John Titor, I know you are still here

Re: John Titor,

Maybe they know more than they're letting on, or maybe they're just tired of a stupid gag they were in on a while ago and want it to just die, and for people to leave them alone... but maybe they realize they can't controll it anymore, so by just keeping their mouths shut hey can stop it for getting worse at least.
Re: John Titor,

or maybe... your just dumb and should do a little research yourself before replying to my post with your own form of sarcasm. 1. if they thought it was just a gag, and wanted people to leave them alone... they wouldnt be posting all the time on about it now would they?! 2. "they cant control it anymore"?! For your info, they've been controlling it. Pam has admitted on more then one occasion that she has info that she wont share because she promised she wouldn't. She's the one whose able to control this. My job right now is to figure out what info she has. She could tell us right now if its a hoax or not. she has all the info needed.
Re: John Titor,


I've answered all of my PM's on Anomalies. If yours wasn't answered I do apologize.

Please send me an email at my regular address: DarbyII@COX.NET and I will respond to you.
Re: John Titor,


Pam has admitted on more then one occasion that she has info that she wont share because she promised she wouldn't. She's the one whose able to control this.

Pamela and I are friends - thought our relationship has been strained over Titor for about a year.

No matter what you might think about her refusal to divulge specific information that she has I can only say that she has done so because she made a commitment that she feels that ethically she cannot break. In hindsight she probably believes that she would have been better served to have said nothing at all about the fact that she has information that has not been released.

I too have information that I have not released. That information has come to me as a moderator on my board. Because it involves very private and personal information about my source - which might relate directly to this story - I am constrained both by my personal ethics and by Amonalies company policy from releasing the information.

I have no desire to hold back anything. But I have to weigh my personal desires as against another person's privacy. It's not a secret that I am a government employee. It's also not a secret that earlier in my professional career I was involved in the intelligence community. I am very used to the fact that I have had and have access to information about individuals that is not generally available to the public. I take my oath of office and the ethics of my office very seriously. I have access to information that can destroy people's lives if disclosed. My Constitutional duty is to keep my mouth shut and to protect those people no matter what I might think about them.

Titor is no different - even thought the venue is very different. I am not John Titor nor have I played any part in developing the story other than expressing my opinions about it. My source is a very real person and, ultimately, the persona behind Titor is a very real person. He also has a family and friends. I have no Constitutional duty to refrain from disclosing information that, ethically, I know should not be disclosed without the expressed written permission of the source...and even then I have to consider what effect the disclosure might have on the very real (though non-time traveling) "John Titor" and his family.

I do respect your inquisitive mind and your speculation aboutmy involvement in this story. I too have speculated (incorrectly) about some peoples' involvement.

In the end I have to keep all of this in perspective...

It is a form of intellectual entertainment.

Anyway, I'm not offended that you suspect that I have some secret involvement here. After all, Titor himself only made a few dozen posts. Pamela and I have each made over 2,000 posts each about John Titor. Though you're wrong about us, it isn't illogical to explore our involvement, motives and knowledge about Boomer.
Re: John Titor,

Sorry if someone has already said this, but if you wish to track a person wouldn't there be an easier way such as an inbuilt tracking device?
As we'll be doing away with silicon chips in a few years, more organic structures would be less likely to be rejected by the body. Detection technology is proceeding at a rapid pace.
Just a little off topic...
So back on track now :-)
Re: John Titor,


Interesting, I have no pm's on Anomalies from you and I have not deleted any that were not answered.
Did you go by another name?

What I think is even more interesting is the private information Darby contains has brought him to his opinion that John is a fraud. And the new private information I contain has brought me to my opinion that John was indeed a real time traveler.(although I still contain some doubt by nature without full disclosure.)

Merry Christmas everyone and wishing the best for 2004 in this timeline.
Keep in mind one thing....The future is what we collectively make it.
Let us make it a good one. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: John Titor,

Pamela do u not think john feels a little lucky now because of the Mad Cow news.
but think about it, America having another civil war? i dont think that will be likely.
wasnt john titor on a "military based" mission? to my knowledge these missions are highly classified. why would the pentagon officials in 2036 allow john to roam freely and say what he wants. my personal opinion i think john just wanted to cause panic and be famous on google searches. think about this, if john titor was not a hoax , im certain that the pentagon would put him in custody according to the space exposure law. but this guy was not afraid because since he was a hoax all he had to say was he was doing a project or a survey on how stupid people are.
if u have known this already, Dr. Robert Brown is a very famous university psychics professor and he has analyzed titors equations and have proved them impossible in terms of theory or Even practice. Another point, WWIII? come on, i mean the United Nations dont just sit there and do nothing. 2004 is coming up. what kind of events are Waco events? i mean police abusing civilians i see them everyday im sure atleast a few states have news of it. city vs rural? why cant it be north vs south or blacks vs whites...? what does the rural areas have on us? rakes? shovels? Cows?
Re: John Titor,

Stylezclip ,

John did not have a mission to 2000. His mission was to 1975 and back.

Enough things could have changed that we will not have a civil war or a world war.
John could only tell us things that happened on his time line and that we were heading
in the same direction but because he came here he may have altered our line but ultimately
our line is up to us. Do you realize how many of thousands of people have seen John's threads?
Many of the key people he said he guided to the sites to view what he had shared with us.
I do not know what his hidden purpose was for this.

I will say this physics professors do not know everything.(I know because I have a brother that teaches in college /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) Noone even knows what information will come forth from studying a real miniture blackhole. Things are discovered everyday. John was not a physicist either. I can drive a car but I may get a few things wrong if I tried to explain the engine to you and how it works that I can be sure of.

It may be a surprise for you to know that maybe they don't really even use a machine like that now...maybe they never did.
who knows.??

Yes, I realize your concern for those in charge. Timetravelers also know of this concern for safety.

It is something for you to think seriously about......
If you would ever recieve full proof of someone being a real time traveler do you really think you should ever post it on here....... or anywhere?

Here is a suggestion...Just be optimistic and realize we have the power to change things ourselves.
Keep in mind our timeline COULD end up as this outcome but does not HAVE to.

I see everyone thinking that if John was a real time traveler then this future will definetly be our future and it is just not so. It doesnt have to be this way.But if it does you can atleast be prepared and your family prepared. Maybe then he posted in the hopes that a few more will survive than on his line.

At this time I do not believe we will have a civil war either. I think it would take a lot or the revealing of something big for that to happen. Because we still can vote people out of office....unless we do not have that choice anymore. But I don't know what 2004 will hold either. What if we get another big terrorist attack or something and security becomes so tight it is unbareable? I, myself am not clear on what things really started the civil war he spoke of.

I never would have believed terrorists would have attacked the world trade towers either.
The hit to the Pentagon was a really big shock to me. I thought that place was extremely well protected. I remember I kept saying in disbeilief..."They hit the Pentagon?????"

One incident could change everything we have known. One incident could cause panic and people suddenly setting up whole systems that have till now being lieing dormant.And cause new departments to come into being such as what happened with Homeland security.

I remember John commenting that the government thought the people wanted security over freedom...and they were wrong.

Terrorism should never take away our freedom. If we let terrorism do this to us then they have enslaved us and defeated us after all. Terrorist should not be allowed to win.
I actually was proud that the Americans on the other plane stood up to the terrorists and risked their lives so they could not accomplish crashing into another target.

But see its not just what me and you and others on the board think but what the majority of the people will do...most people acting on their feelings will probably have never even heard of John Titor.

Terrorism is just not a USA problem it is a global one.

I am hoping when or if the time comes people will make the right decisions.

Well thats all I have time for today. I have to go and spend time with my family.
Sometimes I think I spend too much time online.
I plan on spending less time online next year and more time doing things that are really important.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Turn off your computers and spend some time with your families! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: John Titor,

Pamela, I believe I had the same username as I have now. I did PM you. I have no idea if there might be an error or something on the anomolies boards. or maybe there was an error or something at the time. ill try PMing you again.

Though I do believe you 2 could reviel the whole story if you both wanted to. I will not change my view on that because lets face it, you guys almost keep admitting it. Rather you guys are involved in the story, or rather or not you guys are able to control it all, i have no idea. All I know is you guys have important information that would help us and/or let us know the truth about the story.

I also realize that Pamela, you had some kind of love thingy going on with john. So I realize that you both share different opinions. Id suspect you'd want to believe the guy.

All I know, is I'm getting nowhere with it all, and everytime I get close the block is you and Darby, and the information you guys with-hold. Id have to say I'm about the 5th or 6th closest person (besides you and darby and titor himself and anyone who was involved) that could tell you rather hes fake or real right now.
Re: John Titor,


Let it drop, forget about it.

There is nothing you or anyone else is going to do about this, why not let it drop?
Re: John Titor,

let what drop? The John Titor thing? Or pamela and darby with-holding information?

The John Titor thing wont be dropped if i stop talking about it. plus im only replying, not starting topics about him. Hes a hobby to me.

The darby and pam thing, there's nothing to drop. Theres no arguement. Theres 2 positions, both are stated. you asked why no one has confronted them and i told you i did and darby responded telling me she got it where as pam didnt. I also changed my position after posting that and reading Darbys PM.

I dont believe that DARBY has enough info, but i still believe pam does. and she does. but still theres nothing to drop there. Im not trying to change anything. im not sitting here saying "PAMELA! GIVE ME ALL YOUR INFO!". What she keeps is her business.

so what are you telling me to drop?
Re: John Titor,


I've been away from this forum for quite some time now and I'm quite surprised to see that the John Titor topic is still running. I'm a bit confused having read this thread. Was it just a hoax, or are we still not sure? I'm still as sceptic as I used to be, but I've always enjoyed reading the discussions on this boards. Can someone please get me up to date? Thanks.


from rainy Amsterdam :-)

edit: I just noticed that I registered back in 2000 and that I've apparently become a "stranger" to the board... funny how time flies by.
Re: John Titor,


I've been away from this forum for quite some time now and I'm quite surprised to see that the John Titor topic is still running. I'm a bit confused having read this thread. Was it just a hoax, or are we still not sure? I'm still as sceptic as I used to be, but I've always enjoyed reading the discussions on this boards. Can someone please get me up to date? Thanks.


from rainy Amsterdam :-)

edit: I just noticed that I registered back in 2000 and that I've apparently become a "stranger" to the board... funny how time flies by.

I'm still kind of new to the forum but from what ive heard the forums have been corrupted. so your post count may have went down.

No, we're still not sure if titors a hoax. It is not proven yet. The whole Titors back thing was an expirement set up by me to prove how easy it is to set up a hoax. So no, im not the original titor if thats what your thinking. and no its not proven. we're still trying to prove it. the real truth will happen in about a week /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: John Titor,

Hi I've been roaming around the forums on John Titor lately after discovering him on the musuem of hoaxes website quite recently. Until today I've decided to sign up and post replies on what I think of him. I've been wondering about his existence and his connection with the GURPS roleplaying story. He could be a hoax but then again, he has predicted things that has happened over the past 2 years. There wasn't any hard proof that he was a hoax or real, so I guess we could just keep posting until he confesses (if he was a hoax) or somebody could prove his existance
Re: John Titor,

The reason it was city vs. country is because the people that wanted their freedom moved out of the cities to the country where the police had less control. The cities become police-state areas where warrentless searches occur frequently, arrests without charges and people held indefinitely. If I saw an honest neighbor of mine get arrested I'd flee.
Re: John Titor,

What happens in a week? Some of us won't be aware of a civil war until 2008 if that's what you are referring to, and it's the November 2004 elections that start it, that gives us over 11 months to wait.
Re: John Titor,


"love thingy?"

Hmmm...I couldn't find "love thingy" in the dictionary but I think you will find this word closer to the relationship we had:

Friend-A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. a confidant.

I considered John my friend. I had no "love thingy" with him.

I had an online friend relationship with him and we never even met in person. Not in this timeline anyway.

If I were to meet John tomorrow I would go up to him and shake his hand with a big smile on my face and say to him "Its an honor to finally meet you John."
Ok....I may give him a big bear hug instead. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
But I would not be planting kisses all over his face or lip locking with him.
I think this is the difference between friendship and "love thingy".

I didn't get to know him that well to have a "love thingy" with him. I did care for him very much and was very concerned for his safety but it never went beyond platonic friendship on this worldline. I still think about him and wish the best for his life.

The deep connection I felt to him was like I had met him before...somewhere.
I hope someday to know the full truth about him.
Re: John Titor,

Darby posted:
(Pamela and I are friends - thought our relationship has been strained over
Titor for about a year.)

I am sorry Darby but I do not think strained is a strong enough word.
Darby you know we have not been friends for some time now.
I have no interest in being your friend anymore. I can no longer trust you.

Re: John Titor,


I'm about the 5th or 6th closest person (besides you and darby and titor himself and anyone who was involved) that could tell you rather hes fake or real right now.

There's nothing that's preventing you from providing the board with your proof. Neither Pamela nor I am blocking you from doing that.

Just so that we are clear on the point, Pamela has information and I have information that we cannot disclose due to ethical considerations - we haven't even shared that information with each other.

Whether you choose to believe or disbelieve that we are the story is entirely up to you. As I said in my previous post, I respect your position on this subject - it is a logical deduction based on the information available to you. But in this case logical or not, it's simply incorrect.

For me Titor is just a game - but the person behind Titor is a real person. It's his call to make regarding the disclosure of private identifying information. He's available to make the choice but he's chosen to remain anonymous. I don't happen to like that choice but I have to respect it. Even if I were to discover the who, what and where about him at best, all I could do is contact him and ask for permission to discuss the information publicly with him (i.e., on the boards). If he denied such permission then I would have to refrain for disclosing.

At best John Titor is an urban legend. He does not qualify as a public celebrity (like an actor, entertainer or elected official) who are to some degree exempted from certain privacy laws.

I can't help you. But you have a vast wealth of information available to you in the public arena to work with. I know that this post will give you little satisfaction and may even serve no better purpose than to incite you. The latter would be unfortunate because that's not at all my intention. However, disatisfied or not, it's the best answer that I can offer.

In the end you'll know who John Titor is if and only if he decides to tell you.