John Titor, I know you are still here

Re: John Titor, I know

Maybe the price you've paid for this routine, is too great.

In every endeavor, there must be forgiveness.

Without the ability to forgive and go on, we all risk the danger of becoming less than human.

It is said, if you are doing something wrong, with reference to time travel, then you will have visitors, who are known as time cops.

These threads do not figure, as most of the inquisitors are new-bees, with only onbe or two veterans placed here on this board, to give guidance.

You have my considerations here on this holiday.
Re: John Titor, I know

HA "less than human" don't get me started on humans if it was up to me there would be very few of us left, we don't fit in on this planet, there are many signs of this; rapid evoltion, we eat every thing on the planet (animals/someplanets/even other humans), if you want to know more about my theories about human creation and why we shouldn't be here ask me to start a new thread.
Then you both are eugenicists.

The natural fact of the Alpha Drackonians, is well known in the UFO community.

This is one factor.

The other is held in any video library store, which carries the Star Trek series.

The first of the Khan series, in the early Star Treck the television series, gives one much to think about.

A eugenics war, in the early part of the 20th century, where those who are developed are eventually defeated.

The concept or rumor of taking parts of the fabled K-17 vamp virus, somehow modifying it, so that this virus could be used to make a super being.

This concept would reflect those who wanted a better quality humanbeing, however less people.

Look at the said modern Pleiadean Empire however.

They genetically engineer, but due to overstalness in the fresh gene poll, they must always barrow gene matter from less developed societies.

No wonder with any supposed sense of gult here as posed on the parts of the Pleiadeans as said outletted at, would the highly developed Pleiadeans want less contact with unknowing Earthlings.

The eugenics trip, is an addiction, like most other vices are.

This point I had tried to bring out earlier on.

I suggest that you watch the tape of the early televised series, then ponder what are the implications of a perfectly bread society?

eugenicists, who were you refering to, and what does it mean?

and what is the story behind the Alpha Drackonians. Better to do this out here incase someone else comes along and reads it and then gets the facts wrong or somthing.
I eat alpha drackonians for breakfast i do :-)
Altho' i lurk in the ufo forums and never heard of them meself.
I would say tho' do not beleive all that you read, knowledge maybe power but only if it is usefull.
Remember, a simple mind is open to faith.
i think.
Shard...did you just randomly capitalize some of the characters in your post? Or did you do it deliberately? Because i can see: I AM HERE MAN.
Re: John Titor, I know your still

Keven' in the Khan series in Star Trek, both the televised series as well as the movies.
What is told, is a group of early to late twentieth century geneticist, that had advanced the state of the human body, to the point to where it was almost perfect.

The Botany Bay was a famed space craft, that took these beings into space, at the close of the war, so that they would one day awake from cryosleep and then establish new worlds for themselves.

Kirk had encountered the Botany Bay while on a routine exploration tour, with the Enterprise and awoke all but a few from their artificial sleep.

Khan was a military warrior raised in the time of the twentieth century, to where Khan ruled over millions of people, as a king would.

The reign must have been unfair, as Khan was banished into space, where he later had encountered the Enterprise.

The elements of Khan, were both a superior mind, body as well as intellect.

However Khan had suffered from the one mortal flaw, which had indicated that he was indeed a twenty century being; he could not control, or stop his ego.

Everything to Khan was conquest or dominance over.

The adage of friendship for friendship's sake, was a long forgotten principle, wanted on the weak, on Earth.

His lack of control of his passion, were in the end, his undoing.

Eugenics is the process of replace more standard beings, or entities, with a supposed superior copy of them.

This was the core of the eugenics war.

To Shard; The Alpha Draconians are a select breed of reptoid being, that is said, to once own Earth, for their staging grounds.

They run about seven foot in height,. 443 pounds a'peice and are said to be great warriors.

I wouldn't insult them, as they sometimes have a way of looking you up?

They do not represent all reptoids, as there are many, many, differing reptoid sects.

There are even off-frequency reptoid sects here on Earth who watch and monitor man.

I do not know if the old Pleiadean contest arena is still open on either Erra, or on the Pleiadean military planet of Alda-bran.

Aldabran is mentioned in Preston B. Nichol's book, on Encounters In The Pleiades, as being the homebase for the Pleiadean military.

Hope I've answered your questions.

Please note in the Wrath of Khan movie series, the character of Captain Ahab, was described by Herman Melville, as the person who perused the Great White Whale at all cost.

These cost, were, his self respect, his crew and his ship.

Ahab ultimately became entangled in the ropes attached to harpoons, which were thrown into the sides of Mobey Dick, the giant white sperm whale.

>The heat of pursuit, dost no always givith to the sust of the chase.
Redefining John Titor.
**All rights reserved by Wikipedia Inc.
John Titor
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

John Titor is the name of a purported time traveller from the year 2036. He posted on several Internet bulletin boards during 2000/2001.

Although strong debate still rages about the veracity of both him and his story, it's extremely likely that John Titor was an Internet hoax. However, it's agreed by most that it's at least an entertaining and very elaborately constructed hoax, largely because the Titor story is literate, supported by reasonably sound scientific concepts, and consistent throughout. It is also supported by pictorial evidence, including a blueprint of the "time displacement" machine, as well as a photograph of it in use.

Titor himself claimed to be a serving soldier who was recruited to a governmental time travel project. He was sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer which he claimed was needed to overcome a Unix bug - Unix-based machines no longer functioned in his time period (this is an actual bug related to the 32-bit nature of the Unix clock).

He arrived in 2000 at his own volition. Although he never stated his reason, it's agreed by many commentators that this was to see the Y2K bug play out. He left in March 2001 to return to his own time.

He claimed his time machine - a "C206 time displacement unit" - was created by General Electric. He transported it in a standard motor vehicle and the car also served as his vessel whilst travelling through time (it remained stationary throughout with the engine off). He claimed that the public is fully aware of time travel in his time period although some choose not to believe it exists.

Titor's references to his past effectively describe World War III taking place. This culminates in nuclear war in 2015 in which nearly three billion people will be killed, largely within major world cities. He says the first inkling of this will become apparent in 2004/5 around the time of presidential elections.

The war effectively starts as a civil war in the United States which rapidly spreads to the rest of the world. Continuing Muslim/Jewish tensions are a contributing factor to the war but not the cause. The civil war sees those in the cities fighting those in rural areas (Titor says he fought on the rural forces, joining a "shotgun militia" when he was 13).

The war will be effectively ended by Russia when it drops nuclear bombs on most major US cities, thereby securing a 'victory' for the rural force. Most major urban areas in the world will also be hit by nuclear weapons in tit-for-tat retaliation. Europe, Africa and Australia will be all-but destroyed.

Life in Titor's time sees people attempting to recover from the war and making progress. There are five US states (the seat of government is in Nebraska), and lots of local communities which form tight-knit groups where people help each other. Technology allows an Internet-like system and there's rapid rail transport between major cities.

However, water must still be filtered to remove radioactive particles and life is still harsh, with people expected to work in the fields to produce locally-grown food for part of their day.

Titor's writings are collected on various websites and were formed from discussions he had with members on the following websites:
the old 'Art Bell' site which included a discussion forum which no longer exists
Typically Titor answered questions put forth by other users of the site. He posted pictures including blueprints of the time machine, a picture of the machine in use (including light being bent from a laserpointer), pictures of the machine itself in situ in his vehicle, and a representation of the badge insignia of his army unit. There is also apparently video footage of his time machine disappearing but this has never surfaced online.

Debunking the Titor story has rested on various suggestions, not least of which are similarities with fictional time travel movies. Like Back To The Future, Titor timetravels in a car, and his name is very similar to John Connor, a character in The Terminator. Several people have also noted the similarity of his story with the points of view of the right-wing survivalist element in the United States. Some people on the bulletin boards where Titor originally posted claim to be sure it was a hoax, having been in indirect contact with the author who claims it was a joke which got out of hand. Others suggest the time travelling device itself is an obsolete radioisotope dectector found in many army/navy surplus stores, thus indicating that the device seen in photos is fake.

Dr. Robert Brown, a physicist at Duke University argues the Titor story is a hoax. Brown analyzes the science involved in Titor's time travel explanations and states it is impossible- both in theory and practice. He alludes that Titor's story plagiarizes older science novels such as Michio Kaku's Hyperspace to construct his time travelling stories. He concludes his critique by suggesting that people are extremely gullible to believe the plausibility of Titor's time travel and stories of a post-apocalypse world.

External links
(which contain verbatim postings plus discussions and analysis on the veracity of his claims);f=9;t=000482 (Robert Brown's critique)
Re: Redefining John Titor.

Yep I did, just a fancy is all, wondered if anyone would see it :-)
Doesn't mean anything really, just an experiment.
I sometimes leave messages in white writing for people to highlight as well.
Re: Redefining John Titor.

I wouldn't worry about me and the drackonians if i were you i am sure they don't care what i do, and i can insult them as much as i wish :-)
Seven foot tall eh? Not many in china then? :-)
Re: Redefining John Titor.

Under the correction of the MOP for TOS rules, but dumb as a box of rocks.

I know the neighborhood a little and the last thing I would want coming at me, is an Alpha Draconian.
Re: Redefining John Titor.

Lol, box of rocks , i like that one.
I'll let you know how I fair.
Maybe you'd like to start a seperate thread about these draconians, sounds interesting, oh and i would spit in their eyes :-)
Do you know David Icke by any chance?

<font color="white">Life is like a box of chocolates, its hot, sticky, and you never now what you gonna get! [/COLOR]
Re: John Titor,

Just trying to inject some simple logic here
Long time reader, first time poster. For a while something has held me back from ever registering and posting (probably because anytime I have a thought, it seems somebody else has already said it, lol)... but anyways... try not to take this too personally Darby or Pamela...

Originally posted by PamelaM
What I think is even more interesting is the private information Darby contains has brought him to his opinion that John is a fraud. And the new private information I contain has brought me to my opinion that John was indeed a real time traveler.(although I still contain some doubt by nature without full disclosure.)

So basically... either Darby, or Pamela's "private information" is 100 percent wrong. Titor cannot be both a fraud and a time traveller.

I want to ask both of you a simple question, vague enough so you wont be violating your ethics and wont be giving up any of this information. I really hope both will give an answer:

Is the information each of you possesses the type that can be "faked?" Is it possible that the information could simply be wrong, or more vague? Or... Is the information 100 percent conclusive?

1-If the information isn't conclusive 100 percent for ONE of you... ie, it could reasonably be Wrong of Faked... then... assuming person B's info IS conclusive, chances are, logically and statistically you are wrong, and the opposite person B is correct. Or not... but anyways, that would lead to a new "logic tree", stage two of the investigation.

2-If it is NOT conclusive... for BOTH of you... well that just brings everything back to mystery land and to square one. But even this does have some implications, which will pop up in stage two

...then one of you is a LIAR. Plain and simple.

Because of the direct way statements in the past by both of you have occured, I'm proceeding with the intention that Option 3 is indeed the correct one, that both of you insist it is conclusive information. If it's not, and it's Option 1 or 2, please say so in the thread and let us know... but for now, Option 3.

If both of you insist on Option 3, then one of you is lying about your information as proof. That's indisputable. Like I said... Titor cannot be both a time traveller and a fraud (well ok, maybe if he cheated on his taxes while he was here, he can be both, but you know what I mean

Which means for every statement involving John Titor, from the very beginning, your credibility is down to 50 percent. Every statement of fact, statement about personal conversations, any information about Titor that came from YOU, going back ALL THE WAY to the time Titor first said "I am a time traveller," ALL of it... is retroactively suspect to be BS. There's a 50 percent chance. As I continue my own personal investigation into this, that's what I'm going to keep in mind, as I re-examine the sheer number of posts.

It's almost like a variation of the prisoner's dilemma, but as of this point, any post or information related to Titor from the two now (in my own mind) has exactly 50 percent chance of being a complete fabrication. Statistically, ONE of the two is a LIAR.

Darby and Pamela, even if we never learn their "information," are the keys to figuring out the Titor mystery for good. Titor cannot be both a fraud and a time traveller.

(remember if any of their info is not 100 percent conclusive, if just one of the two's "info" is like that, then neither is a liar, but the one whose info isn't conclusive, is wrong, that would be option 1. If its option 2, then we're shot all to hell, so I hope its either 1 or 3 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

Tick. Pamela's a liar and Titor's a fraud.
Tock. Darby's a liar and Titor's a time traveller.
Tick. Pamela's a lair and Titor's a fraud.
Tock. Darby's a liar and Titor's a time traveller.

Which is it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes

(this doesn't take into account the possiblity that both are lying, but even I'm not that pessimistic... ... ... yet
Anyways, if so, that would fall under Option 2).
Re: John Titor, and the concept of 100%

Welcome ShudderingManti!

Thanks for the injection of logic. Now let me just inject some statistics and probability theory. When you said:

&gt;&gt;Or... Is the information 100 percent conclusive?&lt;&lt;

That's a dark and deceiving road you're going down there. There is nothing in the universe that is 100% anything. One can "prove" something to 99.9999 or so, but that last stretch to 100% is the stuff of asymtotic limits. My work in safety-critical aircraft and spacecraft control systems centers around those high 99% numbers. And I often smile when unsophisticated/uneducated customers try to levy design requirements on me like "100% of safety-critical failure modes shall be detectable by the system." It's a nice thought, with good intent (safety) but in reality it cannot ever be achieved....for there is ALWAYS something you don't know, and that something you don't know is a probability that whittles away at the 100% goal.

The 100% caveat notwithstanding, my personal opinion is that you hit the nail on the head with your "tick-tock" analogy. I would classify both Pamela and Darby and their "private information" in the category called "cognitive dissonance". Their information serves to increase the amount of "noise" making it very difficult to pick out the "signal" of truth, whatever it may be.

FWIW, I think Titor is an interesting story and has entertainment value, but I would tend to agree with others who think the story is an attempt at social engineering.

Kind Regards,
Re: John Titor, and the concept of 100%

Heres another solution that would work but probally won't happen.

What if Pamela and Darby shared their info with each other?

If John told them different information then what would be the harm if THEY new the whole story?

Then they could tell us if he was real or fake.
Re: John Titor, and the concept of 100% Hout-man


Re Is Darby and Pamela in this togeaher, or is Darby Irish, or Pamela a movie star, or does Darby wear a Kilt come Saint Patty's Day?............

I had realized this before and this is why I'm letting the issue of Titor go over like contrails on a hot Summer's day.

Iter-est-ed in Krep.
Re: John Titor, and the concept of 100% Hout-man

Irish? Movie Star? I've only heard about krepp from you (creedo) where can I learn more?