Hello, This is an interesting worldline.

Well, Pam, perhaps the Noahide Religion, represents the doctrine without the social control and modifications of the "Church Authorities", by the other side Issac Asimov "The end on Eternity" got in relationships between time-travelers and persons in diferents timelines; and Talking of "contaminating" time lines, i remember the movie "the sound of Thunder", very descriptive.

And Bruce, Nowdays there is a such contamination here with the Extraterrestrials, The SERPO pappers and so...http://www.serpo.org/, and why not the convergences and divergences of Titor World and this Timeline...http://www.johntitor.com/


I will still be here for a while. I have been having trouble sleeping the past few days and a few messages got to me. I don't know why some people think checking IP addresses proves something. I have noticed that since my access is through dialing a telephone the IP changes everytime I go online. If they were really observant they would notice that sometimes the connection is routed through Level 3 (whoever they are) and sometimes through WVFiber Net (a local company). I have nothing to hide, my access to the net is through Earthlink.

I feel sorry for you that you get accused of things because you talked with John and with me for that matter. Perhaps they are a bit jealous not of just me, but you also. I would say that you are the type of person I had hoped to converse with regularly.

I do have a sense of humor. When I spoked with my uncle's friend last night I told him that if he didn't post a video of my departure I would come back and dump his carcus into another worldline (ha, ha). I'd also like to see if it apears on-line in my worldline also.

Ok, Bruce why do you talk about the "Fauna" in your timeline?
Still are Dolphins and Sharks, Lions and Tigers?

OK, Bruce is for the Enviromental Perspective:
Titor said:

"in 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common."

But is interesting the perspective you have of "society", life oriented to the nature and so on...

Regards /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To Pam: Just in case you don`t already see this thread on timetravelportal.com

Muhd Rahman Said:
"And why do I want to introduce myself here? Because I want to be in contact with the person Titor called a true believer. They met online, so I do not know how he/she look like. By this way, maybe he/she could notice me and started to be in touch with me? Why on earth I want to be in touch with that person? Because like I said before, Titor did a very very very stupid thing indeed which a soldier WOULD NEVER DO! He gave a document (via e-mail) which contain a very very important THINGS that could change the world. This world! This timeline! I found out when I looked over his timeline experience journal. So, with my own initiative (without the superior noticed), I do what I suppose to do. Go back in time and retrieve back the data."

link to:

And the skit goes on!! :D Javier, didn’t you just say in several posts ahead that:

The TTA looks on as yet a new character is born into this Temporal Fantasy series, and continues on the epic tale. Will the TTA reprise his original role that had started it all? A role that has now sparked even greater mystery & suspense, then the legends it began long ago? Only TIME will tell! http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=ttclaims&Number=43342&Forum=All_Forums&Words=TTA_01&Match=Username&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=allposts&Main=43211&Search=true#Post43342

Your meager attempts don't scare me.

Taxes are wonderful little gems!! No not your taxes. Very squirrelly of you to try and hide those nuts. Don’t fret now Javier, mums the word!! I won’t blow the longhorn on this one, you got my gilt-edged avowal.
Bruce, a master is quite a different CAT, it is one that sees the day as an opportunity in time to create avenues of reality and that are unborn... That the day becomes a "fertilization" of infinite tomorrows...
but because of some rotten vegitables in this thread
My, my isn't that just a bit hypocritical "Bruce"? I mean really, it was you and Pamela who were the ones complaining about "name-callers", wasn't it? And how grand that you two are the ones committing this offense against others?

It would seem you two both think it is "rude" to question someone's claims. That is the sort of thought process that used to go on in the dark ages. Thank goodness we have the precepts of modern day science that tell us not only is to good to question outlandish claims, but that it is required before you accept those claims as truth.

I am finding family life here interesting. Probably the difference in my worldline is that when one finishes school he/she is expected to work to help the family and the community. When a marriage occurs the wife or husband moves in with their in-laws.
And again we see something very telling in this little story. It would seem our hoaxer behind "Bruce" is well-versed in the hispanic cultural traditions. So are you telling us that the hispanic culture came to dominate the earth in "your worldline" after that terrible war?

You see, my "white-bread" nephew recently married a beautiful young Mexican woman who was educated here in the fine universities of San Diego while she lived with her affluent parents in Tijuana. So I was able to hear how my nephew was REQUIRED to move in with his bride and her parents for the first 5 months of their marriage, even though that put large burdens on him having to commute to his professional job north of San Diego. Isn't it amazing how love can overcome cultural differences?

And I am sure our "resident legend", who also happens to be from a hispanic family, can confirm if this is a cultural tradition in Mexican households.

So much for rotten vegitables (sic).
To Pam: Just in case you don`t already see this thread on timetravelportal.com

Muhd Rahman Said:
"And why do I want to introduce myself here? Because I want to be in contact with the person Titor called a true believer. They met online, so I do not know how he/she look like. By this way, maybe he/she could notice me and started to be in touch with me? Why on earth I want to be in touch with that person? Because like I said before, Titor did a very very very stupid thing indeed which a soldier WOULD NEVER DO! He gave a document (via e-mail) which contain a very very important THINGS that could change the world. This world! This timeline! I found out when I looked over his timeline experience journal. So, with my own initiative (without the superior noticed), I do what I suppose to do. Go back in time and retrieve back the data."

Interesting. but most likely a fraud. John never gave me anything like that.
Don't tell him where I am though I don't really want to talk to him.
I thought Pamela was the true believer.

And how can Muhd Rahman, a guy from Malaysia who has trouble with the American idiom possibly pass himself off as John Titor's superior officer (to follow the logic of the story)? Titor was working out of McDill AFB in Tampa, and he states that his time machine was developed by GE engineers from an unpublished manuscript by the mysterious Tipler. In other words it did not come out of organized, common-knowledge science.

This sounds a little like a black project. Plausibly, Titor would have been an officer in military intelligence, not an enlisted man. These people are disciplined, so any public pronouncements by Titor (to follow the story) would have been deliberate and for a purpose.

Has anyone suggested that Titor came back in time to assassinate Tipler
so the knowledge of how to build a time machine was not discovered in the future? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

(Well, O.K., I just did)
Re: Greed

I AM has made this known in many ways. Yet too many are consumed with their sins.

And how are your sins any different then those of a TT hoaxer?

The motivating purposes and approaches are the same. Your attempting to pose as the legitimate I AM, is no different then a TT hoaxer’s attempts to sway others to “buy-into” their charade.

You seek others to buy-into (literally) your charade, yet you deny powers certainly greater than yourself.

What powers am I denying?


When you say "I will still be here for a while." Does that mean you have changed your mind
and you will still be posting here and answering questions?

I wouldn't worry about the bad vegetables they just blow a bunch of warm air around the room and nothing more. Not really worth losing sleep over. Some of them post just to see if they can upset you or cause a reaction back from you. It is some kind of sad entertainment for them.
I would much rather discuss topics and issues thats why I like talking to you. Thats what a discussion forum is for but they misuse it.

They could ask you questions just like I am. I am still up in the air about you being real or not as I am naturally skeptical but if I find out later you were real at least I will feel very honored
to have asked you the questions I would ask a real time traveler. They will have totally lost out.
They cannot go back and ask you when you are no longer here. If I find out you are a fraud later atleast I had an interesting conversation.
But I would rather suspend belief and ask the questions now while you are here. I don't want to miss any opportunities. I don't want to regret missing a chance to talk to you.

I laughed when I read the part about you threatening your uncle's friend. You should have added
"I hope my other self that comes back doesn't have an even worse punishment for you!" hahaha
I do hope he follows through with it. I would be very grateful to him.

It is just somethings I may discuss in private. I think a sleep patern problem may be a side effect of time travel itself. I'm not losing sleep over them. Although I do hope Scannell does file a law case against me. It will be something ever so fun to take home with me. Perhaps I'll put it in a frame and hang it on the wall. I wonder if California will bother to travel 4,214 Km and 41 years to deliver it.

Believe me when I say you won't be disapointed and the others will have missed out. Want to hear another joke?

Predictions, you want predictions that is not years in the future? I'll give you predictions.
On Friday October 20th, 2006 millions of women will change their hair color, many women will give birth, 49% of those births will be male, 49% will be female, an 2% will be ambiguous. Some women will conceive, some will try to conceive and fail, some won't try at all.
On Saturday October 21st, 2006 the President of the Unided States will address the nation via radio at 12:00pm EDT. :D
Don’t fret now Javier, mums the word!! I won’t blow the longhorn on this one, you got my gilt-edged avowal.

I know this must be difficult for you to comprehend, but I am not Javier. I am Bruce Tarsis and I am currently located about 8 miles south-south-east of of Wheeling, WV.

"And how are your sins any different then those of a TT hoaxer?"

I AM has not made any claims. I AM has not asked or inferred that you believe in I AM. That is the difference, and it is fundamental to why I AM speaking to you is not only not a sin, it is a blessing. It is why I AM has chosen to appear here, now. However, smugness prevents mankind from even realizing this difference. I AM does not try to "sell" I AM to anyone.

"The motivating purposes and approaches are the same. Your attempting to pose as the legitimate I AM, is no different then a TT hoaxer’s attempts to sway others to “buy-into” their charade."

How little you know I AM. Mankind's own pride has caused mankind to assume I AM acts like mankind. Truth be told, I AM is speaking through a willing conduit. I AM compels no one to believe anything. But if mankind were wise he would pay heed to the words of I AM.

"What powers am I denying?"

Mankind will not know the answer to this until he ceases fooling others, and more importantly he ceases fooling himself. Sins against I AM and against your fellow man cannot be hidden, no matter how sly you think yourself to be.
Ah, I see Rainman does have the capacity to use the English language instead of idiotic rhymes. I am not well versed in Hispanic culture. I don't even speak speak Spanish!!! No, I did not tell anyone nor ever indicate that hispanic culture dominated the Earth. If it did I would have said that! Did I not say way back on page one, I know it would probably be too much trouble for you to go look, NOT to add to what I say or read things into what I wrote. I state things explicitly. If someone asks a question or I discuss something I don't leave things out for guessing later. If I did not mention that there was a Hispanic Cultural influene when discussing family life then aparently there isn't such an influence. It doesn't take an idiot to figure that out. I guess common sense was tossed out the window along with morals in this worldline.
recall15, I and John are from different worldlines and different backgrounds. Each person has a unique perspective on the world around them.

Let's see, Fauna. Well, locally in the Adena area of my worldline there are lots of squirles, chipmunks, deer, ground hogs, racoons, bear, and mountain lion. There aren't as many field mice or moles as there are here. In birds I usually see a good many cardinals, blue jays, turkeys, and barn swallows.

Anphibians have pretty much become extinct. I haven't seen frogs, toads, or salamanders since my early childhood. Reptiles are very rare. Most snakes, crockodiles, and alligators are presumed extinct.

There are still dolphins, sharks, lions, tigers, elephants, but most or those species are threatened or endangered.
Re: Sloth

I AM has not made any claims. I AM has not asked or inferred that you believe in I AM. That is the difference, and it is fundamental to why I AM speaking to you is not only not a sin, it is a blessing.

Are you implying that I specifically need blessing?

I must have said or done something to really offend your beliefs to need your blessing.

It is why I AM has chosen to appear here, now. However, smugness prevents mankind from even realizing this difference. I AM does not try to "sell" I AM to anyone.

You make my point clear, IAM.

You’re here under the assumed pretense to speak to us as if you are in fact the one and only God.

And that is not very different from what those who come here with the assumed pretense that they will be believed by others, simply because they say they are Time Travelers.

How little you know I AM.

And how little you assume to know about the TTA, and his knowledge & understanding of the almighty.

Mankind's own pride has caused mankind to assume I AM acts like mankind. Truth be told, I AM is speaking through a willing conduit.

Your fraudulent declamation shows how little respect you have for God.

After all, you’re assuming to be him, and that he’s speaking through you, talk about pride. But also playing on this omnipresent façade by using IP’s that are in New York & Los Angeles. Sounds like a pretty elaborate set-up, if I’ve ever seen one.

Did IAM also register your user name too?

The last I checked, God ascended to Heaven over 2000 years ago and has not been back since. Unless you’re claiming to be the 2nd coming of Christ, then I guess it’s not just Time Travelers our “resident TT Hunter” needs to worry about then, now is it?

I AM compels no one to believe anything. But if mankind were wise he would pay heed to the words of I AM.

Where are the religious buffs of the forum when you need them?

Mankind will not know the answer to this until he ceases fooling others, and more importantly he ceases fooling himself.

Ok, feel free to get started first.

Sins against I AM and against your fellow man cannot be hidden, no matter how sly you think yourself to be.

I don’t know what your insinuating of the TTA, but what do I have to hide & be sly about?

You on the other hand, you’re attempting to be sly by using this God approach, much to no surprise how many have already tirelessly used the “I am from the future” TT hoaxer approach.

This is just for you Scannell, since I know your placing bet’s with your buddies at the senior’s club

Ages quickly pass as the pace for newly written chapters suddenly intensifies. The TTA looks on as many come to suspect the inner workings of the traveler, the activist, and the architect. Never will they come to know the purpose for their unique design, their intentions for the future, all clouded by both mystery & ignorance.

Reluctantly & inevitably, pages are turned, and sights are now set on the stranger. Who is he? And where does he come from? Or when?

But what of the TTA? What secrets does he hide?

Only the answer to “To Time Travel, or not to Time Travel” can unlock all the secrets of the past, present & future.

Secrets... that will unfortunately... come to late in TIME... to save us all!
