Sorry, but I am just NOT going to sit by and allow this crapola to go unchallenged. You provide NO details, NO facts, NO verifiable evidence, NO dates....asbolutely NOTHING that would make you credible. You insult us, treat us like children, tell us some bogus story about alleged terrible things that are going to happen, and then try to pass off your political agenda as if you are a time traveler.
I just do not understand you people at all.
The feeling is mutual, Gilligan.
he thought he would try to help you by giving you some information to help you out
Unactionable information with no clear specifics, or verifiable evidence, is of little value.
What is wrong with all of you?
Ever asked yourself the same question?
Why do you all care about nothing?
So let me get this right: Just because we don't care about what YOU tell us we should care about, this equates to us caring about nothing? Nice.
What will it take to get you all to see that you are being fooled by the powers that be in this nation?
Verifiable facts and evidence... of which you seem to have NONE!
The United States Of America is almost dead!!! The American Union will replace it.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
What will happen? Once the AU is established and even before, all the animals in the USA will be chipped and tracked. Then the Mexicans will be chipped then the kids will be chipped to keep them safe. After that all of you
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Troops will be on the American streets and there will be Marshall law.
Say Gilligan, I think you mean
martial law. (
The globalist are testing this out now in New Orleans.
Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
They will replace the Internet you have now with the Internet 2. You will not be able to say the things you are able to say now. It will cost much more money to access the Internet. More phoney terror attacks to take more of your freedoms away.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
I'll be watching, Gilligan.
Copy and past this message all over the net.
You want us to propagate your hate-spam? Get a life!
I know you do not believe what I tell you is true, but you will see soon that you are wrong.
Ever wonder WHY we don't believe you? Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
The weather will get mush worse then it is now. The heat across the USA will be unreal. The sun will shoot hot fire at the earth, volcanos will blot out the skies floods, tornado's and winds of unbelievable speed will hit this planet.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
I wish I could believe that, but even this is not believeable!
I tell you all of this so you can be ready for it.
And yet you give us no dates. If you REALLY wanted us to be ready for it, the best thing you could give us to accomplish this are dates!
Stop believing main stream news!!
And start believing you and your biased sources with no verifiable evidence? I think not!
Our time here is almost up. We must return to 2065 in a few short days.
Just get the eff out already.
You all have been Warned!!!!!!!!!
Yes. I know. I am terrified. I pledge to repent. I still don't have any dates, nor do I know what I should do (other than your generalities and your request to propagate your non-specific nonsense).
I fart in your general direction! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif