Re: John Titor,
Stylezclip ,
John did not have a mission to 2000. His mission was to 1975 and back.
Enough things could have changed that we will not have a civil war or a world war.
John could only tell us things that happened on his time line and that we were heading
in the same direction but because he came here he may have altered our line but ultimately
our line is up to us. Do you realize how many of thousands of people have seen John's threads?
Many of the key people he said he guided to the sites to view what he had shared with us.
I do not know what his hidden purpose was for this.
I will say this physics professors do not know everything.(I know because I have a brother that teaches in college /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) Noone even knows what information will come forth from studying a real miniture blackhole. Things are discovered everyday. John was not a physicist either. I can drive a car but I may get a few things wrong if I tried to explain the engine to you and how it works that I can be sure of.
It may be a surprise for you to know that maybe they don't really even use a machine like that now...maybe they never did.
who knows.??
Yes, I realize your concern for those in charge. Timetravelers also know of this concern for safety.
It is something for you to think seriously about......
If you would ever recieve full proof of someone being a real time traveler do you really think you should ever post it on here....... or anywhere?
Here is a suggestion...Just be optimistic and realize we have the power to change things ourselves.
Keep in mind our timeline COULD end up as this outcome but does not HAVE to.
I see everyone thinking that if John was a real time traveler then this future will definetly be our future and it is just not so. It doesnt have to be this way.But if it does you can atleast be prepared and your family prepared. Maybe then he posted in the hopes that a few more will survive than on his line.
At this time I do not believe we will have a civil war either. I think it would take a lot or the revealing of something big for that to happen. Because we still can vote people out of office....unless we do not have that choice anymore. But I don't know what 2004 will hold either. What if we get another big terrorist attack or something and security becomes so tight it is unbareable? I, myself am not clear on what things really started the civil war he spoke of.
I never would have believed terrorists would have attacked the world trade towers either.
The hit to the Pentagon was a really big shock to me. I thought that place was extremely well protected. I remember I kept saying in disbeilief..."They hit the Pentagon?????"
One incident could change everything we have known. One incident could cause panic and people suddenly setting up whole systems that have till now being lieing dormant.And cause new departments to come into being such as what happened with Homeland security.
I remember John commenting that the government thought the people wanted security over freedom...and they were wrong.
Terrorism should never take away our freedom. If we let terrorism do this to us then they have enslaved us and defeated us after all. Terrorist should not be allowed to win.
I actually was proud that the Americans on the other plane stood up to the terrorists and risked their lives so they could not accomplish crashing into another target.
But see its not just what me and you and others on the board think but what the majority of the people will do...most people acting on their feelings will probably have never even heard of John Titor.
Terrorism is just not a USA problem it is a global one.
I am hoping when or if the time comes people will make the right decisions.
Well thats all I have time for today. I have to go and spend time with my family.
Sometimes I think I spend too much time online.
I plan on spending less time online next year and more time doing things that are really important.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Turn off your computers and spend some time with your families! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif