Well I would think reading it from a well known news source would be enough don't you?
Uhhhh, definitely not. For example, given your logic then you should've just trusted Dan Rather's report about Bush's military service record. As it turns out, that was NOT fact.
And it's not someone's opinion its a fact. ABC also reported on how Bush is going around congress to get this started.
Please delineate exactly what part you believe to be fact, and your corroborating evidence.
I read the Worldnetdaily page you posted, and there is one glaring omission in the allegations spun in that story... and it has to do with federal law with regard to separation of powers. I'm sure you will somehow complain that I am trying to make you look stupid, but I think it is time for a little civics lesson:
1) The Executive Branch of the US Federal government holds the sole power to NEGOTIATE treaties. Congress does NOT have that power. This is precisely what is going on in this case.
2) Congress DOES have the power of oversight, and they don't need to wait for the President to come to them. If they want a briefing on what is going on with this effort, they can ask and the President must send someone to the Hill. Has anyone in Congress even bothered to ask for a briefing?
3) Once a formal treaty is drafted, the President even has the power to SIGN that treaty of his own accord.
4) HOWEVER (and isn't it interesting how none of this was mentioned in the Worldnetdaily article... was it brought up by ABC?), once the President signs a treaty, it is the SOLE power of the Senate to RATIFY that treaty BEFORE the USA can be considered to be part and parcel to that treaty.
5) For a good example, look back at the history of the SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) between the USA and the USSR.
So now please tell me about the "facts" of what is going on, and how it is either breaking the law or "going around Congress". You seem to have the attitude of "accuse first, figure out what the law says only when someone questions my accusation."
The FACT is that the President is doing nothing outside the law in negotiating this treaty. In fact, HE IS DOING HIS JOB!
And to add via edit:
Here are a few quotes to take note of from
THIS summary of Presidential powers:
"Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations." ...and...
"The president decides whether to recognize new nations and new governments, and negotiate treaties with other nations, which become binding on the United States when approved by two-thirds of the Senate. The president may also negotiate "executive agreements" with foreign powers that are not subject to Senate confirmation."
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