John Titor, I know you are still here

Re: John Titor,

There's nothing that's preventing you from providing the board with your proof. Neither Pamela nor I am blocking you from doing that.

No, you misunderstand (probably because im more of the person who will use street slang over scientific words. that's where im from after all). See, my point right now is that whenever I get close it comes back to you or pamela, and I can't ask you or pamela half the time because I know that it is secret. It's part of something your hiding. I respect that it is your guys's information so I decide not to ask and i have to go back and recheck my steps, and see how i can get around what you and pamela know. I'm not saying "Oh you and pam are TELLING ME not to". what i meant by that was that you guys can be a road block sometimes, when i know you guys have information that no one can recieve. And it makes it kind of hard to find a source when the source i need is you or pam. If you need further depth about what i mean, tell me. I'm not trying to trash you or pam. Just saying that everything leads to you guys and i have to get around you guys somehow. you guys are the blank spot i keep having to fill.

Pam, you over exagurated the "love thingy" phrase. I'm pretty sure you know what I meant. I could have said "lovers" but let's face it. I'm not exactly close to you and darby, therefor i know only what i read on these boards. The way you talked about John in a past post made it seem as if you 2 were dating. Friendship, maybe, but it sounded like more.

I'm sorry if by asking this question I'm being a little bit "selfish"... What can you tell us about Cuba? What happened to Castro and his government? How it all ended? and as large an ETC. as you are willing to answer...

Thanks, and "have a good time"

Re: John Titor,


No, you misunderstand (probably because im more of the person who will use street slang over scientific words. that's where im from after all). See, my point right now is that whenever I get close it comes back to you or pamela, and I can't ask you or pamela half the time because I know that it is secret.

Ok...Pamela and I were kicking it with the home boyz when this hina comes up and says some quesero hoodrat from the future was looking for us. We said that we were going to throw some chingasos cuz this was the big bad westside and no leva Florida cheezer was...

Son, we ain't no stinking roadblock. Like I said before - John Titor made fewer than a hundred posts. 99% of everything written about him has been written since he stopped posting. Pamela and I are moderators on the world's #1 board for discussing Titor.

Anyway - you seem to have some idea about what it is that is preventing you from advancing your inquiry.

I don't know what it is that you think that I can do for you. Why don't you just ask me a question and I will answer it. You might not like the answer, but I will endeavor to be as forthcoming as possible...given the aforementioned constraints.
Re: John Titor,

i would want to kick myself if i did not say the following:

it doesnt take a time traveler to conclude that our government has corrupted (or is in the process of even more). it is this corruption that, as people have said, leads to them abusing their power for personal gain. i can already name one case: enron.
the lies that politicians must use to gain their places of power enable our government to mostly employ those without good intentions for the people. For anyone looking for a good read on what freedom of the press truly means i suggest reading several of Al Franken's books, ecspecially Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them.
Also, another thing I have found to be horrible is the usage (or abusage, rather) of the patriot act to catch non-terror causing criminals. I find any usage of the patriot act to be unconstitutional, as it violates rights to privacy, and I can see oh how easily how it could escalate to being abused to hold positions of power, locking up indefinitely someone who opposes you.

Also, I disagree on unity of mankind. Not because i do not want it to happen, but because history has so far dictated that there will always be conflict, although periods of peace will exist.

One thing for you to think about: you would be surprised how much you could make a difference on upcoming events. If you strike nerve with enough people, you might even be able to prevent the most horrible possible event of all: the re-"election" of our supreme court appointed president.

This would require striking nerves with key people, and perhaps playing some behind the scenes work a little, but it can be done (and should be).

for the 2004 election, i would like to see people get receipts for their electronic vote stating who they voted for, and put them in a box should the electronic votes be tampered with. I prefer accurate elections as to speedy ones. infact, I believe the best way to see a fair election would be to tamper votes to come out as indecisive, thus forcing manual counting of votes.

Just a question for you guys: is Clinton looked down upon for his almost impeachment in your time, or his strengthening of our economy, military, and communications network? the impeachement seemed to me like certain people got power hungry and wanted him out.
Re: John Titor,

In reply to "re-'election' of our supreme court appointed president."

I live in Florida and saw first hand what happened.
It was a joke. John Titor was right in predicting
a civil war in '04.

In fact, if the small leafy plant tries the same trick again,
the he might go down in history, as the 1st dictator
of the AFE.

9-11 was a burning of the Reichstag. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: John Titor,

John was right in the midst of it all as well.
Infact you may even be able to see him in old news videos.
He may be the man off to the side holding a video camera.
He said he personally taped it all first hand.
Then he took the tapes back to 2036 as a historical document on
what really took place. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I still have not recieved a PM from you. Did you send one yet?
Because now I am wondering if it is working or not.
Re: John Titor,

I am just replying, not to any particular item here.
My, all this freedom going round.

Any links to that Supreme Court whatever thing.

My brain may be suffering any day now, in the future, as time goes by.

Respect, just a little, oh, respect!

Well, time will tell whether the USA enters into a new type of sociability factor possibility occurrence permutation derivative of the Nth degree.

which reminds me...

Since I live below sealevel, I was wondering if The Netherlands (specifically Amsterdam) still exists in 2034...

on a slightly different note: I hope for the worlds' sake that Bush won't get re-elected.

i think he will actually, but only because the capture of saddam has lead to something VERY important: Libya and Iran agreeing to have weapons inspectors sweep through their entire country and them giving up their WMD.

that would be the sole reason as far as I can tell that he would become re-elected. although I too hope for everyone's sake that he does not, because his approach to the world is as follows: We're bigger and more powerful than everyone else so we're not taking any [censored] from anyone even if it happened ten years ago (Iraq). But he fails to focus on North Korea, who has openly said that they have nukes, and are developing the tech to deliver them to the United States.
Capturing Saddam was indeed of great importance. However, I think it's nothing more than cleaning up the mess that the CIA left back in the 60s. Furthermore I think the war was started on the base of false evidence. And the way Bush said: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" freaked me out, since I live in Europe and I wouldn't like to see the US turn against us.

But I guess I will have to leave it at that, since this is kinda offtopic :-)
I have never heArd of this titor bloke until i was looking for info on tiMe travel due to a program we had here in the uk about it.
I have read stuff about the titor Hoax and wonder why people believe in it.
I will also say to all who claim to bE from the futuRe that they are liars, total liars, and as they are unable to prove anything i am justified in my stancE.
But i do believe in the ability to time travel, problem is until we actually understand the fundamentals of time itself we cannot use it to travel along the path.
MAybe people from the future do travel to our time, but they would be absolute fools to let anyone know about them, I certaiNly would not do such a thing!

Bush said: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" freaked me out, since I live in Europe and I wouldn't like to see the US turn against us.

I absolutely agree. We Americans have always had this problem with meddling in European affairs.

Why, just twice this last century we put our big foot into the middle of an admittedly European affair that had no consequences for America.

I say, Europe for Europeans - the Germans and Russians have never had a desire to occupy Holland. There are dozens of alternative outlets to the Atlantic for them...but they all seem to be in Denmark.

Seriously, do you really think that President Bush's comments were a threat to invade Europe? A threat issued by a country that may well have more Danish and Dutch people than are in Holland and Denmark themselves?

I'm aware of the fact that the US has done many great things in the world. The majority of the Dutch people, including myself, is still very grateful for what the US did for us and the rest of Europe in the Second Worldwar. But a lot of people, including our own prime minister, feel we have to unconditionally accept anything the US government decides just because of what the US did for us in the war.

I do think the people in Iraq are better of now, than they were before. But again, that doesn't mean we have to agree with the way Bush and his administration started the war. It doesn't justify the way Bush is acting as if the world belongs to him. And to answer your question: no, I don't think President Bush meant it as a threat to invade Europe. I do think that Bush is a threat to society. Not only to ours, but to the American society as well. That's how I see it and I think everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.



Now this time when I say that I agree, I'm being serious.

Holland needs to act in Holland's best interest. Sometimes that means acting in concert with allies - like America. At other times it means going Holland's own way even if her allies disagree with that course.

The message was a threat to terrorists - not our allies. The interpretation is that terrorists and nations that directly support terrorism cannot take solice and feel safe if America's allies happen to disagreen with our course of action. Like Holland, America will act in America's best interest even if our allies disagree with us.

We're in this terrorism fix today because the West in general has played a far too gentle diplomatic game for the past 50 years. We've jaw-boned the issue while the terrorist organizations grew up from being quasi street gangs to well financed and organized crime families and outlaws. They were able to extort whatever they wanted from the West by the mere suggestion of a terrorist campaign.

We've said - no more...not on my watch.

There are many reasons for the growth of these Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. Today, a lot of Western Europeans look to America to place the blame. But is that a totally accurate analysis?

In the Second World War America did see a lot of combat in Europe. But the vast majority of American involvement was in the Pacific and North Africa. In a large measure, the combat was in defense, not of independent nations, but in defense of Dutch, British and French colonies.

The problems today in the Middle East are a direct result of British and French colonization in that region of Asia. It started in Palestine (1946) and spread to Algeria (1954). The rest, as they say, is history.
sorry to throw my 2 cents in, being new and unknown, just a little insight, seems this cultural phenominon has me by the ears as well. wether real or hoax i care not. what does matter are the interactions, emotions and social study implications present here. prahaps i like the hope for somthing "above" myself? maybe a hope for positive change? i know for sure im better for reading the opinions as gives great insight into myself and a possible future i hadnt considered before (except in movies like red dawn). if anyone is interested, e mail is, also IM me, would love to hear personal opinion and insight. thanks much, will try not to interfere further.
Have all the old Titor posts been removed from this forum? I tried a search in 00,01 and have found none. P.S just a newbie? I heard about this story for the first time 2 days ago and find it to be an incredibly interesting story.
OK Darby I would like you to answer this question...Do you personally believe or do you have any evidence that Titor was not a time traveller but was in fact mentally ill i.e schizophrenic?
Have all the old Titor posts been removed from this forum? I tried a search in 00,01 and have found none. P.S just a newbie? I heard about this story for the first time 2 days ago and find it to be an incredibly interesting story.

Do a search for "Timetravel_0" (that was his username)
Derek posted:

No, you misunderstand (probably because im more of the person who will use street slang over scientific words. that's where im from after all). See, my point right now is that whenever I get close it comes back to you or pamela, and I can't ask you or pamela half the time because I know that it is secret. It's part of something your hiding. I respect that it is your guys's information so I decide not to ask and i have to go back and recheck my steps, and see how i can get around what you and pamela know. I'm not saying "Oh you and pam are TELLING ME not to". what i meant by that was that you guys can be a road block sometimes, when i know you guys have information that no one can recieve. And it makes it kind of hard to find a source when the source i need is you or pam. If you need further depth about what i mean, tell me. I'm not trying to trash you or pam. Just saying that everything leads to you guys and i have to get around you guys somehow. you guys are the blank spot i keep having to fill.

Pam, you over exagurated the "love thingy" phrase. I'm pretty sure you know what I meant. I could have said "lovers" but let's face it. I'm not exactly close to you and darby, therefor i know only what i read on these boards. The way you talked about John in a past post made it seem as if you 2 were dating. Friendship, maybe, but it sounded like more.


Sorry this has been so late in getting back to you.
It's possible it could have developed into something more
but he left just when I started to get to really know him.
So who knows.
I will always hold a special place in my heart for him.
I hope to meet him someday.It would be quite an honor.
What I was trying to say to you is he left as a friend not a lover.
One I cared for very much and held strong feelings of affection for him in my heart.
I am sure you have special friends you feel this way about and yet you are not
lovers with them.Friends you felt very strongly for. that you would help them and protect them
the best you could.

I don't feel I am a road block. What is it you want to know that you find you
can't get?

If you are looking for information to proove John was a fraud or real I don't even have that information for myself. Do you know how frustrating that makes ME feel?

Sometimes I feel I just need a break from it all.
I can't seem to find out what happened to us with the time anomalies. I can't reach John's parents.
I have been accused as a traitor to my country and committing treason by a person on the Anomalies board. Even though I have openly posted how much I cared for my country even before any of this happened. John has been accused on the board of being a terrorist-several times.
I have received numerous "threatening " emails.
I have often worried what will happen to me if the predictions start to come true after reading some of the things people have sent me.
The feelings I had for John make me very sad that I cannot even find out if he was real or just badly using and abusing me as Darby claimed.
I have had people contact me that sound like they are from the FBI but know they are not wanting to just know if I knew where John was when he posted.
I have other people claiming they are time travelers looking for John. Numerous people trying to get Johns personal information from me even though I have posted over and over and over that I no longer have it and that it was deleted and erased from my old computer. One guy even wrote me and demanded to know what the song was that John told me to remember.He wrote me twice with two different emails. Like I would really give that to a complete stranger. yeah right! And some people are just cruel like the one who wrote me telling me John was court marshalled and now dead.
Then you have people that don't want to read the archives but post questions that have been answered numerous, numerous times before.That gets a little tiring.

The whole thing has been frustrating for me. I have all this happening not even knowing what the truth is myself!
So much so I put in an announcement on the Anomalies board that I was taking a 90 day leave of absence from moderating just to get away from it all for a while but SOMEONE erased the posting.

All I ever wanted to know was the truth myself.
But sometimes you just have to turn off the computer and forget about it for a while.
It can be very mentally and emotionally stressing. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
