Message To You All

This person asked me to post this for him.

Hi Oronso 16,

I sent you a 'TT is real' message the other day and I want to thank you for your reply. I also wanted to make a post on your thread but, for some reason I was unable to. I was wondering if I gave you my reply would or could you post it for me? If you can't that's OK I still would like you to read it. Here it is:

Hello everyone;

This is my first time posting here on this forum, although, I have been registered for almost two years. And, what I would like to say is that in spite of what you may or may not believe about the feasibility of future travelers traversing back in time to our world line, I believe the warning that Oronso 16 has merit. I will also go further and propose that the United States is the new paradigm of the Roman Empire.

Question: Does anyone remember what brought down that Empire?

In a nut shell, there were four main reasons why it collapsed:
1. Endless war
2. Loss liberty
3. Corruption
4. Debt

There is no end in sight for the war in Iraq, and with their civil war escalating; there is the danger of it spilling over into the surrounding nations. Our soldiers—God help them—are caught in the middle and under a great deal of stress; having been deployed 2, 3, and even 3 times. What are they dying for? Can anyone provide me with a valid reason?

Did you also know that there is over 9 billion dollars missing and unaccounted for that was appropriated towards the reconstruction in Iraq? That out of more than 200+ schools that were to be built, there are only 16, and the money is almost gone.

There are some members in the administration and in congress who have been profiting from the war.

We are loosing a lot of our liberties in the name of security. Do you believe that once you have relinquished a liberty you will be offered it back? I doubt it! Is this what you really want? Isn’t liberty a part of what makes a republic a democracy?

There has been considerable coverage on the pay to play lobbying antics lately. It appears that the average American citizen can’t afford to pay the cost for congress to listen. Some members in the administration and congress are bedfellows with special lobbying interest groups over on K Street (especially the oil and banking industries). And that’s just the tip of the ice berg, as they say.

Did you know that the U.S has more debt than all of the other nations on earth combined!
Did you also know that all of the tax cuts passed by this congress comes with a cost of over 1.9 trillion dollars in lost revenue over the next decade!!
Did you know that this President and the Republican lead congress have accumulated more debt than all of the 42 presidents combined!
Did you know that the President and congress have raised the limit cap on borrowing from foreign nations five times—the most recent rise of the cap occurred last month!

If our economy is doing so well, why is this country going deeper and deeper into debt? How fiscally responsible, do you believe our government has been? It seems that the rich are getting richer and the middle class and the poor are paying for it. And, the chasm that exists in-between is growing wider. The “Robbing Hoods” of the administration and congress have been taking the monies from programs that have been funded to help the less fortunate, the elderly, and struggling students, to pay for the tax cuts. They will attempt to dismantle all entitlement programs in order to cover the cost of some of these tax cuts, under the guise of being fiscally responsible.

We are in deep trouble of losing our nation and the core principles on which it was founded. We are headed towards the same fate as Rome. It is conceivable that our Roman Empire could collapse unless enough of its citizens wakeup and realize they need to take back their country. You have been warned by John Titor and are continually being warned by Oronos 16 and others. I only hope you will listen.


P.S. I know time travel is feasible, I witnessed it.
The Roman Empire is a structure entirely unlike the USA. Despite the fact that you seem to thing democracy is all smoke and mirrors, Bush is no Caesar, and certainly no "Neron Qesar".

Although to be fair, I took an IAT that says I "slightly prefer the United States to Canada", and I like Canada quite a bit, relative to everywhere else.
under the assumption that this was really the senario;

You have been warned by John Titor and are continually being warned by Oronos 16 and others. I only hope you will listen.

First off, most of us here do not debate the feasibility of time travel. As space does not exist without time, and we can travel through space - its only a matter of time before its accomplished.

With regards to the last part of your post (which was infact far more coherent then anything Qronos has yet to come out with) - Did it also occur to you that people such as Titor and Qronos may infact be the biggest threat to the timeline.

After all, they 'muscle' in from another timeline, and start (as we have undoubtedly already established) the cycle of events that started civil war on their timeline.

If Qronos was really a time traveller (we all know my stance), he'd be correct to keep a low profile (which he isnt, incidently) - even i'd happily tie him to a chair and pump him full of LSD. With his big mouth and lack of intellect, he'd be very dangerous!

In short, I dont believe he has the foresight or insight [for that matter] to be what he says. in fact i find him much more amusing (albeit in a tiresome way) then insightful!

So anyway, Qronos - Why are you in a different timeline and messing about with it - care to explain?

kind regards,
P.S. I know time travel is feasible, I witnessed it


intriguing, perhaps you should try posting your experience on the claims section. Not everyone is shot down that posts there. its not an 'out there' story that gets peoples backs up - its they way they are written with no thought and effort that gets people overly suspicious.

Maybe you'd be surprised.

Kind regards,

Boy you sure seem to think you know what a real time traveler should act like. What makes you so knowledgeable on a Time traveler? If these guys are real and I stress if, how can you say how they should act? You don't know. Your just running your mouth. How can any of us here say how a so called time Traveler should act? It would be really stupid to think they should all be like Spock.

I would like to extend my hand as a thank-you for the service you did for this country. I do have alot of respect for you, and the personal danger you had placed yourself within to protect those principles.

To address the part about 'how a time traveler should act'...hard to answer that since it hasnt happened yet.

However, I supppose we assume many things. I assume that time travel wouldn't be availalble to people such as those who usually state they are from some point in the time-line.

I also would assume that the education level would be much more than what the time travelers we have seen so far have demonstrated.

The time traveler( I assume ) would go to great lengths to blend into the time period and not bring any un-wanted attention to their presence.

If he/she was to be taken seriously, and demonstrate that he/she is definitely from the future, I believe that he/she would be putting him/herself at great risk of discovery.

The amount ( of assumed ) resources required to send someone back in time would exclude specific personalities from any such travels. They would be hand picked to achieve specific goals, and typing posts in this forum seems unlikely and improbable.

The political commentaries may be appropriate/accurate or not, but this is merely an extension of current subjects and information available now.

It doesnt take much to "build" a "possible" future from the information available today.

I am thankful that you served our country in the military. However...
First off I don't seem to remember trying to prove anything to anyone.
I didn't say you did... but YOU were the one who claimed that something was FACT. Generally, if someone is claiming something as FACT, then they should be able to back it up as such.
Again, anyone with a brain can see that the sovereignty of this nation is in great danger.
You're retreating from the strong stance you had above. With your posting of the worldnetdaily article, and your citation that ABC News also reported this, you were making some awfully dark insinuations that our President, the CinC of your former organization, was somehow being unlawful in the work he is directing the Executive branch to take on.

I have countered that, and explained constitutional law to counter any possible insinuation you can make that he is breaking the law. In fact, I will say it again: He is doing his job. If you wish to have a civil discussion about why it is IMPORTANT to create a large economic block among our neighbors, I need only point to the rising power of the EU. Do you understand that many of the things outlined by this working group are already existing in the EU? (e.g. people can move freely across borders in EU countries)

You were the one who raised my ire by stating something was a fact. Now that I have given just a bit of evidence that your facts don't align with your insinuations, all of a sudden you retreat to nothing more than subjective statements like the above. I'd just like you to defend them with facts, not emotion.

You might not like Bush, and you might be upset because you voted for him. However, to demonize the President of our country without evidence is a bit unfair. I don't agree with everything Bush has done, but I do think he has done a reasonable job given the hand he was dealt.

New/Improved RMT

I have not retreated from anything and I think anyone reading my post can see that except for you. Look , Qronos is the one who started the conversation about the American Union. So I did some research on the American Union and found that Bush had a deadline which he failed to meet of 2005 of trying to get this into play. Like I said before the American Union is a fact. He is still trying to get it into play. As for Bush breaking the law, that I'm not sure about. But I am sure that the American Union is a fact. So again no one retreated from anything. As for me demonizing the president, well I think I earned that right by putting my life on the line for the United States Of America. Now your a grown man you don't need anyone holding your hand you can research just as I did and find out the same thing. No matter what you say here the American Union is real, and the sovereignty of this nation is in great danger.
Edited Version,

Hello Qronos 16,

I did what you had suggested but unfortunately it seems that I can't post--something about an invalid host. I afraid I don't know what that means. Anyway, I'm glad you did not post for me, because took the opportunity to edit it. You don't need to post it for me but is the edited copy for you to read:

Hello everyone;

This is my first time posting here on this forum, although, I have been registered for almost two years. And, what I would like to say is that in spite of what you may or may not believe about the feasibility of future travelers traversing back in time to our world line, I believe the warning of Oronso 16 has merit. I will also go further and propose that the United States is the modern day paradigm of the Roman Empire.

First, let me state that I’m neither a registered Republican nor a registered Democrat; I’m registered as an Independent. I am not happy with the divisive political spin ‘rhetoric’ that is asking the people of this nation to chose a side. One party controls all three Branches of our government, which the Supreme Court is one of. There remains no system of checks and balance in our government. And I fear the course that the policies of this current government are leading our country towards.

(Has anyone noticed the absence of the color-coded warning to be on the alert for possible terrorists activities? It seems strange since there were quite a few of these alerts issued; leading up to the Iraq War and the Presidential election, and after the election, how suddenly they have stopped. Fear is a wonderful tool when it comes to manipulation.)

Question: Can anyone recall—from history—what brought down the Roman Empire?

In a nutshell, there were four main reasons why it collapsed:

1. Endless war
2. Loss liberties
3. Corruption
4. Debt

In the first Gulf War, oil was the impetus for which our government conducted the campaign of war.
In this second Gulf War, oil remains the impetus for which the leaders of our government—who are strongly affiliated with the oil industry—hope to profit from through privatization.

Do you believe the American people would have backed a campaign for war with Iraq if the terrorists hadn’t attacked on 9/11?

The campaign for this war in Iraq was conceived even before the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The administration used fear and manipulated the facts of WMD’s in order to galvanize the citizens of this country into supporting a campaign for war. Once they had secured the backing of congress they counted on and, used Collin Powell—who Americans as well as foreign diplomats from all over the world, trust and think highly of—to sell the war at the U.N. But it was a rush to war and the administration was determined to move ahead with or without the backing of our allies. (As I recall there was a considerable amount of spin denigrating those allies who refused to support the war.) And “SURPRISE,” no “WMS’s” were to be found anywhere. Not only that, this war was entered into without having a clear delineated strategy put into place, first, before taking on this campaign. As a result of these actions, and the administrations arrogance, our reputation has been badly damaged internationally.

As Rumsfeld said, “ You go to war with what you have.” Well our soldiers went to war without having enough armor to protect them. This was a war of choice in which our soldiers should have already had the necessary armor to protect them. Instead a lot of their families had to purchase the necessary life saving equipment for their loved ones.

The administration and the one party who control congress, have continually “flip-flopped”—spun—this war from the threat of WMD’s to fighting the terrorists over in Iraq—instead fighting them over here (that sort of suggests that our soldiers are being used as clay pigeons for the terrorists) and now it’s the spread of democracy.

Yet, this war continues with no clear end in sight. The daily attacks have gone from 50 a day in 2004 to over 90 a day presently. And the sectarian violence among the Iraqi people—civil war—continues to escalate; there is the danger of it spilling over into the surrounding nations and causing wide spread instability in the Middle East. Our soldiers—God help them—are caught in the middle and under a great deal of stress; having been deployed 2, 3, and even 4 times. What are they being asked to sacrifice their lives for? Can anyone provide me with a valid reason, one in which you would even give your life for? And how would you define victory? Hence, this is America’s endless war.

We are loosing a lot of our liberties in the name of security. Do you actually believe that once you have relinquished a liberty that you will be offered it back? I doubt it! Is this what you really want? Isn’t liberty a part of what makes a republic a democracy? Isn’t that the reason, as the President has stated, we wage this war to protect our liberties and freedom from the tyranny of others? Yet the President and the one party congress have been enacting policies that deny us some of our liberties. All of this is being done under the guise of security. In addition, there is a great deal of data mining taking place in which information on American citizens is being captured and placed into massive database. Two weeks ago I read an article in the LA Times newspaper that Alberto Gonzales had a number of environmentalists recently arrested and labeled them as terrorists. Does that mean they will also be treated as terrorists? Just a thought.

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday—June 15, 06—that police may rush into a house without giving a required warning to the occupants and may use the evidence they find there. They also weakened the protection for whistle-blowers in and outside of the government. This is probably the beginning of even more liberties being striped away.

How many of you believe the NSA is not involved in other dubious covert operations? Think again!

There has been considerable coverage on the pay to play lobbying antics in Washington lately. It appears that the average American citizen can’t afford to pay the cost to play for congress to listen. A revolving door exists among some members of congress—and their staff—and the lobbyists. Some members in the administration and congress are bedfellows with special interest groups over on K Street (especially the oil, banking, and pharmaceutical industries). It is these special interest groups, which have the attention of congress. After all, aren’t they providing the large sums of money for the campaigns? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as they say.

Halliburton and its subsidiary, KBR, were handed exclusive no-bid open-ended contracts for their services in Iraq. Bunny Greenhouse, who was the highest-ranking procurement officer in the Corps of Engineers, stated that KBR had performed “the most blatant contract abuse I have ever witnessed.” When she discovered that KBR was overcharging the government 61 billion dollars and that the Corps of Engineers had issued a waiver for payment, not only was she threatened to keep quiet but she was demoted and replace by an administration crony—who has NO experience with procurement contracts at all.

Did you know that KBR charges the government—taxpayers—for 42,000 meals per day when only 14, 000 are actually served?!
Did you know that KBR insist on having their logo place on face towels for the troops so they can charge twice the amount?!
Did you know that the food they serve our troops have passed their expiration date? They also charge $45. per case for coke!
Did you know that the water supplied by KBR for our troops is more contaminated than the water in the Euphrates River?!!
Those are just a very few examples of the waste, fraud and widespread abuse that is occurring over in just Iraq, against the American taxpayer. Under this administration there has been more blatant fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayers money than any other time in the history of our nation!
There are members in the administration and in congress who have been greatly profiting from this ongoing war.
Corruption runs rampant!!

Did you know that the U.S has more debt than all of the other nations on earth combined?!
Did you also know that all of the tax cuts passed by this congress comes with a cost of over 1.9 trillion dollars in lost revenue over the next decade?!!
Did you know that this President and the Republican lead congress have accumulated more debt than all of the 42 previous presidents combined?!
Did you know that the President and congress have raised the limit on borrowing from foreign nations five times—the most recent rise of this cap occurred last month?!
Did you know that the cost of the war in Iraq is 8 billion dollars a month; double the cost in 04?!
Did you know that this President and Congress have been selling off America and our security, piece by piece every time they go to foreign nations to borrow money? Our debt to China and Japan alone, totals in at over a trillion dollars. That doesn’t include the other debts we owe to other nations. Hek! That before INTEREST!
Did you know that the cost of the war is not included in the president’s budget? It is hidden away in emergency supplemental spending bills.

If our economy is doing so well, why is this country going deeper and deeper into debt? How fiscally responsible, do you believe our government has been? It seems that the rich are getting richer and the middle class and the poor are paying for it. And, the chasm that exists in-between is growing wider. The “Robbing Hoods” of the administration and congress have been taking the monies from programs—and others completely cut out—that have been funded to help the less fortunate, the elderly, and struggling students, in order to help pay for the tax cuts enjoyed by the rich 1% in this nation. They will attempt to dismantle all entitlement programs as well, in order to cover the cost of some of these tax cuts, under the guise of being fiscally responsible.

We are in deep trouble of losing our nation and the core principles on which it was founded. We are headed towards the same fate as Rome. It is conceivable that our American Roman Empire could collapse unless enough of its citizens wakeup and realize they need to take back their country. You have been warned by John Titor and are continually being warned by Oronos 16 and others. I only hope you will listen.


P.S. I do agree with you about the NWO 100%. We the citizens of this nation are in a lot of trouble. Thank you once again for taking the time to warn us.

God Bless You
and have a safe journey

Teri Mc.
Boy you sure seem to think you know what a real time traveler should act like. What makes you so knowledgeable on a Time traveler? If these guys are real and I stress if, how can you say how they should act? You don't know. Your just running your mouth. How can any of us here say how a so called time Traveler should act? It would be really stupid to think they should all be like Spock.

No - you are correct, i don't know for sure.

Are you then saying however, that you would find the immature way they act combined with the social skills and foresight of a 14 year old - expected qualities?

Are you then saying however, that you would find the immature way they act combined with the social skills and foresight of a 14 year old - expected qualities?

No but if they are real, none of us know what they have been through. If they are real we don't know what they have seen. And if what John said is true, then some things are somewhat different in the future then it is now. Besides it's not my place to judge a person by what he or she says on a Internet forum board.
No but if they are real, none of us know what they have been through. If they are real we don't know what they have seen.
This argument you pose is certainly not unique to time travelers, and as such cannot be used as an "out" for time travelers to not produce verifiable evidence. I could pose the same argument to you about my own life, and your inability to "know what I have been through." Just because you do not know what I have been through does not make any sort of wild speculations or stories that I tell you any more probable.

Your stance buys us nothing towards validating whether or not any alleged time traveler is real. In fact, your stance gets us no closer to any answers about anything. Applying this same stance to Chronohistorian results in the silly notion that there could actually be muscle trees somewhere in the universe... because we just don't know because we haven't seen any. Some things we can say have a VERY low probability of occurrence so as to be virtually impossible, if you just apply what we already know about science and physics.

The stances posed by myself, Ollyb, and OvLrdLegion are REASONABLE given what we know about human nature AND how highly advanced technology (such as TT) could have great impacts on society in general if it is abused.

For example: How many F-117A Stealth Figher pilots do you see on the internet blabbing on about the technical details of these highly classified machines? What would make you think that ANY time travel operational organization would permit their operatives to go onto a public internet forum and tell all? And even if they did, what operational organization would send people with such low levels of intellect to tell such stories as we have seen here over the past few years?

What would make you think that ANY time travel operational organization would permit their operatives to go onto a public internet forum and tell all? And even if they did, what operational organization would send people with such low levels of intellect to tell such stories as we have seen here over the past few years?


Very perceptive of you Rainman that's correct. Nor was my stance on this ever meant to prove anything. But your response has not proven anything ether. All you seem to do is try to prove to everyone here that you know more. Well again that's sounds childish, I mean I have kids that go around the house trying to prove to one another how smart they are. You can find information about the F-117A all over the net. So that statement you made proves nothing. And yes pilots do run their mouth about things all the time. I have been in many bars with pilots of the F 117A and the F 22. As for the Time Travel statement you made, could be true and then again you could be wrong. Who's to know since none of us here are Time Travelers and we do not know what the operational organization would tell them and why. I mean all any of us do here is speculate. All I know is some of the things they say makes for good reading.

Very perceptive of you Rainman that's correct. Nor was my stance on this ever meant to prove anything. But your response has not proven anything ether. All you seem to do is try to prove to everyone here that you know more. Well again that's sounds childish, I mean I have kids that go around the house trying to prove to one another how smart they are. You can find information about the F-117A all over the net. So that statement you made proves nothing. And yes pilots do run their mouth about things all the time. I have been in many bars with pilots of the F 117A and the F 22. As for the Time Travel statement you made, could be true and then again you could be wrong. Who's to know since none of us here are Time Travelers and we do not know what the operational organization would tell them and why. I mean all any of us do here is speculate. All I know is some of the things they say makes for good reading.

You can find information about the F-117A all over the net.
With the exception of classified information.
I have been in many bars with pilots of the F 117A and the F 22.
And again... they may be telling typical pilot stories ("there I was..."), but I can guarantee you they are NOT discussing classified details of how their machine is constructed nor how it works. And beyond the machine, I can also guarantee you that pilots cannot and will not give mission-specific details. That would land them in the brig (at best) or federal prison with a dishon discharge (at worst).
