Message To You All


First off you don't know if I was cleared for that info or not. So what the hell are you guys talking about? You know nothing. As for me not coming around anymore. LMAO LMAO LMAO!!!! You guys really need to get a life like many here on this board seem to think you do. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
You go ahead and keep laughing, Ren. I've already explained to you that I don't joke about protecting classified information.
Yes I really was in the USMC
And yet, with all your laughing, you still don't feel confident enough to disclose name, rank, and unit. Could that be to avoid investigation or prosecution?
Have I violated anything? No.
You implied that confidental information was released without authorization. If this is true, and you did not report it, you are in violation of UCMJ and Federal Law. You would have had termination briefings to ensure you understood your continued responsibility in this regard.
First off you don't know if I was cleared for that info or not.
And if you are aware of INFOSEC requirements, you will know that being cleared is not enough. There is another requirement.

All I can say Ren is: If you don't take this seriously, don't be sad if suddenly you have more company than you ever wanted crawling up through your o-ring.


Many people have private messaged me as well and has said the same thing do not pay attention to certain people in this forum. All of you need to take heed to what I have tried to tell you. You had better pay attention to what is going on right now in the world news. Also you had better pay attention to what is going on in the ring of fire. We have a couple more minor things to do here before we leave. I will let you know something real important before we go. Some things are meant to happen, but the outcome does not have to be the same
We have a couple more minor things to do here before we leave

horrayy!! hurry up and do them. where are u leaving for exactly? goin on holiday? i'd go back and watch myself as a kid, or maybe go and watch myself watching myself! cus of course, all this is possible.
Greetings humanoids and also to Qrono
- your name is very much like Chrono / historian's so the Chrono part of my brain likes you a lot in it's own sad pathetic fawning 12 year old boy way, or like General Zod liked the flashing light on the police car in Superman II because it reminded him of Krypton's red sun. But I digress.

Now I'm very concerned that you've decided to throw your lot in with the 'future is all doom and gloom' camp and your conspiracy theories. I am a time traveller myself and rather than bleat on like a broken record about America losing its borders I have instead introduced the idea that time travelling can be used for pure hedonistic pleasure. Now admittedly a lot of the time travellers on here do like to be the Voice Of Doom but I believe I am walking a different path.

So I say to you - you are in the 21st century, surrounded by these primitive people with their keyboards and nuclear power - ENJOY it for the sake of God's death! Have fun! For instance, you talk of the ring of fire - I tried a primitive 'curry' dish with a couple of my 21st century mates last night and now I can confirm that the 21st century ring of fire DOES exist. But it's calming down a bit now.

Love always
Dedicated to a life of time travelling pleasure and not moaning on like a third rate science fiction novel out of the bargain bin.
I apologise, I have neglected to ask:

'If you were an animal what type of animal would you be and why?'


Love always
Super Prime President Of The United States Of Oceania 2652 CE
Many people have private messaged me as well and has said the same thing do not pay attention to certain people in this forum.
If you could only read what the vast majority of my PMs say about you! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I have been encouraged (by the more thoughtful thinkers on this forum, I might add) to continue hammering away at your hoax, as you are polluting our potential timelines with your filth.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride, Gilligan!

What are you talking about now? I understand that there is a vote going on to get rid of you. I mean so many people think you whine like a little kid. All you seem to do is try to put people down. Grow up already!
Why not just give up and admit the fact that you and Qronos are one-in-the-same?

Besides, if you got rid of me, this place would lose all its entertainment!

Now I'm Qronos? LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO!!!!!!!! What are you smoking? You are really spaced out. Next your going to say you are spider man or something. What is your problem man? I mean this all started yesterday when I responded to a post and you freaked out and said I know more about the Armed forces then you do. You wouldn't last 2 days at camp.
What was this thread about, I forgot?

Maybe BOTH of you are acting stupidly. Just drop the hostility and move on. There will be a new day tomorrow, a new beginning, make the most of it.

AND it DOESNT matter WHO started it, it is the REAL MAN that ends it.

I like BOTH of you and enjoy reading posts from BOTH of you. But, reading/writing the above crap isnt productive in any thread.
Well I did not start this mess, but I will end it.You are correct OvLrdLegion. Time to move on.

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I feel I must mention that I have read other material you ( Ren ) have written in another site.

And I feel I must point out to Ray, that there is much more to Ren than what you have seen here.

This goes the other way as well.

Ren, I have personally met Ray and there is more to Ray than you have seen here.

To be honest, I am amazed at what Ray does...

Works at Northrop, teaches at a University, posts in-depth information here, visits very interesting places and is nice enough to show someone the little attributes those places have, is working on a few books, researches on various complex subjects, responds to e-mails and P.M.s...and...has got to spend an enormous amount of time in traffic around the So Cal area...

And I know that he is a very thoughful person. When we met, the people in here were certainly brought up, and Ray had nothing negative to say about any of you. So, even though he may seem rough in some of his replys/posts...this is far from who he really is in person.

Frankly, I am impressed. There is no way I could maintain that kind of disipline. I get winded going out to the end of the driveway to get the morning paper.

And from what I have understood from all that I have seen from Ren, you yourself are an amazing man.
Ya, back in the freakin' seventies, a certain member of U.S. calipher showed up in my family's face in Illinois. Iowa is a dump with a certain town. U.S. West still owes me $1500. I hate collusion out of certain people who's only goal like some Catholics is getting other people in trouble and I definitely will have nothing to do with drunks. I suggest some people in this Country find someone else to abuse, for even the Senator of Iowa, don't like a certain town. Again, this anti-social crap rears its ugly head up again from time to time. Since certain people do not care, I wonder why they think they are immune. Senator Kerry found out from some other people in the last Election also, what they think of him, and who knows about how they really feel, like me.

Yes, I have made mistakes, and paid for them. It is the ones that do not pay in this Country, that only offer up their delusions about what can happen. I would have preferred sanity, but again, all they do is think of their money, their beliefs, (which ain't) but now there are other issues. Again, liberals only think that they are in charge, really do not follow anything in business, and all think that they are above anything. I would not have these people continue to think this way, it makes other people want Federal people to show a more active interest in some issues, after years of whatever this Country will be in the future.

Goodbye, I really do not like the friendlies who claim they get along. Still leading people on in some respects with some of these people.
You will not convince everyone that they will ever continue on with whatever beliefs and Past revenge they seek. Too bad they did not do other things but continue on in the same ol' fashion. Most people try and move on, but haunts and delusions out of some people really ought to be stopped in this Country, where they actually think because of their position that they give orders. They still think this way, with some people.

Don't mess with people with the collusion, because certain people like U.S. West did not last as long as they think they would. Perhaps, it can be thought of as God coming down, and saying "You can either resign or be fired". Of course, I left before that due to my own fault, but all of them said that they "resigned" but however, I say they were "fired", and just had enough time in on the job to retire. However, they can continue to fool theirselves on it for the rest of their crazy life. I just say I was fired, for good reason. The rest of them actually may be considered to be "crazy" no matter what they claim anyone else will do. I did not know they knew everything, or could read everyone's mind.
I just do not understand you people at all. Scott came here last year on a mission and then he felt so sorry for you people he thought he would try to help you by giving you some information to help you out. What is wrong with all of you? Why do you all act like everything in this nation is going fine? Why do you all care about nothing? All any of you do is try to prove you are smarter then the next person. As I have stated on another board, Scott fought for 2 years to get another mission to this time so we could get some information to a person in Texas that should help out with the fight. You people are so sad, I see why Scott felt so sorry for you all. Most of you really don't know what is going on. All you seem to care about is what movie star is doing what. I see why Scott said that when he looked into people eyes he saw nothing. You are all sleep and you need to wake up. Most of you remind me of a frog in boiling water. What will it take to get you all to see that you are being fooled by the powers that be in this nation? I see why millions of you died without a clue. But that number should not be that high now. I will say this now, you had better watch what Bush is doing!! And take heed unto it. The United States Of America is almost dead!!! The American Union will replace it.

What will happen? Once the AU is established and even before, all the animals in the USA will be chipped and tracked. Then the Mexicans will be chipped then the kids will be chipped to keep them safe. After that all of you. If you do not take the chipped you will not be able to get a job. If you have bad credit you will not be able to get a job. You will be watch on every corner every street. You will not be able to buy sell or trade. Troops will be on the American streets and there will be Marshall law. The globalist are testing this out now in New Orleans. They will replace the Internet you have now with the Internet 2. You will not be able to say the things you are able to say now. It will cost much more money to access the Internet. More phoney terror attacks to take more of your freedoms away. And all most of you will do is say George is doing such a great job.

The USA has many enemies across the world, but your biggest enemy is Bush and yourselves. You have been warned!!!

If you want to survive what is to come you must learn how to live off of the land. Learn how to grow food and to shoot a gun. Learn how to filter water. If possible move out of the city. If you stay near a city move farther away. Learn how to find water when you don't see it. Teach your kids how to shoot a gun. Never give up your gun!!! And trust in GOD because wether you believe in him or not he is real! Learn how to build small communities to stay in. Stay near people that you trust with your life. Learn how to treat illnesses without going to the big money doctors. Find out how to get Oregano with P73 in it this is the hyssop the bible talks about. Trash your credit cards, I say again trash your credit cards!! Invest your money in Gold. Get out of the stock market if you are associated with it. The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!

Copy and past this message all over the net. I know you do not believe what I tell you is true, but you will see soon that you are wrong.

The weather will get mush worse then it is now. The heat across the USA will be unreal. The sun will shoot hot fire at the earth, volcanos will blot out the skies floods, tornado's and winds of unbelievable speed will hit this planet. I will stop right their. It gets even worse but I will stop. I tell you all of this so you can be ready for it. You can survive it, your kids must survive it! The kids Must Survive it!!!! Please I beg you to take heed to what I have tried to tell you, Please!!

I have a warning for the Christians. You had better stop your boasting on how none of this will effect you!!! How you will not be here for all the bad things to hit the planet. You had better reread the bible and understand what you have read. The Lord said except those days be shortened no one would survive.
You have been warned!!!

Stop believing main stream news!! Find out what is going on yourself. Knowledge is power!

Our time here is almost up. We must return to 2065 in a few short days.

I hope you have listened. I hope you all wake up. The most important thing is to teach your kids how to survive. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

You all have been Warned!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I am just NOT going to sit by and allow this crapola to go unchallenged. You provide NO details, NO facts, NO verifiable evidence, NO dates....asbolutely NOTHING that would make you credible. You insult us, treat us like children, tell us some bogus story about alleged terrible things that are going to happen, and then try to pass off your political agenda as if you are a time traveler.
I just do not understand you people at all.
The feeling is mutual, Gilligan.
he thought he would try to help you by giving you some information to help you out
Unactionable information with no clear specifics, or verifiable evidence, is of little value.
What is wrong with all of you?
Ever asked yourself the same question?
Why do you all care about nothing?
So let me get this right: Just because we don't care about what YOU tell us we should care about, this equates to us caring about nothing? Nice.
What will it take to get you all to see that you are being fooled by the powers that be in this nation?
Verifiable facts and evidence... of which you seem to have NONE!
The United States Of America is almost dead!!! The American Union will replace it.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
What will happen? Once the AU is established and even before, all the animals in the USA will be chipped and tracked. Then the Mexicans will be chipped then the kids will be chipped to keep them safe. After that all of you
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Troops will be on the American streets and there will be Marshall law.
Say Gilligan, I think you mean martial law. ( DEFINITION )
The globalist are testing this out now in New Orleans.
Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
They will replace the Internet you have now with the Internet 2. You will not be able to say the things you are able to say now. It will cost much more money to access the Internet. More phoney terror attacks to take more of your freedoms away.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
I'll be watching, Gilligan.
Copy and past this message all over the net.
You want us to propagate your hate-spam? Get a life!
I know you do not believe what I tell you is true, but you will see soon that you are wrong.
Ever wonder WHY we don't believe you? Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
The weather will get mush worse then it is now. The heat across the USA will be unreal. The sun will shoot hot fire at the earth, volcanos will blot out the skies floods, tornado's and winds of unbelievable speed will hit this planet.
Dates? Specifics?..... I didn't think so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
I will stop right their.
I wish I could believe that, but even this is not believeable!
I tell you all of this so you can be ready for it.
And yet you give us no dates. If you REALLY wanted us to be ready for it, the best thing you could give us to accomplish this are dates!
Stop believing main stream news!!
And start believing you and your biased sources with no verifiable evidence? I think not!
Our time here is almost up. We must return to 2065 in a few short days.
Just get the eff out already.
You all have been Warned!!!!!!!!!
Yes. I know. I am terrified. I pledge to repent. I still don't have any dates, nor do I know what I should do (other than your generalities and your request to propagate your non-specific nonsense).

I fart in your general direction! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif