelling wrong no doubt), it is said there upon reading this structure 'time travel' will be thought about and perhaps obtained. Some Catholics state "Upon Electing me, in the future, things will be different, and you will all know that. I am your Leader". The priest listen to these people and say -- "We'll be bad, so they kick us out of this Country, because we are tired of listening to them tell us about God. God is the only "Time Traveler and the only Leader!"!

The others with their "Rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there" and will be in the future, as soon as you realize the Americas, because, they simply don't have anything to stop us, so they will eventually join us, and end up listening to all the other crazies in this Country!"

Rocket teenagers, men, and ladies unite!
Time travelling is upon all of yous!


Hot dogs are bad for yous!

Here is another example of how people here in this time think they know all their is to know about a Time Traveler. How do you know what the rules are? Did you see the rules in a movie? I have not even spoke of the technical aspects of time travel and even if I wanted to do so I could not. Again another comparison to John T. Let me let you in on a little secret about John T that I was not going to say before. He's not what you think he is. That's all I will say about that.

I'm sure you all are aware of the matrix movies. Which by the way are very popular in 2065. The first movie by the brothers tried to tell you what kind of a world you live in. Did any of you catch that? Frogs in boiling water. Sometimes the truth is in plane site.
Of course, the Matrix was real all along! Thanks, Qronos! *Children wave as Optimus Prime, with Qronos the Littlest Time Traveller on his back, flies off into the setting sun, under a magical rainbow*
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gifouch woe cool...

RainmanTime and Creedo299 are friends and brother...

ouch this place must be full of landmine...hahahaha :oops: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif
Now that's funny!!! Who said the movie was real? I said that the movie had a message the brothers were trying to get you all to understand. Only in the first movie.
The matrix?

I can not remember if I said "Welcome" or not. Currently, I am <font color="blue">pStream[/COLOR](-ing)
<font color="blue">-&gt; pointer object[/COLOR] of the <font color="blue">FAssertMessage[/COLOR] in the Civilization IV game with <font color="blue">#defines[/COLOR] reading in the <font color="pink">CvArea[/COLOR](.cpp) of the <font color="blue">#include[/COLOR](d) files of the abstract classes.

Since I am the Leader of the Civilization IV game, I will put everything in one gigantic *.h heading file and *.cpp programming file and probably blow-up the computer and the programming of Microsoft and their OS's and IDEs. (Sounds of "Coronations" are heard.) (Entire meaning -- I have a headache!)

Abstract as it is!

What other endeavors lurk in the programming?

Download the Software Development Kit for the Matrix, I guess.

User tweaks and user mods will be done now!

what will happen in 2007,2008,2009 tell me the informtion about it and the internet 2 before you leave ok..

write back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
This will be my last post, but I must let you all know that you have 2 paths before you. 1 you can continue down the path of ignorance and blindness. Or you can awaken and stand up for what is yours. Which path will you take?

Some things that I have written can be changed. You can stop the American Union. The United States does not have to be a part of the World Government. To do that you must stand against the element of government that is in control of all the things going on now in this country. The same element that will bring the wrath of GOD against this nation. Earthquakes, Volcanos that have not been active for 100's of years. Horrible storms that will drown cities. The sun will become more active then ever before. The energy from the sun is also part of the reason for such horrible storms.

Election time is near and the false propaganda campaign will step up. Do not be fooled for if you stand strong Bush will be impeached. Remember what I have told you, the war that the globalist fight is not against the terrorist it is against you. If you think I'm making this up read the patriot act and I guarantee your mind will be changed. Stop thinking all is well, if you do not then you will loose this nation. I wish I could tell you more but that is all I am allowed to tell you.

Remember what I told you about the kids, please if you have not listen to anything I have told you listen to what I said about the kids. Teach them how to survive.

One more thing, in the last part of the 10 years China will try to take advantage of what is going on and invade the USA many many will die. In the end the USA will come out on top. The final battle will be fought in Colorado with the black weapons you hear about but never see. Antigravity weapons that the USA has had for years. Beam weapons that are in operation now that the USA has fired against what you call UFO's. A 200 million man army the Chinese have, the same number the Bible speaks of.

We leave at 3:33am on the 25th. If you are in the midwest or southern states look to the skies around that time you may see something. I think we will be the last to come to this time.

Good Luck to you all!!!
Farewell, Little Buddy!

This will be my last post
Thank God Almighty on High! I'll be celebrating.
you have 2 paths before you. 1 you can continue down the path of ignorance and blindness. Or you can awaken and stand up for what is yours. Which path will you take?
Translation: "If you don't believe me, Qronos16, and what I have "predicted" (ha), then you are taking the path of ignorance and blindness."

With such an insulting rhetoric, now you know why I feel absolutely NO remorse for the insults I have thrown at you, Gilligan. Not only do I reject you, &amp; reject your message, but I also reject the thought that YOU have the ability to determine whether the path that I select with my Free Will is one of "ignorance and blindness."
The energy from the sun is also part of the reason for such horrible storms.
It is no surprise that the energy of the Sun is THE dominant influence for the majority of the dynamic changes on our planet. The fact that you try to tie this to your agenda of a doom and gloom future is not specifically supportable. IOW, you are blowing smoke out your a$$.
Do not be fooled for if you stand strong Bush will be impeached.
Got a date? Care to be more specific? No...I didn't think so.
Stop thinking all is well, if you do not then you will loose this nation.
Translation: "If you don't believe me, Qronos16, then you must think that all is well." Never have I claimed that "all is well". My argument with you has simply been that things are nowhere near as bad as you wish to paint them. But that is your agenda... to whip people into a frenzy with flimsy, unsupported "conspiracy theorist" accusations. You seek weak minds with such an agenda. Intelligent people won't buy into your propaganda.
The final battle will be fought in Colorado with the black weapons you hear about but never see.
Hmmph. Sounds to me like an updated version of the movie Red Dawn. I thought that movie was OK... but it never came to pass, now did it?
We leave at 3:33am on the 25th. If you are in the midwest or southern states look to the skies around that time you may see something.
I'll be waiting for the big news reports... zzzzzzz. As with your other "predictions" you are being purposely vague by not telling us WHAT we can expect to see....just "something". Cute.
I think we will be the last to come to this time.
Right there you have totally betrayed any hope that you could be believed as a time traveler. And you probably don't even understand why this is so. If time travel comes to pass in the way you have insinuated it would (by your own lame story) then you could never make such a statement, as there are multiple worldlines full of people who could (and would) continue to come to "our time". With this, your final statement, you have totally contradicted the basis of the story you have spun which you expect should "convince" us of what you say to be our future.

You are a really, really lame hoaxer Qronos16. The Skipper is NOT pleased! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I'm just glad we won't have to hear your nonsense anymore (although I bet another "version" of you will show up not too long after "you" have left us).

I live here in the Midwest. It also has its problems same as anywhere else. What I fail to see is that the same kind of response comes out of so-called people who also only think that they should give orders. Well, I must of missed you leaving because I was asleep. Let me explain it this way also.

Here is a young couple, having their problems, but, not really knowing me, who does live alone, they are having emotional problems with that. I really am not, I am having the problem of trying to decide what it is that they are talking about. The young man turns that stupid age, where everyone thinks that drinking is allowed. They can not handle it. They are drinking too much. They also have friends who are acting out, and all because I could not read their minds when they could not explain it.

Here it is:

The matrix is gone, done through. It is Quaternions now. So again, it would be nice if it seemed that you were not acting out, and just being as wrong as what some of these other people want to think. I will explain it. Actually they are the ones acting out, explaining anyone else is acting out, when that is not really necessarily true.

That goes all up to God in the end, and that is the part that they fail to see. There is actually another way of thinking about any of it. And that is --- the definitions of the words are not actually what they seem to be. It is not cut and dried, never has been, and never will be. It is uncertainty, because that is always what it has been. There will be no matrix, because matrixes can not explain 3-D fully and the math is only approximate, at the best. Now enters Quaternions, and it can explain better 3-D and the math is closer, and more accurate, so whenever someone comes on and can not explain what is really happening, no fallout will occur, no exggerations will occur.

Simply put, humans are bound to this Planet, and can not get off. Humans are trapped on this Planet.

That changes everything, in the end.

And it will not change any time soon!
Fantasies are not reality, they simply are not.

Uh ok. Anyway I don't know what the guy is or was, I mean he could have been some nut from the nut house or something. But I do thank him for opening my eyes to the fact that our nation is in great danger. If anything that did me some good and I have also talked to many people here in my town about what is going on in the United States. They are really shocked.
I hope that we do not loose what so many people have died for in wars.
Good riddance and take the prophecies of your tiny desert god with you!

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
If I wanted to go out and really try and change the world and get them to listen what would I do? Well, I would not post on a message board. How is that ever going to change the world, by posting to a few people on here?!!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I'm still waiting for anything to happen that is even remotely similar to what Qronos was predicting in this thread. I guess it is just as well that he did the famous "hit and run" TT story, because if he was still around right now he would have to answer for why so much of what he was warning us about has amounted to nothing. Ane he would also be held to task for why he mentioned nothing about what erupted in Israel and Lebanon!

Since I am in an entertaining &amp; cooking mode today, and since I shared my appetizer in another thread, I figured I would share the main course for dinner tonight... I call it Rainman's Pork Chop Invention. This will be served alongside a medley of oven-roasted, marinated vegetables and accompanied by a garlic-cheese bread. After dinner we will all sit around the pool drinking melon mint juleps and watching the sun go down.

I really wish CigMan was on my coast right now. It would be nice to have him over to meet some of my friends (who are not super-scary, secretive alphabet soup employees nor radical right-wing Republicans!). :D


As far as changing the world, posting here is as good as anything you could do. Do you remember the Greek story about the guy who burned down a temple because he wanted to be famous and there was no other way he could think to do it? Of course I don't remember his name, but he was pretty famous to the Greeks.

However, who knows who reads these pages? Maybe the next Einstein. Maybe the next temple burner. Maybe someone not human? Maybe even Alex Jones and Hillary Clinton! PB.