Message To You All

I believe all this. This has been coming for a long time, things are getting worse in this country. I can't believe all the liberties being taken away.

I know that fear is a big part of the game plan for the Bush people. Can you clue us in on what the next big "FEAR" is that they will be launching?? I've only fallen for one--west nile virus--but not smallpox, anthrax, mad cow, terrorists, hybrid humans, avian flu (that one was funny, I was surprised they got that off the ground).

We'll do what we can do, pray and avoid cities, but its getting harder. Small towns dont have mom and pop stores anymore. We have to be near cities in order to shop for necessities.

oh, and who is Scott? Guess I missed him,.
All the things I have posted here will happen within the next 10 years. As I have stated most of you can survive this. The death toll will not be as high as before. 3 of the 10 years will be a phoney peace treaty that will not last. The key is to know what is going on around you. Again knowledge is power.
I believe all this.
So then your plan is to live in fear of his "predictions" for the next 10 years?
I can't believe all the liberties being taken away.
Such as? I don't see any that has changed or restricted my life at all.
We'll do what we can do, pray and avoid cities, but its getting harder. Small towns dont have mom and pop stores anymore. We have to be near cities in order to shop for necessities.
You can join Elizabeth Claire Prophet and the rest of her cult that is waiting for Armageddon in Montana.

I'd really like to know what logic you apply to believe his non-specific predictions?
And all most of you will do is say George is doing such a great job.

That's totally how things have been happening. Good work at reading polls. (Didn't you already fail in that department a couple times in this thread? Or am I getting you confused with another fraud?)

all the animals in the USA will be chipped and tracked.

That's quite a few animals.

Then the Mexicans will be chipped

That's quite a lot of facsism.

They will replace the Internet you have now with the Internet 2.

'Cause the Bush administration has the Internet as a save file on their desktop, you know.
OK, let me humor you for awhile, Gilligan...
If you want to survive what is to come you must learn how to live off of the land.
Check. I am a former boy scout, avid backpacker, and know how to live off the land quite well.
Learn how to grow food and to shoot a gun.
Check and check.
Learn how to filter water.
Check...and even better... I can desalinate.
If possible move out of the city. If you stay near a city move farther away.
Uhhhh, why? And just exactly how far from LA do I need to be? And WHEN?
Learn how to find water when you don't see it.
Teach your kids how to shoot a gun.
No check.
Never give up your gun!!!
Never planned to do otherwise!
And trust in GOD because wether you believe in him or not he is real!
Check. And don't forget "God helps those who help themselves."

Learn how to build small communities to stay in. Stay near people that you trust with your life.
Why? If I have done all you say above (which I already know how to do) why do I need other people?
Learn how to treat illnesses without going to the big money doctors.
Check....maybe.... cuz you didn't specify particular illnesses...yet again you lack specificity in your fear-mongering.
Find out how to get Oregano with P73 in it this is the hyssop the bible talks about.
Trash your credit cards, I say again trash your credit cards!!
Why? All mine (only have 2) have ZERO balances!
Invest your money in Gold.
Putting all your money into a single investment vehicle is ALWAYS a bad idea.
The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!
How big? Gimme a percentage so once it stays above 12,000 I will know how bad it is going to be!

I don't expect you will answer these, as you'd have to provide specifics.
Oh ho - here's the REAL truth of Qronos' boring bloody messages of Doom - can you all spot where his loyalties lie?

"If you want to survive what is to come you must learn how to live off of the land. Learn how to grow food and to shoot a gun. Learn how to filter water. If possible move out of the city. If you stay near a city move farther away. Learn how to find water when you don't see it. Teach your kids how to shoot a gun. Never give up your gun!!! And trust in GOD because wether you believe in him or not he is real! Learn how to build small communities to stay in. Stay near people that you trust with your life. Learn how to treat illnesses without going to the big money doctors. Find out how to get Oregano with P73 in it this is the hyssop the bible talks about. Trash your credit cards, I say again trash your credit cards!! Invest your money in Gold. Get out of the stock market if you are associated with it. The market will reach 12000 and then crash big!!!

Copy and past this message all over the net. I know you do not believe what I tell you is true, but you will see soon that you are wrong.

The weather will get mush worse then it is now. The heat across the USA will be unreal. The sun will shoot hot fire at the earth, volcanos will blot out the skies floods, tornado's and winds of unbelievable speed will hit this planet. I will stop right their. It gets even worse but I will stop. I tell you all of this so you can be ready for it. You can survive it, your kids must survive it! The kids Must Survive it!!!! Please I beg you to take heed to what I have tried to tell you, Please!!

I have a warning for the Christians. You had better stop your boasting on how none of this will effect you!!! How you will not be here for all the bad things to hit the planet. You had better reread the bible and understand what you have read. The Lord said except those days be shortened no one would survive.
You have been warned!!!

Stop believing main stream news!! Find out what is going on yourself. Knowledge is power!"



"And trust in GOD because wether you believe in him or not he is real!"


So this kid wants us all to be hill-billies. What a horrifying future!!
He's right...the future is horrible...

"Maw', I'ma gunna' shoot this ruubot! Hy'uck!"

Terrifying. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Its so depressing that its taken this many days for him to reveal his true colors - NB - Worship Baby Jesus or your future will be all nasty like. At least in the 26th century where I'm from religion is seen as the desperate attempt by primitive man to make sense of his surroundings that manifests as superstition that it really is. But a huge invisible sky pixie? No. And definitely not 'my invisible sky pixie is bigger than your invisible sky pixie' - get a life.

Depressing indeed. You'd think someone from the future would be MORE evolved.

...oh wait they don't beleive in evolution do they? ... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Uhhhh, why? And just exactly how far from LA do I need to be? And WHEN?

Answer: Get out of California completly. Within a year.

Why? If I have done all you say above (which I already know how to do) why do I need other people?

Answer: If something happen to you and you could not move or get around who would help you?

Find out how to get Oregano with P73 in it this is the hyssop the bible talks about.


Answer: Oregano with P73 in it will cure many things.

Why? All mine (only have 2) have ZERO balances!

Answer: Credit Cards will be a control and tracking mechanism. Also if you have one, they will be fazed out completely for chips.

Putting all your money into a single investment vehicle is ALWAYS a bad idea.

Answer: Gold is the Future!

How big? Gimme a percentage so once it stays above 12,000 I will know how bad it is going to be!
Answer: Easy to answer TOTAL! It will not recover.
You can think that all you want. The crash will be total as I stated before. The market now is being inflated with all the money being printed. They are printing more money then they have ever done before. The true Stock Market is only around 6500 or so.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gifhey show us your time travel machine and then we may believe you....any picture without your face ok?? show us and then we may believe you.
You can think that all you want. The crash will be total as I stated before. The market now is being inflated with all the money being printed. They are printing more money then they have ever done before. The true Stock Market is only around 6500 or so.
Show me facts to backup your BS, Gilligan.

Are you aware of what "M1" and "M2" stand for?

Boy some people on this site sure act like little kids. Anyway Qronos how do you come up with 6500 for the Stock Market??
Qronos16, you would not even make it in your training as a TT, you would not even be selected for a testmission.
You don't seem to respect any TimeTravel rules and seem to lack any technical knowledge.
Regards, Declan.
Regardless of what you think of "Q", he does make some good points. We must be vigilant of what is going on around us. We do need to keep up with how current activities will impact the future.

As an example...

I recently started playing a multiplayer on-line game called Halo. This game is very popular and is set in futuristic warfare type scenarios. There are many young people playing this game and killing is non-stop.

The game uses statistics at the end of each game to show everyone how many kills you did and then ranks you as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc...

So these kids are getting praise and vaildation for killing alot of people.

Several of these young people play this game for hours and hours, one in particular played for 13 hours straight.

I wonder what impact this is having on these kids. To be able to "kill" on a daily basis, for hours on end.

It seems to me that this type of game would de-sensitize many of these kids to killing ,as they grow up and become adults.

As the world becomes more stressful, what type of release would these adults of tomorrow choose ?

When I was growing up, in the high school time frame, we spent our spare time working on hot rods. This developed our mechanical skills to be used later on in life.

What type of skills are these kids bringing with them as they grow into adulthood and are more responsible for the direction of humanity ?

As far as the doom that is always brought up, I collect vintage books, and I have several in the collection that were published in the mid to late 1800's and these particular books also are predicting the end of the world, ending in complete chaos and destruction of humanity. so this isnt a new thing...and of course we have the Bible claiming that we will have an end at some point of Gods choosing.

As far as survival if things go completely haywire, I live in a place prepared for complete independence if required to do so, without modern "luxuries". Even if the electricity ceased tomorrow, it would have a little impact on where I live, and adjusting wouldnt be very difficult. We have hundreds of horses around here, old fashion type wind-mill water pumps, cattle, deer, etc...

As far a any violence..well out here in the Hill Country of Texas, there are enough guns to keep things in check. We dont have any gang problems, so there wouldnt be any real threat from that sector.

Its all you city slickers that would have the problems. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

The one method of hope I place some value in is how I raise my child. To teach her how to survive is of the utmost importance. To provide her with the tools to succeed in any environment.

P.S. RainmanTime is always welcome in my home, so if ya ever need to "escape" the tribulations occuring in California, you got a place of sanctuary.
Well, I can see this becoming a God? Thread, but I must strongly disagree, Good Scientist. God is Real. You betcha!

However, if we wish to debate the existence of God, then perhaps this should be done in the God? Thread, since that was why I created it. Also, I would kindly request you read through it before posting, since I dislike repeating myself over and over again.
Hello Qronos 16'

Thank you! I was unaware that you had gone ahead and posted for me. I haven't finished reading all of the posts yet, but felt compelled to write to you first I really do appreciate your kindness and I will have to say that I will miss it once you have left.

If you would like, here is a copy of my post describing what I had witnessed last July 26, 2005. In addition I been honored to had been an acquaintance to a very and polite time traveler and had seen their vehicles. That's all I dare to say about the additional experiences, except to ask about a movable red lit disk.

Anyway here is the post:


This is the first time I’ve ventured to post on any forum (although I am registered on a couple of others), so, please forgive me if I’m not completely clear in my expressed objective as I write this. I’m a person who has been dealing with the angst of coming forward and relating what I personally have witnessed and experienced, in regards to time travel and their travelers.

I do not reside in Florida and have never had the opportunity to travel there. I am located on the west coast and I’m a native Californian. I’m also a city dweller who lives in an area that is well populated. But even those things that are unexpected are allowed to occur in the city.

I first heard the story of John Titor (a little over a year and a half ago) while listening to Coast to Coast— KFI 64.0 FM—on the radio. It was from a brief guest, interviewed by George Norey, that I learned about the archived threads of this individual who had asserted to be a time traveler from the year 2036. Afterwards, for some uncharacteristic reason, I found myself curiously intrigued by what I had heard and, felt compelled to examine these archived threads for myself.

Up until that time, I hadn’t believed in the feasibility of time travel, nor had I considered it to be an achievement that would, if ever, evolve into something that was realistically viable. Since the exploration that is needed in acquiring the knowledge, as well as the technological means (that would undoubtedly be required for such an enterprising feat to reach fruition) appeared far removed from any truly significant research being conducted by the scientific communities at this time. Nor have they truly indorsed the idea of time travel as conceivably being possible in the future.

But, as I went through and perused the numerous archived postings of John Titor, I was amazed by just how cogent and lucid he was in the manner in which he articulated his thoughts, objectives, concerns and even his rationale for posting. His writings (in my opinion) did not portray him as an individual having an ignoble agenda nor did it render him as a person who was even possibly unstable mentally. On the contrary, he was very coherent with the limited information he had made available regarding how time travel is/was achieved. He even went as far as to post a number of photos so that we would have the opportunity to view the mechanism—time machine—itself (along with a few pages from its operation manual as well).

What he had revealed about the technology—that would essentially be responsible for advancing the achievability of time travel—actually sounded plausible. And as for the pictures of his time machine, it is indeed credible to believe that this device was designed and assembled from specs that were provided by the military. (I once worked for an aerospace company, which held several contractual obligations with the U.S. Air force).

However, it was three events, in particular, that had occurred during 2005, which had the greatest influence on changing my perspective about time travel. The first was what I had observed for myself on July 26, in the very early morning hours (somewhere between 2 and 3 AM).

It was through my living room window that I personally witnessed a small isolated region in the skyline—to the west—having an unusual cast to its appearance that seemed strangely and unusually distorted—as though it were shimmering or rippling—and slightly illuminated within. I wasn’t sure if this was actually the case or if it was nothing more than the peculiar way in which the streetlights were being reflected onto the pane of the window. And in relationship to where I stood it appeared directly in line to my own position.

To confirm what I was actually witnessing I had decided to turn off all of the lights—as a provisional means of avoiding any potential glare or unusual reflection. I then retrieved my binoculars so I would be better able to observe this anomaly more closely. And undeniably it was rippling. (I had also viewed this same strange distortion from a second west-facing window as well).

In addition, it was within this undulating distortion, that I noted there was a detectable central point fixed to the earth. And it was from this focal point that this delineated movement of distortion was being generated and traversed outward in an arcing configuration.

It was from this subtle illuminated configuration that I observed an additional feature; the faint visage of arcing lines that were progressing in magnitude as they traveled in a corresponding manner within this rippled distortion. I remembered that John Titor had given a description of what you would witness during such an event. But he did not mention the arcing lines within this distortion.

I have never observed anything remotely close to what I had seen that morning, nor have I since. I’m not actually sure we even possess the knowledge to exploit this type of technology. And, if we did, for what intended purpose is it being used for, especially here in the city.

As for the location in which it took place, I think I would be better not to disclose it publicly.

I understand that there is videotape of John’s departure. And I understand it (or a copy of it) had been released to another individual(s). I personally have never seen the videotape and would be interested to know if there is a website were I could view it. It’s important to me to know if the distortion I witnessed reflects what is shown on the videotape.

There were additional events, and an encounter, that have taken place but this too I will keep to myself for now.

I don’t expect anyone to believe me, nor do I want anything from anybody, I just wanted to let someone know what I had personally witnessed.

P.S. First, I want to thank Qronos 16 for posting for me. I am unable to post for myself. Each attempt I make to post I receive an error message saying that I am using an invalid post.
Second, this is a copy of what I had posted to a different forum a couple of months ago in regards to a part of what I had witnessed and experienced. I have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that time travel is occurring on our world line! And you really need to the warnings, because we are heading in that direction. If I were able to post I would gladly debate this issue. Since I am a member of this forum and capable of sending private messages, why are my posts not valid?

Once again, I wish to thank Qronos 16 for being considerate and helping me out.

Thank you,



Safe Journey Qronos 16


Teri Mc